УДК 81 373.423=111
DOI: 10.15593/2224-9389/2020.4.3
I.A. Anashkina, I.I. Konkova
Получена: 13.09.2020 Принята: 03.10.2020 Опубликована: 20.01.2021
Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation
This article analyzes the lexical means of the English language performing axiological function in the combination with such discursive indexes as anthroponyms, eponyms, toponyms, terms, and terminological word-combinations. These indexes were divided into two groups: anthropotoponymic and terminological ones. The authors have chosen 44 discursive selections from the English scientific and technical discourse using the method of continuous sampling. These selections have both discursive indexes and lexemes with positive evaluation. The research material includes scientific articles and monographs on nanotechnologies and fiber optic technology. The review of the native and foreign works on axiology and evaluation category is performed in the article. The fact that the axiological approach to the language phenomena is still important is stressed due to the anthropocentric research angle birth that has provided special attention revival to the evaluation category. The concern in evaluation has resulted in linguistic axiology (lingvoaxiology) appearing as a new branch of science. The evaluation is vividly expressed by lexical and grammatical means. It has been found out that such means are used jointly with the discursive indexes mentioned above (anthroponyms, eponyms, toponyms, terms and terminological word-combinations). Each index has been throughly examined according to the axiological function performed. The English scientific and technical discourse is characterized by evaluation that shows someone's attitude to a scientific discovery, a researcher or a group of them. The analysis has determined the frequency of the axiological function in such discursive indexes as anthroponyms, eponyms, toponyms, terms and terminological word-combinations. All of the indexes perform it almost equally. The only exception is toponyms that is explained by the rare evaluation of the further invention territory use.
Ключевые слова: evaluation category, axiology, anthroponym, eponym, toponym, term, terminological word-combination.
PNRPU Linguistics and Pedagogy Bulletin No. 4 2020
МГУ им. Н.П. Огарева, Саранск, Республика Мордовия, Российская Федерация
И.А. Анашкина, И.И. Конькова
Received: 13.09.2020 Accepted: 03.10.2020 Published: 20.01.2021
Анализируется аксиологическая функция таких дискурсивных маркеров в научно-техническом дискурсе, как антропонимы, эпонимы, топонимы, термины и терминологические словосочетания. Указанные маркеры были разделены на две группы: антропотопонимическую и терминологическую. Методом сплошной выборки из текстов англоязычного научно-технического дискурса были выделены 44 дискурсивных фрагмента, содержащих указанные маркеры. Материалом исследования послужили научные статьи и монографии, посвященные нанотехнологиям и оптоволоконной технике. В статье представлен обзор отечественных и зарубежных научных работ по аксиологии и категории оценки. Отмечается, что аксиологический ракурс рассмотрения языковых явлений сохраняет актуальность, поскольку с появлением антропоцентрического подхода произошло возрождение особого внимания к этой категории. Интерес к вопросу оценки послужил основанием для выделения отдельной науки - лингвистической аксиологии (лингвоаксиологии). Наиболее ярко оценка выражается посредством использования лексическо-грамматических средств. В ходе анализа было установлено, что эти средства употребляются в текстах научно-технического дискурса совместно с вышеотмеченными дискурсивными маркерами: антропонимами, эпонимами, топонимами, терминами и терминологическими словосочетаниями. Подробно был рассмотрен каждый из них с точки зрения реализации им аксиологической функции. Научно-технический дискурс, тем не менее, характеризуется оценочностью, которая связана с выражением отношения к научному открытию, отдельно взятому ученому или коллективу исследователей. В ходе исследования статистически было установлено, что аксиологическая функция находит примерно равное выражение в анализируемых маркерах, таких как антропоним, эпоним, топоним, термин и терминологическое словосочетание. Исключение составляют топонимы, что связано с нечастой оценкой последующего территориального применения изобретения.
Keywords: категория оценки, аксиология, антропоним, эпоним, топоним, термин, терминологическое словосочетание.
Axiological angle of the language phenomena study provides its originality. Due to the modern scientific anthropocentrism, the revival of the evaluation category consideration takes place that makes the relevance of the study. The aim of the article is to determine such lexical means of the English scientific and technical discourse that express evaluation.
Evaluation category in science
The modern stage of scientific knowledge development is characterized by the appeal revival to a man and his problems. Anthropological tendencies reinforcement provides the interest rebirth to the evaluation category [1, c. 89]. In
Literature analysis
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the overseas science the concern of axiology is marked by stability (P. Caws [2], R.S. Hartmann [3], A. Heller [4]) while Russian researchers demonstrated their appeal to this sphere only in the end of 1980s. The concept "evaluation" is fundamental in philosophy being an essential aspect of gnoceology and scientific research methodology. V.V. Grechanyi, studying the philosophical aspect of this category, noted that "broadly speaking the concept of evaluation is similar to the concept of significancy as it interpreted in pragmatics (the branch of semiotics). In this case it denotes those properties of phenomena that make not only a cognitive object but also an object of subjective (relating to a subject) feeling, motive, wish, targeting, aspiration (rejection) and so on" [5, c. 122].
I.R. Gal'perin points out that the most informative texts are described by high estetic valve [6, c. 27]. One of the most wide-known academic papers devoted to evaluation is the monograph written by E.M. Vol'f. She defines evaluation as "one of the mode types described by subjective factor existence [7, c. 11]. N.D. Arutiunova notes "evaluation anthropocentricity" supposing that "evaluation nature reacts to human one that means that people estimate what they need" [8, c. 73].
Axiology and lingvoaxiology
Axiology issues have been studied by a plenty of researchers. Some of them offer to separate linguistic axiology as an independent branch of science (N.D. Arutiunova [8], E.M. Vol'f [7], A.A. Ivin [9], S.G. Pavlov [10], E.F. Serebrennikova [11]). According to S.G. Pavlov, the object of the mentioned above science is an entirety "language-sence-society-culture-man" [10, c. 58].
The central concept of lingvoaxiology is evaluation. V.V. Kvashina defines it as "socially stable and fixed in language units semantics positive or negative, explicit or implicit subject relation to reality objects; a component possible to be singled out in a complex interrelation of an evaluation subject and its object" [12, c. 183]. The most essential works in lingvoaxiology development were written by V.I. Karasik [13]. The first interpretation attempt of the linguistic world-image evaluation component and cultural dominants theoretical program description was done in the Scientific Research Laboratory "Axiological linguistics" in Volgograd University. One more fundamental study in this sphere is a group monograph headed by E.F. Serebrennikova [11]. The linguists identify theoretical and methodological bases of the linguistic axiology on the material of the cross-cultural communication.
The research material of the article is the English scientific and technical discourse (monographs and articles devoted to nanotechnologies and fiber optic technology). The total amount of the analyzed material is 1400 pages. The following discursive indexes of an evaluation category are examined:
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anthroponyms, eponyms, toponyms, terms and terminological word-combinations. According to the authors of the article, these indexes make two structures: anthropotoponymic and terminological ones. All the mentioned above indexes were studied under the terms of axiological function performed along with the other units of lexical and grammatical sentence structure. 44 discursive selections were picked out by the method of continuous sampling. All the selections have lexical units expressing some evaluation degree. The examined discursive indexes (anthroponyms and so on) are the part of the whole properly arranged evaluation syntactic group. This group consists of a lexical unit and a discursive index jointly performing axiological function.
Antroponomy (from Greek "anthropos" - man and "onyma" - name) is a branch of onomastics, studying anthroponyms, patronyms, surnames, patronimics, nicknames, pseudonyms, cryptonyms and anthroponyms of the literary work [14]. T.V. Miaskovskaia and V.V. Semina have proposed the following classification: personal name (the name given at the birth), patronymic name (the name after your father, grandfather and so on), surname (family name), nickname, pseudonym (individual and group), cryptonym (a hidden name), anthroponyms formed from ethnicons (the names of natios) [15, c. 52]. It should be noticed that not all of the mentioned above types have been fixed in the discourse under the study. This is explained by its chastity and officialism. "Name", "surname", "initials + surname", "name + surname", "name + numeral", "name + middle name + surname" and "position (degree) + name (initials) + surname" have been discovered in the discourse.
Ex. 1. "The conservation of coherence properties was also successfully employed by Solobayashi et al. to create a 3.24 Tb/s WDM source of carrier-suppressed return-tozero (CS-RZ) pulses" [16, p. 129]. In Ex. 1 the authors stress the successful use of coherence properties conservation phenomenon for the certain optic fiber form production. This achievement is credited to the group of researchers. Positive evaluation is provided by the adverb "successfully" derived from the adjective "successful" with the following meaning "achieving what you wanted, or having the effect or result you intended" [17, p. 1762].
Ex. 2. "Linn F. Mollenauer and collaborators succeeded in 1980 to experimentally demonstrate the existence of fiber solitons" [18, p. 180]. Due to the work of Linn F. Mollenauer and his colleagues, fiber solitons existence was proved. A soliton is a structurally stable single wave. The evaluation of the research done is expressed by the verb "succeed" meaning to "to turn out well" used in Past Indefinite [19].
The works of E.V. Varnavskaia [20], D. Minkova and R. Stockwell [21] as well as of many others are devoted to the study of eponyms. According to
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E.V. Varnavskaya, eponimy is "a nomination of things and events after real and mythic characters widely used while nominating geographic features, rewards, film companies and industrial groups" [20, c. 9]. One more definition was provided by D. Minkova and R. Stockwell: "These are new words based on names (epi- 'upon' onym 'name')" [21, p. 19]. The analysis of the discourse made it possible to initiate the following classification of eponymic models: N (Noun), Anthr. + N (Anthroponym + Noun), Anthr. + Anthr. + N (Anthroponym + Anthroponym + Noun), Anthr.suf. + N (Anthroponym with a suffix + Noun), Anthr.'s + N (Anthroponym in the possessive case), eponyms-units of measure and eponyms-abbreviations. In this article an eponym is considered as a combination of a proper (Anthroponym) and a common names.
Ex. 3. "Cryptographers using public-key cryptography have to make the assumption that advances in mathematics and computing will not dramatically change the ability of an attacker to compute these difficult problems. This issue has received a great deal of attention recently because of Shor's discovery of high-speed factoriza- tion algorithm for quantum computers" [22, p. 348]. According to the example, cryptographers have to accept the fact that none of mathematics and computing success are able to influence on the attackers' ability to deal with possible difficulties. The authors express evaluation by using the following lexical structure "this issue has received a great deal of attention recently". The positive evaluation is provided by the adjective "great" meaning "very large in amount or degree" [17, p. 766]. The described interest was kindled by Shor's discovery made by the scientist in 1994. In other words, this is a factorisation [23].
Toponyms have been thoroughly studied by A.V. Superanskaia [24], L.V. Uspenskii [25], R. Coats [26], M. Gelling [27], C. Smith [28] and the others. Toponyms are defined as names of geographic features. Many classifications of toponyms have been proposed, but in this research only two of them have proved appropriate. One of them is based on the morphologic structure [29], the second one correlates with the type of the denoted geographic features [24]. According to the morphologic structure, O.A. Leonovich divides toponyms into four groups: "simple toponyms" (one base morpheme), "secondary toponyms" (one base morpheme + suffix), "complex toponyms" (two base morphemes) and "composite toponyms" (two and more words) [29, p. 66]. A.V. Superanskaia offered a division based on the type of the denoted geographic features. They are hydronyms (water object names), oronyms (mountains names), placenames (cities names), urbanonyms (intra-city objects names), macrotoponyms (the names of big geographic features such as countries and so on) and microtoponyms (small undeveloped lands) [24].
Ex. 4. "The USA has the largest domestic telecommunications market worldwide" [18, p. 116]. By means of the adjective "large" used in the superlative form
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the range evaluation of the domestic telecommunication market in the USA is provided. The adjective is interpreted as "big in size, amount, or number" [17, p. 979].
Terms and terminological word-combinations
Any scientific and technical text is full of terms. There had been a critical problem of the defining such a concept as "term" until the middle of 1970s. Later the language scholars came to the unified conclusion that terms are "words and word combinations connected to the concept related to any field of knowledge and activity" [30, c. 24]. Nowadays terminological word combinations prevail in the texts of scientific and technical discourse due to the science acceleration and the growth of the scientific knowledge. A terminological word combination is "a se-mantically integral combination formed by joining two, three or more components related to a certain science and engineering concept [31, c. 5]. Terminological word combinations can be two-component, three-component and complex ones. Moreover, the components bond character varies. Such parts of speech as nouns (N), adjectives (Adj.), verbs (V), prepositions (prep.), numerals (Num.) and adverbs (Adv.) can act as constituent parts of terminological word combinations.
Ex. 5. "The preparation of white-light emitting materials has developed rapidly in recent years due to their application in full color displays and illumination sources" [32, p. 497]. The evaluation of the white-light emitting materials development degree is described in the example. It is marked out that their production has been modernised quickly within the last few years thanks to full color displays and illumination sources use. The authors show their evaluation due to the phrase "has developed rapidly" formed by the verb used in Present Perfect Tense (this construction allows to express the result of an action) and an adverb with positive semantics meaning "very quickly and in a very short time" [17, p. 1439]. The authors use both lexical and grammatical means to express evaluation.
Ex. 6. "Pressurization is a well-developed active way to control the hole sizes in the fabrication of photonic crystal fibers" [33, p. 142]. The importance of the hole size control in photonic crystal fiber fabrication is emphasized in the example. It is noted that the most effective way of achieving this is pressurization (the increasing of the pressure in the system). The mentioned above method is positively evaluated due to the complex adjective use (well-developed). Its second component is interpreted as "better, larger or more advanced than others" [17, p. 462]. The authors pay emphasis on the described above method so they use a complex adjective that first component is the adverb "well" meaning "in a successful or satisfactory way" [17, p. 1990].
Having considered the axiological function of the discursive indexes in the English scientific and technical discourse, the authors of this article came to the following conclusions:
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1. The author's evaluation fills various discursive types as well as scientific and technical one described as official and strict in representation.
2. Lexical means is the most effective way to express evaluation. In the English scientific and technical discourse such means are lexical units (verbs, adjectives and adverbs) jointly used with the following discursive indexes: anthroponyms, eponyms and toponyms that make anthropotoponymic structures plus terms and terminological word-combinations making terminological structures (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Axiological function performing of the discursive indexes
3. As it shown in Graph 1, the axiological function is performed by all the analysed discursive indexes almost equally. Nevertheless, toponyms rarely deal with this function. This can be explained by the fact that evaluation is usually given to a scientific discovery or work done by a researcher or a group of them. The territory scale of the further invention application is seldom estimated.
Fig. 2. Frequency of the evaluation elements use in the scientific and technical discourse (classification according to parts of speech)
4. Such lexical units as verbs, adjectives and adverbs combined with the studied discursive indexes making anthropotoponymic and terminological structures of the English scientific and technical discourse perform an axiological function (Fig. 2). All the analysed examples have the authors' positive evaluation.
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5. As it shown in Fig. 2, the axiological function is usually performed jointly by discursive indexes and adjectives (45%). Verbs do this in 33% of all cases while adverbs in 22% of them. The reason of such a ratio is the main function of an adjective to determine a word. That helps researches accent merits of their foregoes and estimate the discovery made.
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PNRPU Linguistics and Pedagogy Bulletin No. 4 2020
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Сведения об авторах
АНАШКИНА Ирина Александровна
e-mail: [email protected]
Доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры английского языка для профессиональной коммуникации, Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарева (Саранск, Российская Федерация).
КОНЬКОВА Инна Игоревна
e-mail: [email protected]
Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка для профессиональной коммуникации, Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарева (Саранск, Российская Федерация).
About the authors
e-mail: [email protected]
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Chair of English Language For Professional Communication, Foreign Languages Department, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation)
e-mail: [email protected]
PhD in Philological sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of English Language For Professional Communication, Foreign Languages Department, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation)
PNRPU Linguistics and Pedagogy Bulletin No. 4 2020