The used sources:
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2. Востоков А.Х. Рассуждение о славянском языке, служащее введением к грамматике сего языка, составляемой по древнейшим оного письменным памятникам // История языкознания XIXи XX веков в очерках и извлечениях. - М., 1960. - 406 с.
3. Кронгауз М.А. Стуруктура времени и значение слов // Логический анализ языка. - М., 1990, - 279 с.
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Kaldybaev S.K., Doctor of Education science, Professor Director of institute of social and natural sciences at International
Ataturk -Ala-Too University Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek Zhamakeeva Z.E.
Deputy Head of the National Testing Center of the Kyrgyz Republic
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek Shamshidinova Baktygul Samshidinovna Head of methodological support of the National Testing Center of the
Summary. The test SAM tool (school achievements monitoring) is developed by researchers of Russia. It is successfully approved at schools of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Armenia. Approbation results on mathematics, results of questioning among teachers and pupils of elementary schools are given in this article.
Keywords: SAM tool (school achievements monitoring), test tasks, school program in mathematics, testing, questioning, statistical data.
Introduction. Continuous tracking of functional literacy formation is not delivered appropriately in the Kyrgyz Republic. To get real information about learning results could form the real basis for the Educational policies and strategies at different levels. So, the research on the study of functional literacy in mathematics for primary school students was conducted in 2012-2013 [1].
General characteristics of the technology "School Achievements Monitoring" (SAM). Currently, Russian Federation has created and successfully implements the monitoring of the primary school students achievements. According to the academic publications and reports, we can state that the technology SAM has sufficient experience to monitor the primary school students' achievements in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan [2; 3; 4]. In contrast to the international researches as PISA and TIMSS, which compare the effectiveness of educational
systems and approaches with each other at the national level, this technology is aimed to provide the evaluation of educational results, that is enormously significant for teachers, trainers and school administrators.
L.C. Vygotsky's cultural development theory is the theoretical basis of this technology. According to this hypothesis, learning is a prerequisite for the mental development of the child. So it is followed by development.
As Vygotsky claims, learning is appropriation of iconic structures, that result in learning the cultural patterns. Cultural patterns include: a) the external characteristics of a class of subject situations and their corresponding actions; a) outer characteristics of the situations and actions; b) significant relationship of the situations that define the basic principles of operation; c) the idea of possible spheres of ways, including the limits of its applications. The student relies on external characteristics during learning an image during learning process, and then reveals significant relationship in that phenomenon. Finally, the student identifies and highlights the limits of the action. So, the limits of the action suggest a formal, reflexive and functional levels of learning of the cultural mode of action [5, p. 912].
Formal level involves the development of models and algorithms. At this level, the student refers to external characteristics of action and he does not yet recognize those essential aspects that are beyond the patterns and algorithms. The student learns the typical situations and appropriate action schemes. He copes with only the general tasks in which the bond of the conditions are linked directly with the assimilation of rules, patterns. An indicator of achieving the formal level decision is to cope with standard tasks that are described or clearly indicated that they belong to a particular class, either directly lead to the correct action scheme. In such tasks, relationships, that are to be solved, have direct connection with the external characteristics of the situation and do not require setting.
Reflexive level involves understanding the reasons of the actions, being aware of significant association that is behind the mode of action. This level encompasses to solve the problems under this method. An indicator of the achievement at this level is to solve problems without using general schemes of action. This level excludes direct steps of the conditions to the model algorithm steps. Examples include the tasks that involve the conversion of conditions; tasks involving movement of the result to the conditions; tasks of abstract nature; the tasks represented in various forms (e.g., one part of the task is given as a text, and the other forms are given as with the drawing).
Functional level provides the sustainability of the appropriate semantic field, it also represents the fluency of the mode of action and its application in a various contexts. The student, that masters some content at this level, he does not simply act under the scheme, or even he does not simply act with understanding the meaning, but also he foresees of possible development of the method, the limitation of this method. The mode of action is characterized by the ability to use in different contexts: it requires the imitation of significant relationships, planning solutions in highly noisy situation, the choice of optimal strategy, etc.
Researchers distinguish the following tasks to the given level:
• reconstruction and testing options with a choice of one, that meets the criteria;
• to analyze a given scheme (formulas) to select the appropriate action;
• involving the detection limit of the fundamental method and additional resources;
• the main way of implementation is as the action of a higher order;
• adaptation of the formulas of action to the specific characteristics of the object.
SAM technology has specific features, that is characterized with units of tasks when you create the course test for each section regarding the integrity of the subject. Each unit has three objectives - the first, second and third levels, which form a natural hierarchy in difficulty. Thus, each unit identifies the quality of the assignment of a certain section of the curriculum.
One element of the SAM technology is an automated information system (computer module) allows to evaluate participants' knowledge and it automatically generates various reports (in the form of tables, graphs and charts) as a test for each participant, and for individual classes and schools. If desired, the teacher can conduct his/her own evaluation of children (manually verifying the buildings using the keys to the job). However, the use of computer module does not only facilitate this task, but it also will use the full range of reports generated by the system for the analysis of test results. In addition, the module allows you to gather information and take into account the results of previous tests in the preparation of reports for new tests in order to compare the results.
Characteristics of the mathematical test. The researchers have created mathematical tests to monitor students' achievements in primary schools. It is designed to assess the competence of the students of the course, reflecting a measure of the content of the assignment of the subject "Mathematics" at three basic levels: formal, reflexive and functional [2; 5].
The test includes the main sections of primary school mathematics presented in the program: "Numbers and operations", "Measured values", "Regularities", "Dependence", "Elements of Geometry".
"Numbers and operations." This section includes content related to the formal aspect of the concept of natural number (positional record numbers, standard algorithms for operations on numbers, order of actions, properties of operations). It also includes educational material related to the representation of numbers on the coordinate axis.
"Measurement". This section includes educational material associated with the actual actions of direct and indirect measurement. It also includes geometric measurements.
"Regularity". The content of this section is related to the development of numerical and geometric sequences and other structured objects, as well as the determination of their quantitative characteristics. This line is important for the development of mathematical thinking.
"Dependent". The content of this section is related to the release and the description of the mathematical structure of the relationship between the values given by texts.
"Elements of Geometry". Section covers the geometric material associated with the definition of spatial form and arrangement of objects.
The structure of the tests of the technology SAM can be represented as a set of three subtests. Each of the test is a set of tasks that vary from one level to another of the different sections of the educational content. Mathematical test consists of tasks with three levels collected in Units. The general number of tasks is 45, there are 15 Units.
Structural unit of test comprises the Unit with three ( the 1st, , 2nd and 3rd levels that is appropriate to one section of the content. Tasks are integrated into Units. Sequence submission of units has not any sense.
Tests use the tasks of the following type:
• open tasks with the brief answer;
• closed tasks with choice of single right answer among from 4-5 proposed;
• tasks that require constructions.
Most of the tasks (about 80%) were open type with the brief answer.
Dichotomous rating was used in estimation of the tasks: student earns one score for the right answer, zero is given for wrong answer or incomplete variant of reply. So, maximum amount of the primary points, that student can earn for the fulfillment of tasks is 45. Maximum amount of the primary points, that student can earn for the each level is 15.
Acceptability of test content in mathematics for primary schools in Kyrgyzstan. The primary schools in the Kyrgyz Republic have "A Program in Mathematics for grades 1-4". The program aims at establishing the basis of mathematical knowledge, that allows to form a competent person, who will be able to independently obtain the necessary knowledge even after the school [8].
Primary schools in Kyrgyzstan have recently started to pay particular importance to the fact that the character and individual features of the person are formed in early stages of the school. Primary schools also train learning and academic abilities. So, the following requirements are considered as uttermost in mathematical preparation of the primary school students [6, p. 17-19]:
• the ability to compare numbers and record with signs>, <, =;
• the ability to add, subtract multi-digit numbers, to know multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers on-one and two-digit numbers;
• the ability to read and write various expressions using the names of the components of arithmetic operations and using the terms "amount", "difference", "work" and "private";
• the ability to comply with the values in the calculation procedure in expressions.
• ability to solve problems in the 2-4 composite actions, including those containing the concept of " many more" ("less"), "as many times as much" ("less"),
as well as the value (cost, price, time, speed, distance);
• ability to find different fractions of (half, one third, one fourth, one-fifth of one-tenth ...);
• the ability to draw shapes: segment, triangle, circle, rectangle, with a ruler, compasses, square;
• the ability to call and write unit of length or distance (mm, cm, dm, m, km), to know their relationship;
• the ability to measure the length of the segment lengths of the sides of the figures;
• the ability to calculate the perimeter and area of a rectangle (square).
As we can state, the content of the national program in mathematics is
identical in content with the technology SAM. Teaching and course specific competences, that outlined in the test content, are the subject of learning of primary school students during the four years of study. The branches of the test do not go beyond the national program in mathematics. This fact is certified by the recommendation of experts of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education.
Adaptation of the technology SAM in the Kyrgyz Republic. There was a task for the researchers to test technology SAM in order to adapt it in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Adapting the technology SAM meant as following:
• translation of tests into the Kyrgyz language;
• certification at the national level;
• translation and preparation of additional materials;
• conducting clinical testing;
• analysis of tests and make the necessary changes.
During the adaptation the last versions of the tests were prepared, the tests were translated into Kyrgyz, the survey for the teachers and students were worked out. Seminars were conducted with school coordinators in the regional departments of education, schools for clinical and full-scale testing were selected in individual districts and cities of Kyrgyzstan.
Time is set for each of the levels of the tasks: a minute is given the first level of the task, second level was to be done in 2 minutes, the third level required 3 minutes.
Test is to be done in 90 minutes (Two lessons lasting for 45 minutes with a break). Usually the test may be of paper based and computer based.
Approbation of tests by the technology SAM on mathematics was conducted on the paper based type with the participation of schools in urban and rural regions. The purpose of the testing at this stage was to check the functioning of assignments and tests in Kyrgyz Republic, also we intended to study the properties of the systemtest, and the evaluation of its reliability and validity.
Approbation was conducted in October, 2012. The 5th grade students were to be involved to test. 102 students of the 5th grades in schools of Bishkek, Naryn cities, Naryn and Sokuluk districts took part.
Therefore, in the process of concluding the state of distractors was studied as
a result of answers for the closed type of questions. Distractors, which select less than 5% of the students, are considered as non-performing. And they should be changed or removed from the test. Also, the analysis of distractors in terms of their functioning was conducted. So, coefficient of point-double type correlation was defined between distractors and total scores of the test.
Table 1
Task number M-M-2.1.03
Distractors A B * B T
Share of choice 8% 41% 10% 18%
Point-double type coefficient 0.01 0.19 -0.30 0.14
This task works perfectly, but distractors A and D need to be improved, since the correlation is almost zero (distractor A) or positive (T), which means these options are selected by the students from a successful group.
Substantive expertise of the two variants of the test was conducted according to the results of testing. The suitability of each task with the program in mathematics was verified, the texts of the tasks were analyzed, translations into Kyrgyz were checked for the adequacy, also it was necessary to find out whether those texts are clear for the students. All the errors were corrected and the last version of the test was done.
Full-scale approbation and analysis of the test results. As a result of the changes that made by recommendations of the statistical data, full scale approbation was planned. The secondary schools of Bishkek city, Moscow, Issyk-Ata districts of Chui region, secondary schools of Naryn city, Naryn, and At-Bashy districts of Naryn region have been selected for a full-scale testing.
Testing and survey included 29 schools of different categories. Approbation was carried out together with school education department of Ministry Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. The full-scale approbation was attended by 802 primary school children. The results of the test were incorporated into the matrix of responses.
Statistical analysis of the results showed that the average index of discriminative of the both versions is almost equal and has a valid value: 0.32 and 0.36. The average coefficient of solvability for the first version is 0.36, for the second version is - 0.3. As it can be seen, the results of the mean scores of solvability are within normal limits. It was found out that the tests had a good internal consistency.
For example, we give the distribution schedule of solvability ratio by level of tasks in the first version of the test. The analysis shows that for the divisions of "Dependence" and "Elements of Geometry" students of Kyrgyzstan showed solvability ratio below acceptable standards.
Particular difficulty was experienced by primary school students in solving problems of the third level. For example, let's take the difficult task from the
"Numbers and operations" under number M-C-1.3.01: "What is the biggest result may occur if in the sum of two three-digit numbers A5V + BC3, letters replaced numbers? (Different letters are different digits.) Nobody has been able to solve it. The task requires the use of positional principle of multi-digit numbers, that is related to know the properties and the order of execution of arithmetic operations with multi-numbers. As you can see, the students have academic knowledge, and have difficulty to explain the application of the rules and principles in the transformation of verbal material in the mathematical expression in predicting future impacts on the basis of the data. Students lack the skills to use logical thinking in an irregular situation.
It also can also be seen from the table that in solving the M-C-M-2.1.05 and 3.1.05 for the C-section "Numbers and operations" hierarchy within the Unit, was broken, the second coefficient solvability is less than the third reference, i.e. respectively it was equal to 0.08 and 0.13. In this connection, it is possible to assume that the meaning of the task was confusing for students.
Analysis allows us to conclude that, by the end of fourth grade students of the Kyrgyz Republic do not master the section "Numbers and operations" completely at the functional level.
Graphical distribution of coefficient solvability assignments M-G-01-1-1, M-G-01-1-2 and M-G-01-1-3 in the "Elements of Geometry" displays that training is very weak. In the task of formal level (M-G-01-1-1):
students have made mistakes. The challenge is aimed at identifying students' knowledge about the shape and properties of figures on the relative positions of figures, abilities to make such action, as a recognition of geometric shapes, the distinction between geometric shapes. It can be seen from histogram the coefficient of solvability problems of the formal level is 0.19, reflexive level - 0.07 and functional level - 0.03. The task of the formal level (№40) was very complex for the students in Kyrgyzstan and the other levels were almost all not unsolvable.
According to the results of full-scale testing, compiled and summarized table and graphs were worked out that reflect the results of schools by level of learning.
General criteria to achieve the first level (formal) is the ability to act, focusing on the outward signs of task situation and model of action. According to the results of testing, school Syydanova (Chui oblast) and School. U. Asanov (Naryn region) showed good results , where all students coped with the task of the first level.
Index for achieving the second level (reflexive) is the ability to act on the basis of meaningful analysis of task situation, the allocation of a significant relationship, defining the principle of the solution. School №2 21 in Bishkek showed the best result on this level, where 90% of the students coped with the task. The school Oy-Tersken (56%), the school # 87 in Bishkek (55%) and the school # 10 in
"Mark the point, located inside
the square and the triangle and outside the circle
Naryn (53%) overcame 50% of the tasks. The students of 14 schools (Almost 50%) among 29 schools that participated in the test, have not showed any results for the second reflective level.
A common measure for achieving the third level (functional) is the ability to navigate the field of possible schemes for implementing the general method, the ability to see its boundaries, to go beyond these boundaries. At this level, all schools displayed very poor results.
In general, the results of full-scale testing of students of the Kyrgyz Republic demonstrated very weak training for the tasks corresponding to the functional level. It is the fact that the method of teaching in primary schools is not focusing on the functional level. Children are taught to perform direct action to follow up the algorithm.
Survey for the teachers. The survey among teachers was conducted in order to deeper understand the causes of the results of the questionnaire, to examine the relationship of educational approaches of teachers and the test results. The survey contained 30 questions, which related to information about the teacher:
• the teachers' educational background and opportunities to improve the educational level;
• the attitude of the teacher to work;
• the working conditions in the school and the methods he/she uses;
• the teaching staff, where teacher works;
• parents who are direct assistants of the teacher in a primary school.
38 primary school teachers took part in the survey. They were from rural
schools, and schools of small towns and the regional cities. Survey of teachers was conducted in order to obtain an idea of how to relate the test results to other processes that occur in educational process.
The teacher considered the student as the best, who behaved in accordance with the generally accepted rules. 46% of teachers (17 of 37) selected this answer. Only 3 out of 31 teachers believed that an ideal student "felt at schools like at home". Most of the respondents have insisted on that "the ideal student" is not alone; he has many friends, he is in a good relationship with peers, teachers and parents.
The results of the survey showed that the identification of one or more reasons does not rapidly improve the situation in education. Experience shows that it is necessary to have complex and constant actions. In general, the lack of qualified teachers, lack of methodological assistance and training facilities (sufficient textbooks, laboratories, additional literature and so on.) are the reasons of the low quality of school education.
Survey among students. The survey of students was conducted immediately after the test. Survey results helped to identify specific features of the schools and it also provides to explain the test results of the students. The survey was conducted for the purpose to identify how the environment that forms and develops the educational skills of students, influences the learning outcomes.
Total 800 respondents took part among fourth-graders from different
categories of schools. 418 of them were boys, representing 52.25%, 382 were girls which was equal to 47.75%.
The survey outcomes are as following:
• teachers do not have access to the technological resources in preparation for lessons;
• the main skills of academic work in the classroom and at home are to memorize, read and retell;
• the large percentage of students do not have access to sources of information;
• lack of attention by parents for the children's problems;
• preschool education is not accessible, especially in rural areas;
• there is a lack of educational resources, especially in rural schools and schools of small towns.
Conclusion. SAM technology has been successfully tested in the schools with the Kyrgyz language instruction. The SAM technology can be easily adapted and localized in a foreign environment. We can bring the following conclusion as a result of the research.
1. The technology is flexible enough and successfully promotes the idea of teaching, that is based on the theory of cultural development of Vygotsky. Practice of SAM technology allows to reveal the personal achievements of an individual student, certain grades and all the school. Also it lets us to know what achievements the schools in the region have and in general what the country has gained in terms of learning in the primary level.
2. Practice of tests by SAM technology will help school teachers to analyze of the results of tests on a specific course, and take appropriate decisions to improve teaching methods and measures to address gaps in specific issues.
3. The research on practice of SAM technology has revealed some shortcomings that occur in the primary schools in Kyrgyzstan. This fact is confirmed by questionnaire. The primary school students in the Kyrgyz Republic have coped with the tasks of the reflexive level poorly and they are unable to do the tasks at the functional level.
4. And the SAM technology is applicable in the learning process according to the "National Program" for the primary schools. Furthermore, this technology can be successfully practiced in the Final exams of the primary school students.
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Алиева Г.Ш. студент Институт права СГЭУ Калашникова Е.Б., к. и.н.
кафедра теории и философии права
На протяжении огромного периода времени проблема защиты прав женщин в странах исламского мира занимает важное место. Согласно Шариату, женщина - живое человеческое существо, имеющее точно такую же душу, как и мужчина. А значит, по своим правам и обязанностям она полностью должна быть равна с мужчиной перед Всевышним Аллахом. Однако, это только в идеале.
Положение женщины в Исламе определено многовековой традицией, законами и правилами, которые установлены Творцом всего сущего 1. В Исламе существует право, которое предусматривает значительные различия ролей мужчины и женщины в области прав и обязанностей:
• за убитую женщину родственникам выплачивается меньшая денежная компенсация, чем за убитого мужчину;
• муж имеет право применять физическое насилие в отношении жены, жена такого права не имеет;
• имам или правитель не может быть женщиной;2
• Коран гласит: «Мужчины являются попечителями женщин, поэтому Аллах дал одним из них преимущество перед другими и потому что они расходуют из своего имущества». 3
На современном этапе развития мусульманских стран наблюдается тенденция к повышению правового статуса женщин: рост их численности на рынке труда, участие в политической и социальной сферах. Однако этот
1 Ислам: Краткий справочник. - 2-е изд., доп. - М.: Наука, 1983. С.100
2 Литвина Е.Д., Калашникова Е.Б. Особенности реализации прав женщин в странах исламского мира. // Апробация №6 (33), 2015. С. 112
3 Коран. М., 2004. Сура 4. Стих 38.