Benefits of specific strength training model with water resistance control gear for rowing and canoeing sports elite
UDC 796.012
Dr. Hab., Professor P.V. Kvashuk1 Dr. Biol. A.V. Voronov1 PhD G.N. Semaeva1
PhD, Associate Professor I.N. Maslova2
1Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports (VNIIFK), Moscow 2Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture (VGIFK), Voronezh
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a special strength training model with water resistance control gear for the rowing and canoeing sports elite, with muscle electrical activity tests of the key muscle groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The muscle electrical activity tests in the special strength training model testing experiment were run using SportLab Computerized Test System (Russia-made) with an eight-channel telemetric electromyography unit, accelerometer, video cam, and a synch unit. Technical specifications of the test system and test procedures are described in detail in a prior study report.
The study procedure was as follows. We sampled for the serial tests elite rowing and canoeing paddlers (n=5, three males and two females) qualified Candidate Masters and Masters of Sports. They were tested on a 90-110m distance by varied-intensity tests with application of water resistance control gear and/ or 6-14kg weights; with 5-8-min rest breaks. Every paddling style was played 2-3 times. We fixed the muscle electrical activity data by the skin electromyography (EMG) of the key right/left limb and trunk muscles versus the vessel speed and acceleration records. Every vessel was equipped with an accelerometer synchronized with the EMG test system and video cam - to read, among other things, the maximal vessel acceleration per stroke.
We fixed the electrodes on the muscle convex centers, with no adjustments allowed in the experiment. The EMG data were inverted and smoothed by the moving average method with a 50ms averaging window. We profiled every single muscle's muscle electrical activity by standardized test cycles to produce averaged EMG amplitudes per stroke for every muscle.
We tested on the whole five rowing styles at competitive speeds with water resistance control gear and 6/ 8/14kg weight application, when the paddlers were requested to work as hard as possible.
Results and Conclusion. The study found that the water resistance control gear (water breaks) and weights may significantly change not only the electric signal amplitudes (i.e. the stroking power), but also the muscle electrical activity synchronization patterns. This trend was found to grow with weight or controlled water resistance. We also found that the water resistance stress and/or weights should never exceed 5-7% of the individual body mass for the special strength training efficiency. A special priority in trainings should be given to the rowing pace kept within the competitive range. High-speed paddling practices should be managed so as to keep within the competitive rowing standards to avoid potential damage for harmonized sport-specific muscle groups coordination patterns i.e. motor skills sets.
Keywords: rowing and canoeing sports, muscle electrical activity, strength training.
Background. Modern rowing and canoeing sports require high physical strength for paddling, and this is the reason for the sports communities giving so high priority to specific strength training methods and tools [1, 4, 5]. The everyday long and high-intensity trainings are known to increase the individual maximal strength, strength endurance and speed strength qualities -although mostly in the sport-specific aspects typical for the training process. As found by a few studies,
strength training machinery assisted and weightlifting practices may not be beneficial enough for the rowing and canoeing sports elite since such strength resource often turns useless in the rowing and canoeing sports competitions [6, 7].
It should be mentioned that the rowing and canoeing sports community is still in need of practical and beneficial solutions in the water resistance control gear (water breaks, extra weights, etc.) application
domain. Thus, the researchers still differ in their recommendations on how the vessel speed should be controlled to successfully build an ideal motor skill/ stereotype and specific strength in paddlers. There is still a need for the paddlers' competitive muscle electrical activity profiling experimental data producible by elementary muscle electrical activity test models applicable on water.
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a special strength training model with water resistance control gear for the rowing and canoeing sports elite, with muscle electrical activity tests of the key muscle groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The muscle electrical activity tests in the special strength training model testing experiment were run using SportLab Computerized Test System (Russia-made) with an eight-channel telemetric electromyography unit, accelerometer, video cam, and a synch unit. Technical specifications of the test system and test procedures are described in detail in a prior study report [2].
The study procedure was as follows. We sampled for the serial tests elite rowing and canoeing paddlers (n=5, three males and two females) qualified Candidate Masters and Masters of Sports. They were tested on a 90-110m distance by varied-intensity
tests with application of water resistance control gear and/ or 6-14kg weights; with 5-8-min rest breaks. Every paddling style was played 2-3 times. We fixed the muscle electrical activity data by the skin electromyography (EMG) of the key right/left limb and trunk muscles (see Table 1) versus the vessel speed and acceleration records. Every vessel was equipped with an accelerometer synchronized with the EMG test system and video cam - to read, among other things, the maximal vessel acceleration per stroke.
We fixed the electrodes on the muscle convex centers, with no adjustments allowed in the experiment. The EMG data were inverted and smoothed by the moving average method with a 50ms averaging window [3]. We profiled every single muscle's muscle electrical activity by standardized test cycles to produce averaged EMG amplitudes (EMGav) per stroke for every muscle. The test data were computed as follows:
Z" T
means the average EMG amplitude for j stroking cycle,
cp3Mr,"=i--- mkV; i - muscle; K - paddling style;
j - stroking cycle; N - strokes per distance; Tj - stroke time, s
We tested on the whole five rowing styles at competitive speeds with water resistance control gear
Competitive rowing
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Time, %
-dk Wfpt katliJt
ra 1itn«niu» dttnjt
8 kr weight
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Time, %
^^bi ttcept bf« —' m. trérpi bxlâ lt
— m ddlwíeiajjl ® iMiituni» itortijl
—m gUipiiildmiiiitiiHiiiiJt - .n vaniilinlii
water resistance control gear
« „, ÍD
Time, %
—"fc- fcitíjrt biilpjt m dcftmdwjjji, m. eUiqum ¡4 dumidi eaj4Hius_It.
■Cn. i-ictjrt
ra Imíhhhbi ikrfLK I'HII IsfijLiA
14 kg weight
. htpi
. idi»dn»J_R . uüiquut aMerrjraf cxIenuiJC
-m TTK ep5 Tïfichë R ID liü'íünjj di
ra. vastus I ïniïi^L
Figure 1. Stroking-cycle-specific muscle electrical activity of the key muscle groups in the rowing tests
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I September № 9 2021
Table 1. Specific strength training tools we recommend for rowing and canoeing sports elite
Gear Vessel speed and pace, % of the competitive ones Water resistance control range Test distances Reps Rest breaks: reps/ styles
Water resistance control 90-100 Keep the vessel speed/ pace 200=2x100/200 500 = 5x100/2x250 1000 = 4x250/2x500 1-3 20-30s/ 10-20min
Weight 5-7% of the body mass
and 6/ 8/14kg weight application, when the paddlers were requested to work as hard as possible.
Results and discussion. A comparative analysis of the muscle electrical activity data of the key muscle groups found that the water resistance control gear and weights may significantly change not only the electric signal amplitudes (i.e. the stroking power), but also the muscle electrical activity synchronization patterns: see Figure 1 hereunder that clearly shows variations in amplitudes and muscle groups activation times in the rowing cycles, with meaningful differences in the movement synchs depending on the stroking styles.
This trend was found to grow with weight or controlled water resistance. The high stress and fatigue in the muscle groups resulted in the muscle electrical activity profile variations different from the standard competitive rowing styles at competitive speeds. This means that the excessive/ inappropriate water resistance control or weights applied in trainings may disharmonize the sport-specific muscle groups coordination/ synergizing patterns. Such trainings may be unbeneficial or even detrimental to the specific strength training purposes of the rowing and canoeing sports elite and disruptive for the well-trained motors skills/ stereotypes. Having analyzed findings of the above special strength training model piloting tests, we would recommend the following special strength training tools potentially beneficial for the rowing and canoeing sports elite training systems: see Table 1 hereunder.
We also recommend the training distances, times and reps being varied in the trainings so as tom ake sure that the high-seed paddling practices are kept within the standard paddling patterns to avoid potential damage for the perfect motor skills sets.
Conclusion. The study found that the water resistance control gear (water breaks) and weights may significantly change not only the electric signal amplitudes (i.e. the stroking power), but also the muscle electrical activity synchronization patterns. This trend was found to grow with weight or controlled water resistance. We also found that the
water resistance stress and/or weights should never exceed 5-7% of the individual body mass for the special strength training efficiency. A special priority in trainings should be given to the rowing pace kept within the competitive range. High-speed paddling practices should be managed so as to keep within the competitive rowing standards to avoid potential damage for harmonized sport-specific muscle groups coordination patterns i.e. motor skills sets.
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