Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xo'jaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
Damirjon Odilovich Alimov
Samarkand branch of Tashkent state agrarian university, faculty of Agribusiness and logistics, Economics (agriculture) field of education, student of 2nd level bachelor's
In this article, agricultural products are presented in the country's current price index by farm category, gross income and the share of farms in it are analyzed. Also, the above indicators are expressed in the form of a percentage, and while maintaining stable economic development, increasing the income of the population of rural areas of the country, encouraging the population in need of social protection to become economically active, the share of the poor in the population of the country, and countries economic indicators were discussed in comparison with the economy of Uzbekistan. In this context, conclusions and proposals are given to increase the income of the population of rural areas and reduce the level of poverty.
Keywords:income, agriculture, rural areas, poverty rate, employment, poor population, urbanization, food products, farming, economic growth, famine
Mazkur ilmiy tadqiqot ishida mamlakatdagi amaldagi narxlar indeksida xo'jalik toifalari bo'yicha qishloq xo'jaligi mahsulotlari keltirilib, yalpi daromad va undagi xo'jaliklarning ulushi tahlili amalga oshirilgan. Shuningdek, yuqoridagi ko'rsatkichlar foiz ko'rinishida ham ifodalangan va barqaror iqtisodiy rivojlanishni saqlab qolgan holda mamlakat qishloq hududlari aholisini daromadini oshirish, aholining ijtimoiy himoyaga muhtoj qatlamini rag'batlantirib iqtisodiy faol qatlamga o'tkazish, mamlakat aholisida kam ta'minlanganlarning ulushi keltirilib, mamlakatlar iqtisodiy ko'rsatkichlari O'zbekiston iqtisodiyoti bilan taqqoslangan holda muhokama qilingan. Shu asnoda qishloq hududlari aholisi daromadini oshirib kambag'allik darajasini qisqartirish uchun xulosa va takliflar berilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: daromad, dehqon xo'jaligi, qishloq hududlari, kambag'allik darajasi, bandlik, kam ta'minlangan aholi, urbanizatsiya, oziq-ovqat mahsulotlari, dehqonchilik, iqtisodiy o'sish, ocharchilik
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xo'jaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
В данной статье сельскохозяйственная продукция представлена в текущем индексе цен страны по категориям хозяйств, проанализированы валовой доход и доля хозяйств в нем. Также вышеперечисленные показатели выражены в процентном выражении, и при сохранении стабильного экономического развития, увеличении доходов населения сельских районов страны, стимулировании населения, нуждающегося в социальной защите, к экономической активности, доля обсуждались бедность населения страны, экономические показатели страны в сравнении с экономикой Узбекистана. В этом контексте даны выводы и предложения по увеличению доходов населения сельской местности и снижению уровня бедности.
Ключевые слова: доходы, сельское хозяйство, сельские районы, уровень бедности, занятость, бедное население, урбанизация, продукты питания, фермерство, экономический рост, голод.
Introduction. In the "Sustainable Development Goals" program of the United Nations for 2015-2030, the first of 17 global goals was set as the goal of "Reducing the level of poverty in countries." Also, in this document, as the 8th goal, the goal of "supporting sustainable and comprehensive economic growth based on increasing effective employment and providing men and women with decent work" was defined.
According to a 2017 World Bank report, 9.7 percent of the world's population, or 740 million people, live on less than $1.90 a day (2017). This indicator is growing year by year (source: The world by income and region-World Bank 2021). In particular, in 2012, this figure was 450 million, and in 2008, it was 300 million. This is definitely a concern. [6] The figures and information on the above topic were first published in the video selector meeting on measures aimed at "reducing poverty through the development of entrepreneurship" on February 27, 2020, chaired by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. It was announced in At the meeting, the head of state noted that according to the preliminary accounting books, 12-15 percent of our population or 4-5 million are poor. It is a pity that 2/3 of this figure corresponds to the population of rural areas. [6]
The main purpose of this scientific research is to conclude on increasing the income of the poor population based on the
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
analysis of the level of income of the population between the countries and the share of agriculture in the GDP.
Materials and methods. In the study, the value of the gross domestic product per capita between countries was compared in the period 1995-2019. At the same time, the distribution of the level of poverty in our country by regions and the share of the population of rural areas in them was analyzed economically. Also, the survey data conducted by the researchers on the problems of self-employment of the population in rural areas were analyzed.
At the same time, the share of agriculture in the country's GDP in 2020-2021 was brought to billion soums, the participation of 3 subjects that make up the agricultural activity of the Republic in creating the value of the total agricultural products, and Sector both two main branches are the gross income of the products created in the agricultural and livestock sectors and the share of farms in it.
Table 1
Agricultural products by economic categories
(at current prices, billion soums)
Years All types of Farms Farmer Organizations
farms (personal performing
assistant) agricultural households activities
Agricultural products (general)
2020 250 250.60 70,620.90 168,657.40 10,972.30
2021 303 415.50 88,761.50 198,719.40 15,934.60
Agricultural products
2020 123,858.80 64,472.80 52 370.90 7,015.50
2021 152 130.40 80726.5 60,941.60 10,462.30
Livestock products
2020 126,391.80 6 148.10 116,286.50 3 957.20
2021 151 285.10 8,035.00 137,777.80 5 472.30
Source: State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introduci^g^mmt^griculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning^azarjy^a amaliy asoslari
The table shows the amount of agricultural products by economic category in the form of billion soums or in the form of a percentage.
Table 2
Composition of agricultural products by economic categories
(as a percentage of all categories of farms)(%)
Years All types of Farms Farmer (personal Organizations
farms assistant) performing
households agricultural activities
Agricultural products (general)
2020 100.00 28,20 67.40 4.40
2021 100.00 29,30 65.50 5.20
Agricultural products
2020 100.00 52.00 42.30 5.70
2021 100.00 53.10 40.00 6.90
Livestock products
2020 100.00 4.90 92.00 3.10
2021 100.00 5.30 91.10 3.60
Source: State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan
It can be seen that the share of peasant (personal assistant) farms in the total percentage was the largest part (67.40) in 2020 and the main part (65.50) in 2021. 42.30% of agricultural products in 2020 and 40.00% in 2021 were grown by farms. It can also be seen here that there is a downward trend in the indicators of 2021 compared to 2020 overall. This is caused by the increasing weight of farms and agricultural organizations in the network. In 2020, 92.00 percent of livestock products and 91.10 percent in 2021 were produced by farmers' farms, that is, it can be seen that the weight of farmers' farms in livestock production is very large.
Results and discussions. Today, the world population is 7.8 billion people. Supplying food products to such a rapidly growing population is becoming an urgent issue in countries all over the world. The number of people living in hunger in the world has reached 864 million people. It can be seen that as the number of people increases, a number of problems arise in providing food products and increasing their income. [7]
A number of measures to increase the income of rural residents are being implemented in all countries of the world. At the same time, in the Republic of Uzbekistan, practical work is being carried out to
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
increase the income of the population and reduce the level of poverty. Therefore, in the "New Development Strategy of Uzbekistan" for 2022-2026 put forward by the President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev, it was emphasized that the income of agricultural workers should be doubled. [1]
In the first years of independence in our republic, the indicators of the population's income were at a low level. One of the main reasons for this is the views left over from the former Soviet system and the planned market economy system.
The following table shows the share of GDP per capita[8] of CIS countries and some countries of our continent between 1995 and 2018.
Table 3
GDP per capita, in US dollars Countries 1995- 2019- growth, Countries 1995- 2019- growth, year year times year year times
China 610 10217 16.7 Moldova 477 4494 9.4
Azerbaijan 397 4805 12.1 Mongolia 632 4340 6.9
Vietnam 277 2715 9.8 India 374 2100 5.6
Armenia 456 4623 10.1 Belarus 1371 6839 4.9
Lithuania 2169 19555 9.1 Russia 2666 11498 4.3
Georgia 578 4698 8.1 Tajikistan 214 891 4.1
Latvia 2322 17794 7.7 Kyrgyzstan 364 1374 3.7
Kazakhstan 1288 9812 7.6 Ukraine 936 3663 3.9
Estonia 3131 23717 7.6 Uzbekistan 586 1719 2.9
Source: State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan The first column of the table shows countries[2], the second column shows GDP per capita in 1995, the third column shows GDP per capita in 2019, and the fourth column shows how many It is reflected that the double growth was observed. Through this table, we can see the economic performance of the countries in 25 years. During the above years, Uzbekistan is among the countries with the lowest results. One of the main reasons for this is the low income of the population, the low level of employment, the high level of inflation and the lack of scientific and technical progress and innovation in the production process in order to increase intensive efficiency.
In order to reduce the above shortcomings, the country has set itself the goal of
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
halving the poverty level by 2026, increasing the country's export volume to 30 billion US dollars, and increasing the private sector's export volume to 60%. [1]
In order to reduce the level of poverty in the Republic of Uzbekistan, a lot of work has been done. In particular, lists such as "Iron Book", "Women's Book" and "Youth Book" have been created, and subsidies and low-interest loans are given to the rural population in need of social protection. At the heart of such actions, it is envisaged to reduce the level of poverty in the country and increase the income of the population by engaging the residents of rural areas in private and individual business activities.
The table below shows the percentage of the country's poor population in the total population[8] by year.
Table 4
Share of poor population in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in %
Indicator name 2001 2005 2010 2015 2020
Proportion of poor 27.5 25.8 17.7 12.8 11.5
Source: State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan
In 2001, 27.5% of the poor population was in the country, and in 2005, this figure decreased to almost 3%. In 2010, the poor accounted for 17.7 percent of the country's population, and in 2015, due to deep reforms in the country, this figure decreased to 5 percent. In 2020, the poor made up 11.5 percent of the country's population. From the results, we can see that the poverty rate has decreased by 16 percent compared to 2000. Such figures indicate that the income of the population has increased significantly and economic relations have improved in the country for 20 years.
Below we can see the total income per capita[8] by regions.In order to exclude the influence of price factors, one of the main types of inflation indicators - the consumer price index (INI) - was used in the calculation of the real growth rates of the population's income.
In 2020, the average total income per capita in the city of Tashkent (25545.3thousand soms) and Navoi (19938.7 thousand soums),
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
Table 5
Total income per capita by region, thousand soums
Areas 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Republic of 96.4 371.8 2192.8 5410.6 12125.6
Karakalpakstan 60.6 203.2 1498.9 3908 9437.4
Andijan 111.2 328, 6 1838. 1 4835 10765.7
Bukhara 87.6 342 4 2524 4 6411.6 14680.8
Jizzakh 54.2 216 8 1810. 7 4809.6 10935.9
Kashkadarya 72.4 270 8 1896. 4 4642.7 10203.9
Navoi 117.17 540, 8 3881. 6 8761.4 19938.7
Namangan 65.3 242 4 1566. 7 4113.2 9267.5
Samarkand 74.4 247 2029 4631 10529.1
Surkhandarya 66.2 274 1718.4 4560.8 9748.4
Syr Darya 75.2 277.2 2215.1 5813, 9 10935.4
Tashkent 91.2 363.6 2433.3 6123, 7 13130
Ferghana 105.5 309.9 1723 4418 3 8858.9
Khorezm 73.6 258.8 2105.3 5052 2 12276.8
Tashkent sh. 244.3
1269.9 4505.9 10614.4 25545.3
Source: State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara (14680.8thousand soums), Tashkent (13130thousand soums) high results were recorded in the regions. The main reasons for this are the high income of the population of the region, the large share of income from labor (salaried employees and income from self-employment) in the total income of the population, the large number of industrial and free economic zones in the region, and the high level of urbanization. remains one.
In the same year by the value of average total income per capita Ferghana(8858.9thousand soums), Namangan(9267.5thousand soums) and Surkhandarya(9748.4thousand soums) regions recorded a low rate. One of the main
May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
reasons for this is the large population1, low level of urbanization and low income of rural residents.
In order to study the conditions that should be created for researchers to ensure self-employment of rural residents, in 2020 in 4 districts of Samarkand region (Ishtikhan, Nurabad, Payariq, Koshrabot) according to the results of a public survey, to the question "What are the obstacles for you to engage in entrepreneurial activities?" "problems in selling products" (15%), "difficulties in purchasing new equipment" (10%). [4] Therefore,
Conclusions. As stated in the introduction of the article, the main goal of the research is to develop practical suggestions for reducing the level of poverty by increasing the income of the population of rural areas of Uzbekistan. For this purpose, the questionnaire received from the public by other researchers related to the field was also used. As a result, providing employment in rural areas became important. For this purpose, it is necessary to deliver infrastructures to peripheral areas, i.e., non-urbanized areas, and to build production facilities, i.e., factories and enterprises there. It was shown that it is necessary to increase the share of income from labor in the population income of rural areas.
It is considered possible to improve the living standards of poor people living in rural areas not only by increasing the share of agriculture in the country's gross domestic product, but also by developing this sector.
Also, introduction of subsidies and low-interest loans to the residents of rural areas to start their own business activities, and to provide them with sufficient instructions from experts to start their own business and business activities. necessity was studied.
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4. Saidmurodov M. Issues of entrepreneurship development in increasing the income of the population in agriculture. Mejdurodnaya conference akademicheskikh
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May 12-13
Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University Theoretical and practical foundations of introducing smart agriculture in Uzbekistan
O'zbekistonda aqlli qishloq xojaligini joriy etishning nazariy va amaliy asoslari
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May 12-13