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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Arapova Elizabeth Aleksandrovna, Kramarov Sergey Olegovich, Sakharova Luydmila Victorovna, Tishchenko Evgeniy Nikolaevich

The article provides a review of literary sources on the problems of evaluating the quality of software systems. The concept of accessibility is considered. Attributes that are most important for building an architecture Web-oriented educational systems Attributes are available based on the international standard WCAG 2.0-2.1 and are classified by types of psycho-physiological human disorders. This model is based on a three-level model of accessibility, which can be used to make an informed choice of the optimal resource in accordance with the individual needs of the student.

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Похожие темы научных работ по компьютерным и информационным наукам , автор научной работы — Arapova Elizabeth Aleksandrovna, Kramarov Sergey Olegovich, Sakharova Luydmila Victorovna, Tishchenko Evgeniy Nikolaevich

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УДК 004.05

DOI: 10.25559/SITITO.16.202001.177-186

Assessment of the Availability of Educational Resources for Persons with Disabilities on the Basis of Existing Quality Assessment Standards Software

E. A. Arapovaa, S. O. Kramarovb*, L. V. Sakharova“, E. N. Tishchenko“

a Rostov State University of Economics, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 69 Bolshaya Sadovaya St., Rostov-on-Don 344002, Russia b Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia 1 Lenin St., Surgut 628412, Russia * [email protected]


The article provides a review of literary sources on the problems of evaluating the quality of software systems. The concept of accessibility is considered. Attributes that are most important for building an architecture Web-oriented educational systems Attributes are available based on the international standard WCAG 2.0-2.1 and are classified by types of psycho-physiological human disorders. This model is based on a three-level model of accessibility, which can be used to make an informed choice of the optimal resource in accordance with the individual needs of the student.

Keywords: accessibility, HIA, software, quality assessment standards.

For citation: Arapova E.A., Kramarov S.O., Sakharova L.V, Tishchenko E.N. Assessment of the Availability of Educational Resources for Persons with Disabilities on the Basis of Existing Quality Assessment Standards Software. Sovremennye informacionnye tehnologii i IT-obrazovanie = Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education. 2020; 16(1):177-186. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25559/ SITITO.16.202001.177-186

© Arapova E. A., Kramarov S. O., Sakharova L. V., Tishchenko E. N., 2020

Контент доступен под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education

Оценка доступности образовательных ресурсов для лиц с ограниченными возможностями на основе существующих стандартов оценки качества программного обеспечения

Е. А. Арапова1, С. О. Крамаров2*, Л. В. Сахарова1, Е. Н. Тищенко1

1 Ростовский государственный экономический университет, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Россия 344002, Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Большая садовая, д. 69

2 Сургутский государственный университет, г. Сургут, Россия 628412, Россия, г. Сургут, ул. Ленина, д. 1

* [email protected]


В статье представлен обзор литературных источников по проблемам оценки качества программных систем. Рассматривается понятие доступности. Атрибуты, наиболее важные для построения архитектуры Web-ориентированных образовательных систем, доступны на основе международного стандарта WCAG 2.0-2.1 и классифицируются по типам психофизиологических расстройств человека. Данная модель базируется на трехуровневой модели доступности, которая может быть использована для обоснованного выбора оптимального ресурса в соответствии с индивидуальными потребностями учащегося.

Ключевые слова: доступность, ОВЗ, программное обеспечение, стандарты оценки качества.

Для цитирования: Арапова, Е. А. Оценка доступности образовательных ресурсов для лиц с ограниченными возможностями на основе существующих стандартов оценки качества программного обеспечения / Е. А. Арапова, С. О. Крамаров, Л. В. Сахарова, Е. Н. Тищенко. - DOI 10.25559/SITITO.16.202001.177-186 // Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-обра-зование. - 2020. - Т. 16, № 1. - С. 177-186

Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование

Том 16, № 1. 2020 ISSN 2411-1473 sitito.cs.msu.ru

The existence of barriers to human perception of information as a result of its existing disorders is a serious obstacle to the use of information systems in education of people with disabilities. We need to consider the availability of the software as one of the basic characteristics of its consumer qualities.

The concept of software quality

We can consider the quality of the software I have in two ways: as a certain system, and as a control object [1]. Modern quality management is focused not only on product quality control, but also on the quality control of its development process. It is a complex technology and funds that are closely related to international standards [2]. In the context of international standards, the concept of quality software (Software Quality) can be defined as follows [3]:

1. software quality is the degree to which software has the desired combination of properties (1061-1998 IEEE Standard for Software Quality Metrics Methodology, [4]);

2. It is the fullness of the quality properties and characteristics of the product, process or services that provide the ability to meet the requirements stated or implied (International Standard ISO 9001 [5]).

In [6] quality is defined as "conformity to user requirements”, and in [7] as "the achievement of a great level of fitness for use.” Summarizing these concepts, we can say that the Software Quality System has the ability to meet the needs of the user when used under specified conditions.

Quality requirements can be expressed in a structured system characteristic, attributes, the criteria that form the so-called quality model [8].

Standard ISO 9126

One of the most common is the multi-level model of quality, presented in a set of standards ISO 9126 [9]. In this model, the quality assessment software is considered at three levels [10]:

• level goal - articulated needs of the user;

• level attributes - property software necessary to achieve the objective;

• level metrics - quantitative characteristics degree presence attributes.

In the model 6 allocated purposes, subdivided into 21 quality attribute: functionality, reliability, practicality, efficiency, maintainability, portability.

Standard ISO 25010

Standard ISO 25010 [11], adopted in 2011, it is the most relevant and best reflects the current trends in the IT- sector. ISO 25010 complements the set of characteristics and quality attributes ISO 9126. It adds, for example, characteristics such asperformance and Compatibility of that is the ability to integrate and interact.

It first examines the quality characteristics such as the availability of which is the ability of a software system to support the work of people with disabilities.

National Standard GOST R 52872-2012

Ensuring the availability of the category is the subject of a number of documents. National standard of the Russian Federation, which regulates the accessibility requirements of Internet resource is entered into force in 2012, the GOST R 52872-2012 "Online Resources. accessibility to the visually impaired Requirements "[12]. This standard applies to Russian-language electronic resources of the Internet. It establishes general accessibility requirements for the visually impaired, using the computer as a technical means of rehabilitation. On the basis of GOST R 52872-2012 formed version requirements for the visually impaired, which are required to have the sites of all state bodies and local government agencies, including educational institutions [13].

GOST R 52872-2012 contains about 150 claims covering reporting options for the visually impaired. In this case, it is absolutely not take into account the complexity of information access for persons with other psycho-physiological disturbances, which according to statistics there are more than 90% of students with disabilities in the Russian Federation [14] (Figure 1).

F i g. 1. Distribution of students with disabilities Statistics on nosological groups (according to the Comprehensive nationwide monitoring of availability of higher education for disabled persons and persons with disabilities, in February 2017 [15])

International standard Web Content Accessibility WCAG 2.0

International experience is built on the use of standards to ensure the availability of Web-content (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - WCAG 2.0)1. The second version of this standard was developed by W3C consortium in 2009 In 2013 it was officially translated into Russian. In June 2018 it adopted a version of WCAG 2.12, complements and specifies the requirements of web accessibility of the previous version, including the users of alternative SMART

- devices.

Web-accessibility [16-19] involves the development of the Internet

- the resource, taking into account all the possible problems that can confront people when it is used. Specialists determine the factors Web resources available to a wide range of users with special

1 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview [Electronic resource]. Available at: https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag (accessed 01.02.2020). (In Eng.)

2 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 [Electronic resource]. Available at: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/ (accessed 01.02.2020). (In Eng.)

Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education

needs, such as visual impairment (blind and visually impaired), hearing impaired (deaf), disorders of the musculoskeletal system, impaired speech, impaired mental sphere, as well as various combinations multiple and associated disorders.

Most of these factors can be used to analyze web-accessibility of educational platforms and individual e-courses, used in training people with disabilities [20- 21]. However, their use in practice, requires systematization and classification in accordance with the existing students' disabilities.

To meet the needs of different user groups in different situations

[22] defines three levels of compliance: A (lowest), AA (low) and AAA (highest).

Four availability principle correspond to these levels [23].

1) Perceptibility

Information and user interface components must be presented only in a form that can be perceived by the user. In particular, due to insufficient communication of certain physiological disorders must be compensated to acquire information using alternative sources of perception.

T a b l e 1. Classification of availability requirements for species disorders respective principle perceptibility WCAG 2.0-2.1 [24-25]


number criteria of view hearing musculoskeletal cognitive Note


Non-text content: All non-text (graphic) Special programs -skrinridery

1.1 content must have a text version can read the text aloud, convert

to Braille.

1.2 media content:

1.2.1 Text version of the pre-recorded audio Deaf-blind can read the text in

and video content braille.

1.2.2 Subtitles for media (audio, video) of


1.2.3 Audio description or alternative me-

diaversiya (recording)

1.3 Adaptability

For people who are blind, deaf-

Information and relationships visually blind using braille display is

1.3.1 displayed, may be determined by software updated, it becomes available

or available in text version for the information transmitted

through the color

1.3.2 Significant sequence of reading the con¬ When using assistive technolo¬

tent defined programmatically gies that read aloud content

1.3.3 Text alternative sensory characteristics:

shape, size, orientation, sound.

1.4 Selectivity easier viewing and listening to content, the important part is separated from the secondary

People who have problems with

Using color should not be the only means color vision can watch or listen

1.4.1 of visual notation action request for feed¬ to text signals, and the use of

back or isolation of the visual element tactile interfaces to discover

their touch

To record longer than three seconds This is especially important for

1.4.2 should be a mechanism to pause or stop it, those who use screen reader

or to control volume technology, and thus can not


The contrast (minimum): Contrast ratio> It is especially important for

1.4.3 = 4.5: 1 people with impaired color


1.4.4 Changing text size (except for titles and

text images) in the range up to 200%

It preferred to use the text for transmis¬

1.4.5 sion of information, but not the text in the


Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Том 16, № 1. 2020 ISSN 2411-1473 sitito.cs.msu.ru

2) Controllability viding a comfortable experience for users, regardless of their phys-

User interface components and navigation must be controlled, pro- iological characteristics.

T a b l e 2. Classification availability requirements for species disorders respective principle controllability WCAG 2.0-2.1 [24-25]


number criteria of view hear¬ musculoskel¬ Cognetive Note

ing etal system

2.1 Accessibility keyboard control

2.1.1 All the functionality of the content can be For users with Noda using a mouse

controlled by keyboard difficult

2.1.2 Using the keyboard, the focus can be moved

The ability to disable or reconfigure

2.1.4 shortcuts key characters that consist of one By using speech input

character key or symbol keys

2.2 Sufficient time. The users should be given sufficient time to study and work with content

Time Setup: The user can disable and set When using an interpreter in sign

2.2.1 time limits language is important to monitor


For any auto-updated information should Using content that blinks may be a

2.2.2 be able to pause, stop, hide, or change the problem for people with cognitive

refresh rate impairment

2.3 The ban on the use of known hazardous design elements

Web pages do not contain elements of flare People with photosensitive epilepsy

2.3.1 more than 3 times per second, with a few and other disorders


2.4 Navigation. Users are given help and support in the navigation, content search, and in identifying their current position on


It provided a mechanism for passing blocks

2.4.1 of content that are repeated on multiple web


2.4.2 Web pages have titles that describe the

theme or purpose of their

The focus must be moved in a sequence that People with impaired mobility who

2.4.3 preserves both the meaning and the ability use a keyboard

to control

2.4.4 Target of the link (in the context) must be It helps avoid unnecessary key¬

clear from the text links strokes

2.5 Input Options: All functions must be accessed via the input device pointer, for example, with the mouse pointer finger

interacting with the touch screen, the electronic pen / stylus or laser pointer

2.5.1 Gestures Index: possibility to use the con¬ cephalic index, belief system, or

tent to a wide range of pointing devices mouse emulation controlled speech

2.5.2 Cancel pointer: it reduces the likelihood of

accidental activation control

2.5.3 Visible text labels controls match their Users can activate the voice input

names available controls

Users who are unable to perform certain

2.5.4 movements

guaranteed control touch or voice input

2.5.5 target size: the size of the target for the

index entries of at least 44 by 44 pixel CSS

Modern Information Technologies and IT-Education

3) Clarity

Information and operation of the user interface must be comprehensible for all users.

T a b l e 3. Classification availability requirements of types of violations corresponding principle intelligibility WCAG 2.0-2.1 [24-25]

num¬ infringement

ber criteria of view hearing musculoskele¬ Cognetive Note

tal system

3.1 Readability

3.1.1 The main language of each Web page It is important in synthesizing

can be programmatically determined speech

3.2 Predictability. Web pages should appear and function in a predictable way

3.2.1 Sets focus to the other component

does not cause changes of context

3.2.2 Changing the settings of any interface

component does not automatically Unexpected changes disorien¬

change the context tate users

3.3 Help as you type. Prevention and correction of errors

3.3.1 Identifying typing errors automatical¬

ly, the error is described to the user in

text form

3.3.2 When you enter information provided Increases clique Area Control

notes and instructions

3.3.3 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial,

Data entry errors)

4) Reliability nology (hardware and software).

Content must be reliable to the extent that is required to play back a wide range of different user applications, including assistive tech-

T a b l e 4. Classification availability requirements for species disorders respective principle reliability WCAG 2.x [24-25]

num¬ infringement

ber criteria of view hearing musculoskele¬ Cogne-tive Note

tal system

4.1 Maximizing Content compatibility with user applications, including assistive technologies

4.1.1 Syntax: Using markup

syntax competent

4.1.2 The name, role, value de¬ This enables compatibility with assistive

fined software interface devices and software

for all components

Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование

Том 16, № 1. 2020 ISSN 2411-1473 sitito.cs.msu.ru

The integrated model of evaluation of availability of educational content

We built a tirıeaıve 1 mod ei available web-b asa d educational c on-tent,basel on aultilevel ardti oi iefi^i^^Ha sl^i^c^^cis ditl],is call eo dccc-aUilitv erica cic cce^-Src etvO aoO ilsee^fed Cured ontOv

wean a.s-a.i [t5, at] (av. s-.

In this model, the top level is represented by the quality of the con-sldereb liidracteriilicCterget). It is the availability of a software syste u whic h consists of four basic sub-characteristic determining assessiOilia ia єсоєіс with various disorders. The criteria for ac-caa de titeimine tl^^ iwel attributes that are reqoirebCo achieve idle dial (aweilabilitf), and their quantitative characteristics - level mctritv






a c c e;; і Ьі I ity f а г people with visual impairment

эссе;; i bi I ity for pecpl e with mental disabilitie;

эссе; sibil ity fcnpEnple with hearing impairment

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

acce;;ihilitvfbrpenple with m ut t г d i sa bi I iti e;

software system quality


F i g. 2. Model availability Web-based educational resource

Considered in mode1 accve sibility eriteria are madeqntte, ihat fc, can havı tifferent ebbects ot the cossibilitcot funaevett no tbeire fobmatifw deaoading cnthitenerity оf the violation. The degree of importance of each measure in the j-rocese of integrated atr sessment of vesource avoifability san be taken into account, using wrighef.

ОПіС- ta trln^tei.]. ghp inteysol cUoractemsClr tte^i^alcüiii:^ wt mufC muae a rPoite a- Chr weiyht єоєс1:ієієпГс tepenUmu on tire rigniCiccnce or raole mearnre toe a particugar chatecteristic (a characteristic). ППєгєігПгУ1 irllie апюе оу tug-feoUeres, chprarCeUntics гіпсі і^іС^^г^і Фггі^іПУ1 ^Tıralı.^^l:io^ ıran br grehoreO ascorclmg ica ebe Socmcla |arcfs

ггюап iU me ^aufte-ta. a-o-oo]

lnSegcai atsessment otata рсУ ruls-characreriatiec althe ü-tlo guol-ty ι2ο-οοΟοπ---γ O- у:

Su uı lira (M^a-h (1-

ntere Mr 1s ahe value oC irlıe tr-tir measure ihe fgirl- ^utı-clcai'acrfeei^] tict, Vjk isirlıe ^ieigi^C^ns; coeCf-citnS mtasures. taegcp- issriessmen-: of thu i-th cpruüty characteristics calculated by the fotanda:

Cl o ZjUCSijVfri (a)

Where VO і weigSminanalue of ^acir sug-yhatoetcrisCitp.

^bantUp integral eealuation offhc ana-ity afWefp-leaaP rpstupcein terms of its availability is determined by the formula:

<2 or Σΐ^νΐ) (3)

Whuse Vf -theweightsofeachcharacteristic.

Weighting factors must be determined in such a way that,.

Σ'-a .П-п o a = a

The proposed model can obviously be generalized to an arbitrary numberof characteristics,sub-characteristicsandmeasures.


This article gives an overview of the literature on the problems of an estimation of quality of software systems. The concept of accessibility as the audio quality characteristics. The most important for building architecture Web-based educational systems availability attributes are formulated on the basis of international standard WCAG 2.0-2.1 [15, 16] and are classified by type of psycho-physiological disorders of man. On their three-level model is constructed based on availability, which can be used to justify the choice of op-timalresourceinaccordancewithindividual needsofthestudent.


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23. Shestakevych T., Pasichnyk V., Kunanets N., Medykovskyy M., Antonyuk N. The Content Web-Accessibility of Information and Technology Support in a Complex System of Educational and Social Inclusion. In: 2018 IEEE 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT), Lviv; 2018. p. 27-31. (In Eng.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/STC-CSIT.2018.8526691

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25. Andrunyk V., Shestakevych T., Pasichnyk V., Kunanets N. Information Technologies for Teaching Children with ASD. In: Hu Z., Petoukhov S., Dychka I., He M. (ed.) Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education II. ICCSEEA 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 2020; 938:523-533. Springer, Cham. (In Eng.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-16621-2_49

26. Bederdinova O.I., Boytsova Yu.A. Software Integral Qualitative Estimation. Vestnik of Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series Natural Sciences. 2016; (2):99-106. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.) DOI: https://doi.org/10.17238/issn2227-6572.2016.2.99

27. Rezvanov A.V., Bakhtizin V.V. Web Application Front end Quality Model. Doklady BGUIR. 2016; (5):30-35. Available at: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29751525 (accessed

01.02.2020). (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)

Submitted 01.02.2020; revised 29.04.2020; published online 25.05.2020.

Том 16, № 1. 2020 ISSN 2411-1473 sitito.cs.msu.ru

bout the authors:

Elizabeth A. Arapova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Technology and Information Security, Faculty of Computer Technology and Information Security, Rostov State University of Economics (69 Bolshaya Sadovaya St., Rostov-on-Don 344002, Russia), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5662-6297, dist_edu@ ntti.ru

Sergey O. Kramarov, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Economics and Management, Surgut State University (1 Lenin St., Surgut 628412, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, ORCID: http://or-cid.org/0000-0003-3743-6513, [email protected] Luydmila V. Sakharova, Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Rostov State University of Economics (69 Bolshaya Sadovaya St., Rostov-on-Don 344002, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4897-4926, [email protected]

Evgeniy N. Tishchenko, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Rostov State University of Economics (69 Bolshaya Sadovaya St., Rostov-on-Don 344002, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Economics), Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1527-4904, [email protected]

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

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Поступила 01.02.2020; принята к публикации 29.04.2020; опубликована онлайн 25.05.2020.

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Арапова Елизавета Александровна, старший преподаватель кафедры информационных технологий и защиты информации, факультет компьютерных технологий и информационной безопасности, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (344002, Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Большая садовая, д. 69), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5662-6297, [email protected]

Крамаров Сергей Олегович, главный научный сотрудник, Сургутский государственный университет (628412, Россия, г. Сургут, ул. Ленина, д. 1), доктор физико-математических наук, профессор, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3743-6513, [email protected]

Сахарова Людмила Викторовна, профессор кафедры фундаментальной и прикладной математики, факультет компьютерных технологий и информационной безопасности, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (344002, Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Большая садовая, д. 69), доктор физико-математических наук, доцент, ORCID: http://orcid. org/0000-0002-4897-4926, [email protected] Тищенко Евгений Николаевич, декан факультета компьютерных технологий и информационной безопасности, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (344002, Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Большая садовая, д. 69), доктор экономических наук, профессор, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1527-4904, [email protected]

Все авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи.

Том 16, № 1. 2020 ISSN 2411-1473 sitito.cs.msu.ru

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