Научная статья на тему 'Autonomous Technical Means — A Tool of a Transport Security Violator'

Autonomous Technical Means — A Tool of a Transport Security Violator Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
transport security / sea port / autonomous technical facility / транспортная безопасность / морской порт / автономное техническое сооружение

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Sokolov S. S., Gubernatorov O. N., Egorova E. K.

The concepts are considered: automation, autonomy, technical means. The definition of the concept of an autonomous technical means is given. Autonomous technical means are considered as technical means with the ability to perform certain actions without human intervention. Autonomous technical means were defined as products with various degree of endurance according to a predetermined function. The analysis of legal regulation in the field of creation, implementation, use of autonomous technical means is carried out. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to create new approaches to the legal regulation of this area. The possibilities that an autonomous technical means should have for their use as a transport safety violator have been determined. Autonomous technical means with remote control technology are subdivided by the type of communication channel (mechanical, wire, radio, ultrasonic, infrared). Autonomous technical means such as unmanned aerial vehicles, RC Sports Models & Toys and Special technical means are proposed to be considered as a potential threat to transport security. A brief overview of the allocated autonomous technical means is given, as well as a comparative analysis. The comparison was made according to such characteristics as average autonomous operation time, remoteness from the operator, remoteness from the object, availability of standard means of photo/video recording, availability of standard storage medium, feedback function, availability in the market, pricing. It is concluded that the UAV is a multipurpose vehicle that can be used both for collecting data and for influencing a transport infrastructure object (can be used to destroy (attack) any targets).

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Автономные технические средства — инструмент обнаружения нарушителя транспортной безопасности

Рассматриваются понятия: автоматизация, автономность, технические средства. Дано определение понятия автономного технического средства. Автономные технические средства рассматриваются как технические средства, обладающие способностью выполнять определенные действия без вмешательства человека. Автономные технические средства были определены как изделия с различной степенью долговечности в соответствии с заданной функцией. Проведен анализ правового регулирования в области создания, внедрения, использования автономных технических средств. Делается вывод о том, что существует острая необходимость в создании новых подходов к правовому регулированию данной сферы. Определены возможности, которыми должно обладать автономное техническое средство для их использования в качестве нарушителя транспортной безопасности. Автономные технические средства с технологией дистанционного управления подразделяются по типу канала связи (механический, проводной, радио, ультразвуковой, инфракрасный). Автономные технические средства, такие как беспилотные летательные аппараты, радиоуправляемые спортивные модели и игрушки, а также специальные технические средства, предлагается рассматривать как потенциальную угрозу транспортной безопасности. Дан краткий обзор существующих автономных технических средств, а также приведен их сравнительный анализ. Сравнение проводилось по таким характеристикам, как среднее время автономной работы, удаленность от оператора, удаленность от объекта, наличие стандартных средств фото/видеозаписи, наличие стандартного носителя информации, функция обратной связи, доступность на рынке, ценообразование. Сделан вывод, что БПЛА является многоцелевым транспортным средством, которое может использоваться как для сбора данных, так и для воздействия на объект транспортной инфраструктуры (может использоваться для уничтожения (атаки) любых целей).

Текст научной работы на тему «Autonomous Technical Means — A Tool of a Transport Security Violator»

DOI: 10.24412/2413-2527-2022-432-94-99

Autonomous Technical Means

A Tool of a Transport Security Violator

Grand PhD S. S. Sokolov, O. N. Gubernatorov, E. K. Egorova Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping Saint Petersburg, Russia [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. The concepts are considered: automation, autonomy, technical means. The definition of the concept of an autonomous technical means is given. Autonomous technical means are considered as technical means with the ability to perform certain actions without human intervention. Autonomous technical means were defined as products with various degree of endurance according to a predetermined function. The analysis of legal regulation in the field of creation, implementation, use of autonomous technical means is carried out. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to create new approaches to the legal regulation of this area. The possibilities that an autonomous technical means should have for their use as a transport safety violator have been determined. Autonomous technical means with remote control technology are subdivided by the type of communication channel (mechanical, wire, radio, ultrasonic, infrared). Autonomous technical means such as unmanned aerial vehicles, RC Sports Models & Toys and Special technical means are proposed to be considered as a potential threat to transport security. A brief overview of the allocated autonomous technical means is given, as well as a comparative analysis. The comparison was made according to such characteristics as average autonomous operation time, remoteness from the operator, remoteness from the object, availability of standard means of photo/video recording, availability of standard storage medium, feedback function, availability in the market, pricing. It is concluded that the UAV is a multipurpose vehicle that can be used both for collecting data and for influencing a transport infrastructure object (can be used to destroy (attack) any targets).

Keywords: transport security, sea port, autonomous technical facility.


The modern life may be defined as the time of the fourth technological revolution, which is due to the emergence and spreading of cyber-physical and artificial cognitive systems in the public life. Our time is characterized by omnipresent automation and, as a consequence, by the creation and dissemination of autonomous technical means. Such technical means have the ability to perform certain actions without human participation, and the degree of endurance has different gradation [1]. In this article the authors proposed to consider the possibility of using autonomous technical means as a tool for obtaining information in the context of transport safety at the transport infrastructure facility. This topic seems to be relevant due to the fact that should autonomous technical means be used by a pen-etrator for obtaining information about a transport infrastructure facility for the purposes of committing an act of unlawful interference, the risk of prosecution for such socially dangerous act shall be reduced.


Automation is the direction of scientific and technological progress, which uses self-regulating technical means and math-

ematical methods to exclude people from participation in various processes. Thus, a human shall be involved to a lesser extent if at all (still retaining full control). Expansion of automation results in the creation and deployment of autonomous technical means. Existing tentative legislative acts make no use of the concept of autonomous technical means. However, for the purposes of this study, it seems necessary to define the term «autonomous technical means». Let us define the term «autonomy» as a possession of autonomy, an independence from anything (in Kant's philosophy, the «autonomy» is a principle of independent existence following one's own senses and conscience [2]). Another source suggests that autonomy is a characteristic of highly organized systems, according to which the functioning and behavior of such systems is determined by their internal foundations, not prone to the influence of the external environment or other systems [3]. Technical means are structurally completed products designed to perform certain functions for end users [4]. Thus, let us elaborate the following definition.

Autonomous technical means are structurally completed products that perform certain functions for end users, the functioning and behavior of which shall be determined by internal foundations, not prone to the influence of the external environment or other systems. Of course, the degree of autonomy varies, and, undoubtedly, as a rule, in our generation the final decision is ultimately made by humans. However, as a child of scientific and technological progress, the automation does not stand still, and the pace of artificial intelligence development and expansion is quite impressive.


The statutory regulation of the deployment of autonomous technical means is just emerging. Given the fact that now the law is treating technical means only as (im)movable or intellectual property, one cannot deny the existence of a «gap» that needs to be filled, though it is not yet clear how. But nevertheless, where the latter decision is made by humans, the legal nature would remain unchanged. The study of D. L. Kruteynikov, O. A. Izhayev, V. A. Lebedev and S. S. Zenin «Regulation of Interaction of an Individual with Autonomous Technical Devices: Legal Regimes Discussion» suggested the following models of human-autonomous technical means [1]:

• interaction (actions of the autonomous technical means are under human control, or have no legal significance);

• coexistence (where autonomous technical means may become independent participants of social relations, and perform legally significant actions);

• integration (of autonomous technical means with a biological subject).

It may be concluded that there is a strong need for the creation of new approaches to the statutory regulation in this area.


In the context of transport security [5-8], let us turn our attention to autonomous technical means with the following characteristics that:

• exclude the need for the physical presence of the person who owns/operates such technical means;

• perform the function of real time photo-video recording;

• perform the function of photo-video recording and storage of the obtained data on the tangible medium (memory card).

Exclusion of human physical presence is a task that can be solved through the use of the following technologies [9]:

• remote control is a system of control signal transmission from the operator (using a transmitter - remote control device) to the technical means (receiver) located at a distance. Figure 1 presents the types of remote control systems by the communication channel types;

• autosteering system is a hardware and software complex, which is steering an object along a certain predetermined trajectory.

Fig. 1. Remote control classification

Within the context of the posed problem, hereinafter we will discuss autonomous technical means based on the radio remote control technology. Let us consider the following autonomous technical means:

• radio-controlled sports models and toys;

• special technical means;

• Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (hereinafter referred to as UAV).

Remote control sports models and toys

Two main concepts of radio-controlled sports models are available in the market:

• «toys» are a kind of cars or trucks such as advertised in cartoons and shown on television, usually sold in electronic appliances and toy stores;

• KIT is a kit for assembling a sports car or truck;

• RTR is a ready-to-run radio-controlled cars, available only in specialized hobby stores or distributed by companies via mail through online stores.

For the purposes of our study, let's analyze the KIT and RTR models that are positioned as radio-controlled vehicles.

Radio-controlled vehicles are divided into two groups according to the motor type: electrical motor driven and internal combustion engine driven. The model types are as follows [10]:

• highway vehicles: for driving exclusively on a level surface;

• drifting car models: for track driving in a controlled drift;

• off-road vehicle models: for driving rough terrain of various complexity;

• trophy car models: low speed passing obstacles on rough terrain;

• trial car models: overcoming obstacles.

Special technical means

special technical means are means, which are designed for surreptitious obtaining of information: instruments, systems, complexes, devices, special tools for entering into premises and other facilities, as well as software (SW) for computers and other electronic devices to get access to and/or obtain information from technical means for data storage, processing and/or communication, which are intentionally designed to provide the

function of surreptitious obtaining of information or unauthorized access to it without the knowledge of the owner thereof [11]. This area has not been described in open sources. However, from a news source, we managed to find a description of the Eyeball R1 device. Eyeball R1 is an autonomous and mobile video camera Eyeball R1, which is an armored ball. The ball may stabilize itself on the surface, and then start filming everything around it. The signal is transmitted via radio channel to the base station. The kit is a small case containing a mobile monitor with a control system, mounts and suspensions for different surfaces, a battery charger, and three balls: two have video cameras installed and the third one is a test ball. The size of the ball itself is comparable with a tennis ball, and its body is covered with a rubber shell [12].

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

UAV is an aircraft without a human pilot on board, and may have various degrees of autonomy: either under remote control of a human operator, or run an autonomous flight controlled by onboard computers or an autonomous robot [13].

Quite recently these aircrafts were used only for military purposes (to destroy aerial targets and gather intelligence) [14]. Nowadays, UAVs are widely deployed in civilian applications: surveillance, monitoring, business, public life, delivery services, etc.

Modern UAVs vary in characteristics. However, the basic principles underlying any UAV are:

• the ability to move independently in the air;

• the ability to maintain a predetermined altitude and flight velocity;

• the ability to carry additional payloads of different weight;

• the ability to mount additional equipment on the vehicle to capture data and transmit information to the operator in real time.

There are two types of drones by technical characteristics: airplane and helicopter types.

The aircraft models are based on the carrying planes/wings, which allow UAV have a high, long flight of a large radius. (Heli)copter-type UAVs are equipped with propellers. Depending on the number of propellers, UAVs are divided into:

• tricopter is equipped with 3 propellers;

• quadcopter has 4 propellers;

• hexacopter has 6 propellers;

• octocopter has 8 propellers.

copter type drones are characterized by the smoothness and stability of the flight. The devices are suitable for monitoring the territory and detailed analysis thereof [15].

Comparative analysis

Figure 2 shows a comparison of the above-described autonomous technical means.


Autonomous technical means were defined as products with various degree of endurance according to a predetermined function. Analysis of the statutory regulation revealed the urgent need to review the existing and/or create new enactments that would take into account the already created and deployed autonomous technical means. It was determined that UAVs have characteristics that allow them to be used as a tool for the illegal data acquisition. Furthermore, note that UAVs can also be used to destroy (attack) any targets. Consequently, UAVs are


Type Radio controlled sports models and toys Emergency equipment UAV

Average autonomous operation time, min 15 60 31

Remoteness from the operator, in 50 25000 6000

Remoteness from tlie object, m ■■ 150 --

Availability of standard means of photo/video recording - - -

Availability of standard storage medium - - -

Feedback function - - -

Availability ill tlie market - - -

Pricing, RUB '000' 5-200 up to 400 30-1000

Fig. 2. Autonomous technical means

multi-purpose means, which can be used both for data acquisition and to attack a transport infrastructure facility. Attention should also be paid to the fact that UAVs are technical means, which are impossible or rather difficult to detect without the use of automated systems. Thus, in the course of this study, the authors of this article have identified the following areas of further study:

• analysis of means and methods of automated detection of a penetrator at a transportation infrastructure facility;

• automated UAV detection.


1. Kuteynikov D. L., Izhaev O. A., Lebedev V. A., Zenin S. S. Regulirovanie vzaimodeystviya cheloveka s avtonomnymi tekhnicheskimi sredstvami: diskussiya o pravovykh rezhimakh [Regulation of Interaction of an Individual with Autonomous Technical Devices: Legal Regimes Discussion], Lex russica (Russkiy zakon) [LexRussica (The Russian Law)], 2019, No. 9, Pp. 85-95. DOI: 10.17803/1729-5920.2019.154.9.085-095. (In Russian)

2. Avtonomiya [Autonomy], Vikipediya [Wikipedia]. Last update October 26, 2021. Available at: http://ru.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Автономия (accessed 12 Nov 2021). (In Russian)

3. Sachkov Yu. V., Mozheyko M. A. Avtonomnost [Autonomy], Gumanitarnyy portal [Humanitarian Portal]. Available at: http://gtmarket.ru/concepts/7169 (accessed 12 Nov 2021). (In Russian)

4. GOST R 51317.6.5-2006. Sovmestimost tekhnicheskikh sredstv elektromagnitnaya. Ustoychivost k elektromagnitnym pomekham tekhnicheskikh sredstv, primenyaemykh na el-ektrostantsiyakh i podstantsiyakh. Trebovaniya i metody ispytaniy [Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of technical equipment intended for use in power stations and substations. Requirements and test methods]. Effective from July 01. 2007. Moscow, StandartInform Publishing House, 2007, 30 p. (In Russian)

5. Sokolov S. S., Saenko I. B., Mitrofanov M. A., et al. Analytical Modeling of Computer Attacks on Intelligent Transport Systems Based on the Transformation of Stochastic Networks. In: Kovalev S., et al. (eds.) Intelligent Information Technologies

for Industry (IITF'21): Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference Sirius, Russia, September 30-0ctober 04, 2021. Cham, Springer Nature, 2021, Pp. 489-498. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Vol. 330). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87178-9_49.

6. Ilchenko L. M., Sokolov S. S., Egorova K. V., et al. Analysis of the Main Types of Automated Information Systems in the Transport Sector, Functioning Mainly in Urban Agglomerations, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (El-ConRus), Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, January 26-28, 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, Pp. 401-406. DOI: 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396630.

7. Shipunov I. S., Nyrkov A. P., Ryabenkov M. U., et al. Investigation of Computer Incidents as an Important Component in the Security of Maritime Transportation, Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, January 26-29, 2021. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021, Pp. 657-660. DOI: 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396501.

8. Shipunov I. S., Nyrkov A. P., Kardakova M. V., et al. Information System for Monitoring and Analyzing the Technical Condition of Autonomous Vehicles, Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, January 27-30, 2020. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020, Pp. 497-500.

DOI: 10.1109/EIConRus49466.2020.9039181.

9. Nyrkov A. P., Glebov N. B. Novoselov R. O., et al. Databases Problems for Maritime Transport Industry on Platform Highload, Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS): Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 24-28, 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018, Pp. 132-135.

DOI: 10.1109/ITMQIS.2018.8525058.

10. Radioupravlyaemaya avtomodel [Radio-Controlled Car], Vikipediya [Wikipedia]. Last update November 01, 2018. Available at: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/PagHoynpaBna-eMaa_aBTOMoge^b (accessed 12 Nov 2021). (In Russian)

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14. Shipunov I. S., Voevodskiy K. S., Nyrkov A. P., et al. About the Problems of Ensuring Information Security on Unmanned Ships, Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, January 28-31, 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019, Pp. 339-343.

DOI: 10.1109/EIConRus.2019.8657219.

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DOI: 10.24412/2413-2527-2022-432-94-99

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Автономные технические средства — инструмент обнаружения нарушителя транспортной безопасности

д.т.н. С. С. Соколов, О. Н. Губернаторов, Е. К. Егорова Государственный университет морского и речного флота имени адмирала С. О. Макарова

Санкт-Петербург, Россия [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Аннотация. Рассматриваются понятия: автоматизация, автономность, технические средства. Дано определение понятия автономного технического средства. Автономные технические средства рассматриваются как технические средства, обладающие способностью выполнять определенные действия без вмешательства человека. Автономные технические средства были определены как изделия с различной степенью долговечности в соответствии с заданной функцией. Проведен анализ правового регулирования в области создания, внедрения, использования автономных технических средств. Делается вывод о том, что существует острая необходимость в создании новых подходов к правовому регулированию данной сферы. Определены возможности, которыми должно обладать автономное техническое средство для их использования в качестве нарушителя транспортной безопасности. Автономные технические средства с технологией дистанционного управления подразделяются по типу канала связи (механический, проводной, радио, ультразвуковой, инфракрасный). Автономные технические средства, такие как беспилотные летательные аппараты, радиоуправляемые спортивные модели и игрушки, а также специальные технические средства, предлагается рассматривать как потенциальную угрозу транспортной безопасности. Дан краткий обзор существующих автономных технических средств, а также приведен их сравнительный анализ. Сравнение проводилось по таким характеристикам, как среднее время автономной работы, удаленность от оператора, удаленность от объекта, наличие стандартных средств фото/видеозаписи, наличие стандартного носителя информации, функция обратной связи, доступность на рынке, ценообразование. Сделан вывод, что БПЛА является многоцелевым транспортным средством, которое может использоваться как для сбора данных, так и для воздействия на объект транспортной инфраструктуры (может использоваться для уничтожения (атаки) любых целей).

Ключевые слова: транспортная безопасность, морской порт, автономное техническое сооружение.


1. Регулирование взаимодействия человека с автономными техническими средствами: дискуссия о правовых режимах / Д. Л. Кутейников, О. А. Ижаев, В. А. Лебедев, С. С. Зенин // Lex russica (Русский закон). 2019. № 9. С. 85-95. DOI: 10.17803/1729-5920.2019.154.9.085-095.

2. Автономия // Википедия. Посл. обновл. 26.10.2021. URL: Шр://ги^ШреШа.о^^к^Автономия (дата обращения 12.11.2021).

3. Сачков, Ю. В. Автономность / Ю. В. Сачков, М. А. Мо-жейко // Гуманитарный портал. URL: http://gtmarket.ru/con-cepts/7169 (дата обращения 12.11.2021).

4. ГОСТ Р 51317.6.5-2006. Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная. Устойчивость к электромагнитным помехам технических средств, применяемых на электростанциях и подстанциях. Требования и методы испытаний = Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of technical equipment intended for use in power stations and substations. Requirements and test methods: национальный стандарт Российской Федерации: утвержден и введен в действие приказом Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии от 27 декабря 2006 г. № 472-ст: дата введения 2007-07-01. — Москва: Стандар-тинформ, 2007. — 30 с.

5. Analytical Modeling of Computer Attacks on Intelligent Transport Systems Based on the Transformation of Stochastic Networks / S. S. Sokolov, I. B. Saenko, M. A. Mitrofanov, [et al.] // Intelligent Information Technologies for Industry (IITI 21): Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference (Sirius, Russia, 30 September-04 October 2021) / S. Kovalev, [et al.] (eds.). — Cham: Springer Nature, 2021. — Pp. 489-498. — (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Vol. 330).

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87178-9_49.

6. Analysis of the Main Types of Automated Information Systems in the Transport Sector, Functioning Mainly in Urban Agglomerations / L. M. Ilchenko, S. S. Sokolov, K. V. Egorova, [et al.] // Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), (Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, 26-28 January 2021). — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. — Pp. 401-406.

DOI: 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396630.

7. Investigation of Computer Incidents as an Important Component in the Security of Maritime Transportation / I. S. Shipu-nov, A. P. Nyrkov, M. U. Ryabenkov, [et al.] // Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), (Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, 26-29 January 2021). — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021. — Pp. 657-660. DOI: 10.1109/ElConRus51938.2021.9396501.

8. Information System for Monitoring and Analyzing the Technical Condition of Autonomous Vehicles / I. S. Shipunov, A. P. Nyrkov, M. V. Kardakova, [et al. ] // Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), (Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, 27-30 January 2020). — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020. — Pp. 497-500. DOI: 10.1109/EIConRus49466.2020.9039181.

9. Databases Problems for Maritime Transport Industry on Platform Highload / A. P. Nyrkov, N. B. Glebov, R. O. Novo-selov, [et al.] // Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS): Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference (St. Petersburg, Russia, 24-28 September 2018). — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018. — Pp. 132-135.

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13. Optimal Identification for Objects in Problems on Recognition by Unmanned Underwater Vehicles / A. P. Nyrkov, S. S. Sokolov, O. M. Alimov, [et al.] // Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 2020. Vol. 54, Is. 8. Pp. 958-963. DOI: 10.3103/S0146411620080234.

14. About the Problems of Ensuring Information Security on Unmanned Ships / I. S. Shipunov, K. S. Voevodskiy, A. P. Nyrkov, [et al.] // Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus), (Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Russia, 28-31 January 2019). — Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019. — Pp. 339-343.

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