Section 7. Physical Education
Vo Van Thong, Ph. D. Student
Lecturer, Nghe An Training College, Viet Nam E-mail: [email protected]
Assessment of the development of intellectual creativity among Vietnamese secondary school students in learning physics
Abstract: The paper presents the methodology on appraisal of the creative ability of the secondary school students based on the signs, the method of examination, and the evaluation criteria of the students' creative ability through the physics lessons.
Keywords: testing, appraisal, the creative ability, physics, geometrical optics.
1. Raising the issue
The current common tendency of many countries all over the world is to develop the education program towards the capability approach;
According to the resolution No 29-NQ/TW, 88/2014/QH13, carrying out the secondary level education reform is aimed at creating a contingent of employers/employees, who have knowledge, self-determination, dynamics, creativity, experience, scientific and technical creativity; in addition, such reform is intended to categorize the best students and sort out their average level, to promote their activeness, self-learning, self-determination, self-control, social ability, communication, thinking, to intensify the use of informatics and telecommunication among students. In parallel with the teaching, the testing and appraisal must ensure the accuracy, truthfulness and objectiveness... [1; 2]
Reform in the teaching method should be closely linked to that in the testing, appraisal of the study process by the students. By a notion that the teaching is regarded
as a way of capability development, the appraisal of study results by students will not view the examination of the student ability with a view to representing their knowledge obtained at the school as a focus of the evaluation.
Evaluating the study result by the capability should pay close attention to the ability of creative application of knowledge based on the various contexts. As to the subjects and the education activities in each class and after school level, the basic measure is intended to determine the degree by which the target of teaching is established, and it is of the critical importance to the improvement of the study results by students for the purpose of accommodating this activity on time accordingly [5]. On the other hand, the evaluation by capacity is on purpose to evaluate knowledge, skills and attitude. Hence, within this research, we would like to give proposal for the options on testing and appraisal of the teaching based on the signs, the testing method and the evaluation criteria of the creative capability by students through the practical lessons.
2. Contents
2.1. Signs for carrying out the evaluation for student's ability
No Studying attitude Capability of implementing the actions Mastering knowledge
1 2 3 4
New les- - Excited - Proposal for theory/forecasting - Concept
son - Positive - Proposal for hypothesis testing options/sci- - Rules
- Patient entific forecasting. - Theories
1 2 3 4
- Persistent - Careful - Truthful - Self-determined - Co-operative - Finding the materials, doing the tests, obtaining the data, addressing and discussing for responses; - Giving presentation on results, responses and defending the research results; - Knowing how to cooperate for work sharing - Technical application
Exercises - Excited - Positive - Patient - Careful - Truthful - Self-help - Determining the prerequisites - Determining the available data - Establishing the inferable and modification method for problem solving; - Conducting the inferring and modification; - Presenting the reasoning, responses, arguments and defending the outcome; - Knowing how to share the works - A series of arguments for explanation of a phenomenon, an application or a technical design; - Process of solving a type of quantitative lessons
Testing lesson for practice - Excited - Positive - Patient - Careful - Truthful - Cooperative - Determining the aim of testing - Working out a suitable testing method - Selecting and assembling of tools - Doing the tests - Addressing the output data - Giving presentation and defending the outcome - Knowing how to share the works - Preparations, implementation and addressing for a specific physics test; - How to use some testing tools - Actual value of some physics values;
Extra lessons - Excited - Positive - Patient - Persistent - Careful - Truthful - Co-operative - Establishing a series of arguments to explain a phenomenon, application and giving a presentation on a series of arguments; - Establishing a design option; - Selecting suitable materials - Fabricating, operating the equipment; - Presenting the fabricating results - Know how to co-operate to get the job done on the basis of sharing. - Series of arguments for explanation of a phenomenon or a technical application; - Preparation procedure, carrying out a design for fabrication of a technical application; - Characteristics of some materials and technical tools;
2.2. Testing methods and evaluation of students through the lessons on geometrical optics (9th form physics)
In order to test and provide evaluation for the capability of students, we will base on the observations and the signs for their capability through each of specific lessons as follows:
* As the attitude: Testing by visual method and using the questionaires on students comments;
— Observing the signs for attitude of students or a group of students when learning;
— Using the multi-choice tests in the form of: very like, like, not like, self-do, jointly do with friends/copt from other students, do at all cost, ifdifficult then ask etc...
Example 1. Could you please give your comment on the organizing for this lesson?
A. Very like B. Like C. Unlike
Example 2. Implementing the task for new knowledge/solving lessons/doing the tests, then how have you dealt with in the last lesson?
A. Do at all cost B. Ask friends if it is difficult C. Copy from friends
* As to the knowledge: Writing test for 15 minutes, a period/45 minutes by self-reasoning or by optional questions;
After each lesson, chapter or a subj ect, teacher will base on the signs ofeach lesson. Test by form shall be undertaken: raising the questions, each student will be required to give his or her presentation; provide the assignments for the self-thinking tests or doing the objective multi-choice tests or testing their study records and their notes...
* As to the action ability
— Observe, providing statistics on actions by each student or a group of students;
— Classifying and evaluating the products as a resut from the actions by students;
The two following ways shall be carried out;
— Awareness testing: including contents with reference to the systematic actions, acts, and the method of implementation; various ways will be adopted as follows: questions are raised, verbal presentation is required; multi-choice tests are required by their doing or by the objectiveness;
— Actual action testing: In order to check this content, it can be carried out as follows:
Requests are given by teacher, options are raised by students, tools and materials are selected, ways are determined. Teacher will observe, check the records, the researches by students;
* Test of the creative ability when teaching the geometrical optics (9th class physics).
— As to the lessson for new knowledge:
Example 1: A flat bottom glass of pure water is put on a paper having O letter. A person will view by his eye vertically at such O letter through the water surface in the glass. So, how is the light gleam transmitted from O letter to the eyes of such person? Or a flat bottom glass of pure water is put on a paper with O letter. Then a person wil view by his eye vertically at the O letter through the water surface in the glass. Then how many times will the light gleam transmitted from the O letter to his eyes be subjected to the refraction?
A. One time B. Two times. C. Three times.
D. Four times
For example 3. Choose the best answer
In order to construct an image of A'B' of AB object through the converging lens (AB will be perpendicular to the main axis of the converging lens, A sits on the main axis), which way will you follow:
A. Draw the main axis through O of the converging lens, determine F, F', then draw the object of AB, construct the image B' of B, then draw the image of A'B' ofAB.
B. Use 2 of 3 special rays in order to construct the B' image of B, draw the perpendicular line from B' to the main axis, then draw the A'B' image of AB.
C. Draw the main axis through O of the converging lens, determining F, F', construct B' image of B, draw the A'B' image of AB.
D. Draw AB object, draw the main axis through O of the converging lens, construct B' image of B, draw the A'B' image of AB.
— As to the excercise: test the applicability to the phenomenon explanation. For example: Please explain
the lightning when it rains or choose the correct answer, for example: when lightning occurs, one sees a lightning, followed by a big thunder. This is due to:
A. Lightning is closer than thunder B. The velocity of light is many times bigger than that of the sound
C. Owing to the more sensitivity of eye than that of ear
D. Velocity of sound is far bigger than that of light
Test the ability to perform an action to solve a qualitative lesson
For example: Which steps have been taken when you solve an exercise of calculating the height of the real picture of an object created by the converging lens provided that you know h, d, d' or which steps as below have been taken when you solve an exercise of calculating the height of real picture created by the converging lens provided that you know h, d, d'?
A. Construct, and demonstrate the ratio h'/h = d'/d, change the calculating figure h'
B. Calculate h', prove the ratio h'/h = d'/d,
C. Write data from the ratio h'/h = d'/d, change the calculating figure h'
D. Write data, draw picture, calculate h';
— In respect of the practice test:
For example: which steps have you taken when preparing and measuring a focus of a converging lens?
Or which following is the best answer: practising for identification of a focus of a converging lens, we have taken the specific act in the following sequence:
A. Measure the distance from an object to a focus, then measure the height of an object then calculate a focus
B. Measure the distance from an image of an object to a focus, measure the distance from an object to the screen, then calculate a focus
C. Measure the distance from an object to a converging lens, measure the height of an image created by an object, then calculate a converging lens.
D. All are correct
— Regarding the extra lesson;
For example: — In order to make an astronomical telescope, which steps have you taken? or in order to make an astronomical telescope, you have taken the specific steps as follows:
A. Designing, selecting materials and then doing the fabrication;
B. Selecting materials, designing and doing the assembly;
C. Raising ideas, desigining, selecting materials, tools and starting the fabrication;
D. Designing, selecting materials, tools and starting the fabrication.
2.3. Criteria for evaluation of creative ability of the secondary school students
Based on the signs, way of testing and evaluating as foregoing mentioned, we would like to give criteria for evaluation of the creative ability in the physics study of the students as follows:
Criteria 1. Discover the issue, identify the task assigned for specific lesson;
Criteria 2. Propose the proj ection with the guide by the teacher in order to give a logical conclusions-
Criteria 3. Propose the projection verification option including the theory and practice;
Criteria 4. Problem solving in various ways;
Criteria 5. Application of knowledge to various situations;
Criteria 6. Presenting the report and defending the results.
3. Conclusion
Applying the signs and the testing method to make questions and exercises for test and evaluation of the student's capability is totally what we can do it. But, determining the creative standards to quantify into specific criteria that can be inspected is a much more meaningful fact. Such questions and exercises not only help teachers to evaluate the capability of students but rather than, the creative capability of students will be further fed and developed.
1. The teaching guide: teaching, test and evaluating the study result towards the capacity developing for students learning physics issued by the Ministry of Education and Training (2014).
2. General education programme draft issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.
3. Physics, teacher book for 9th class, issued by the Publication of Education (editor by Mr. Vu Quang- Doctor by 2013).
4. Applying the procedure on exercise/question preparation towards development of capacity of students when teaching the subject named "solid substance, physical deformation of solid substance" by Ms.
5. Nguyen Thi Hong Thoa, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Van (2016)- Scientific magazine, Ha Noi Teacher's College Volume - Vol. 61, - No 8B, - P 298-305.
Kuvarati Spiro, Prof.As.Phd.
Sport University Tirana Albania Faculty Science of Movement E-mail: [email protected] Delimeta Sokol, Msc. High School Elbasan Albania E-mail: [email protected] Ikonomi Edison, Doc. PhD.
Sport University Tirana Albania Faculty Science of Movement E-mail: [email protected]
Method of game improves technical elements to pupils 13-15 years
Abstract: Games represent broad spectrum of activity, which are characterized by a large number of technical elements that must be respected depending on the game. Are taken in 24 pupils divided into two test groups (12 KG and 12 EG), which was tested in volleyball discipline tests: service, keeping service, pass, shoo. and play. The tests realized were subj ected to statistical processing by a computer program EXEL 2010. KG showed increasing in all elements with minor changes. EG is noted good technical level of the services (p <0.01) and passing (p <0:02) from above, than in keeping service and shootings, which have the same