Научная статья на тему 'Автомобильная дорога как источник негативного влияния на окружающую среду'

Автомобильная дорога как источник негативного влияния на окружающую среду Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Voronova Ye, Podgorna T.

The efficient application of the «Method of appraisal estimation and classification of potential ecologically unsafe highway sections» for estimating and grading of highway impacts on the environment has been analyzed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Автомобильная дорога как источник негативного влияния на окружающую среду»

UDK 504:625.711.1:502.5

HIGHWAY AS A SOURCE OF NEGATIVE IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENT Ye. Voronova, Associate Professor, T. Podgorna, magister, KhNAHU

Abstract. The efficient application of the «Method of appraisal estimation and classification ofpoten-tial ecologically unsafe highway sections» for estimating and grading of highway impacts on the environment has been analyzed.

Key words: highway, environment, pollution of natural environment.



E.M. Воронова, доцент, Т.В. Подгорная, магистрант, ХНАДУ

Аннотация. Проанализирована эффективность применения «Методики выявления, оценки и ранжирования потенциальных экологически опасных мест автомобильной дороги» для оценки влияния автомобильной дороги на окружающую среду.

Ключевые слова: автомобильная дорога, окружающая среда, загрязнение окружающей природной среды.


С.М. Воронова, доцент, Т.В. Подгорна, магктрант, ХНАДУ

Анотаця. Проаналiзована ефективтсть застосування «Методики виявлення, оцтки та ран-жування потенцШних екологiчно небезпечних мiсць автомобыьног дороги» для ощнки впливу автомобтьног дороги на навколишне середовище.

Ключов1 слова: автомобшьна дорога, навколишне середовище, забруднення навколишнього природного середовища.


The highway is an eguipped or adjusted strip of land that is used for vehicles' movement or the surface of an artificial construction. It's impossible to imagine the human's civilization without the automobile today. But the achievements of scientific- technical progress cause people not only good but also harm [1].

An intensive increase of automobile transport has led to traffic congestion caused by both private cars and lorries. It requires carrying out special measures that would enable to improve

the quality of road building as well as road pavement reconstruction.

Analysis of publications

One of the most urgent world's ecological problems for the last decades has been the increase of automobile emissions into the atmosphere by means of which heavy metals, polyaromatic carbohydrates, carbon oxide, nitrate, sulphur, soot and other toxic substances get into the atmosphere.

Moreover, the biotic circulation is disturbed, the health of the population is under threat, and one

of the important factors is also the impact of highways on flora and fauna, namely: external signs of plants damage, ruining of green plantations along the main roads, variety reduction; extinction of a number of species, arial.

Reduction and their numbers, structure simplification of species populations, the reduction and extinction of «Nuclears of populations» - land areas of species with extremely favorable conditions of existence and the downfall of wild animals in road accidents.

The pollution of natural environment is the penetration or emergence in it of non typical for it physical, chemical, biological agents, or the exceeding at a particular hour of natural average perennial level of concentrations of these agents in the environment [1,2].

Purposes and objectives of investigation

From the above stated it is clear that a highway is a significant factor of negative impact on the natural environment. Motorway M-03 Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskyi was selected as the object of the research at the road section running through residential settlement Pisochin district in Kharkiv region.

Highway is a significant factor of negative impact on the natural environment

This road section was given preference to because it is typical for motorway M-03 ( intersection of settlements at every 3,5 km ), it affects both natural and socio-economic conditions of the population's existence, besides the construction of the road pass the residential settlement is impossible [3].

The method of revelation, estimation and classification of potential ecologically unsafe highway sections was applied as the basic one for carrying out estimations [4].

The stationary state motor-vehicle Inspectorate post that is located in Pisochin residential area and at a distance of 500 m from it there is a two level junction was chosen for estimation carrying out as the abject of investigation.

The given method is based on the estimation of following indexes:

- atmosphere pollution-according to carbon monoxide content;

- pollution of the earth's surface by heavy metals - according to lead content;

- acoustic pollution - noise level;

- complex index of ecological safety.

At estimation of earth's surface pollution by heavy metals the concentration of lead in the soil constitutes about 79,5 mg/kg. Thus, the modal estimation of highway ecological safety is ecologically unsafe.

At estimation of acoustic pollution, the calculation level equivalent to the sound makes 84 dCB. Hence, the modal estimation of highway ecological safety is ecologically conditionally safe.

According to the estimation of the complex index of natural environment pollution at a road section, the researched section corresponds to ecologically unsafe, because according to gradation, the conformity index exeeds the acceptable value of the summarizing action of factors. The condition of natural environment is characterized as unsatisfactory.


The most effective way of this influence reduction is the elimination of negative factors' impact on the natural environment at highway exploitation at the most intensive source of their occurrence, namely automobile transport.

In order to solve the occurred problem there were offered some measures that will enable to reduce at maximum the influence of the highway on a given road section, on natural environment, namely:

- cancel the limitation of traffic flow speed movement which is a norm for residential settlements, and provide the traffic speed on the level of ICE optimal mode of work, as it is practised in European practise for highways that run through residential settlements;

- road pavement reconstruction for the purpose of providing a steady movement of automobile traffic with the application of ecologically safe road building materials;

- the application of fine - grained asphalt-concrete at reconstruction of the road coat upper layer that provides the lowest noice level -

68 dCB at transport flow movement with the offered speed;

- construction of noise preventing screens to reduce the noise loading. It is recommended to use a concrete fence 50 mm in width and 2 mm high as a noise protection screen that will provide noise reduction by 25-30 dCB as well as sanitary standards observing;

- in order to reduce the negative influence on biota it is recommended to: set up warning road sings against the possible emergence of wild animals ( wild boars, elks, deer ) on the highway, fences for wild animals, mirrors for frightening off wild animals at night time by means of the reflected light of vehicles' headlights.

In order to provide the safety of the population at the implementation of the given recommendations the following items are suggested:

- setting up of the dividing band;

- installation of 2 m high fences made of rabitz

- net along the highway to prevent pedastrians from getting onto the roadway;

- installation of safe road crossings above the highways as well as on the regulated by the traffic lights cross-roads.


1. Аксенов И. Я. Транспорт и охрана окру-

жающей среды / И. Я. Аксенов, В. И. Аксенов - М. : Транспорт, 1986. - 176 с.

2. Каншо П. М. Автомобшь та навколишне

середовище / П. М. Каншо, I. С. Бей, О. I. Ровенський. - Харюв : Прапор, 2000. - 304 с.

3. ДБН В.2.2-16:2007. Споруди транспорту.

Автомобшьш дороги. - К. : Мщепон-буд Украши, 2007. - 91 с.

4. М 218-02071168-416-2005. Методика ощн-

ки еколопчного впливу автомобшьно! дороги загального користування на навколишне середовище. - К. : Укравто-дор, 2007. - 52 с.

Рецензент: А. В. Гриценко, професор, д. геогр. н., ХНАДУ.

Стаття надшшла до редакци 28 грудня 2009 р.

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