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Ключевые слова
physical development / external environment / unfavorable environmental condition / health / body weight

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — R. K. Jangabaeva, S. P. Esemuratova, B. K. Kutlimuratova

High sensitivity of the human body to the environment is characteristic, especially for the period of puberty. The influence of external environmental factors plays an important role in the change of physical development to the positive or negative side. The study analyzed the physical development indicators of 12-15-year-old adolescents living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Taking into account anthropometric indicators in this area, it is necessary to develop standards of physical development in connection with the regional, ethnic and social characteristics of the population.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам о здоровье , автор научной работы — R. K. Jangabaeva, S. P. Esemuratova, B. K. Kutlimuratova

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R. K. Jangabaeva S. P. Esemuratova B. K. Kutlimuratova

Karakalpak state university Karakalpak state university Karakalpak state university

named after Berdakh, named after Berdakh, named after Berdakh,

Biology and physiology Biology and physiology Biology and physiology

chair chair chair


High sensitivity of the human body to the environment is characteristic, especially for the period of puberty. The influence of external environmental factors plays an important role in the change of physical development to the positive or negative side. The study analyzed the physical development indicators of 12-15-year-old adolescents living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Taking into account anthropometric indicators in this area, it is necessary to develop standards of physical development in connection with the regional, ethnic and social characteristics of the population.

Keywords: physical development, external environment, unfavorable environmental condition, health, body weight


One of the pressing issues in the direction of human ecology is the identification of changes in the state of physical development of the children's population. The study of the morphometric characteristic of physical development is considered as the determination of the degree of adaptation of the organism to the external environment. The organism in itself manifests the result of the effects of endogen and exogen of the external environment. A violation of growth and development is a violation of Health. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain information about the physical development of the growing generation in a timely manner [8].

In 1990-2000-ies on the territory of the South Aral Sea, Studies on physical development were poorly conducted, and they were not published in modern scientific literature. Currently, several scientists are conducting research on the physical development of the population in this area [3, 4, 5, 7, 12]. As a result of the drying of the Aral Sea, a layer of salty soil accumulated under the sea began to spread to the atmosphere and other remote areas through strong winds and storms. This salt layer and other chemical compounds (pesticides and heavy metals) led to the contamination of fertile soils, as well as water in the channels in rural areas [9, 10, 13]. These factors are

the most important exogenous factors affecting physical development and human health.


Somatometric examination of 178 volunteer females from different ages (12-15 years) was conducted during our study at the 3-St general Secondary School in the district of Muynak of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the 38-St general Secondary School in Nukus city and the 32-St general Secondary School in the district of Turtkul.

The following parameters of body structure were determined by the generally accepted method: 1. Body weight was measured on an electronic medical scale with a measuring accuracy from 50 g to 150 g, depending on the weight. 2. Height measurement with a measurement accuracy of up to 5 mm in height was assessed using SECA 217 (Germany). 3. Chest circumference was measured with anthropometry tape.


To characterize physical development, three main anthropometric indicators are usually used, namely body weight, height length and chest circumference [12].

The results of the comparison of the data obtained showed that the somatometric indicators of schoolchildren in the Nukus and quadruple district did not differ much from the somatometric indicators of their peers in fur (Figure 1).

Возрасть (лет)

Figure 1. Comparison of height-length indicators of schoolchildren (females) in the district of Muynak-Nukus-Turtkul of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

In particular, the height of 12-year-olds in Nukus is +1,18 cm more than that of their Muynak peers, and the chest circumference is +0,7 cm more. The growth of 12-year-olds in Turtkul is about the same as that of their peers in Muynak, and there were no differences in other indicators.

The growth of 13-year-olds in Nukus is + 1,33 cm more than their peers in Muynak. No corresponding differences in body weight and chest circumference were found. There were no corresponding differences in the height, body weight, and chest circumference of 13-year-olds in Turtkul compared to their peers in Muynak.

It turned out that 14 - year-old students from Nukus have a height of +1,11 cm more than their peers from Muynak, and a body weight of 0,77 kg less; 15-year-old students have a height of +2,17 cm more than their peers from Muynak, and a body weight of 0,87 kg less, and there are no differences in the chest circumference (Figure 2).



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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Масса тела, кг

Figure 2. Comparison of body weight indicators of schoolchildren (females) in the district of Muynak-Nukus-Turtkul of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

The height of 14-year-old schoolchildren in Turtkul is +1 cm longer than that of their peers in Muynak, and there are no differences in body weight and chest circumference; it was found that the height of 15-year-old schoolchildren is +1,84 cm longer than that of their peers in Muynak, and there are no differences in body weight and chest circumference (Figure 3).

12 13 14 15

Bo3pacTt (ner)

Figure 3. Comparison of the indicators of chest circumference of schoolchildren (females) in the district of Muynak-Nukus-Turtkul of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

From the above results, it is known that the area close to the Aral Sea is the lowest in the length of the height in the schoolchildren of the Muynak region. However, the data obtained on body weight in schoolchildren showed that they did not depend on the place of residence. Perhaps, the temporary dynamics that are determined in our work depends, first of all, on the specific characteristics of the secular variability. Good results were observed in the indicators of height and chest circumference in Nukus City schoolchildren, and this may be due to their presence in the city. From the literature it is known that compared to children living in rural areas, the physical development of children living in the city will be faster (acceleration). One of the reasons for the delay in the physical development of rural schoolchildren from their peers in the city may be due to the low standard of living of the rural population [2]. Despite the fact that the results obtained were such, it was found that physical development in children, adolescents and young people living in the territory of the Republic of Karakalpakstan is lower than the normative indicators [7, 8].

Analysis of the sexual development of schoolchildren in the last 20 years has shown a slowdown in puberty in adolescents, which is observed in the transition of the puberty of boys and females to the next age [1]. Various literature data suggest that anthropogen pollution of the living environment increases the likelihood of the emergence of asthenic body type [11] and also reduce the rate of growth and development of the body. In females, differences in the general indicators of the body

are less noticeable, which is evidenced by their excellent flexibility abilities and the ability to withstand anthropogen stresses [6].


The area close to the Aral Sea was found to be the minimum height in the Muynak district schoolchildren. However, the data obtained on body weight in schoolchildren showed that they did not depend on the place of residence. Perhaps, the temporary dynamics identified in our work is characterized, first of all, by the peculiarities of secular variability. Good results were observed in the indicators of height and chest circumference in Nukus City schoolchildren, and this may be due to their presence in the city.


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