12. Rowe W. Client-Centered Theory. Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches / Ed.
F.Turner, New York, The Free Press, 1986, pp. 408-431.
УДК 37.014.5: 81'246.2
NATALIA ZAKORDONETS [email protected] Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University BILINGUAL EDUCATION: LINGUO-DIDACTIC ASPECTS
The article presents the research of linguo-didactic aspects and models of bilingual education. On the basis of the study of scientific literature the definition analysis of the notions «bilingualism» «bilingual teaching» and «bilingual education» has been carried out. Didactic-methodological bases and approaches to the content of bilingual teaching at higher educational institutions have been determined. This article considers theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of bilingual teaching. There have been outlined the peculiarities and problems of the designing and implementing bilingual programs and curriculum materials development. It has been stated that characteristics of the latest stage of elaboration of theory and practice of bilingual education have been framed in terms of the transition to a multi-perspectival paradigm of polycultural education. This paper deals with the common didactic fundamentals of personality-oriented philosophy of higher education. The distinctions that require the formulation of specific principles of bilingual teaching have been considered.
Keywords: bilingual education, bilingual teaching, linguo-didactic aspect, bilingualism.
НАТАЛ1Я ЗАКОРДОНЕЦЬ [email protected] кандидат педагопчних наук, доцент, Тернопшьський нащональний педагопчний ушверситет ím. Володимира Гнатюка ДВОМОВНА ОСВ1ТА: АШГВОДИДАКТИЧШ АСПЕКТИ
Розглянуто л1нгводидактичн1 аспекти i модел1 двомовноi oceimu. З'ясовано особливостг трактування 3Micmy понять «6rni^ei3M», «двомовне навчання» та «бiлiнгвальна ocвimа» у вimчuзнянiй та зарубiжнiй педагoгiцi. Обтрунтовано дидактико-методичш основи та пiдхoдu до зм^ту двомовного навчання у вищих начальних закладах (ВНЗ). Прoаналiзoванo теоретико-меmoдoлoгiчнoi основи концепци двомовного навчання. Виокремлено ocoблuвocmi i проблеми конструювання бiлiнгвальнoгo навчального плану. Розглянуто три ocнoвнi типи двомовних ocвimнiх програм, що застосовуються у пракmuцi iншoмoвнoгo навчання: перехiднi, програми мовно'1' пiдmрuмкu та програми мовного збагачення. Представлено анализ зм^ту i завдань односторонтх i двосторонтх двомовних програм (програм двомовного занурення), у хoдi яких вiдбуваemьcя реалiзацiя iдей пол^льтурного виховання при здшсненш активного дiалoгу iдей, навчальних i життевих cmuлiв, mрадuцiй i культур cmуденmiв. Зазначено, що ocoблuвocmi нoвimньoгo етапу розвитку теори та практики двомовного навчання зумoвленi переходом до багаторакурсно'1' парадигми пoлiкульmурнoi педагогти. Визначено загальнoдuдакmuчнi засади сучасно'1' ocoбucmicнo oрieнmoванoi фшософп вищо'1' ocвimu. До^джено ocoблuвocmi формулювання cпецuфiчнuх принцитв двомовного навчання.
Ключовi слова: бтнгвальна освта, двомовне навчання, лтгводидактичний аспект, бiлiнгвiзм.
НАТАЛИЯ ЗАКОРДОНЕЦ [email protected] кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Тернопольский национальный педагогический университет им. Владимира Гнатюка
Науков1 записки. Сер1я: педагопка. - 2016. - № 4.
Рассмотрены лингводидактические аспекты и модели билингвального образование. Определены особенности трактовки содержания понятий «билингвизм», «билингвальное обучение» и «билингвальное образование» в отечественной и зарубежной педагогике. Обоснованы дидактико-методические подходы к содержанию двуязычного обучения в высших учебных заведениях. Проанализированы теоретико-методологической основы концепции двуязычного обучения. Выделены особенности и проблемы конструирования билингвального учебного плана. Указано, что особенности нового этапа развития теории и практики двуязычного обучения обусловлены переходом к мультикультурной парадигме поликультурной педагогики. Определены общедидактические основы современной личностно ориентированной философии высшего образования. Исследованы особенности формулировки специфических принципов двуязычного обучения.
Ключевые слова: билингвальное образование, двуязычное обучение, лингводидактический аспект, билингвизм.
The problem setting. Significance of bilingual education in Ukraine is associated with its aspiration for close cooperation with the international community in overcoming global challenges. The implementation of humanitarian projects in other areas of international collaboration has triggered the appearance of linguistic boom and affected the status of Foreign Language as an academic discipline, providing the opportunity to take advantage of the open society. A foreign language nowadays is more in demand as an instrument for cognitive and professional activity of future specialists than as a means of communication. Despite the fact that the study of foreign languages at contemporary higher educational institutions has received considerable attention, Foreign Language as an academic discipline has been continuing to be isolated from the rest of the core curriculum. At the same time, a foreign language has been rarely used as a way of gaining confidence in professional knowledge.
Bilingual teaching can be considered as one of the social and educational ways of solving contradictions and ambiguities of contemporary cultural development of countries and peoples. Moreover, it has been applied as an alternative way of learning a foreign language, containing significant potential for multicultural education of youth. Considering the problems of bilingualism and multilingualism sociolinguistics compares them with certain social correlates, having assumed definite social indices such as social status, age, gender, etc., and certain social processes which have been taking place in the society.
Intensification of migration processes, the effects of globalization and the pursuit of integration into European economic, socio-cultural and educational environment are inherent in Ukraine of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Thus, educational system, learn strategies and language objectives must be framed to meet individual needs of students. Moreover, ways of promoting peaceful coexistence through various cultures and social groups in democratic society being heterogeneous in its ethnic, linguistic, ethnic and cultural structure should be prioritised.
The objective of this paper is to outline linguo-didactic aspects of bilingual education and methodological approaches to the content of bilingual teaching at higher educational institutions.
The Analysis of Recent Studies and Publications. A number of studies similar to the present research have been undertaken in the past [2; 6; 9; 11] but they were focused primarily on types of bilingual education, theories acquainted with cognitive functioning and bilingualism. By comparison, this present study focuses on the various pedagogical theories and methodologies for practical usage. Overall, it is expected that the findings of this study will contribute to the improvement of the bilingual education programs at higher educational institutions.
The problem of bilingual teaching is solved differently in various countries. Cultural and academic program issues in bilingual education have become subjects of study of a number of studies having revealed that bilingual education is effective with students in well-designed programs acquiring academic English [5; 10; 13]. Historical and cultural aspects of bilingual education have been studied by H. Baumgartner, L. Vygotskii, G. Burger, M. Valentik, J. Walter G. Haas, K. Lantz. Some researchers (C. Baker, C. Benson, J. Cummins, N. Dutcher, and V. Youssef) have provided evidence that bilingual schooling can improve basic education in developing countries, with a demonstration of the pedagogical advantages of bilingual education.
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Numerous research studies that point to the problems of bilingualism and challenges of studying bilingualism in linguistics have been conducted by A. Diebold, J. Edwards, S. Lieberson, W. Mackey, F. Fabbro. The key fundamental theoretical and empirical questions involving bilingual teaching have been formulated by E. Haugen, U. Weinreich, and M. Blanc. An excellent foundation to topics such as bilingual education, second-language teaching, and language policies has been provided by C. Myers-Scotton and C. Hoffmann. Advantages of bilingual education at the social level have been discussed by T. Baker and S. Romaine.
The results of the study. It is indisputable that bilingualism being associated with second language acquisition extends the capabilities of the individual to contribute to the values of other cultures. Since language and culture have been closely entwined, then a tongue being a part and form of expression of a culture actualizes the problem of understanding at the level of global education. In the information society whose members in their professional activity should contact a large number of other people, communication is to be adequate, clear and accurate. Thus, standard common language would be a universal means of such communication for all in the world, overcoming interaction challenges.
In order to apprehend the basic conceptions of bilingual teaching, certain terms are required to be clarified. The terms «bilingualism» and «bilingual education» appear frequently in pedagogical literature, including dissertations.
The basic definition of bilingual education mostly approved upon by both researchers and laymen, is the «use of two languages as media of instruction». In other words, there is agreement concerning what the procedure of bilingual education is. However, controversy and disagreements are triggered when the philosophy and educational goals of bilingual teaching are discussed.
In the context of the problem of bilingualism being analysed there some more interesting facts are worth scrutiny. According to the recent research [1; 2; 4] bilingual education can be organized into the following four categories: cognitive development, affective development, linguistic growth, and cultural enrichment. George Blanco states that the consensus of professionals in the sphere of bilingual teaching is that its crucial goals are reflected in the area of cognitive and affective development rather than linguistic and social realms [3]. Thus, one can presume that the main learning goal of bilingual education is not necessarily to teach English or any other foreign language, but to teach students notions, professional knowledge and required skills through the language they know underpinning this information by the second language.
From both a contemporary and a historical perspective, bilingualism or multilingualism is the norm rather than the exception, and English is the world's most widely studied foreign language [9]. The main feature of bilingual education programs is to plan teaching and learning process through two different languages for example Ukrainian and English. Second language acquisition provides an advanced method for using bilingual teaching as an essential approach for academic and work accomplishments, not only for English language students, but also for all learners in the other educational areas.
Research suggests [8] there are three basic types of bilingual education programs: transitional, maintenance and enrichment. In transitional programs, students learn most of the subjects in their native language until they are ready to be steadily transitioned to English-only classes. In maintenance programs, students learn part of the subject matter in their native language in order to continue improving their skills while developing the English Language Proficiency. In enrichment programs, part of the content knowledge is taught in the second language predominantly for some future visit to another culture rather than immediate survival as a resident in a foreign country [8].
Bilingual programs can be categorized as either one-way or two-way. In one-way programs, students begin their education by learning the core academic content in their native language. Some one-way programs are maintenance programs in which students continue learning some parts of the content in their mother tongue. Goals of two-way bilingual programs comprise obtaining the specialized content knowledge and becoming proficient in both languages. Through two-way immersion bilingual programs, students can experience frustrations, but they are provided with reasonable environment support of their linguistic, academic, and intellectual development [11].
Virginia Collier and Wayne Thomas [12] stated that two-way bilingual education was the optimal program for the long-term academic success of students, claiming that in bilingual programs learners incline to do best when they get academic instruction in the first language, while receiving the same kind of instruction in the second language. Moreover, it has been concluded that proficient bilingual students develop stronger cognitive abilities over monolingual students and that they commonly outpace monolingual students on tests.
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Bilingual education models and approaches have been categorised by Jessica Ball [1] into eight different approaches which can be briefly summarised as follows:
1) mother tongue-based instruction where the language is delivered entirely in the learner's first language;
2) bilingual education (two-way-bilingual education / dual language instruction) in which minority and majority language learners are taught in both minority and majority languages;
3) mother tongue-based bilingual education (developmental bilingualism) in which the first language is used as the primary medium of instruction for the school years while second language is introduced as a subject of study in itself and in preparation for its eventual use as the means of instruction for academic participants;
4) multilingual education which involves the formal use of more than two languages in the curriculum;
5) transitional bi/multilingual education (bridging) in which the objective is a planned transition from one language of instruction to another. «Short cut» or «early-exit» is a term given to programs that involve an abrupt transition to the second language instruction after only two or three years in school; «late transition» or «late exit» refers to a switch to the second language instruction after a learner has become fully fluent academically in the first language;
6) maintenance bi/multilingual education (additive or heritage bilingual education) - after the second language has been introduced, both (or all) chosen languages are media of instruction, the first language instruction continues, often as a subject of study, to ensure learner become academically proficient;
7) immersion or foreign language instruction involves the entire education program being provided in a language that is new to a learner;
8) submersion («sink or swim») occurs when speakers of non-dominant languages have no choice but to receive education in languages they do not understand. This approach promotes subtractive bilingualism: that is the second language learning at the expense of the first language [1].
On the one hand, the sustainability of bilingualism in the process of bilingual teaching is essential only for complete second language acquisition. Hence it will be beneficial for successful integration into the dominant culture, because after receiving school education future specialists will be able to use the second language, if it is required by their professional activity. On the other hand, for representatives of the English-speaking majority, who learn the language of the minority, which is also the world language, bilingualism may be the goal of bilingual teaching, so that fluency in the second language may be required in their career planning.
In our opinion, bilingual teaching can be considered as a focused educational process of individual socialization that occurs in terms of natural or artificial bilingualism being provided in the mastery of the world cultural values by means of native and foreign languages comprising bilingual education and multicultural upbringing. Consequently, bilingual teaching can be defined as lecturers and students' joint activity in the study of certain academic disciplines in their native and foreign languages, providing a high level of competence in a foreign language and content knowledge mastery. It is clear, then, that a foreign language should be acquired through content learning just as content may be studied through a language.
Clearly, the peculiarity of bilingual education is the existence of two languages as a means of teaching. Thus, each of them is studied not only as a subject that is not limited to the study of a language as a system. The following parameters for the developing curriculum for bilingual education students should be taken into consideration: language situation in the family, characteristics of the curriculum, personal living space, function and status of the language. Furthermore, short- and long-range goals and specific objectives should be converted to lesson plans and tasks, taking into account linguistic and cultural background.
So, the main idea of the bilingual education is that a foreign language along with a native language can be used as a means of teaching and learning strategies in the process of professional training of future specialists. Moreover, content knowledge can be developed at the same time as students improve their language skills. In bilingual education the problem of fragmentation of thinking and speaking a foreign language is being removed, as there is non-linguistic object of knowledge - professional knowledge and professional techniques. Cognitive activity is carried out in the unity of language activity and mastery of the subject matter occurs simultaneously with the mastery of the means of expression in native and foreign languages.
The results of the study have shown that theoretical and methodological foundations of the key concepts in bilingual education are: personality oriented paradigm of modern education; a pragmatist approach, as a major psychological concept of learning; cognitive and communicative and competency-based approaches; concept of humanization and humanitarization of education; hypothetical model of Interlanguage theory of foreign language learning; a model of learning activity design; the concept of intercultural dialogue [7, p. 45-47]. Consequently, the strategic objective for bilingual education is the formation of future
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professionals in the bilingual subject matter competence which is a set of general, special and interdisciplinary professional knowledge and skills that ensure successful career readiness for professional activity implementation in native and foreign languages in terms of intercultural communication.
Bilingual education has peculiarities that require the consideration of specific principles: principle of focusing of bilingual education on the mastery of specialized non-language disciplines; the principle of using two languages: a mother tongue and second language as a way to obtain knowledge, self-knowledge and self-development in the subject matter content knowledge; principle of unity of mental and speech activities in a foreign language; the principle of support for maintaining and developing native and foreign languages; the principle of sustainable constraints and communicative sufficiency; the principle of multidisciplinary interconnectedness and interdependence; the principle of integration of bilingual education in a general structure and content of teacher education; principle of optimality; the principle of gradual complication of quality content; the principle of motivation to the ability and willingness to use a foreign language for specific purposes, participation in international educational projects, further education with the use of a foreign language.
Didactic and methodological foundations of bilingual education include theoretical substantiation of content for bilingual education. Matter content has been structured taking into consideration requirements and objectives of bilingual education, consisting of content, language and multicultural components. The last ones suggest the cohesion of the three content-relevant lines of bilingual courses: the realities of one's own country, the realities of the country which language is considered and the realities that have intrinsic, universal common human nature.
Didactic and methodological approaches to the content for bilingual teaching at higher educational institutions comprise: event-related being focused on the subject matter meaningful in the situation contextually relative; comparative being provided a comparative analysis of the events, phenomena and facts of life around the world; integrated being combined peculiarities of both approaches mentioned above and being involved the examination of specific situations in comparative analytical perspective.
Models of bilingual education, reflecting the ratio of native to foreign language perform the following functions: duplicate being involved the presentation of the same semantic content of lexical units in both native and target languages; additive which is to provide additional information in a foreign language being promoted diversity that is crucial to acknowledge peoples' differences; parity being provided equal use of native and foreign languages in the disclosure of subject matter; dominant due to which with the advent of multicultural societies a foreign language plays a significant role in bilingual education programs [4, p. 15-20].
As such, it may be more feasible to teach predominantly through manipulative, practical or visual experiences, using collaborative activities that make the lesson and a foreign language comprehensible to students. For example, rather than teach the vocabulary in isolation from the content in order to describe what various items are made of it will be valuable to demonstrate the meanings of the terms. Also, lecturers should make their speech more comprehensible talking more slowly, giving emphasis to significant information and key phrases. Furthermore, the teachers may simplify their speech, using less complex grammar and more common vocabulary, providing exemplification, additional meanings and paraphrasing.
However, it is undeniable that lecturers face the challenge of enabling students to learn content and develop the linguistic and academic competence of learners who are studying through a foreign language. Obviously, visuals, facial expression and gestures are able to contribute to content and language learning. In addition, the content mastery and skills development need to be constantly supervised and understanding of the core concepts and terms properly verified.
The conclusions and perspectives of further research. The results of the study reveal that learning two languages has significant social benefits and educational merits that can lead to higher academic achievement for all students. The analysis of the research in the sphere of professional education and our own experience allow us to state that teaching a foreign language across content areas can strengthen language development for English language learners. Studies have shown that students speaking two languages are at a higher advantage than monolingual ones because learning both languages stimulates cognitive development. Furthermore, the parallel development of academic skills in a native language and proficiency in English as a second language may promote multicultural awareness, which is required to become a successful member of the community. Thus, bilingual education is more effective than studying English merely as an academic discipline, being focused on the learning of grammar, phonetics and other linguistic features in isolation from other content subjects.
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This article has attempted to analyse the problems of bilingualism and how lecturers can enhance their efficiency through the effective planning, adjusting classroom activities while assisting their students in developing content knowledge at the same time as improving language skills. To ensure a complete problem solution, it needs to be assured that constraints in the implementation of the bilingual programs will be overcome. Among the perspectives of further study we suggest search of ways of the analysis of foreign language immersion and the linguistic and academic competence development to be considered.
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30 Науков1 записки. Сер1я: педагопка. — 2016. — № 4.