Original article
УДК 556.18+631.67.03
doi: 10.18522/1026-2237-2021-4-74-80
Jale V. Jafarli
Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan [email protected]
Summary. The article is devoted to determining the possibility of using groundwater with different degrees of mineralization and chemical composition for irrigation, which is spread in the area between the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay rivers. The efficiency of groundwater for irrigation, whose mineralization rate varies from 0.5 to 10 g/l, was assessed according to the methods and criteria adopted in the world countries. The suitability of groundwater for irrigation, which varies from 0.5 to 10 g/l, depends on the methods and criteria adopted in the world, including the degree of mineralization of water, irrigation coefficient, salinity hazard, sodium sorption coefficient, percentage of magnesium, rated for potential salinity and sodium carbonate residue. It has been determined that groundwater with a salinity of up to 3 g/l is fully suitable for irrigation according to all assessment criteria, water with a salinity of up to 5 g/l is suitable for irrigation, water with a salinity of 5-7 g/l is less efficient for irrigation. It is suitable in terms of irrigation coefficient, sodium sorption coefficient, salinity hazard and sodium carbonate residue, and according to three indicators it is not suitable for irrigation. Water with a salinity of 7-10 g/l is not suitable for irrigation according to all assessment criteria. However, these waters have a favorable chemical composition, neutral and balanced salt content, and in years of acute water shortage, groundwater with a salinity of 7-10 g/l can be used for irrigation of crops using special irrigation methods and technologies. At the same time, it was found that the groundwater is not contaminated. The content ofpollutants and heavy metals in these waters does not exceed the permissible limits. The content of nitrite in groundwater was 0.012-0.019 mg/l, nitrates - 1.10-1.72 mg/l, and the amount of ammonium - 0.07-0.08 mg/l. The amount of iron in heavy metals was 0.05-0.06, aluminum - 0.090.19, zinc - 0.004-0.005 mg/l. Metals copper and lead, as well as oil products were not found in the water. Biochemical oxygen consumption rangedfrom 1 to 5 mg/l.
Keywords: groundwater, different mineralization rate, quality, irrigation, efficiency, assessment, criteria
For citation: Jafarli J.V. Assessment of Groundwater Efficiency on Irrigation in the Area Between Turyanchay-Girdimanchay Rivers. Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions. North Caucasus Region. Natural Science. 2021;(4):74-80.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0)
Научная статья
Жаля Видади Джафарли
Бакинский государственный университет, Баку, Азербайджан j.gzade@hotmail. com
Аннотация. Статья посвящена вопросу установления возможности использования подземных вод Туриан-чай-Гирдиманчайского междуречья для орошения. Пригодность подземных вод с минерализаций от 0,5 до 11 г/л для орошения оценена по критериям, применяемым различными странами мира, включая минерализацию воды, коэффициент орошения, коэффициент сорбции натрия, процентное содержание магния, потенциальную соленость и остаток карбоната натрия. Определено, что грунтовые воды с минерализацией до 3 г/л полностью пригодны для орошения по всем критериям оценки, вода с минерализацией до 5 г/л пригодна для полива, вода с минерализацией 5-7 г/л ограниченно пригодна. Она подходит по коэффициенту орошения, коэффициенту сорбции натрия, опасности засоления и остатку карбоната натрия, а по трем показателям непригодна для полива. Вода
© Jale V. Jafarli, 2021
с минерализацией 7-10 г/л не подходит для полива по всем критериям оценки. Однако эти воды имеют благоприятный химический состав, нейтральное и сбалансированное содержание солей, а в годы острой нехватки воды грунтовые воды с минерализацией 7-10 г/л могут использоваться для орошения сельскохозяйственных культур с использованием специальных методов и технологий полива. При этом установлено, что грунтовые воды не загрязнены. Содержание загрязняющих веществ и тяжелых металлов в этих водах не превышает допустимых пределов. Содержание нитритов в подземных водах составляло 0,012-0,019 мг/л, нитратов -1,10-1,72, аммония - 0,07-0,08 мг/л. Количество железа в тяжелых металлах составляло 0,05-0,06, алюминия -0,09-0,19, цинка - 0,004-0,005 мг/л. Медь и свинец, а также нефтепродукты в воде не обнаружены. Биохимическое потребление кислорода составляло от 1 до 5 мг/л.
Ключевые слова: подземные воды, разная степень минерализации, качество, орошение, эффективность, оценка, критерии
Для цитирования: Jafarli J. V. Assessment of Groundwater Efficiency on Irrigation in the Area Between Turyanchay-Girdimanchay Rivers // Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions. North Caucasus Region. Natural Science. 2021;(4):74-80.
Статья опубликована на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0).
Azerbaijan is located in an arid zone, and here the amount of precipitation is 3-4 times less than evaporation, so it is impossible to produce agricultural products without irrigation. Also, the country's freshwater resources are very limited and they are unevenly shared across regions. During drought years, the resources of all river waters are 23.2 billion m3/year (about 70 %) and 14.7 billion m3/year of it come from neighboring countries [1].
Population growth, the development of irrigation agriculture, the steady growth of the industry, energy, fisheries, and other sectors of the economy create tension in the balance of water resources. On the other hand, global climate change in recent years (warming, drought, decreasing of rainfall, etc.) has led to a sharp decline in water resources. During the vegetation period, in the water economy balance of the country short of water about 4 billion m3 exists. In such a situation, there is a need to use various water sources, including groundwater, for irrigation and water supply. However, the quality and quantity of groundwater vary depending on the hydrogeological conditions in the regions. Therefore, it assumes great practical importance to determine the possibility of using groundwater with different rates of mineralization and chemical composition for irrigation.
The purpose of the study consists of determining the possibility of using groundwater with different rates of mineralization and chemical composition for irrigation in the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay inter-river area.
The object of study is groundwater spread in the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay inter-river area in the Shirvan region.
The methodology of the study. To determine the chemical composition of groundwater, water samples were taken from 29 stationary observation wells drilled in the initial, central, and discharge zones of the supply cones of the Turyanchay, Goychay, and Girdimanchay rivers and the samples were fully chemically analyzed. During the analysis, the rate of mineralization and ionic composition of water (HCO-, Cl-, and cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Na++ K+) were determined. According to the results obtained, the chemical composition of water was divided into 12 groups according to the rate of mineralization and ionic composition. The classification includes groundwater with a mineralization rate ranging from 0.5 to 10 g/l. The efficiency of water with different mineralization rate and ionic composition for irrigation has been determined based on assessment methods and criteria widely used in the world, including the former Soviet Union and the United States [2-7]. Most of the assessment methods and criteria are systematized in [8].
The groundwater has been studied according to the suitability for irrigation, and also contaminants, heavy metals, oil products and sanitary instructions. For this purpose, in the summer of 2019-2020, water samples were taken from the Main Shirvan collector which receives groundwater and water from the entire drainage network in the area and flows into the Caspian Sea, and has been involved in chemical analysis in the special analytical laboratory in Department for water quality control in the field of water economy in the Republic of Azerbaijan. Under the analysis, the contaminant ions, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium, heavy metals, iron (Fe3+), copper (Cu2+), zinc (Zn2+), aluminum (Al3+), lead (Pb2+), oil products and biological oxygen consumption (BPC5) were determined in the water.
Schematic map of the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay interfluve with indication of stationary observation wells: 1- collector and drainage network; 2 - river; 3 - observation wells (on the left - well number, in brackets water salinity); 4 - settlements; 5- railway / Карта-схема междуречья Турианчай - Гирдиманчай с указанием стационарных наблюдательных скважин: 1 - коллекторно-дренажная сеть; 2 - река; 3 - наблюдательные колодцы (слева - номер колодца, в скобках - соленость воды); 4 - населённые пункты; 5 - железная дорога
The efficiency of groundwater for irrigation is determined by the rate of their mineralization according to the classification proposed by A.N. Kostyakov [4]. According to this classification, if the mineralization rate of the water is 0.5 g/l or less, then the water is considered fully efficient for irrigation. If the mineralization rate of the water is 0.5-2.0 g/l, then the water is efficient for irrigation. If the mineralization rate of the water is between 2-5 g/l, then the water is considered less efficient for irrigation.
If the mineralization rate of the water is more than 5g/l, then it is dangerous to irrigate with such water, or irrigation should be carried out with special technologies, taking into account the soil-climate and the degree of area drainage. The efficiency of groundwater with different chemical composition for irrigation is defined by the following formulas proposed by O.A. Alyokin and N. Stebler [2]:
- When there is Na+ — Cl— < 0 in the irrigation water, the irrigation coefficient is determined as following:
K = — . (1)
5 Cl -
- When there is Na+ — Cl— > 0 in the irrigation water, the irrigation coefficient is determined as following:
K =-288- . (2)
Na + + 4 Cl -
- When there is Na+ - Cl- - SO2- > 0 in the irrigation water, the irrigation coefficient is determined as following:
K =-288-- . (3)
10 Na+ + 5 Cl- + 9 SOlIn these formulas, Na +, Cl- and ions are expressed in mg-ekv/l. In the case of K> 18, the water is considered fully efficient for irrigation, in the case of K = 6, the water is considered efficient for irrigation, and in the case of K <1,2, the water is considered inefficient for irrigation.
The efficiency of water for irrigation due to the risk of salinity in the soil was determined by the formula proposed by A.M. Mojeyko and T.K. Vorotnik [6]:
Na+ 100
Na = —5--5--- . (4)
Ca + Mg 2+ + Na+
Here, Na- is the percentage of Natrium, %. Na +, Ca2 +, and Mg2 + cations are expressed in mg-ekv/l. In case of Na < 60 %, the water is considered fully efficient for irrigation, in case of Na = 60 ^ 80 %, the water is considered partially efficient for irrigation, in case of Na > 80 % the water is considered inefficient for irrigation.
The efficiency of groundwater with different chemical compositions for irrigation was determined according to the adsorption coefficient using the Richards-Gapon formula, which is widely used in the US Department of Agriculture [5].
SAR = , Na+ , (5)
д/0,5 (Ca2+ + Mg2+ )
here SAR is the sorption coefficient of Natrium. In this formula, cations are expressed in mg-ekv/l.
In the case of SAR <10, the water is considered fully efficient for irrigation, in the case of SAR=10 ^ 18, the water is considered efficient for irrigation, in the case of SAR=18 ^ 26, the water is considered less efficient for irrigation, and in the case of SAR > 26, the water is considered inefficient for irrigation. The efficiency of groundwater for irrigation has been determined by J. Sobolch-K. Draba with the formula used by the US Department of Agriculture [7]:
Mg 2+100
Mg = —f--—, (6)
Ca2+Mg 2+
here Mg is the quantity that determines the danger of magnesium salinity in the soil, %.
In the formula, cations are expressed in mg-ekv/l. In the case of Mg> 50 %, the water is not considered efficient for irrigation. The efficiency of groundwater for irrigation has also been determined by the Dansen formula, which is widely used in the US Department of Agriculture [5].
PD = Cl -+ 0,5 SOI', (7)
here PD is the potential salinity of the water, mg-ekv/l.
In the formula, the anions are expressed in mg-ekv/l.
PD=3 ^ 15 mg-ekv/l water is considered completely efficient for irrigation, water with PD=15 ^ 20 mg-ekv/l is considered efficient for irrigation, and water with PD > 20 mg-ekv/l is considered inefficient for irrigation. The efficiency of groundwater for irrigation and the danger of their ability to create alkalinity in the soil were also tested by the formula proposed by V.A. Kovda [9] and N.M. Antipov-Karatayev -G.M. Kader [3]:
OKH = (CO32- + HCO- ) - (Ca2+ + Mg2+) , (8)
here OKH is residual sodium carbonate, mg-ekv/l.
In the formula anions and cations are expressed in mg-ekv/l.
In the case of OKH <2.5 mg-ekv/l, the water is considered completely efficient for irrigation, and in the case of OKH> 2.5 mg-eq/l, the water is considered inefficient for irrigation.
Analysis and discussions
The rate of mineralization and chemical composition of groundwater (pressurized and non-pressurized) water spread in the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay inter-river area are shown in Table 1.
When assessing the efficiency of groundwater for irrigation, water with mineralization rate of 0.5 to 10 g/l was accepted. This is due to the fact that irrigation in arid zones with water with a mineralization rate of more than 10 g/l is generally not considered relevant. Thus, the amount of precipitation in arid zones is low, and the amount of evaporation is very high. Therefore, when irrigating with water with a high mineralization rate, the process of re-salinization of soil intensifies, and in a short time, the soils get out of the crop rotation. Calculations show that 10 tones of harmful salt with 1000 m3 of irrigation water enter the soil layer water with a mineralization rate of 10 g/l. If this amount of salt is not removed from the soil layer, then the salinity rate in the 0.25 m layer of soil will increase by 0.31 %. In this case, non-saline soils change into moderately saline soils [10].
Table 1 / Таблица 1
Mineralization rate of groundwater, g/l (numerator), and chemical composition, mg-ekv/l (denominator) / Минерализация грунтовых вод, г/л (числитель), и химический состав, мг-экв/л (знаменатель)
Mineralization rate, g/l Anions Cations
HCO3 ci- SO4- Ca2+ Mg2+ Na++K+
0,5 329 / 5,40 27 / 0,76 86 / 1,79 46 / 2,29 6 / 0,49 119 / 5,17
1,0 232 / 3,80 76 / 2,14 442 / 9,21 51 / 2,54 33 / 2,79 244 / 10,62
1,5 275 / 4,51 275 / 7,75 584 / 12,17 100 / 5,00 84 / 7,00 297 / 12,93
2,0 262 / 4,30 262 / 7,39 936 / 19,5 175 / 8,73 47 / 3,95 426 / 18,52
2,5 275 / 4,51 657 / 18,51 823 / 17,15 80 / 3,00 174 / 14,50 521 / 22,65
3,0 366 / 6,00 763 / 21,49 739 / 15,40 190 / 9,50 174 / 14,50 435 / 18,91
4,0 232 / 3,80 124 / 3,50 2348 / 48,92 402 / 20,10 230 / 19,15 389 / 16,91
5,0 573 / 9,40 7502 / 42,30 1626 / 33,88 464 / 23,21 77 / 6,41 1069 / 46,46
6,0 464 / 7,60 25 / 0,70 7337 / 77,85 91 / 4,56 34 / 2,87 1824 / 79,32
7,4 153 / 2,51 6940 / 195,49 4479 / 93,31 56 / 2,80 384 / 32,00 1274 / 55,39
8,4 2074 / 34,0 4022 / 113,30 344 / 7,17 40 / 2,00 312 / 26,00 2909 / 126,48
10,0 104 / 1,70 3124 / 88,0 3398 / 70,79 240 / 12,00 336 / 28,00 2772 / 120,52
The mineralization rate of groundwater in the area studied is lower in the upper parts of the supply cones of the rivers, relatively higher in the middle part, and higher in the discharge zone. As the mineralization rate of water increases, their ionic composition and type also change. The results of chemical analysis of groundwater show that as the mineralization rate of water increases, water with hydrocarbonate-sulfate type turns into type with sulfate-chlorine or chloride-sulfate due to the anion composition.
According to the cationic composition, groundwater with mineralization rate up to 1 g/l is characterized by the sodium-calcium type, and water with mineralization rate more than 1 g/l is characterized by the sodium-magnesium type (Table 1).
The efficiency of groundwater for irrigation with different mineralization rates, ionic composition, and type was determined according to the assessment methods and criteria described in the "Methodology of the Study" section of the Study. The results are shown in Table 2.
Analysis of the data in Table 2 shows that groundwater with mineralization rate up to 2 g/l is fully efficient for irrigation according to all quality indicators. Water with mineralization rate up to 3 g/l can be used for irrigation, except for potential salinity. Water with mineralization rate of 3 to 5 g/l is efficient for irrigation according to all assessment criteria, except for the potential salinity of the water. Groundwater with mineralization rate of 5 to 7 g/l is considered efficient for irrigation due to irrigation coefficient, absorption coefficient, and residual sodium carbonate, and it is considered partially inefficient for irrigation according to other indicators. That is, special irrigation techniques and technologies must be used for irrigation with groundwater with a mineralization rate ranging from 5 to 7 g/l. Groundwater with a mineralization rate of more than 7 g/l is considered completely inefficient for irrigation.
Assessment of water quality according to various criteria shows that if irrigation is carried out with groundwater with a mineralization rate of 7-10 g/l, then the process of salinization in the soil can occur. However, the process of soda formation in the soil is not expected during irrigation with this water. More interesting fact is that the amount of hydrocarbonate in groundwater with a mineralization rate of 0.5 g/l is 2-10 times higher than the amount of hydrocarbonate in the other water (Table 1). Irrigation for a long
time with such water increases the possibility of the soda formation (sodium carbonate Na2CO3 salt) in the soil [2, 3, 9, 11].
Regardless of the mineralization rate, the chemical composition of groundwater in the area that studied consists of neutral salts and is efficient for irrigation. One of the positive qualities of groundwater in the studied area is that water with mineralization rate up to 7 g/l is considered efficient for irrigation in terms of alkalinity indicators, adsorption coefficient, percentage of magnesium, and irrigation coefficient (Table 2). During irrigation with water of this quality, the soil structure is not damaged and does not pose a risk of soda formation. It should be noted that when the amount of sodium and magnesium ions in the irrigation water exceeds the permissible level, the structure of the soil is destroyed, salinity is formed on it and it swells under the influence of water [9, 10].
Table 2 / Таблица 2
The efficiency of groundwater in the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay inter-river area for irrigation according to various assessment criteria / Эффективность использования подземных вод в Турианчай-Гирдиманчайском междуречье для орошения по различным критериям оценки
According to the mineralization rate of water M, g/l According to the irrigation coefficient K According to the absorption coefficient SAR According to the potential salinity of water PD, mg-ekv/l According to the amount of sodium by percentage Na, % According to the amount of magnesium by percentage Mg, % According to the sodium-carbonate residue OKH, mg-ekv/l
0,5 / TY 35 / TY 4 / TY 2 / TY 65 / TY 18 / TY 2,6 / AY
1,0 / Y 15 / Y 6,5 / TY 7 / TY 56 / TY 52 / Y -2 / TY
1,5 / Y 5 / Y 4 / TY 14 / TY 59 / TY 58 / Y -7 / TY
2,0 / Y 6 / Y 7 / TY 17 / TY 56 / TY 31 / TY -18 / TY
2,5 / AY 3 / Y 8 / TY 27 / YZ 56 / TY 82 / YZ -32 / TY
3,0 / AY 3 / Y 5 / TY 29 / YZ 44 / TY 64 / YZ -18 / TY
4,0 / AY 9 / Y 4 / TY 28 / YZ 30 / TY 48 / TY -35 / TY
5,0 / AY 2,4 / Y 1 / TY 59 / YZ 56 / TY 18 / TY -26 / TY
6,0 / YZ 4 / Y 4 / TY 39 / YZ 91 / AY 38 / YZ 0,2 / Y
7,4 / YZ 0,3 / YZ 13 / Y 49 / YZ 61 / Y 92 / YZ -32 / TY
8,4 / YZ 0,5 / YZ 33 / YZ 111 / YZ 1 / TY 9 / TY 6 / YZ
10,0 / YZ 0,6 / YZ 27 / YZ 123 / YZ 75 / AY 70 / YZ -4 / TY
Note: the value of the assessment criteria in numerator; efficiency of water in the denominator; Y - efficient; TA - fully efficient; AY - less efficient; YZ - inefficient.
The quantity of nitrite in groundwater was 0.012-0.019 mg/l, nitrate was 1.10-1.72 mg/l, and ammonium was 0.07-0.08 mg/l. The quantity of iron in heavy metals was 0.05-0.06, aluminum - 0.09-0.19, and zinc -0.004-0.005. Copper and lead metals, as well as oil products were not found in the water. The value of biochemical oxygen consumption ranged from 1 to 5 mg/l. In general, the quantity of contaminants and heavy metals in groundwater was even lower than allowed limit in drinking water.
Discussion and conclusion
Thus, the determination of the quality of groundwater in the Turyanchay-Girdimanchay inter-river area, which has different mineralization rate, chemical composition, and type, allows us to obtain the following results:
1. Groundwater with a mineralization rate up to 5 g/l is efficient for irrigation and can be used to irrigate agricultural plants.
2. Groundwater with a mineralization rate of 5-7 g/l is considered efficient for irrigation due to irrigation coefficient, absorption coefficient, and residual sodium carbonate, and inefficient for irrigation due to the potential salinity of the water. However, since the studied groundwater has a neutral and balanced salt composition (favorable chemical composition), it can be used to irrigate agricultural plants during drought years.
3. The quality of groundwater with a mineralization rate of more than 7 g/l does not fully meet the accepted quality indicators and can not be used for direct irrigation. However, in years of extreme drought, and in cases of acute water shortages, it can be used for irrigation of well-drained, highly permeable soils using special irrigation techniques and technologies.
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10.Mammadov G.Sh., Hashimov A.C., Hasanov S.T. Melioration: diagnosis and classification of saline soils. Baku: Elm, 2017. 308 p.
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Information about the author
Jafarli J.V. - Candidate for a Degree.
Информация об авторе
Джафарли Ж. В. - диссертант.
Статья поступила в редакцию 25.03.2021; одобрена после рецензирования 31.08.2021; принята к публикации 26.11.2021. The article was submitted 25.03.2021; approved after reviewing 31.08.2021; accepted for publication 26.11.2021.