Международный журнал сердца и сосудистых заболеваний • Том 2, номер 3, приложение 1, октябрь 2014
V. Gabinskiy, W. von Peters, I. Kushnir, L. Gabinskaya, I. Gabinskaya, R. Gabinskiy, B. Gorinshteyn, E. Feldman, M. Feldman
First National University, Idaho, Russian-American University, Atlanta, USA
Regarded as the biggest killer in the West, and a large problem in the United States, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) is a perennial problem for Cardiologists. It is usually denoted by shortness of breath, excessive fatigue, edema in the lungs, and inability to work or exercise because of rapid loss of strength. Hyperlipidemia is a strong component in CHF.
Bergamot is a Mediterranean citrus fruit, a kind of orange, which contains enzymes in its juice known as HMGF (hydroxy methyl glutaryl flavonones) which can treat heart diseases as effectively as statins.
This study encompassed 19 men aged 47-63 with HDL 1.3 mmol/L and above, high LDL (above 6.2 mol/L), and high triglycerides (above 5.0 mmol/L) who were not currently on statin drugs. No lifestyle changes were made during the 30 day period of the study.
Participants were given 500 mg. of Bergamot extract daily with food. Upon retesting these men after the 30 day period HDL Increased by 32%, LDL dropped by 35%; and Triglycerides declined by 34%
Bergamot extract is therefore a useful addition to the cardiology armamentarium for reduction of LDL and triglycerides.
V. Gabinskiy, W. von Peters, I. Kushnir, L. Gabinskaya, I. Gabinskaya, R. Gabinskiy, B. Gorinshteyn, E. Feldman, M. Feldman
First National University, Idaho, Russian-American University, Atlanta, USA
Metabolic syndrome is a collection of various risk factors for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It includes high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, abdominal obesity, low HDL with high LDL and high triglycerides.
Thirty-four percent of adult Americans have metabolic syndrome. This is some 64 million people in the United States. Thus, it is a substantial and growing problem.
This study involved 23 males aged 35-57 who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. Each was given 1,000 mg. of Bergamot extract from Bergamot juice daily. At the end of the 30 day period they were again tested for symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
Results were an average reduction in blood sugar by 19%, a decrease in LDL by 37%, HDL increase by 41%, and a reduction of triglycerides of 41%.
Bergamot extract is therefore worthy of consideration for the reduction of symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
Автандилов А. Г., Улубиева Е.А., Крутовцев И.А.
ГБОУ ДПО «Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования»
Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, Москва, Россия
Цель. Оценить параметры кровотока и показатели ригидности артериальных сосудов у практически здоровых мужчин в зависимости от возраста.
Методы исследования. Обследовано 247 практически здоровых мужчин (20-75 лет), не имеющих в анамнезе сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, нарушений углеводного, липидного обменов, заболеваний органов