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Ключевые слова
OBE concept,Mixed teaching,instrumental teaching,undergraduate education

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Wang Chenyu

in recent years, the teaching methods such as MOOC, SPOC and micro class have frequently appeared in the teaching reform of higher education. The three teaching methods have their own advantages and disadvantages in the number of participants, time , space, and interaction methods. they all use online teaching mode. It is impossible to fully meet the training objectives of professional courses simply by relying on a certain teaching method, so the so called "mixed teaching" has emerged, that is a teaching method that integrates the teaching content into MOOC, SPOC and micro courses. This mixed teaching method has brought a very flexible and effective teaching method to China's education, especially the undergraduate higher education, and spawned a large number of new teaching concepts.Starting from the OBE concept, this paper deeply integrates it into the mixed teaching, which is of great significance to the modern undergraduate instrumental music teaching.

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Wang Chenyu


Abstract: in recent years, the teaching methods such as MOOC, SPOC and micro class have frequently appeared in the teaching reform of higher education. The three teaching methods have their own advantages and disadvantages in the number of participants, time , space, and interaction methods. they all use online teaching mode. It is impossible to fully meet the training objectives of professional courses simply by relying on a certain teaching method, so the so called "mixed teaching" has emerged, that is a teaching method that integrates the teaching content into MOOC, SPOC and micro courses. This mixed teaching method has brought a very flexible and effective teaching method to China's education, especially the undergraduate higher education, and spawned a large number of new teaching concepts.Starting from the OBE concept, this paper deeply integrates it into the mixed teaching, which is of great significance to the modern undergraduate instrumental music teaching. Keywords: OBE concept, Mixed teaching, instrumental teaching, undergraduate education

1. About OBE concept

OBE is the first letter of English Outcomes based Education. OBE teaching is a teaching mode that originated in the United States. It is to focus and organize each link in the education system clearly, determine a learning goal, and focus on this goal to enable students to achieve the expected results after completing the learning process. The education model based on learning results originated from the reform of basic education in western countries in the 1990s. an Australian educatorregards who named Valerie Ross, she looks OBE as an educational process based on students' learning results, and takes the teaching plan and syllabus of courses under the OBE model as the means to achieve specific goals. The whole educational process is driven by specific students' learning results. In recent years, the domestic research on the combination of OBE and teaching reform has gradually deepened, and a lot of research has been carried out from its' basic implementation mode, specific curriculum reform, teaching task decomposition and the combination with other emerging teaching methods. The teachers applied OBE mode and mixed teaching to teaching practice, which improved the teaching effect and students' ability.

2. Problems in undergraduate teaching of instrumental performance in traditional colleges and universities

(1) Single curriculum evaluation system

The research shows that the scores of instrumental music major in many colleges and universities are directly determined by the final exam scores. In other words, the final examination score plays the role of "one ballot veto", which directly determines the final assessment score of students. It neglects the cultivation of practical innovation and other comprehensive qualities, thus affecting the promotion

1 Fund ProjectResearch on the Mixed Teaching Reform Mode of Undergraduate Instrumental Performance Specialty Based on OBE Concept.2020 OBE S^ll


of students' comprehensive abilities. On one hand, many students even adopt the attitude of "cramming for exams temporarily", which causes their usual learning attitude to be very lazy and procrastinating. On the other hand, a single evaluation standard has a clear direction, which makes many students have a strong utilitarian sense of the exam, thus neglecting the improvement of their comprehensive ability. Many colleges and universities neglect the cultivation of students' comprehensive quality in all aspects and the inspection of the practical learning process in the setting of the evaluation system. However, many teachers of instrumental music major regard curriculum evaluation as a task to make an intermediate transition or final summary for the whole teaching process. They did not realize the significance of curriculum evaluation in helping students to find their own advantages or disadvantages, or the feedback effect of curriculum evaluation on teaching methods and teaching results. Under such a concept, it is naturally difficult to expect teachers to actively design curriculum evaluation methods and standards, and it is also difficult to make an objective and fair evaluation of students through this link.

(2 ) Old teaching methods In the traditional instrumental music classroom, teachers are usually the center, and students only passively accept knowledge. The classroom seems to suppress students' initiative and creativity. In the process of teaching, teachers are satisfied with the simple and mechanical repetition of the content of the textbook. They only follow the example of the textbook, rarely design novel exercise methods, and do not pay attention to encouraging and enlightening students. The teaching method is usually used. The whole teaching process is carried out around the teacher's teaching. It is single and boring, and it is difficult to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning.

(3) Old practice concept At present, the practical teaching in many colleges and universities is still weak. Due to the insufficient investment in teaching funds of the school itself, there is a shortage of practical teaching and practice sites for talents, and teachers are insufficient. In particular, the number of instrumental music teachers in comprehensive universities are relatively small, which is easy to cause a gap in teachers. This will lead to the retirement of experienced old teachers, while new teachers have just graduated without much teaching experience, thus causing a serious decline in the quality of talent. Moreover, the traditional teaching is generally revolves around teacher. When students learning, they rarely actively think and analyze problems. At the same time, the construction of many learning and practice bases is weak. Most of them are mere formality. The management system of the base is chaotic and lacks scientific evaluation standards, which makes it difficult to improve the quality of practice teaching. Practical teaching also mostly serves specific theoretical courses, and there is no completely established practical teaching system independent of theoretical teaching. Therefore, it is difficult to cultivate representative talents.

2. Reflections on College Instrumental Music Curriculum under OBE Concept At present, the cultivation of instrumental music professionals is usually limited to one-time assessment results, which cannot fully demonstrate the overall quality of students. The traditional teaching is revolves around teachers and centered around the established teaching process, which neglects the cultivation of students' comprehensive abilities in daily life. Compared with traditional teaching, OBE mode teaching has greater advantages. Its' teaching process is mainly revolves around students and focuses on cultivating students' abilities of self exploration and self learning. It places students in the environment of developing their comprehensive abilities, pays more attention to the cultivation of students' own abilities, and emphasizes the accumulation of knowledge. On this account to obtain innovation ability and collaboration ability.

(1) Establish multiple evaluation methods

Instrumental music course teaching is a process activity, and its' evaluation should be multifaceted, rather than a final examination can determine the whole course evaluation link. The traditional college instrumental music examination evaluation usually takes the final examination results at the end of each semester as the final examination results, and the usual results are not included in the assessment scope. This causes students to pay little attention to their usual learning. Some students even wait until each class to practice "temporarily", lacking motivation for independent learning. Colleges and universities should establish multiple teaching evaluation methods, set up assignments according to different weights, and include a series of evaluation indicators, such as the quality of regular classes, mid-term exam results and final exam results. The second and third level indicators can also be further set, and each indicator is evaluated according to the quality of the works or achievements, including excellent, good, medium and poor. In the process of participating in the evaluation, in addition to the teachers of the course and the instrumental music teachers of our school, experts outside the school can also be invited to the school to evaluate the students' examination, in order to make up for the limitations and subjectivity of the independent evaluation of the teachers, so as to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the examination evaluation results. The students' scores will eventually form the students' curriculum evaluation system by the above scoring items. Teachers should always pay attention to students' usual learning attitude, knowledge control and progress range, and make full use of the promotion of curriculum evaluation mechanism on students.

The research team conducted research on Jiangxi Normal University and selected 100 students who play instrument as the research objects. The teacher adopts the traditional teaching evaluation method for 50 students (students' final score=final examination score), and the remaining 50 students adopt diversified evaluation methods. We can learn from the table that the final scores of 50 students who adopted diversified evaluation methods were obviously higher than those of ordinary teaching evaluation methods, and the learning effect was better.

Table 1. Relevant data of traditional evaluation methods and multiple evaluation methods.

Usual performan ce Midterm examinati on results Final examinati on results 90-100 scores 80-89 scores 60-79 scores Below 60 scores

Group using traditional evaluation methods (50 persons) 0 0 100% 10% 35% 45% 10%

Group with diversified evaluation methods (50 persons) 20% 10% 70% 25% 50% 25% 0

( 2 ) Innovative teaching mode

Traditional instrumental music teaching in colleges and universities mainly takes the form of one-for-one preaching, and students reflect that its' teaching mode is boring and single. After the integration of OBE teaching, according to the training programs of different grades and majors, different training objectives are set for different students, and different training modes and curriculum progress are set according to different training objectives. In this process, make full use of network resources to achieve flipping teaching. Online learning of courses in groups of the same grade and major. In addition to the face-to-face teaching method, The 50 students of our school also participated in the MOOC2 and SPOC3, The students who participated in the flipping online and offline integrated teaching have improved their performance. It could be seen that compared with traditional teaching, SPOC and MOOC have produced more flexible and effective learning effects. It can provide students with more comprehensive educational experience , customize courses for students with the same academic level, and provide more professional supports. Colleges and universities can make full use of MOOC and SPOC platforms to expand their knowledge, effectively urge students to learn, and increase the links of discussion and practice. And then cultivate students' ability to find and solve problems, stimulate students' interest in learning, and fully mobilize students' initiative and enthusiasm in learning.

Taking our school as an example, before each class starts,firstly, students need to watch relevant videos through MOOC and SPOC platforms (these videos could be violin courses, or western music history courses and Chinese music history courses related to course content). After watching the videos, each online course has a homework and discussion area. After students have learned the content of each class, then discuss the teacher's courses in the course discussion area and the comment area. Before awarding offline courses to students, teachers will answer and discuss the difficult points of online courses. The form of course discussion is not fixed. It can be conducted in the form of questions and answers, observations and emulations, or courseware displays.

After the flipping course teaching, we found that the students through the teaching video to gain a deeper impression,so as to further integrate with the international community and obtain the world's education at the lowest cost. While keeping pace with the times, they also felt challenging and stimulated the students' autonomy in learning. Course video is an efficient way to spread information. Students can adjust their learning progress according to their needs, and could select playback at all times. The online and offline hybrid teaching methods are used to make teaching free from time and space constraints, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of classroom teaching, in that way teachers have more time to communicate with students, and students have more time to discuss and practice with others.

(3) Changing the role of students

OBE teaching concept is a flexible teaching. It makes the curriculum arrangement, teaching time and teaching methods more flexible, and students can meet their personalized needs through teachers' diversified teaching. Teachers can narrow the learning gap between pupils through a variety of teaching methods, such as case teaching, flipped classroom, group observation and other means, so as to cultivate more outstanding talents for the society. Therefore, the school should first break the original teaching thinking, reform the existing teaching mode, create a personalized learning atmosphere for students by integrating various teaching methods, so that students can find their own learning methods

2 Mass Open Online Course (MOOC) is an emerging online course form based on curriculum and teaching, network and mobile intelligent technology.

3 SPOC (Small Private Online Course ). It refers to a small-scale restricted online course with dozens to hundreds students.

to meet their needs, and then obtain better learning results.

In addition, in order to truly achieve student-centered teaching, teachers must change their roles and make friendship with students as well as teachers.Appear in the classroom as a learner and explorer. Build a reasonable goal of autonomous and cooperative learning, and truly achieve student-centered teaching. On the other hand, in the teaching process of cultivating practical talents in colleges and universities, we should strengthen school enterprise cooperation, pay attention to the connection between students' professional knowledge and their future careers, select certain textbooks, and impart relevant professional knowledge and skills, so that students' knowledge can develop in parallel with the industry. Schools should fully tap their own resources, actively develop contacts with the outside world, and strengthen the deep integration of schools and enterprises. School enterprise cooperation not only organically combines theoretical knowledge with practical work, but also gives students the opportunity to timely practice what they have learned, help students improve their professional skills, improve their understanding of the industry, and promote students' better integration with society.


The idea of cultivating undergraduate instrumental talents based on OBE education mode breaks the traditional educational idea and puts forward new requirements for the cultivation of students' abilities. It ensures the quality of practical teaching, and can really cultivate application-oriented talents who can adapt to the society. In recent years, with the OBE theory gradually penetrating into the college classroom in China, its' educational concept has gradually been recognized by the majority of educators. The combination of OBE education concept and instrumental music professional talent training is a new talent training mode, which has been expanded and improved in our classroom practice. The OBE concept provide a new perspective for our instrumental course , but the combination of OBE and instrumental teaching is not mature at present. The flexibility of OBE poses new challenges to the undergraduate instrumental music teaching in colleges and universities. In the future, we should focus on students, provide more time and space for students to learn independently, and constantly improve the talent training system of instrumental courses, thus to form a systematic new mode of undergraduate instrumental music training.


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