Научная статья на тему 'Banach lattices of continuous sections'

Banach lattices of continuous sections Текст научной статьи по специальности «Математика»

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Аннотация научной статьи по математике, автор научной работы — Kusraev Anatoly G., Tabuev Soslan N.

The aim of this note is to outline some application of ample continuous Banach bundles to the theory of Banach lattices.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Banach lattices of continuous sections»

Владикавказский математический журнал 2012, Том 14, Выпуск 4, С. 41-44

УДК 512.555+517.982


The aim of this note is to outline some application of ample continuous Banach bundles to the theory of

Banach lattices.

Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 06F25, 46A40.

Key words: Banach lattice, continuous Banach bundle, section, injective Banach lattice.

1. Introduction

The study of Banach lattices in terms of sections of continuous Banach bundles has been started by Giertz [1, 2]. Later Gutman create the theory of ample (or complete) continuous Banach bundles [3] and measurable Banach bundles admitting lifting [4]. A portion of the Gutman's theory was specified in the case of bundles of measurable Banach lattices by Ganiev [5] and Kusraev [6]. The aim of this short note is to outline some additional possibilities of applying ample Banach bundles to the theory of Banach lattices. Recall some definitions.

A bundle of Banach lattices over a set Q is a mapping X defined on Q and sending every point q £ Q to a Banach lattice X(q) := (X(q), || ■ ||q). Each space X(q) of a bundle X is called its stalk over q. A mapping u defined on a nonempty subset D С Q is called a section over D, if u(q) £ X(q) for every q £ D. A section over Q is called global. If Q is endowed with some topology we call sections over comeager subsets of Q almost global.

Let S(Q, X) stands for the set of all global sections of X, endowed with the structure of a vector lattice by letting u ^ v ^^ u(q) ^ v(q) (Vq £ Q), and (au+ev)(q) = au(q) + ev)(q) (q £ Q), where a, в £ R and u, v £ S(Q, X). For each section u £ S(Q, X) we define its point-wise norm by |||u||| : q ^ ||u(q)||x(q) (q £ Q). A set of sections U С S(Q, X) is called stalk-wise dense in X if the set {u(q) : u £ U} is dense in X(q) for every q £ Q.

2. Continuous bundles of Banach lattices

Let Q be a topological space and X be a bundle of Banach lattices over Q. A set of global sections C С S(Q, X) is called a continuity structure on X, if it satisfy the conditions:

(a) C is a vector lattice, i. e. ac1 + вс2 £ C, |c| £ C for all a, в £ R and c1; c2 £ C;

(b) the point-wise norm |||c||| : Q ^ R is continuous for every c £ C;

(c) C is stalk-wise dense in X.

If C is a continuity structure on X then the pair (X, C) is called a continuous bundle of Banach lattices over Q. More details see in [3] and [7]. Below (X, C) stands for a continuous bundle of Banach lattices over Q. We say that a section u £ S(D, X) over D С Q is C-continuous at the point q £ D if the function ||| u — c 11| is continuous at q for every c £ C .A section u £ S(D, X) is C-continuous if it is C-continuous at every q £ D.

© 2012 Kusraev A. G., Tabuev S. N.

1 The study was supported by The Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation, project 8210; by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 12-01-00623-a.

Lemma. Let (X, C) be a continuous bundle of Banach lattices over Q. The set of all C-continuous sections over D c Q is a vector lattice.

< It is obvious that the set of all C-continuous sections is a vector space. Ensure that if a section u is C-continuous then so is |u| : q ^ |u(q)| (q G D). It is sufficient to prove that the function ||||u| — c||| : Q ^ R is continuous at an arbitrary q G D, for every c G C. Put A := || |u|(q) — c(q)||. We have to prove that, given q G D and e > 0, one can choose a neighborhood U of q such that A — e < || |u|(p) — c(p)|| < A + e for every p G U.

Select a section v G C satisfying ||u(q) — v(q)|| < e/2. Observe that || |u|(q) — |v|(q)|| ^ ||u(q) — v(q)|| < e/2. Taking into consideration the continuity of the function ||| |v| — c||| and the estimate || |v|(q) — c(q)|| ^ || |u|(q) — c(q)|| + || |u|(q) — |v|(q)|| < A + e/2 we can find a neighborhood Ui of q with || |v|(p) — c(p)|| < e/2 for all p G Ui.

Similarly, the estimate || |v|(q) — c(q)|| ^ |||u|(q) — c(q)|| — || |u|(q) — |v|(q)|| ^ A — e/2 implies that || |v|(p) — c(p)|| ^ A — e/2 (p G U2) for some neighborhood U2 of q. Now, for all p G U := U1 n U2 we can easily deduce

A — e = (A — e/2) — e/2 < || |v|(p) — c(p)|| — || |u|(p) — |v|(p)| < || |u|(p) — c(p)||, || |u|(p) — c(p)|| < || |v|(p) — c(p)|| + || |u|(p) — |v|(p)| < (A + e/2) + e/2 = A + e. >

3. Banach lattices of sections

Suppose that Q is a nonempty Stonean space (= extremally disconnected and compact Hausdorff space). Consider a continuous Banach bundle X over Q. If u is an almost global section of the bundle X then the function q ^ ||u(q)||q is defined and continuous on a comeager set dom(u) c Q. Consequently, there exists a unique function |u| G C^(Q) such that |u|(q) = ||u(q)||q (q G dom(u)).

In the set of almost global sections M(Q, X) we can define an equivalence relation by letting u ~ v if u(q) = v(q) whenever q G dom(u) n dom(v). Then equivalent u and v we have |u| = |v|; therefore, we may define |u| := |u|, where u is the coset of the almost global section u. Denote by C^(Q, X) the quotient space M(Q, X)/

In each coset u, there exists a unique section u G u such that dom(v) c dom(u) for all v G u. The section u is called extended. The space C^(Q, X) can be represented also as the space of all extended almost global sections of the bundle X, see [3]. The set C^(Q, X) can be naturally equipped with the structure of lattice-normed lattice. For instance, the element u+u is defined as the coset of the almost global section q ^ u(q)+v(q) (q G dom(u)ndom(v)). If E is an order ideal in C^(Q) then we assign E(X) := {u G C^(Q, X) : |u| G E}.

Recall that a Banach-Kantorovich space over a Dedekind complete vector lattice E is a vector space X with a decomposable norm |-| : X ^ E+ which is norm complete with respect to order convergence in E. Decomposability means that, given e1 ,e2 G E+ and x G X with |x| = e1 + e2, there exist x1 ,x2 G X such that x = x1 + x2 and |x&| = ek (k := 1,2). If a Banach-Kantorovich space is in addition a vector lattice with monotone norm then it's called a Banach-Kantorovich lattice. A Banach-Kantorovich lattice X can be endowed with a scalar norm x ^ |||-||| := ||H||e, whenever E is a Banach lattice. The following result see in

[3, 7].

Theorem 1. Let X be a continuous bundle of Banach lattices over a Stonean space Q. ThenC^(Q, X) is a Banach-Kantorovich latticeover C^(Q). If E is an order ideal in C^(Q) then (E(X), |-|) is a Banach-Kantorovich lattice over E. If, in addition, E is Banach lattice, then (E(X), |||-|||) is a Banach lattice.

Banach lattices of continuous sections


< We need only to put together the 'Banach part', given in [3] and [7, Theorem 2.4.7], and the above Lemma. >

Theorem 2. Every Banach-Kantorovich lattice X over an order dense ideal E c C^(Q) is isometrically lattice isomorphic to E(X) for some complete continuous bundle X of Banach lattices over Q. Moreover, such a bundle X is unique to within isometrically lattice isomorphism.

< The 'Banach part' follows again from [3] (see also [7, 2.4.10]). The rest is easily deduced on using the above Lemma. >

Let Q be the Stone space of the Boolean algebra B(fi) and t : fi ^ Q is the canonical immersion of fi into Q corresponding to a fixed lifting t of L^(fi). Let Y be a complete continuous bundle of Banach lattices over Q and X = Y ot. If C is a continuous structure in Y, then the set C o t is a measurability structure in X. The composite v o t is a measurable section of X for every v G C^(Q, Y), see [2, 1.2.7, 1.4.9, 2.5.8]. Let C(Q, X) stands for the set of all global continuous sections of X. The following result may be considered as a bridge between continuous and measurable bundles of Banach lattices.

Theorem 3. Let (fi, X, be a measurable space with the direct sum property. The mapping v ^ (v o t)~ is isometric lattice isomorphism of Banach-Kantorovich lattices C^>(Q, Y) and L0(fi, X), associated with the isomorphism (e ^ (e o t)~) : C^(Q) ^ L0(fi). The image of C(Q, Y) under this isomorphism is L^(fi, X).

< The 'Banach part' can be found in [4] (see also [2, 2.5.9]). The remaining is obvious. >

Remark 1. The theory of ample continuous bundles of Banach lattices is parallel to that of liftable Banach bundles presented in [6]. In particular, the results from [6, Theorems 2.9, 2.10, 3.3] have their counterparts for ample continuous bundles of Banach lattices.

4. Representation of injective Banach lattices

A real Banach lattice X is said to be injective if, for every Banach lattice Y, every closed vector sublattice Y0 c Y, and every positive linear operator T0 : Y0 ^ X there exists a positive linear extension T : Y ^ X with ||T01| = ||T||. This concept was introduced by Lotz [8]. Important contributions are due to Cartwright [9] and Haydon [10]. A new source of insight into the structure of injectives is a Boolean-valued approach, see [11, 12].

A band projection n in a Banach lattice X is said to be an M-projection if ||x|| = max{||nx||, x||} for all x G X, where := IX — n. The collection of all M-projections forms a subalgebra M(X) of the Boolean algebra of all band projections P(X) in X. The closed f-subalgebra in the center Z(X) generated by M(X) is denoted by Zm(X).

A positive operator T : X ^ F is said to have the Levi property if T(X= F and sup xa exists in X for every increasing net (xa) c X+, provided that the net (Txa) is order bounded in F. A Maharam operator is an order continuous order intervals preserving (= T([0,x]) = [0,Tx] for all x G X+) operator. An operator T : X ^ Y is called lattice B-isometry, if it is a lattice isometry and b o T = T o b for all b G B.

Theorem 4. If $ is a strictly positive Maharam operator with the Levi property taking values in a Dedekind complete AM-space A with unit and |||x||| = ||$(|x|)|^ (x G L1($)), then (L1 ($), |||-|||) is an injective Banach lattice with M(L1 ($)) = P(A). Conversely, any injective Banach lattice X is lattice B-isometric to (L1($), |||-|||) for some strictly positive Maharam operator $ with the Levi property taking values in a Dedekind complete AM-space A with unit, where B = M(L1($)) = P(A).

< See [12]; details can be found in [11]. >

Theorem 5. Every injective Banach lattice X with Л = Zm(X) = C(Q) and B := Р(Л) is lattice B-isometric to Л(Х) for some complete continuous bundle X of Banach lattices over Q such that all stalks X(q) (q G Q) are AL-spaces. Moreover, such a bundle X is unique to within isometrically lattice isomorphism.

< The proof consists of a combination of the representation Theorems 2 and 4. > Remark 2. This result was proved essentially by Gierz [1, 2] and Haydon [10]. The above

approach enables us to settle also the uniqueness problem.


1. Gierz G. Darstellung von Banachverbünden durch Schnitte in Bündeln // Mitt. Math. Sem. Univ. Giessen.-1977.-Vol. 125.

2. Gierz G. Bundles of Topological Vector Spaces and Their Duality.—Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag, 1982.

3. Gutman A. E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. I. Continuous Banach bundles // Siberian Adv. Math.—1993.—Vol. 3, № 3.—P. 1-55.

4. Gutman A. E. Banach bundles in the theory of lattice-normed spaces. II. Measurable Banach bundles // Siberian Adv. Math.—1993.—Vol. 3, № 4.—P. 8-40.

5. Ganiev I. G. Measurable bundles of lattices and their applications // Studies on functional analysis and its applications.—Moscow: Nauka, 2006.—P. 9-49.

6. Kusraev A. G. Measurable bundles of Banach lattices // Positivity.—2010.—Vol. 14.—P. 785-799.

7. Kusraev A. G. Dominated Operators.—Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2000.—446 p.

8. Lotz H. P. Extensions and liftings of positive linear mappings on Banach lattices // Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.—1975.—Vol. 211.—P. 85-100.

9. Cartwright D. I. Extension of positive operators between Banach lattices // Memoirs Amer. Math. Soc.—1975.—Vol. 164.—P. 1-48.

10. Haydon R. Injective Banach lattices // Math. Z.—1977.—Vol. 156.—P. 19-47.

11. Kusraev A. G. Boolean Valued Analysis Approach to Injective Banach Lattices.—Vladikavkaz: Southern Math. Inst. VSC RAS, 2011.—28 p.—(Preprint № 1).

12. Kusraev A. G. Boolean-valued analysis and injective Banach lattices // Doklady Ross. Akad. Nauk.— 2012.—Vol. 444, № 2.—P. 143-145; Engl. transl.: Doklady Mathematics.—2012.—Vol. 85, № 3.—P. 341343.

Received Desember 9, 2012.

änatoly g. kusraev Southern Mathematical Institute Vladikavkaz Science Center of the RAS, Director Russia, 362027, Vladikavkaz, Markus street, 22 E-mail: [email protected]

soslan n. tabuev

Southern Mathematical Institute

Vladikavkaz Science Center of the RAS, Researcher

Russia, 362027, Vladikavkaz, Markus street, 22

E-mail: [email protected]


Заметка представляет собой набросок некоторых приложений просторных банаховых расслоений к теории банаховых решеток.

Ключевые слова: банахова решетка, непрерывное банахово расслоение, сечение, инъективная банахова решетка.

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