Научная статья на тему 'Блокчейн как платформа для разработки IoT'

Блокчейн как платформа для разработки IoT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Константинов Никита Эдуардович, Городничев Михаил Геннадьевич, Гематудинов Ринат Арифулаевич

Внедрение скоростного мобильного интернета 3G, 4G и 5G послужило бурному развитию такого направления как "Интернет вещей", и началу зарождения "Интернета ощущений". В связи с этим спектр устройств, подключаемых в одну сеть "Интернета вещей", расширяется. В настоящее время в состав инфраструктуры беспроводных сенсорных сетей входят не только привычные компьютеры, но и "Умные" часы, планшеты, фитнес браслеты, транспортные устройства, бытовая техника и т.д. В ближайшем будущем любое устройство, с которым невозможно связаться по сети, окажется устаревшей. Определенно можно сказать, что изменения будут не меньше, чем те, которые вызвали текущей интернет и сотовая связь. За прошедшие годы идея "Интернета вещей" значительно расширилась и углубилась тринадцать лет назад масштаб предстоящих изменений казался гораздо более скромным. Сегодня "Интернет вещей" приближается к этапу, когда сети и датчики должны быть объединены под управлением единых стандартов. Для того чтобы "Интернет вещей" стал популярным среди обычных пользователей, провайдеры услуг и разработчики устройств должны разрабатывать приложения, которые значительно улучшают качество жизни пользователей. "Интернет вещей" не должен становиться технологией ради технологии. Данная работа посвящена комплексному исследованию перспектив и проблем развития "Интернета вещей". Рассмотрены вопросы безопасности передачи информации между устройствами "Интернета вещей". Для обеспечения безопасности обмена информацией в работе разработан протокол основанный на технологии распределенного реестра (блокчейн). Особое внимание уделено разработке единого фреймворка, позволяющего унифицировать подключение устройств "Интернета вещей", не имеющих веб интерфейса.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Блокчейн как платформа для разработки IoT»


DOI 10.24411/2072-8735-2018-10147

Nikita E. Konstantinov,

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]

Mikhail G. Gorodnichev,

Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]

Rinat A. Gematudinov,

Moscow Automobile and road construction state technical university, Moscow, Russia,

[email protected]

The introduction of high-speed mobile 3G, 4G and 5G Internet has served the rapid development of such areas as "Internet of Things", and the beginning of the birth of "Internet of Sence".. In this regard, the range of devices connected to the same network of "Internet of Things" is expanding. Currently, the infrastructure of wireless sensor networks includes not only the usual computers, but also smart watches, tablets, fitness bracelets, transport devices, household appliances, etc. In the near future, any device which can not be connected by network will be old-fashioned. Definitely you can say that the changes will be no less than those that caused the current Internet and cellular communications. Over the years, the idea of the "Internet of Things" has significantly expanded and deepened - thirteen years ago the scale of the upcoming changes seemed much more modest. Today, the "Internet of Things" is approaching the stage when networks and sensors must be combined under the management of common standarts. In order for the Internet of Things to become popular among ordinary users, service providers and device designers must develop applications that significantly improve user's quality of life. "Internet of things" should not become technology for the sake of technology. This work is devoted to a comprehensive study of the prospects and problems of the development of the Internet of Things. The article considers the issues of the information transmission security between the devices of the Internet of Things.To ensure the security of information exchange, a protocol based on blockchain technology has been developed. Particular attention is paid to the development of a single framework that allows to unify the connection of "Internet of things" devices that do not have a web interface.

Information about authors:

Nikita E. Konstantinov, Student of department "Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Technologies", Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia,

Mikhail G. Gorodnichev, Assistant professor of department "Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Technologies", Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia

Rinat A. Gematudinov, Assistant professor of department automation of production processes", Moscow Automobile and road construction state technical university, Moscow, Russia

Для цитирования:

Константинов Н.Э., Городничев М.Г., Гематудинов Р.А. Блокчейн как платформа для разработки IoT // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2018. Том 12. №9. С. 63-68.

For citation:

Konstantinov N.E., Gorodnichev M.G., Gematudinov R.A. (2018). Blockchain as an toT development platform. T-Comm, vol. 12, no.9, pр. 63-68.

This article was prepared as part of the grant RFBR 17-29-03419 "Algorithms and technology of on-line recognition on mobile devices of moving objects and flow characteristics"

Keywords: Internet of Things, blockchain, security, protocol, framework.


The devices of the new generation will not only be "smart", but also integrated into the network - Internet of Things, loT. Therefore, even now, the loT becomes a subject of wide discussion. Over the years, the idea of loT has significantly expanded and deepened - thirteen years ago, the scale of the upcoming changes seemed much more modest.

foT is a wired or wireless network that connects devices that have stand-alone support, are controlled by intelligent systems equipped with a high-level operating system, are autonomously connected to the Internet, can execute their own or cloud applications and analyze the collected data [ 1 ].

The purpose of this paper is to research the technology of loT, and to create a protocol for exchanging data between loT devices using blockchain technology.

Meaning of Internet of Things

Before discussing the meaning of the Internet of things, it is necessary to determine the differences between the Internet and the World Wide Web (Web). As a rule, these terms are used synonymously. The Internet is the physical layer of networks: sw itches, routers and other equipment. The main function of the Internet is to quickly and reliably transmit information from different parts of the world. The Web is the level of applications that runs on the Internet. Its task is to create an interface for obtaining useful information transmitted via the Internet.

Implementation area of Internet of Things

When an important boundary intersects and the number of connected devices exceeds the number of Internet users, there are great opportunities for developing automation applications, reading data and inter-machine interaction. Below are a few examples of what areas and how the Internet of Things can change our lives for the better:

1, Health:

Medicine can benefit from constant monitoring and analysis of a person's condition. There is no need to stay in a medical institution or wear inconvenient equipment - the device will be no more than a modem fitness bracelet. Even now, these simulators can often be seen oil the wrists of people around us.

- Monitoring of elderly people and people with disabilities, and in case of an emergency, send a message about an alarm to the family or to the nearest emergency department

- Control over the performance and condition of athletes will increase the effectiveness of training;

- Monitoring for sun activity will allow people to receive timely information about unfavorable periods of stay in the open sun.

2. «Smart house»

The concept of "smart house" exists in everyday life since the 70s of the last century. Recently, "smart house" systems were available to a limited number of consumers, due to the fact that there were difficulties in the selection of devices and sensors, as well as in the high price for them. I lowever, today the market has a huge number of budget solutions that allow you to implement the basic functions of home automation:

- Climate Control System:

- Security Control;

- Local control, visualisation, control, remote access systems;

- Management and accounting of resource consuming (electricity, heat, water etc).

3. «Smart City»

The urban environment can change significantly from the introduction ofthe Internet of Things.

- Display of free parking lots;

- Monitoring of buildings;

- Monitoring the movement of cars, bicycles, pedestrians;

- Urban lighting optimization;

- Monitoring the fullness of garbage containers.

- Monitoring leaks on various pipelines.

4. Manufacture

Manufacture among the first, where automation was needed:

- The Internet of Things in manufacture will bring autodiagnostics, which will reduce the time for the elimination of breakdowns and reduce equipment downtime;

- Monitoring the stale ofthe product at each stage of production will reduce spendings.

The technologies necessary for the development

of the Internet of Things

The realization ofthe idea ofthe Internet of Things requires the development of appropriate technologies, such as, device identification, data measurement and transmission [2].


During the connecting to the Internet of Things, the device will need to identify itself. For identification, you can use tools such as QR codes, bar codes and MAC addresses. The main requirement in the field of identification is the provision of uniqueness, which in turn requires the creation of standards in this field.

Nowadays, the MAC address ofthe network adapter is usually used. The MAC address is a unique hardware numerical and alphanumeric number that is assigned by the manufacturer on a permanent basis to each network device: routers, network cards, Wi-Fi adapters and other. This occurs at the production stage -the MAC address is stitched directly to the network device and that can not be changed.

Data measurement

Even if the device receives data about the state of any system, it also must convert the information into a format that other devices will receive. Today, a wide range of sensors is used to measure, starting from the simplest (temperature, pressure, etc.), consumption meters and up to the most complex computer systems.

Problems of Internet of Things development

There are several factors that can slow the mass development ofthe Internet of things. Ofthe most serious, three factors can be distinguished: the transition from the IPv4 protocol to the IPv6 protocol, powering the sensors and adopting common standards.

The transition to IPv6 is necessary, as billions of new sensors will need unique IP addresses. In addition, using automatic configuration options, IPv6 simplifies network management, and IPv6 brings more security features.

To realize the full potential ofthe Internet of things, it is necessary sensors work completely autonomously. To provide absolutely all devices with batteries is almost impossible, therefore it

is necessary that the sensors receive electricity from the environment {for example, from light, vibration or wind flow).

In the field of standardization, it is also requires a lot of work, especially in the field Of security and the protection of persona! data. The IEEE organization is trying to solve these problems by standardizing methods and means of IPv6 packet transmission.

It is worth noting that, although there are obstacles to the development of the Internet of Things, they are not insurmountable L3J-

Safety issue

One of the important issues in the field of the Internet of Things is security. Using wireless and wired technologies to provide communication between devices can open truly endless prospects for intruders. Signing the code is necessary to confirm the legality of its launch, as well as provide protection during the execution of the code, so that attackers do not overwrite it. Signing the code with the help of cryptography provides an invariance. This can be implemented at the application and microprogram level. All devices, sensors and controllers must be configured to execute only the signed code. Also, the devices must be protected in the next stages, even after the code is started, this will be facilitated by the protection of the host, which delimits access to system resources and files, provides connection monitoring, a sandbox. Vulnerabilities in loT devices will sooner or later be found, therefore it is required to provide constant support and updating from the manufacturer [4].

Communication protocol.

The next stage in the development of the "Internet of Things" management system, in particular a "smart house", will be the development of software for the exchange of information between smart house devices. There are functions that this software must perform:

1. Providing information transfer between smart house devices.

2. Storage of information about each device included in the smart house system,

3. Adding a new device in operation.

Data transfer on most smart home devices is based on the WiFi protocol. However, Wif'i networks do not provide sufficient data transmission security, as they are subjected to some of the listed vulnerabilities:

• Brute-force password cracking;

• Replacement of the true WiFi hotspot by a fake;

• Denial of Service attacks (DoS-attack).

Thus, the user's personal data and the management of a smart house can go into the hands of an attacker. Therefore, during the project, a protocol was developed for data exchange based on the technology ofblockchain.

Blockchain - Is a continuous series of blocks (linked list) containing information built in accordance with established rules. On each node in the block system, copies of the block chains are stored independently of each other.

Each new creatcd block stores the information of the ordered records (transactions) and the header. When a block is formed, it is checked by other nodes of the network, and then, if everyone confirms adding a block, connects to the end of the chain. After that it is impossible to make changes to it. The database is automatically updated on all devices are connected to the system. Basic principles of the blockchain:

• Distribution;

• Decentralization;

• Safety;

• Transparent;

• Static records.

Distributed storage

Any information that relates to a particular area of a person's life, whether it's buying a car, getting a loan, registering a marriage, remittances, is recorded and stored centrally on government servers or private companies. Which in turn can lead to an attempt by attackers to crack the database and make changes to it. The blockchain technology allows you to radically change the approach to storing information, because if the system is built on blockchain technology, the data is stored not in one place, but spread to thousands of devices. The likelihood that all devices in the blockchain network will be disabled sufficiently small. While at least one network computer is running, there is a network based on the blockchain system.


As mentioned earlier, any centralized database can be hacked and changed. With the technology of blocking it is impossible. Hacking one of the blocks and changing the information in it does not make sense, because to make changes all the blocks must be attacked, as well as copies of the base on all devices, and this requires a large computation power. In addition, an encryption algorithm that uses hash functions and an Electronic Digital Signature (EDS) will become an obstacle to falsification. There are two keys are used for EDS - open and closed. The public key is needed to verify the signature itself, the private key is used to create a digital signature and under secret. The hash function ensures that all recorded data remains unchanged.

Network concept

The blocking network is organized by users who are interested in using and storing certain information, There are two types of network participants:

• Regular users;

• The creators of the blocks (miners).

Regular users create new records on the network - transactions. For example, "transfer to the user 20 conventional units", and the miners from these records create blocks. Records are checked and added to the block only when the majority agree. Records that do not pass the test are ignored and considered unreliable. Only the owner of the key that opens access to it can use this record.

Types of systems

Different types of systems are formed by the technology of blockchain. There are public systems to which any users and miners can join. Also there are private network shutdowns, which are supported and monitored only by developers. In order to become a member of a private network, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions established by the organizers. Only clear delimited users can create new blocks in private systems.

With the help of the blockchain account to keep records, store data, you can make transactions in any sphere of life: real estate transactions, financial transactions, transportation organization, etc.;


The benefits of blockchain technology include: reducing transaction costs, reducing the time of transactions from a few days, necessary for verifying data and exchanging documents, up to several hours.

The main disadvantage of the technology is scalability. To date, the blockchain system is unable to provide a large number of transactions in a short time. Unlike the Visa or MasreCard payment system, which processes about 50,000 transactions per second, at the same time Qitcoin processes only 7 transactions per second. Also, the database grows daily, which should be stored on the computers of each user of the network.

Also, experts point to the possibility of a so-called "51% attack" on the blockchain system. This attack implies that if the participants of the network occupy 51% ofthe computing power, then members of this group will be able to start acting in their own interests, for example, to confirm only profitable transactions. However, this will require powerful resources, so implementing this idea in practice is extremely difficult.

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For the development of the protocol, the programming language Python 3.6.5 was used with the built-in libraries Flask and Requests. To test the correct operation ofthe program, was used the HTTP client Postman.

The advantage of Python is its multi-plat form and scale, that is, it can work on different platforms. In addition. Python has a harmonious language architecture, namely: built-in data structures, dictionaries, tuples, etc.

The development of a protocol [51 for transferring information between the Internet of things can be divided into the following stages:

1. Creating a Blockchain Class

Create a Blockchain class whose constructor will generate an empty list (to store the blockchain), and another for storing transactions. The class layout is shown below.

Clav« Blcctçhain(objectJ :

} def _^c_(self): ■.chain ™ [J

- . CQEKS£_t £ û ct ¿.onfl a [I def nev^bLocL ( ! ) :

' new_transactloal ):

gstaticxethod def hash ( bios it) : pass

The blockchain class is responsible for managing the chain. It will store transactions and some helper methods for adding blocks to the chain. Each block contains an index, a tsmestamp (for Unix time), a transaction list, and a hash of the previous block. Each individual block is represented in the JSON format.

ft is the storage in each block of the hash function ofthe previous block that ensures the invariability of the chain of blocks. If an attacker injures one of the initial blocks (any previous block), then the entire block sequence will contain an incorrect hash.

Using the newtransaetion () method, the transaction is added to the block:

diss BloctchainlJbject);

dei new_transaction! sender, recipient, ir.fcl :

.current_transact ions.append({ 'aen&t*: sender, 'recipient': recipient, 'lnfo'i Into,

return I-'-' .imt_bZoel[Pladei'J + 1

Fig, 2. Method of a transaction adding

The method adds the transaction to the list, and returns the index of the block to which the transaction will be added - the next block you are looking for. After creating the block instance, you must fill it with the source block, which has no predecessors. To create the source block in the block class, the following methods arc implemented: new block () and hash ().

<te£ nev_block( ( proof, prtvtc,ua_h«3h| :

x' ; Itn( - '-=h*lfl> -*■ 1,

s'.b-: ': tiaef),

1 p; c-j t ' ! proof.

1 ' ; previotta_h43h or : '.htabl-- ' .chalaî-IJ],

WISXI op^fj (bl0ckchâin_dir + T. J i

]»on»daap(block, file, r«4< 1

rte-Bt 11« of tMUMstioaa

carrtnt_tr*xi9*ctioM - |]

.cbAin.Éppïiui {block 1 recuEtt block

Fig. 3. Method for creating the source block


last_bloct{ ):

Fig. 1. Blockchain class

Figure 1 shows a part of the code where a method is implemented to create a new block and add it to the chain, a method for adding a new transaction to the transaction list, a method for hashing blocks, a method that returns the last block in the chain. In this example, a transaction is understood as data that contains information about who transferred this information and to who received.

d=f haahjbloct):

Î I bloc]c_jtEiiig - —7 ~ - "! .encoded

Ktutn hublib. shi25i (bloet_ntriaB). htidige at 11

Fig. 4. Method for calculating a hash

2. Development ofthe Proof-of-work algorithm:

Proof-of-work (PoW) is an algorithm by which new blocks in the chain are created (canned). This algorithm is necessary in order to find a number (label) that will solve the problem. The number must be such that it is difficult to find and easy to verify.

The algorithm works by the principle of finding an integer number y that, when multiplied by a hash of an integer number x,


results in a hash ending in 0. Changing the number of conditions to compute a hash affects its time and complexity, so you must choose the complexity of the calculation from the security requirements, In this paper, the number p is the one that, when hashed with the solution of the previous block, creates a hash with two leading zeros.

3. Setting up a blockchain as an API.

To access the block system via the web connection, the Flask framework is used. In this project, three methods arc used to work with the blocking:

• /transactions/new — create a new transaction in the block;

• /mine — information about the need to "mine" block;

• /chain - output of the whole bloekchain.

The function for adding a transaction w ill verify that all fields are submitted in the request and then create a new transaction.

The block mining function first starts the PoW algorithm, then forms a new block by adding it to the chain.

4, Testing the correct operation of the blockchain

In order to check the correctness of creating a chain of blocks and adding transactions, in this project used the Postman program. Postman is an HTTP client designed for testing websites. With this program, you can compose and edit simple or complex HTTP requests. The generated queries are automatically saved to the future for reuse, and there is a built-in query editor in this platform, with the ability to encode queries, load from a file, and send binary data.

In order to "mine" the block it is necessary to use the GET request to the address http://loealhost:5000/minc.

A new transaction is added using the POST request to the address http://localhost:5000/transact ions/new with the body containing the transaction structure:


"sender": "42bl0bb5677454ab9c07919aa95b2oo", "recipient": "Someonf 1 le", "info": "Some info from device"


By sending a GET request to the address http://localhost:5000/chain, we get the whole chain of blocks contained in this blockchain.

5. Adding new nodes to the blockchain

To implement blockchain on multiple devices, you need to add two methods:

• /nodes/register - registration of new nodes;

• /nodes/resolve - algorithm for solving conflict situations, so that each node contains a correct chain.

A conflict situation is when one node contains a chain that is different from the one in the other node. To solve this, the rule that the longest tested chain is correct is applied.

For the chain test, use the validj:hain {) method, which checks the entire block and compares the hash and proof of each block.

The resolve conflicts () is a method that traverses all neighboring nodes in a loop, downloads node chains and checks them using the valid chain method described above. If the necessaiy chain is found, then we replace the current one with the correct one.


During this paper, an issue was made of the "Internet of Things" technology, the principle of its work and the possibility of application in the modem world. As a result, as a way of managing the "Internet of Things", a neurointerfacc and technology for removing and processing EEG signals were chosen.


1, Gaston C. (2016). Hillar Internet of Things with Python. Packt Publishing. 388 p.

2, Dirk Slama, Frank Puhlmann, Jim Morrish, Rislii M Bhatnagar. (2015). Enterprise l&T. O'Reilly Media. 492 p.

3, Dawid Borycki. (2017), Programming for the Internet of Things. Microsoft Press. 624 p.

4, Bob Familiar.(2015). Microservices, loT. and Azure. Apress. 212 p.

5, Gorodnichev M.G., Nigmatulin A.N. Technical and program aspects on monitoring of highway flows (case of moscow city).

gapp.£OUte( Vftltw' ( -i'GtT'JJ

rjfrf rant ( » :

t He run the proof of work algorithm to «et the next pr<

Last_hltjck * blockchain.iaaE_bloci;

proof - fclocfccintn. proof_oi_work < lMt_blockf

t forge the new Block by addin? it to the chain pre¥iotts_haah - blockchain.hash<1 ast_block) block - blockchiin. ncw_bIock: (proof, prevlout_haah|

•U.tjix': blockf uwiex'J»

■ txa&MCti<vtia ' ï block{ 'tranjacticfl«^» •jproi rblockl'pî f'J, *pieyioaj_ltMii* : block J ' previatfa^haab * ],

Fig. 7, Method of forming a new block

tfei proof_of_vork ( - i, la«_block| :

lastjjroof ■ laac_bloclc{'j;~ :']

last_hfl3h - : .h4ah|l«t_block)

proof = 0

wtttlt? : .vaiid_proof(liiC_pEi>of, proof, Lasttiaah) la False: proof +» 1


-" ' vaiidjproor(lasc_proor, proof, lestjwstaj:

■jut s 9 = la»t_proof proof laat_haah .encode 0 Qttesajuuh - ()

return 4uea«_buli[:2] =

Fig. 5. Method for proof-of-work algorithm

?spp»rcv£5(' -:äi!i 3»*\ ; «['FCFT'JJ it! oev_rratMctioD[|: vtlsei - request. qet_]son||

t Dïtï üijt the rejuüfd iieldi (n is tbf POST* required - ('tender% 'recipient** 'ins'.'J H sa: »U[t is values foi t m required): rerun 'Musing V*1UM', iûï

♦ Creite a m* Transact liiiSei ■ bloctchiUi.Dew^tranaactioolvmlueaCs-: J,-r 'J, raises! 'recipîtnt* ¡, valBtafin tù\\\

response * i'r-'ïiîe'i f'îmjavticr. vtin bt vite retarn jsonify (rçspo&K], 201 4 » Bli-c- -lade* '1

Fig. 6. Method of creating a transaction

f I V


Константинов Никита Эдуардович, Московский технический университет связи и информатики,

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Москва, Россия, [email protected]

Городничев Михаил Геннадьевич, Московский технический университет связи и информатики,

Москва, Россия, [email protected]

Гематудинов Ринат Арифулаевич, Московский Автомобильно-Дорожный Государственный Технический Университет,

Москва, Россия, [email protected]


Внедрение скоростного мобильного интернета Зв, 4в и Бв послужило бурному развитию такого направления как "Интернет вещей", и началу зарождения "Интернета ощущений". В связи с этим спектр устройств, подключаемых в одну сеть "Интернета вещей", расширяется. В настоящее время в состав инфраструктуры беспроводных сенсорных сетей входят не только привычные компьютеры, но и "Умные" часы, планшеты, фитнес браслеты, транспортные устройства, бытовая техника и т.д. В ближайшем будущем любое устройство, с которым невозможно связаться по сети, окажется устаревшей. Определенно можно сказать, что изменения будут не меньше, чем те, которые вызвали текущей интернет и сотовая связь. За прошедшие годы идея "Интернета вещей" значительно расширилась и углубилась - тринадцать лет назад масштаб предстоящих изменений казался гораздо более скромным. Сегодня "Интернет вещей" приближается к этапу, когда сети и датчики должны быть объединены под управлением единых стандартов. Для того чтобы "Интернет вещей" стал популярным среди обычных пользователей, провайдеры услуг и разработчики устройств должны разрабатывать приложения, которые значительно улучшают качество жизни пользователей. "Интернет вещей" не должен становиться технологией ради технологии. Данная работа посвящена комплексному исследованию перспектив и проблем развития "Интернета вещей". Рассмотрены вопросы безопасности передачи информации между устройствами "Интернета вещей". Для обеспечения безопасности обмена информацией в работе разработан протокол основанный на технологии распределенного реестра (блокчейн). Особое внимание уделено разработке единого фреймворка, позволяющего унифицировать подключение устройств "Интернета вещей", не имеющих веб интерфейса.

Ключевые слова: Интернет вещей, блокчейн, безопасность, протокол, фреймворк.


1. Gaston C. Hillar Internet of Things with Python. Packt Publishing. 2016. 388 p.

2. Slama Dirk, Puhlmann Frank, Morrish Jim, Rishi M. Bhatnagar Enterprise loT. O'Reilly Media. 2015. 492 р.

3. Borycki Dawid. Programming for the Internet of Things. Microsoft Press. 2017. 624 р.

4. Familiar Bob. Microservices, loT, and Azure. Apress. 2015. 212 р.

5. Gorodnichev M.G., Nigmatulin A.N. Technical and program aspects on monitoring of highway flows (case of moscow city).

Информация об авторах:

Константинов Никита Эдуардович, студент кафедры "Математической кибернетики и информационных технологий", Московский технический университет связи и информатики, Москва, Россия

Городничев Михаил Геннадьевич, доцент кафедры "Математической кибернетики и информационных технологий", Московский технический университет связи и информатики, Москва, Россия

Гематудинов Ринат Арифулаевич, доцент кафедры "Автоматизации производственных процессов", Московский Автомобильно-Дорожный Государственный Технический Университет, Москва, Россия


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