Научная статья на тему 'Assessment of public health risk induced by the environmental pollution nearby nuclear Power Plant construction site'

Assessment of public health risk induced by the environmental pollution nearby nuclear Power Plant construction site Текст научной статьи по специальности «Энергетика и рациональное природопользование»

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Аннотация научной статьи по энергетике и рациональному природопользованию, автор научной работы — Saltanova I., Zhukova O.

Potentially harmful to the public health factors of environmental pollution were analyzed. The factors were of both radiation and non-radiation origin. Current chemical and radiation characteristics of the environment nearby the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) construction site were studied. Potential environmental contamination form radioactive gaseous and aerosol emission during normal operation of two Water-cooled Water-moderated Power Reactor (in Russian abbreviations VVER-1200) units was estimated. An in-situ experiment was performed to obtain data on radioactive contamination of atmospheric air and to determine the concentrations of chemical pollutants in the atmospheric air in the vicinity of the Belarusian NPP construction site.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Assessment of public health risk induced by the environmental pollution nearby nuclear Power Plant construction site»

магнитовибрирующем слое. Вестник Донского государственного технического университета, 2012, №1(62), С. 95-98.

8. Марта И.Ф. Магнитоожижение во вращающемся магнитном поле //Магнитная гидродина-мика.-1987.-№4.-о. 83...90

9. Болога М.К., Марта И.Ф. Магнитоожижение во вращающемся магнитном поле//Магнитная гидродинамика. -1988. -№3 с.103...108

10. Блехман И.И., Джанелидзе Г.Ю. Об эффективных коэффициентах трения при вибрациях // Известия АН СССР ОТН-1958.-№7-С.311-317]

11. Бабичев А.П., Вернигоров Ю.М., Фролова Н.Н. Режимы работы устройства тонкого помола порошка SmCo5 // Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы техники и технологии. 2012. № 6 (296). С. 64-70.

12. Способ измельчения магнитных материалов и устройство для его осуществления: патент 2306180 Рос. Федерация: МПК B02C 13/00 / И.Н. Егоров, Ю.М. Вернигоров, С.И. Егорова. - № 2006103313/03; заявл. 06.02.06; опубл. 20.09.07, Бюл. № 26.- 2 с.


Saltanova I.

The Belarusian Institute of System Analysis and Information Support of Scientific and Technical Sphere

Minsk, Belarus Zhukova O.

Republic Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring

Minsk, Belarus


Potentially harmful to the public health factors of environmental pollution were analyzed. The factors were of both radiation and non-radiation origin. Current chemical and radiation characteristics of the environment nearby the Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) construction site were studied. Potential environmental contamination form radioactive gaseous and aerosol emission during normal operation of two Water-cooled Water-moderated Power Reactor (in Russian abbreviations VVER-1200) units was estimated. An in-situ experiment was performed to obtain data on radioactive contamination of atmospheric air and to determine the concentrations of chemical pollutants in the atmospheric air in the vicinity of the Belarusian NPP construction site.

Keywords: environmental pollution, radiation risk, public health risk, NPP construction site

1. Introduction

Currently, a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) with two Water-cooled Water-moderated Power Reactor (in Russian abbreviations VVER-1200) units is under construction in the Republic of Belarus at Ostrovets site. The primary concern in the development of nuclear power is its safety to the population and environment during long-term operation of the NPP. Radiation contamination is a certain health risk factor to members of public living near the nuclear fuel cycle facilities.

The total external and internal doses to population can cause the development of radiation-induced stochastic effects. Among those, malignant tumors are the most dangerous [1, 2]. Carcinogenes is, to a large extent, related to the influence of various chemical pollutants of air, water, soil and of food chains on the organism [1, 3]. According to [4], the share of harmful chemical environmental factors in the development of cancer pathology is approximately 70-90%. Factors leading to contamination of the environment and those that potentially may cause negative effects on public health where analyzed. To estimate the level of potential contamination of the environment with radioactive gaseous emissions from an NPP operating in normal mode, the projected radiation situation and dose levels calculations for the population within the territory nearby Belarusian NPP were carried out.

2. Methods

The data were analysed based on the following method. In this paper, calculated and experimental values of pollutants, which may adversely affect public health and the environments, are presented. It was shown, that the obtained values meet the accepted limits and safety standards that are recommended by national and international regulatory bodies.

The Russian and Belarusian regulatory standards, as well as those published by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and ICRP (The International Commission on Radiological Protection), where used for the calculations of radioactive situation and public dose levels. The methodology for calculations was based on the Technical document 38.220.56-84 "General NPP Safety. Methods for calculating the radioactive substances transport from NPP and for calculating radioactive exposure of the population". The equations of statistical theory of atmospheric diffusion together with the Pasquill's atmospheric stability classes, which are based on the Gaussian model, are used in this document. In the development of the calculation methodology some documents and handbooks were used [5, 6].

The following groups of parameters were used for the calculations:

1) Source of emission: - effective height of emission;

- initial radius of the radioactive cloud;

2) Quantitative and qualitative (in terms of radionuclides) contents of the emission;

3) Meteorological conditions:

- wind rose;

- speed and direction of wind;

- type and rate of precipitations;

- atmospheric diffusion stability class.

The model in use defines weather conditions based on the following parameters: Pasquill's atmospheric diffusion stability class [A, B, C, D, E, F]; wind speed; and precipitation rate in mm/hr, i.e. the parameter defines the cloud's depletion rate due to precipitation and wind. The defined parameters are assumed constant during the emission. The geometry of the source of emission is defined by its height and by the initial radius of the radioactive cloud. This methodology allows calculation of the public dose level in the following cases:

1) long-term steady-state emission in normal operation of an NPP;

2) long-term quasi-stationary emission in normal operation of an NPP; and

3) short-term emission during an accident.

In calculations, the following generally accepted methods for estimation of internal and external exposure for public are used: radioactive cloud emission; radioactive precipitation; ingestions of radioactive substances into human's body with air and local contaminated food. The obtained results are valid for the distances 30 - 40 km away from the source.

The results of calculating the radiation situation and public dose levels based on the above methodology where compared to the similar data published in [7, 8]. The agreement between the calculations and data was satisfactory.

When estimating gaseous emissions from VVER-1200, the known emissions from VVER-1000 published in [7] where accepted as the baseline. Thus, the data for gaseous emission from VVER-1200 were extrapolated from VVER-1000 to the 1200 MWe output.

Radioactive gaseous emissions, which are formed in the containment and other contamination control areas because of the leakages in the primary coolant loop, are ejected by the extract systems of ventilation into the environment. Air, ejected into atmosphere from the areas with radiation contamination sources, is first passed through the two-stage cleaning filters to remove aerosols and iodine.

The calculation of the emission of radioactive substances into the environment is based on the following assumptions:

- activity of the primary coolant corresponds to that of the operational limit of the fuel element damage;

- inert radioactive gases are ejected from the ventilation system occurs without clean up; and

- the ventilation system filters provide the following levels of clean up: 99.9% for aerosols; 99.9% for molecular iodine; and 99.9% for organic iodine.

The following data were used for the calculations of radiation situation from normal operation of VVER-1200 NPP [9]:

- two NPP units;

- duration of release is equal to 60 years;

- 100 m long stack vent;

- continuous mode of release;

- effective rate of dry precipitation: 0 m/s for Inert Radioactive Gases (IRG); 0,02 m/s for iodine isotopes; 0,008 m/s for aerosols;

- 10°C difference between the releases air (from a stack vent) and the environment;

- surface roughness is equal to 1m;

- radioactive impurities removal by atmospheric precipitation was neglected.

The following factors have been taken in to considerations for calculation of dose levels for population due to gaseous and aerosol releases from normal operation of an NPP:

- external gamma-radiation from a passing radioactive cloud;

- external gamma-radiation from radioactive substances that previously precipitated on the ground and local objects;

- internal irradiation from inhaled radioactive aerosols (this may be alternatively called as inhalation hazard);

- internal irradiation from the consumed foods that were contaminated with radioactive substances.

Methodology for calculating dose levels for population was based on Belarusian norms and standards recommended by ICRP. The data on radiation and physical parameters of radionuclides, weighting factors for internal and external irradiation, and medical and biological parameters of a standard person were taken from publications [10-14]. Individual doses for food path of radionuclides were calculated using accumulated coefficients method under assumption that only local food was consumed [6]. Such assessment gives the highest possible levels of exposure.

The specialists of SI "RCRCEM" (State Institution "Republican Center for Radiation Control and Environmental Monitoring") collected the samples of the air in compliance with [15].

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Radiation Situation

Unified program for calculation of atmospheric pollution "Ecologist" was used for calculation. The program takes into account the requirements that are contained in the references [16-20].

Results of calculation of air and soil radioactive contamination from normal operation of two units of VVER-1200 NPP at Ostrovets site are in Tables 1 - 4 (based on [21]).

Table. 1.

Annual release of gases and aerosols from a stack vent from normal operation of VVER-1200 NPP, GBq/year

Radionuclide T1/2 VVER-1200 NPP

One unit Two units

12,35 years * *

Kr-83m 1,84 hr * *

Kr-85m 4,48 hr 23,9 47,8

Kr-85 10,72 years 11,9 23,8

Kr-87 76,3 min 2,62 5,24

Kr-88 2,84 hr 28,0 56,0

Хе-131m 11,9 days. * *

Хе-133m 2,188 days * *

Хе-133 5,245 days 3,039-104 6,078-104

Хе-135 9,09 hr 3,24-102 6,48-102

Хе-138 14,17 min 5,06-10-2 1,01-10-1

I-131 8,04 days 1,28-10-2 2,56-10-2

I-132 2,3 hr 7,43-10-3 1,49-10-2

I-133 20,8 hr 8,78-10-3 1,76-10-2

I-134 52,6 min 1,24-10-3 2,48-10-3

I-135 6,61 hr 2,50-10-2 5,00-10-2

Sr-89 50,55 days 6,62-10-4 1,32-10-3

Sr-90 29,12 years 3,66-10-5 7,32-10-5

Cs-134 2,062 years 1,96-10-2 3,92-10-2

Cs-137 30,2 years 2,77-10-2 5,54-10-2

Cr-51 27,704 days. 7,97-10-3 1,59-10-2

Mn-54 312,5 days 6,21-10-3 1,24-10-2

Со-60 5,271 years 1,49-10-2 2,98-10-2

IRG - 3,078-104 6,156-104

Iodine isotopes - 5,53-10-2 1,11-10-1

Aerosols - 7,71-10-2 1,54-10-1

- * -

In total - 3,078-104 6,156-104

* - no data are available

Table. 2.

Estimated radiation situation at VVER-1200 NPP site during normal operation; volumetric ground level concentration of radioactive impurities _in air, Bq/m3_

Distance from a source of release, km Ostrovets site

VVER-1200 NPP (two units)

Maximal Minimal

1 2,66-10-1 4,86-10-2

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1,1 2,71-10-1 4,91-10-2

2 2,1110-1 3,85-10-2

4 1,09-10-1 1,98-10-2

6 6,95-10-2 1,51 -10-2

8 4,99-10-2 9,12-10-3

10 3,85-10-2 7,00-10-3

12 3,11-10-2 5,64-10-3

14 2,58-10-2 4,69-10-3

16 2,20-10-2 4,00-10-3

18 1,90-10-2 3,46-10-3

20 1,68-10-2 3,04-10-3

25 1,27-10-2 2,32-10-3

30 1,02-10-2 1,86-10-3

Table. 3.

Soil surface contamination in the direction of maximal soil contamination from normal operation of VVER-1200 _NPP, Bq/m2_

Distance from a source of release, km Ostrovets site

VVER-1200 NPP (two units)

1 year 60 years

1 1,43-10-1 1,63

1,1 1,44-10-1 1,67

2 1,1210-1 1,30

4 5,72-10-2 6,60-10-1

6 3,59-10-2 4,16-10-1

8 2,54-10-2 2,95-10-1

10 1,94-10-2 2,65-10-1

12 1,55-10-2 1,80-10-1

14 1,27-10-2 1,48-10-1

16 1,07-10-2 1,25-10-1

18 9,13-10-3 1,06-10-1

20 7,92-10-3 9,24-10-2

25 5,83-10-3 6,82-10-2

30 4,52-10-3 5,29-10-2

Table. 4.

Maximal soil contamination with radionuclides due to VVER-1200 NPP (two units) releases_

Parameter Ostrovets site

Duration of VVER-1200 NPP operation , years 1 10 60

Maximal soil contamination due to NPP releases, Ci/km2 3,90-10-6 2,29-10-5 4,50-10-5

Soil contamination due to background radiation during NPP operation, Ci/km2 ~0,05 ~0,05 ~0,05

Ratio of soil contamination due to NPP releases to contamination due to background operation, % 7,8-10-3 4,6-10-2 9,0-10"2

3.2. Estimated Dose Levels to the Population

Table 5 provides estimation of effective annual exposure level from gaseous and aerosols releases from normal operation of two units of VVER-1200 NPP (Os-trovets site) for a critical group of population.

Data analysis of dose levels on population from normal operation of two units of VVER-1200 NPP shows that maximal values of effective annual exposure levels for critical group of population vary within 7,54 10-5 mSv (7,54 10-3 mRem) - 4,14 10-4 mSv (4,14-10-2 mRem), at Ostrovets site (30-km range).


Estimated effective annual exposure level from normal operation of two units of VVER-1200 NPP (Ostrovets site) for a critical group of population ( 0 - 1 years old children), Sv

Distance from a source of release, km Ostrovets site

VVER-1200 NPP (two units)

Maximal Minimal

1 4,09-10-7 7,45-10-8

1,1 4,14-10-7 7,54-10-8

2 3,24-10-7 5,88-10-8

4 1,67-10-7 3,01-10"8

6 1,05-10-7 1,91-10-8

8 7,46-10-8 1,36-10"8

10 5,70-10-8 1,09-10-8

12 4,56-10-8 8,28-10-9

14 3,77-10-8 6,83-10-9

16 3,17-10-8 5,76-10-9

18 2,72-10-8 4,94-10-9

20 2,36-10-8 4,31-10-9

25 1,75-10-8 3,20-10-9

30 1,39-10-8 2,51-10-9

biggest contribution to the effective dose for the considered radiation paths is due to Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-135, Rb-88, Cs-134, Cs-137 (for external radiation); Cs-134, Cs-137 (for irradiation due to inhaled air); and Cs-134, Cs-137, I-131, Co-60, Mo-99 (due to irradiation from consumed contaminated food).

Table 6 presents values for effective annual doses for critical population group in the spot of maximal contamination for Ostrovets site for different periods of VVER-1200 NPP (two units) operation.

Table. 6.

Effective annual doses for critical population group in the spot of maximal contamination for Ostrovets site for _different periods of VVER-1200 NPP (two units) operation._

Parameter Value

VVER-1200 NPP (two units)

Operation duration, years 1 10 30 60

Effective average annual dose (calculated), mSv 4,1410-4 4,26 10-4 4,3610-4 4,5 10-4

Maximal allowed annual dose as recommended by Radiation Safety Norms , mSv 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0

Calculated dose to maximal allowed dose ratio, % 4,1410-2 4,26 10-2 4,3610-2 4,5 10-2

Analysis of the data on effective annual internal and external doses for population from gaseous and aerosol releases from 2 units of VVER-1200 NPP in the spot of the maximal contamination of Ostrovets site reveals that for the critical group of population the ratio of external irradiation to the total dose from the first year of NPP operation amounts to 27%, that of inhalation - 0.02%, and that of the consumed "contaminated" food - 73%. From the considered radionuclides, the

Analysis of calculated data for dose levels from gaseous and aerosols releases from normal operation of VVER-1200 NPP (two units) showed that the effective dose levels for critical population groups during the whole period of NPP operation amount to a negligible fraction (0,05 %) of the maximal allowed level recommended by a number of radiation safety standards [10, 12, 13]. These data are published here for the wide access for the first time.

3.3. Field Experiment

Concentrations of pollutants of different origins were experimentally determined in the air samples gathered nearby Ostrovets site (where an NPP is currently being constructed).

A significant volume of air was pumped through filters to obtain a representative combined aerosol sample during the experiment. Cs-137 volumetric activity in air samples was measured in the gamma-spectrome-try laboratory of the Republican Center for Radiation

Control and Environmental Monitoring (RCRCEM). The combined sample in study was comprised from three samples of radioactive aerosols that were gathered near built-up area; each of the samples was gathered using four portable filtration units; pumping time through each unit was 8 hours. Therefore, the combined sample consisted of 12 single aerosol samples.

The sample was measured in accordance with [22] using gamma spectrometer ADCAM/100, ORTEC, USA (gamma range: 40-3000 keV). The measurement error was 20-25%.

Obtained values of Cs-137 volumetric activity in the combined sample of radioactive aerosols gathered in the villages of Aveny, Goza, and Bystritsa (Ostrovets district of Grodno region) are presented in Table 7. These data are published here for the wide access for the first time.

Sample cutting location Sampling date Start and end time of pumping Pumped volume, m3 137Cs, Bq/m3

Aveny village 21.06.2011 10--18— 610,4

Goza village 22.06.2011 945^745 612,2

Bystritsa village 23.06.2011 1022-1830 613,6

Combined aerosol sample 21-23.06.2011 1836,6 30-10-6

Table. 7.

Obtained values of Cs-137 volumetric activity in the combined sample of radioactive aerosols gathered in the villages of Aveny, Goza, and Bystritsa (Ostrovets district of Grodno region)

An in-situ experiment was performed to determine the concentrations of chemical pollutants in the atmospheric air in the vicinity of the Ostrovets construction site.

Experimentally obtained values of chemical pollutants concentration in the vicinity of the NPP are in Table 8.

Table. 8.

Concentrations of chemical pollutants (substances and dust) in air samples

Pollutant Measurement unit Actual value of the investigated parameter/substance

Location №1 Location №2 Location №3

Solid particles |g/m3 <100 <100 <100

Sulfur dioxide |g/m3 <14 <14 <14

Nitrogen dioxide |g/m3 8±1 8±1 8±1

Carbon monoxide |g/m3 500±25 800±40 700±35

Lead |g/m3 0,0004±0,0001 0,0026±0,0007 0,0020±0,0005

Cadmium |g/m3 0,0005±0,0001 0,0006±0,0002 0,0005±0,0001

There are no large industrial facilities in Ostrovets. Therefore, the following background concentrations of pollutants in air (maximal from the single concentrations, which are exceeded in 5% of cases) were assumed:

- solid particles - 0,53 of Maximal Allowed Concentrations (MAC);

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- sulfur dioxide - 0,03 MAC;

- carbon monoxide - 0,40 MAC;

- nitrogen dioxide - 0,18 MAC.

The data provided in Table 10 suggests that the measured concentrations of chemical pollutants do not exceed the assumed background concentrations of pollutants present in the air. Specifically, sulfur dioxide concentration corresponds to its background value; dust concentration in air is 1,5 times less than the calculated values for the considered region; that for nitrogen dioxide is 6 times less; and that for carbon monoxide is 2,5 - 4 times less.

Concentration of heavy metals in air is significantly less that the MAC. Specifically, lead concentration is 115 - 750 times less than MAC; that of cadmium is 2000 times less than MAC.

At the next stage, field of maximal ground concentrations of pollutants, which were released by pointtype stationary facilities located at Ostrovets, was calculated for the most adverse weather conditions. Calculations showed that the concentration of certain substances (hydrocarbons, xylene, toluene, ethylbenzene) under certain circumstances may exceed MAC.

4. Conclusion

Gamma-spectrometry analysis showed that Cs-137 concentration in the combined air sample (30T0-6 Bq/m3) is very close to the long-term average values typical for this region.

Although the obtained value exceeds the 2008-value (1,2T0-6 Bq/m3) this may be explained by the increased background level due to Fukushima accident. The estimated results as well as the experimentally obtained values infer that population dose levels from the normal operation of the NPP will be minimal. Effective dose levels for critical population groups during the whole period of NPP operation amount to a negligible fraction (0,05 %) of the maximal allowed level recommended by Radiation Safety Standards. Additionally, we state that the current radiation situation cannot be considered as a sourse of public health risk.

The measured concentrations of chemical pollutants do not exceed the assumed background concentrations of pollutants present in the air. Results of calcula-

tions showed absence of public health risk factors arising from chemical environmental pollution in the vicinity of the NPP, which is currently under construction.

The results obtained from measurements and calculations, allows us to affirm that at the current stage of NPP construction there are no public health risk factors that could be conditioned by the environmental pollution.


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Сараева Е.Г.

Астраханский государственный технический университет, магистрант


Saraeva E. G.

Astrakhan State Technical University, graduate student


В статье рассматривается текущее экономическое положение транспортно-логистического комплекса Российской Федерации и ее регионов. Выявляются блоки проблем региональной транспортной инфраструктуры. Обосновывается необходимость формирования интегральной транспортной инфраструктуры (регионального транспортного кластера). Формируются положительные особенности развития региональной экономики от применения кластерного метода формирования транспортной инфраструктуры.

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