Научная статья на тему 'Automata-Based Programming Technology Extension for Generation of JML Annotated Java Card Code'

Automata-Based Programming Technology Extension for Generation of JML Annotated Java Card Code Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Terms—Finite state machines / Smart cards / Software requirements and specifications / Software verification and validation
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This paper gives an overview of the ongoing research project which concerns generation of dependable Java Card code. According to the automata-based programming technology, code is generated from a high-level application behavior description which is based on finite state machines. An extra benefit from the use of such description is the possibility of generation of formal application specification in Java Modeling Language. Conformance of the code against its specification could be checked by different static checking and verification tools.

Текст научной работы на тему «Automata-Based Programming Technology Extension for Generation of JML Annotated Java Card Code»

Automata-Based Programming Technology Extension for Generation of JML Annotated Java Card Code

Andrey A. Klebanov

Abstract—This paper gives an overview of the ongoing research project which concerns generation of dependable Java Card code. According to the automata-based programming technology, code is generated from a high-level application behavior description which is based on finite state machines. An extra benefit from the use of such description is the possibility of generation of formal application specification in Java Modeling Language. Conformance of the code against its specification could be checked by different static checking and verification tools.

Index Terms—Finite state machines, Smart cards, Software requirements and specifications, Software verification and validation.

I. Introduction

A smart card [1] is a card that is embedded with a chip, which allows to store and process information. In fact, smart cards are secure credit card size computers. Besides being secure, smart cards have several advantages such as mobility and simplicity of use. So, the main domains of their use are secure storage of data, business transactions, authentication, and so on.

Java Card technology [1], [2] provides a Java platform for smart cards. It brings all the benefits of using Java; it also simplifies development process, as it covers all vendor specific card features. Java Card API is a superset of Java API subset - this means that Java Card does not support multithreading, strings, multidimensional arrays, garbage collection, and et cetera due to the cards’ limited resources, but Java Card API includes some extra functionality, required to handle tasks from smart cards domain of use. For example, sending and receiving special commands (APDU commands), working with PIN codes and cryptographic algorithms, and much more.

Manuscript received March 31, 2008.

A. A. Klebanov is BSc student at the Computer Technologies Department, Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (phone: 955-29-00; e-mail:

[email protected] ).

The research is supervised by A. A. Shalyto, PhD, professor at the Computer Technologies Department, Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (email: [email protected]).

There are number of reasons for Java Card to become an attractive field for formal methods researchers. Java Card applets are dependable systems which must be secure and bug-free and, in contrast with PC software; it could be very difficult to make updates when cards are issued. Moreover, limited resources and lack of some Java features guarantees, that applets will not be very complicated. So, formal verification is a feasible task for Java Card applications.

In this paper we introduce an automata-based programming technology extension for generation of Java Card applet code skeleton, which also implements application logic, with formal specification in Java Modeling Language (JML).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces automata-based programming, Section III describes applied technologies. Code generation and verification details are introduced in Section IV; they are further illustrated with example in Section V. An overview of related work is given in Section VI and, finally, Section VII concludes.

II. Automata-Based Programming for Java Card

Synchronous programming [3] is believed to be one of the best approaches to application development for embedded and reactive systems. In this paper we use a sort of synchronous programming - automata-based programming [4], [5], which is also known as Switch-technology [6]. According to this paradigm, programs are treated as systems of automated controlled objects. Each system consists of control system (system of cooperating automata) and controlled objects. Automata-based programming technology defines two types of diagrams for application description - connectivity schema and transition graphs. Connectivity schema describes relation between event providers, state machines and controlled objects; transition graph describes behavior of corresponding finite state machine. But such complicated methodology is not only good for application design; it also helps to close the gap between specification and implementation, as there exist a formal and isomorphic way to generate a skeleton of code from the description. To prove code conformance against its specification we also generate JML annotations.

Let us consider some Java Card features which make automata-based programming use reasonable. Interaction with

a smart card is achieved by means of interface devices (card readers). Card reader powers the card and also provides communication channel between the card and a PC or a terminal with a host application installed on it. Communication channel is half duplex; master-slave model is used where smart card is always a slave while terminal is a master. In other words, smart cards always wait for a command from a terminal. Thus their interaction is “event driven”. Commands are passed one by one from a host application to Java Card Runtime Einvironment where they are forwarded to the selected applet. After the command handling, card reply goes inversely the whole way back to the host application. All Java Card applets have the same structure - they should extend the base class Applet. We will only discuss one of the methods to be extended -process method, which is invoked every time when applet receives a command from the host application. Depending on the state of the applet, process method either calls dedicated helper method to handle the command or throws exception. In our approach all the logic of the process method is described in terms of finite state machines and a skeleton of applet code (including logic implementation) is generated. only stubs are generated for helper methods.

III. Applied Technologies


JML [7] is a behavioral interface specification language designed to specify Java classes and interfaces. It means that it both specifies behavior and syntactic interface of Java code. JML is based on design by contract [8] and model-based specification [9] approaches. JML was specially designed to be used by Java programmers, including those with just basic mathematical education. Therefore it uses slightly extended Java syntax. It was also intended to be independent from program design manner. Specifications written in JML are annotations for Java code (they could be also stored in a separated file) - thus Java compiler treats them as comments and simply ignores, but JML-aware tools can use them.

We shall briefly discuss some of the JML features which are used in our research. Key elements of JML specification are preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. Precondition for a method is a logical predicate which must hold for the method invocation. Postcondition for a method is a logical predicate which must hold after each execution of the method. And, finally, class invariant constrains all the methods of the class. JML also provides \old(var) expression which refers to the value of the variable var at the moment of entrance to the method (before its execution). It is convenient to use constraint keyword, \old() expression and logical constructions, such as a ==> b (implication) or a <==> b (equality) to constrain variable’s value changing in time.

Great number of tools which support JML has been

developed. overview of them is given in [10]; here we mention only some of the static checking and verification tools important for our research. It is too ambitious to hope to proof all the correctness and security properties of the application. The task becomes more feasible if attention is concentrated on a subset of the properties. For example, static checking tools can guarantee that all the array indices will never get out of bounds. Such property has a great practical value. Static checking technique lies between compiler type checks and full program verification [11]. ESC/Java2 [12] is a static checking tool which can automatically detect some common errors such as array index out of bounds or null pointer dereferencing. Several verification tools such as KeY [13], LOOP [14], and JACK [15] are designed to work with JML, they can handle more complex tasks, but user interaction is a price for that.

B. UniMod

UniMod [16] stands for Unified Modeling; the goal of the project is to create a methodology for the whole application development cycle - from design to implementation stage. The tool supports automata-based programming technology and adopts it to current UML standards. It allows to describe application and to generate skeleton of Java source code, but it does not support Java Card. Validation techniques for finite state machines are embedded in UniMod. Thus each state is reachable from the initial one and has a complete and consistent set of outgoing transitions.

IV. Code Generation And Verification Details

We use UniMod application behavior description to generate both Java Card code and JML specification for it. As it was already mentioned Java Card applets have standard structure. Here we will only discuss application logic which is encapsulated in the process method. Automata-based programming is also known as Switch-technology, so process method may consist of just one or two nested switch operators. For example, if two operators are used -outer one is for finite state machine states and inner one is for commands. If a command is valid for the current state a helper method is called to handle this command; otherwise an exception is thrown. Host application commands and card replies are treated as events from event providers. Moreover, according to the automata-based programming technology, transitions between states my optionally contain boolean expressions with input actions. They are transformed to JML preconditions for the on enter to state methods. Currently we are also able to describe control flow - specify that applet could only be in the one of predefined states (via JML invariant keyword) and describe incoming and outgoing transitions for each state (using constraint keyword and \old() expression).

As for implementation part - UniMod has a feature to convert application description to XML file. Afterwards we

use a template engine to generate code. This research is still on its early stage and some of the implementation aspects should be cleared. For example, we still discuss the way of generating JML specifications. on the one hand, they could be generated together with the code but this may lead to very complicated templates and on the other hand, it is possible to parse XML file and retrieve all the required information for specification generation. The last step in our approach is static checking and/or formal verification of the code. Variety of tools developed for JML provides a wide range of directions for further work. We believe that ESC/Java2 tool will be used for static checking, as for verification tool - it is still an open question.

V. Case Study

Here we introduce a small example of a Java Card applet description with its JML specification. Connectivity schema is described on the Fig. 1. It is a way of class diagram representation, according to the automata-based programming technology. Host application commands and Java Card replies are treated as event providers. For example, “Verify PIN” command is an event from the host application. Java Card is a controlled object, because it handles incoming commands. Event providers and controlled object are related by finite state machine; its transition graph is shown on the

Fig. 2.

Applet functions as follows. After applet’s initialization phase it is required to verify PIN code (event e1). If it is correct applet state is changed to “Do something”; where wrong attempt counter is made zero via output action method o1.z3 and something is done via method o1.z4. If PIN code is not correct and number of wrong attempts is less or equal to three (boolean expression with input action method o1.x3<=3) the state is remained unchanged, but value of the wrong attempts counter is incremented. If PIN code is not correct and the wrong attempts counter exceeds three, SIM card locks itself and informs host application about that.

Following JML specification describes control flow. Let variable state to describe automaton state. So specification: /*@ invariant

(state == APPLET_INITIALIZATION) || (state == VERIFY_PIN) ||

(state == DO_SOMETHING) ||

(state == SIM_CARD_IS_LOCKED);


guarantees that applet always remains in the one of predefined states. The way to constraint transitions between states is more bulky:

/*@ constraint



((state == VERIFY_PIN) ==> ((\old(state) == VERIFY_PIN) ||

(\old(state) == APPLET_INITIALIZATION))) &&

((state == DO_SOMETHING) ==>

((\old(state) == VERIFY_PIN) ||

(\old(state) == DO SOMETHING))) &&

Fig. 1. Connectivity schema.

((state == SIM_CARDS_IS_LOCKED) ==> ((\old(state) == VERIFY_PIN) ||

(\old(state) == SIM_CARDS_IS_LOCKED))) &&

( (\old(state) == APPLE T_INITIALIZATION) ==> ((state == VERIFY_PIN) ||

(state == APPLET_INITIALIZATION))) && ((\old(state) == VERIFY_PIN) ==>

((state == VERIFY_PIN) ||

(state == DO_SOMETHING) ||

(state == SIM_CARDS_IS_LOCKED))) &&

( (\old(state) == DO_SOMETHING) ==> (state == DO_SOMETHING)) &&

((\old(state) == SIM_CARDS_IS_LOCKED) ==> (state == SIM_CARDS_IS_LOCKED));


In our approach exceptions caused by illegal commands do not change automaton state. Let us denote set of automaton states by Q, hence, V q e Q we generate

\old(state) == q <==> state == q constraint.

Finally, let us consider transition between state “Verify PIN” and “SIM card is locked”. Input action method x1 should be declared as pure. This is specification only property, which means that this method does not have side-effects and thus could be called in specification. In other words, specification should not change state of the application. So, precondition for on enter to state method of “SIM card is locked” state is //@ requires x1 > 3;

Though Java is a high-level programming language, Java Card has several low-level features. For example, APDU commands are encoded in byte arrays. In our approach

Fig. 2. Automaton transition graph

commands are treated as events, therefore their short names and natural language descriptions are used for application design and code generation. Some of the standard commands and card replies are already predefined. So, programmer uses convenient notation, but not byte arrays. By covering some of the low-level aspects, we decrease number of potential bugs and therefore increase code dependability.

VI. Related Work

There exist two research projects aimed on generating Java Card code from high-level specification. The first one is introduced in [17]. Special language, SmartSlang, is used there to describe applets with high-level constructions which are specific to smart cards. Declared benefit from those constructions is the possibility to generate more functionality, but use of a complex base system is required. Such approach does not have too much in common with ours, except that finite state machines are used during code generation.

The second one is described in [18], [19]. In [18] verification tool is used as an editor for finite state machine modeling, [19] uses UML to describe automata. Our work has several advantages over those researches. First, we use automata-based programming paradigm, but not only finite state machine description of applet. The main difference is that we describe application behavior rather than provide static description of application structure. Secondly, generated constraints only describe the control flow in contrast to our approach, where in addition some preconditions are also generated. Moreover, in our approach a notation which covers low-level aspects is provided to manipulate with commands and card replies. Finally, there are special model checking add-ons for UniMod, so it is also possible to verify application model [20]. Verification capabilities of the environment in [18] are not used.

As for JML - there has been done a lot of research and case studies about using and combining different tools designed to support it. JML is used in many areas, and is popular both in industry and academia.

VII. Conclusion

Automata-based programming technology provides a methodology for full development cycle of reliable applications. Proposed extension is intended to make applications even more correct by uniting model checking, design by contract, and verification of real implementation, but not only application model. We are planning to extend our approach to Java ME midlets; and create a full mobile solutions development framework, based on the UniMod tool.


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