Butunov Jakhongir Ruzikulovich
teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical University
Ganievich Makhmudov Yusuf
Termiz State University professor, doctor of pedagogic sciences
The article focuses on the assessment of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, qualifications and competencies.
Keywords: assessment, knowledge, skill, competence, competence, method, program, result, concept, rule, law, mastery, level, basis, education, upbringing, analysis, process
В статье основное внимание уделяется оценке теоретических знаний, практических навыков, квалификации и компетенций.
Ключевые слова: оценивание, знание, умение, компетенция, компетентность, метод, программа, результат, понятие, правило, закон, овладение, уровень, основа, образование, воспитание, анализ, процесс
Maqolada asosiy e'tibor nazariy bilimlarni, amaliy ko'nikmalarni, malaka va malakalarni baholashga qaratilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: baholash, bilim, malaka, malaka, malaka, usul, dastur, natija, tushuncha, qoida, qonun, o'zlashtirish, daraja, asos, ta'lim, tarbiya, tahlil, jarayon.
Evaluation and its importance. Evaluation consists of measuring the level of achievement of educational goals at a certain stage of the educational process based on predetermined criteria, determining and analyzing the results.
The educational importance of testing and evaluating knowledge is that both the teacher and the learner will have certain information about the mastery of the educational material. As a result of the assessment, it becomes clear to the teacher what the learners know and what
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they do not understand, which learning material has been mastered well, which has not yet been mastered sufficiently or not at all. It is the basis for organizing and managing the learner's cognitive activity. The teacher critically evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of his work. Makes adjustments to his work methods. Also, assessment results are essential for the teacher to review and evaluate the content of the curriculum in terms of the learner's ability to learn.
As a result of the assessment, it becomes clear which concepts and rules are difficult and which are easy to master. It serves as a basis for the learner to creatively prepare for the lesson and conduct the training session. It will also be known which educational material the learner mastered well, which was satisfactory, and which was poorly mastered during the educational process. Without checking knowledge, the learner is not able to evaluate his knowledge deeply, comprehensively and correctly. Sometimes it seems to him that he has mastered the educational material well, but during the examination it becomes clear that he does not know and understand the material well. As a result of the assessment, the levels of the learner's knowledge, understanding, memorization, comprehension, practical application, analysis and critical assessment of his/her knowledge are determined. The learner will have the opportunity to positively describe his knowledge, improve the methods of his work at the educational institution and at home, develop the positive aspects of his knowledge, skills, qualifications and competences, and correct the shortcomings.
The educational value of monitoring and evaluation of knowledge, skills, skills and competences is that it forms the attitude of learners to learning, their achievements and failures, and the desire to overcome difficulties. Assessment always creates a certain attitude of the learner towards himself as a person. The teacher should be focused on shaping the student's attitude towards himself, his feelings, qualities such as willingness, cooperation, and helping each other in his character. During some assessments, the learner also acquires additional knowledge, skills, competencies and competencies. He understands the essence of the concepts that he did not master in the educational process. Therefore, assessment can be said to be a continuation of the learning process.
Monitoring and evaluation of knowledge is of state importance. Summarizing the results of the assessment, the activity of the team of the educational institution in the field of education, the general mastery level of the student is evaluated and appropriate conclusions are drawn. It is determined how well the requirements set by the state are being met in the state educational standards. The whole education system and its components should
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be examined at the same time through the evaluation of the results. With this, the level of achievement of the result taught in the educational system is checked and measured. Regular assessment of knowledge is carried out on the basis of the educational plan, its major and minor sections.
The results of the educational system are expressed through a certain standard measure. As a result of the assessment, not only the learner's but also the teacher's strengths and weaknesses, as well as shortcomings in the learning process, are identified. Educational tools, plans, organization of the educational process are evaluated.
Regular evaluation of the components of the educational program will ultimately lead to the formation of accurate and fair evaluation. Evaluating, summarizing and summarizing these sub-items will help to clarify the final assessment. Regularly informing the learner about the results has a positive effect on his pursuit of the goal and the realization of his desires. Measuring the results of supervision during education, evaluating knowledge, skills, skills and competencies is an opportunity to understand the progress of the student.
Based on the above considerations, the following conclusions can be made about the nature of the evaluation:
Why evaluate? to determine compliance with educational objectives; to determine the level of previous improvement before moving on to the next stage; to confirm the result; to identify the achievements and shortcomings of students' interests; it is possible for the teacher to make corrections to his work; to determine the level of gross absorption; to determine the achievements of the educational process; to make students interested in achievements; to provide information to external stakeholders, employers, higher organizations and parents.
What should be evaluated?
A theoretical connoisseur; practical skills, qualifications and competencies; behavior and personal qualities;
When to evaluate?
At the beginning of the educational process (initial assessment); During the educational process (current and intermediate assessment); at the end of the educational process (final assessment).
The main features of the assessment are:
Orientation to the educational goal; conduct regularly; based on pedagogical, psychological and legal principles; based on generally accepted outcome standards.
As mentioned above, the levels of achievement of cognitive learning goals are determined when theoretical knowledge is evaluated. When assessing practical skills, skills and competences, when assessing psychomotor, behavioral and personal qualities, the levels of achievement of affective educational goals
are determined.
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Evaluation criteria. The results of any evaluation must be compared, that is, measured. Their comparison can be done on the basis of criteria produced before or after the assessment. Assessment criteria are indicators of the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved. These indicators can be described using numbers ("five", "four", "three" and so on) and words ("excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and so on). In other words, the evaluation criteria consists of the description of the evaluation indicator, which is adjusted depending on the level of mastery demonstrated by the learner.
Principles of assessment. A certain process of checking and evaluating knowledge should meet didactic requirements. Inspection and control must be systematic and permanent. If this requirement is not met, the learner's attitude towards studying will deteriorate, and the quality of knowledge will be negatively affected.
Assessment of knowledge has an individual description. Each learner should know what knowledge, skills and competencies are being assessed. The state of readiness to answer the teacher's questions and tasks occurs only if knowledge testing and evaluation becomes an important part of the educational process, its component.
The learner's knowledge, skills and competencies are checked and evaluated from the point of view of implementation of the state curriculum.
There are different ways of testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of learners. Sometimes the teacher uses the same methods of testing knowledge over a long period of time. He develops a habit of asking, asking questions, commenting. Learners adapt to this kind of testing, knowing in advance how the student will ask. They begin to answer only for the teacher, to wing him. The following five basic principles are the foundation of the effectiveness of the evaluation system:
Based on educational goals; authenticity; righteousness; reliability; convenience.
1. Based on Learning Objectives A key principle of effective assessment is based on learning objectives. The quality of assessment is directly related to learning objectives. Learning objectives determine the content of the assessment. Depending on the level of educational goals, the form and methods of assessment are selected. Also, the result of activities performed to achieve educational goals is important in determining evaluation criteria.
When designing any evaluation system, two questions should always be considered:
Do the assessment tasks fully reflect the learning objectives of the educational process?
Are the assessment forms, methods and criteria chosen correctly for the level of learning objectives?
For example, the method of taking a written test may be suitable for assessing the knowledge of traffic rules. But it cannot be used to assess driving skills. It is desirable that these skills are
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assessed using an assessment method based on practical activities rather than oral or written.
2. Authenticity. An assignment or test aimed at evaluating only the intended result for educational purposes is considered real. It should focus on outcomes in the field of knowledge, skills, competences and competencies to be assessed. Based and reliable information about the results achieved by the learner should be provided. It is necessary to use methods that allow to measure the acquired knowledge, skills, competences and personal qualities of the learner.
3. Honesty (objectivity). The evaluation system should be compatible with the educational goals, and the students should be familiar with the conditions and goals of the evaluation in advance. The learner should be given assignments of the same complexity and size.
4. Reliability. Various methods can be used during the evaluation of the results. But the main condition for choosing these methods is reliability. For the method to be reliable, the assessment must be based on valid and accurate data. This refers to how reliably the task or test is directed at controlling the learning objectives.
For an assessment to be reliable, the results must be the same when the assessment is conducted on similar learners but in different settings. The reliability of the assessment method is determined by comparing the results of different methods. For the assessment system to be reliable, its results should be similar when the assessment is conducted at different times with the help of different experts.
Assessment reliability has two aspects:
Reliability of the assessment method. If the reliability of the assessment method used is high, the student's level of mastery will not change even when using different assessment methods (the obtained results will be the same, unchanged).
Reliability of methods for assessing the level of mastery of the assessment means that it remains the same and does not change even when the assessment is conducted in another place and by another examiner.
The level of reliability of assessment methods is greater in the following cases: if all learners clearly understand the requirement; if the assessment conditions are announced in advance and followed; that all results are fully based on pre-agreed evaluation criteria; if appropriate assessment types are used to reduce random errors.
5. Convenience. Based on the educational goals, the evaluation system should be consistent with the standards of educational production, not complicated, convenient for the supervisor and the learner. It is desirable to make as much use of computers as possible in conducting the assessment.
If grading is provided during an assignment or test, grading should be tailored to monitor learning objectives. In this case, the more important parts of the subject should be given more marks than the less
important parts.
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Rating system of assessment. Assessment in the educational process in the rating system can be determined by the following types of control: control; assessment of behavior; assessment of theoretical and practical knowledge.
1. Determining mastery through monitoring: formation of the level of knowledge indicators, qualification of the learner; continuous evaluation of the learner and comparison of the grades they received; formation of the learner's desire to study and the possibility of mutual competition; honest assessment of the level of knowledge and skills of learners; correct evaluation of pedagogical activity of educators.
2. Determining learning through behavioral assessment: improving the discipline of attending classes and organizing their continuous training in subjects;
3. Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge through assessment
determine: pre-planning of the ability of the teacher and the learner; rapid
analysis of the progress of the educational process; to create opportunities to make necessary changes in their activities.
The rating system creates an evaluation system in the educational process by comparing all the above-mentioned types of control. The knowledge of learners is constantly monitored and evaluated in the rating system. Based on the rating control system, the quality indicators of the student's mastery of each subject included in the curriculum are evaluated with points. Based on the rating system used in the educational process of the educational institutions of our country, we consider it appropriate to use two types of control.
Each student should base their grading system on the following:
1. The maximum number of points that a student can collect in each subject during the semester is 100 billion;
2. The maximum points allocated for each fap are distributed by control types.
Current assessment. The main purpose of the current control is to determine
the level of development of the learner, to study the requirements of the educational process and to improve it. Current supervision uses oral inquiry, seminar, written work, laboratory tests, term papers, homework and other types of inquiry. All request types are designated by abbreviated codes.
In the current rating system, the number of requests to evaluate each learner in the current supervision is limited. In each lesson, the prepared learner can answer and get points, but the teacher should not neglect the rest of the learners.
Intermediate control. The main purpose of midterm control is to determine
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the results achieved (achieving the specified standards) by the students on a certain topic, chapter or module. Passing the final inspection is mandatory for all students.
Final rating indicator. In order to determine the final rating index, at the end of the semester or at the end of the study subject, the student's scores for all subjects are calculated and averaged. A maximum of 100 points are assigned to each of the number of hours of classes in the subject during the semester, and the average score is calculated at the end of the semester and entered in the rating journal.
Based on the curriculum and the subject program, based on the system -subject plan, and taking into account the allocated hours, the types of supervision and inquiry are determined based on the number of times each student can be supervised during the semester, and "Distribution of rating points" for a certain subject is created.
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