European Journal of Arts 4 (2021) - PRE_M|ER Section 2. Musical arts - ISSN 2310-5666 -
UDC78.091.071.1(477.64)(045) DOI: 10.29013/EJA-21-4-40-46
1 Kharkiv State Academy of Culture Kharkiv, Ukraine
Objective: to define the essence of the art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite..." and its role in the development of the musical art of the Zaporizhzhia region in the beginning of the XXI century.
Methods: historical, culturological, system, archival documentation science, source studies, genre analysis, style analisis.
Results: This article reveals the essence of the art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite.". The history of creation and functioning of this art event on the territory of the modern Zaporizhzhia region is uncovered. The article outlines the main factors that influenced the process of formation and development of this artistic project, substantiates its role in the musical life of the Zaporizhzhia region as an important component of Ukraine's musical culture, and characterizes the artistic achievements of Zaporizhzhia composers and performers. A retrospective overview of the concert programs of the "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite." art project of various years is made.
The scientific novelty: this article is the first exploration devoted to the coverage of modern processes in the musical art of Zaporizhzhia, especially the formation and development of the art project-festival "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite...".
The practical significance: The main results and conclusions of the study can be used in further research in the field of music regionalistyc, especially about the musical life of the Zaporizhzhia region, as well as in music-educational and pedagogical practice (in lecture courses "History of Ukrainian music", "Music of XX-XXI centuries" etc.).
Keywords: Zaporizhzhia music art, art project, Zaporizhzhia composers, National Union of Composers of Ukraine, concert, philharmonic.
For citation: Ye. P. Kemenchedgy. Art Project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia Invite." As a factor of the Modern Musical Life of the Region // European Journal of Arts, 2021, №4. - C. 40-46. DOI: EJA-21-4-40-46
The historical origin of music festivals dates back in a way to the ancient Delphic Games. Later in the Middle Ages these phenomena acquired their competitive qualities. As for nowadays, it is worth underlining the importance of music festivals as special artistic events that carry out the functions of sociocultural, artistic and ethical, educational, disciplinary and other courses of liberal development. That is what the art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite." is, which in recent years has become a sort of a calling card of the modern musical life of the Zaporizhzhia region.
This aim of this article is to define the essence of the art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite."
and its role in the development of the musical art of the Zaporizhzhia region in the beginning of the XXI century.
The review of modern research and publications.
One of the most important tendencies of modern art history is musical regionalism, which is gaining particular relevance in the Ukrainian scientific estimation in the last ten years. The problems associated with the history and specifics of musical culture of the Zaporizhzhia region have found a clear reflection foremost in the extensive fundamental scientific works of T. Martyniuk [7]. Among the few other researches on the musical art of Zaporizhzhia, we would like to mention the works of O. Antonenko [1], D. Shkalenko [2], O. Bezhenar [2], and S. Grushkina [6]. However, the contemporary de-
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velopment of musical art in Zaporizhzhia, marked by the presence of ambitious art projects and festivals (the brightest of which is "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite..."), is still little researched and requires intensive study. This is the reason for the relevance and scientific novelty of the proposed article, which is actually the first publication devoted to the examination of this issue.
It should be addressed that many contemporary scientists pay attention to the research of historical and phenomenological specifics of festivals (including musical ones) as special cultural phenomena. Thus, O. Ya-kovlev, researching the obstacles of cultural landscape, underlines the significant role of musical art projects themselves [12]. The documentary evidence of the well-known researcher of musical culture of the Zaporizhzhia region T. Martiniuk about artistic choir events held by the Mennonites in the present Zaporizhzhia region in the 19th century [7] prove that creative projects associated with the demonstration of achievements in musical art have a long tradition in the region. At the beginning of the XXI century, the festival movement is gaining prime in Ukraine, including at the regional level. In the Zaporizhzhia region this cultural trend is primarily represented by the artistic imprint "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite.", which has become a distinctive introduction to the city's current musical art scene.
Research results
The process of formation of the first composers' organizations on the territory of Zaporizhzhia began in the early 60 s in XX century, when local composers joined in a local amateur group, headed by a member of the Union of Soviet Composers A. Nosik. (This organization still exists today and includes more than 60 amateur composers, who are now headed by L. Zhulyeva). At the same time, in the twentieth century professional composers of Zaporizhzhia did not have their own regional representation in the Union of Composers of Ukraine, entering first to its Donetsk and later the Dnipropetrovsk branch. Only at the beginning of the XXI century, namely on the December 13, 2012, an independent creative organization of composers (the Zaporizhzhia Regional Department of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine) was founded in Zaporizhzhia. This Department was headed by Natalia Boyeva, Honored Artist of Ukraine. And it was on her initiative, actively supported by many famous musicians - composers and performers - was created an ambitious art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite ..." - a bright festival of contemporary music, which
opened new horizons of cultural life of the city and region. In a very short time, this art festival, which takes place every year, has become traditional and popular in Zaporizhzhia.
Although the Zaporizhzhia department of the Union of Composers of Ukraine includes only seven masters (Natalia Boyeva, Mykola Popov, Dmitro Savenko, Hanna Khazova, Valery Kolyadyuk, Vadim Simonov, Olga Pop-ova), which is quite small in comparison with numbers of other regional representations of the Union, the high artistry ofthe Zaporizhzhia composers, who make a significant contribution to the development of modern Ukrainian academic music, is worthy of particular attention.
The art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite..." began in the cultural space of Zaporizhzhia in April 2013, when the concert presentation of the Zaporizhzhia department ofthe National Union of Composers ofUkraine took place in the concert hall of the Zaporizhzhia Musical College. The concert was attended by leading creative teams of the Zaporizhzhia Musical College (Chamber Orchestra "Concertino", choir "Zaporizhzhia", quintet "Mystery") and the soloists: S. Remzhina (soprano), I. Turchaninova (piano), Y. Revutsky (violin), V. Limarchenko (saxophone), O. Kotsur (piano).
A year later, on 16 April 2014, the creative evening "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite." took place at the M. I. Glinka Concert Hall of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Philharmonic - the main concert hall of the city. This artistic event, dedicated to the 200 th anniversary of Taras Shevchenko birthday, opened a new chapter in cooperation of Zaporizhzhia city authorities with the musical community of the city. The program for this concert included a premiere performance of several works by composers from Zaporizhzhia - the head of the Zaporizhzhia department of the Union of Composers of Ukraine, the Honored Artist of Ukraine Natalia Boyeva, the laureates of international contests Dmitry Savenko and Hanna Khazova, as well as other Ukrainian composers - the Honored Artist of Ukraine Yuri Shevchenko (Kyiv) and the master of music Vasil Medvid' (Boston, USA).
N. Boyeva's artistry was represented by the vocal and symphonic work "Bondarivna" (based on the words of the Ukrainian folk ballad and poems by the Ukrainian poet of the "Shot Renaissance" Mark Voronoi), the poem "Bandura player, grey eagle" (based on lyrics by T. Shevchenko), as well as the Overture "Ascension" of the Organ and Symphony Orchestra (2013), dedicated to the soloist of the Academic Symphony Orchestra of
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Zaporizhzhia Philharmonic, laureate of international competition Ilona Turchaninova. This work, in the words of the author herself, talks about the ascension of a man through the blackthorns ofbeing to spiritual purification [11]. V. Medvid' (a guest from Boston, USA) submitted his novel "Autumn in New England", created in 2011 and dedicated to the author's wife Tetyana Medvid', for the consideration of the Zaporizhzhia public. Sound and audiovisual effects, which the author uses, contribute to reflect the image of the autumn of the human being, reunion of people with themselves at the time of summing up the past years. The philosophical inner dialogue of a man, reproduced in the sound of the symphony orchestra, leads gradually to the recognition of the sense of life, regaining the lost harmony with oneself and the world.
This evening was the first opportunity for Zaporizhzhia audience to hear three works by Yuri Shevchen-ko, the Honored Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the M. Ly-senko and M. Verikivsky prizes and a multiple recipient of the "Kyiv Pectoral" Award. For the first time in Zaporizhzhia a symphonic work "The Shumka-Hopak" (2008) was performed, in which the composer boldly combines Ukrainian folk melodies and modern challenges. (The world premiere of this work, written at the request of the Canadian dance ensemble "Shumka", was held in Canada at a gala concert, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the ensemble). The paraphrase-buffo "What a night" is an orchestral miniature based on music from the ballet "Buratino and the magical violin" by Yury Shevchenko. "Tango", which was originally created by the author for the show of the Lesya Ukrainka National Theatre of the Russian Drama "Revenge in Italian", gained another life as a self-dependent musical work.
The concert also included the "Three Fantastic Dances" for marimba and orchestra (2012) and the romance miniature "Waiting" for female voice and orchestra (1988, second edition in 2014) by a well-known Zaporizhzhia composer D. Savenko. "Three Fantastic Dances" for marimba and orchestra is dedicated by the author to Vitaly Solomyanchuk, a talented soloist of the symphony orchestra of the Zaporizhzhia Philharmonic. By skillfully combining the African timbre of the marimba with Irish dance motives and rhythms, the musician creates a colorful palette for the orchestral sound of the work, brilliantly conveying the emotional sense of celebration of life, made up of different aspects of joy and sadness, leading us into a world of dreamlike sunny and fantastic dreams. Romance-miniature by D. Savenko "Waiting" is
notable for its significant "theatricality" and high validity of the poetic text. The message of the work is greatly revealed through the extensive use of melo-declamation and specific verbal techniques (most notably the performance of the vocal part "patois").
The creative expression of the Zaporizhzhia composer H. Khazova was presented in the artistic project by the vocal cycle "Night.Life .Love ." for soprano and symphony orchestra, based on lyrics by Sergiy Dunya. Created as a hymn of the night, the work moves from the revelation of personal emotions of people to its climax, which emphasizes the intimate and always relevant idea: "Life and love - that is what is needed for happiness!". The premiere of the vocal cycle, which took place on the very borders of this artistic proj ect, clearly demonstrated the universalism of Hanna Khazova's creative personality, who appeared at the same time as the author of the work and a solo vocalist. (Describing the creative path of the young artist, N. Boyeva said: "I consider H. Khazova's work to be among the avant-garde of current Ukrainian music. Any work is both moving and highly professional both in its conception and in its interpretation" [8].
The creative get-together "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite.", which laid a solid foundation for the further artistic project in 2014, owing to the friendly and fruitful cooperation of composers and performers, including the Zaporizhzhia Philharmonic Orchestra and its principal conductor, People's Artist of Ukraine Vyacheslav Redya, Honored Artist of Ukraine Vitaly Solomyanchuk (marimba), international contest laureate Ilona Turchaninova (organ), Svetlana Remzhina (soprano), Honored Artist of Ukraine Valentina Kostash, soloists of the Dnipropetrovsk Opera and Ballet Theatre, international contest laureates Volodymyr Mashlyuk (baritone) and Vlad Galichenko (violin). It was then that the artistic project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite .", created jointly by the Zaporizhzhia branch of the Ukrainian Composers Union and the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Zaporizhzhia Philharmonic led by V. Redya, acquired the bright features of the festival of contemporary Ukrainian music.
Next year, to the traditional concert "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite.", along with Zaporizhzhia composers (N. Boyeva, D. Savenko, H. Khazova, as well as young authors, laureates ofinternational contests Bohdan Reshetilov and Andriy Zimenko), guests from Kyiv and Chernihiv - People's Artist of Ukraine Oleksandr Kostin and Honored Artist of Ukraine Yuri Shevchenko were in-
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vited. In 2015, a concert program was presented to music admirers, featuring a combination of the schools of composition ofthe East and the Centre ofUkraine, represented by the authors of different age groups. Thus, the Honored Artists of Ukraine N. Boyeva, Y. Shevchenko and Professor O. Kostin are graduates of the composition school of the People's Artist ofthe Soviet Union and Ukraine Andriy Shtogarenko (1902-1992) - a former Kharkiv resident, most ofwhose creative life is closely connected with Kiev. Artistic principles of this Maitre were reflected in the creation of his alumnuses, whose musical language, according to N. Boyeva, "differs in the academic direction of figurative and formative features of thinking" [4]. In turn, D. Savenko and H. Khazova graduated from the Donetsk Conservatoire (class of Professor Oleksandr Rudyansky).
The program of the concert "Composers of Za-porizhzhia invite." was composed of various genres: piano concerts with the orchestra by N. Boyeva (soloist - Honored Artist of Ukraine I. Turchaninova) and A. Zimenko (soloist - author), the program symphonic works by O. Kostin (the Suite from the ballet "Demon", Y. Shevchenko (the Suite from the ballet "Buratino and the magic violin", B. Reshetilov ("Essay"). Vocal opuses of different creative tendencies and searches for new intonation sources by H. Khazova (romance "Dream") and D. Savenko (vocal miniature "Waiting") were presented by the soloist from the Zaporizhzhia V. G. Magar Academic Musical Drama Theatre S. Remzhina.
The year 2016 was not less fruitful for the Zaporizhzhia composers, when a bright concert program with premieres of works by the Honored Artist of Ukraine N. Boyeva ("Two Ivan Franko's poems", new editions of "The Elegy" for Viola on the theme of a song "What a moonlit night" and the "Dumka" for bandura, soprano and symphony orchestra), Honored Artist of Ukraine D. Savenko (Concert for soprano-saxophone, organ, harpsichord and strings), H. Khazova ("Spring Carols" and romance "Wandering the streets") was waiting for the admirers of the art project. In general, the program of the concert, which included, along with works by Zaporizhzhia artists, musical gifts from the guests of the project - first and foremost a well-known O. Kostin (Kyiv),- "embodies the colorful colors of Ukrainian music, inspired by the spring awakening of nature" [4]. The meeting with the works of Ivan Taranenko, who works in various styles (intellectually grained serious music, jazz, pop-music), also proved to be fascinating. His creativity has a remarkable dedication and willingness to share the
intimate. Honored Artists of Ukraine Oleksandr Ruko-moinikov (saxophone, Kyiv), Olga Bezhenar (bandura), Inna Gapon (soprano), as well as Igor Gorsky (viola) and Oleksandr Filippov (tenor) took part in the concert.
During the warm spring days of 2017, Zaporizhzhia admirers of sophisticated art for the third year in a row enjoyed the creative report by the Zaporizhzhia branch of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine alongside with the Philharmonic Academic Symphony Orchestra. According to the words of People's Artist of Ukraine V. Redya, "The main purpose of the concerts is to enable our composers to demonstrate their creativity to their countrymen. To hear your own opus is a great stimulus for the author. Creating their work, they are always convinced that it will be performed. And for the orchestra's artists and myself personally, it is also an opportunity to discover something new. It is very important that the new music gets a chance for life. It's not an easy job, but I'm glad the orchestra is approaching it with understanding and great enthusiasm" [8].
The program was started with new compositions by N. Boyeva - "Two beautiful romances" on the poems of Ivan Franko ("Christ and the Cross", "The red guelder rose"), which were performed by the Honored Artist of Ukraine I. Gapon. Another highlight of the creative report became "The Elegy" linked to a Ukrainian folk song "What a moonlit night" for viola and symphony orchestra with a brilliant solo by Ilya Gorsky (viola). Listeners also got a chance to hear the new work of Honored Artist of Ukraine Mykola Popov on the poem by Peter Vyazem-sky "Love. Pray. Sing. The Holy Path of the Soul." in a graceful execution by the Women's choir of the Zaporizhzhia Musical College (conductor - Kateryna Sknar). Two works by H. Khazova were greeted with much acclaim - the romance "I walking along the street" (soloist - O. Filippov) and "Spring Carols" for bandura and symphony orchestra (soloist - the artistic director of the Zaporizhzhia Philharmonic, Honored Artist of Ukraine O. Bezhenar). According to words of this bandura-play-er, "Today there's no one in particular among composers who creates works for bandura or orchestra. For me this was a very precious opportunity to demonstrate the work of H. Khazova. This experience is unforgettable for me!" [3]. The other part of the creative report began with a performance of the composer and pianist I. Taranenko, whose artistic activity is known far beyond the borders of Ukraine. The musician works in various styles and ways, and in recent years his work has been dominated by the
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fusion style. The concert was concluded with the newly composed Concert for piano and orchestra by Dmitry Savenko, the Honored Artist of Ukraine. According to the words of the author himself: "This music is about time and people" [4]. The work was written especially for the Kyiv-based pianist Valentin Rukomoinikov (the son of the famous saxophonist O. Rukomoinikov), a longtime friend of D. Savenko, together with whom the composer has carried out a number ofjoint creative projects.
The following year, the project "Composers of Za-porizhzhia invite." was even more impressive. The sixth get-together entitled "The Artistic Impreza" took place on 23rd of November 2018 on the stage of the M. I. Glinka Concert Hall of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Philharmonic. The program of the great and lively symphonic concert included premieres of new instrumental, orchestral, vocal and choral works by Zaporizhzhia composers. The evening included the first the Violin concert by N. Boyeva (solo by Bogdana Pivnenko, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Kyiv), and the "The memorial mass" for the mixed choir, soloists and symphony orchestra by M. Popov (performed by the laureate of the international and all-Ukrainian contests choir "Zaporizhzhia" of the Zaporizhzhia Musical College, conducted by O. Bratze-va). Works by H. Khazova - "Miserere mei Deus" for violin and orchestra (soloist Volodymyr Galichenko) and two romances ("Dream", words by O. Makoviy, and "Go, daughter", words by B. Lepkyi) based on Ukrainian poets' poems (sung by Julia Yaksa, soloist of the Zapor-izhzhia Philharmonic) - also sounded for the first time. With regard to the last work, we would like to emphasis that, according to the author's words, "the dramatic and expressive music of this work raises the topic of the inner and the environmental world" [14]. Zaporizhzhia music admirers have also discovered the lively symphonic miniatures by D. Savenko ("In the tavern", "Adagio") and V. Koliadyuk (Diptych for the Orchestra, "Dialogue" and "Dance of the Marionettes"), which were performed by the Academic Symphony Orchestra (conducted by V. Redya). All of the works, that sounded at the concert, relate to the high level of skill and creative thinking of Zaporizhzhia composers and performers.
Along with the works ofZaporizhzhia authors, the evening featured the Concert for cello and orchestra "Interaction" by a famous Kyiv composer and performer, soloist of the National Ensemble "Kyiv Camerata" and ensembles "New Music in Ukraine" and "Gulfstream", laureate of the composer prizes named after L. Revutsky (2003) and B. Ly-
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atoshynsky (2012), Zoltan Almashi. The three-part work ("Water flows into the blue sea, but does not flow", "Self-Involvement", "Canzona") was performed by the author.
The next concert "Composers ofZaporizhzhia invite . The premieres of the season", which took place in 2019, was dedicated to the 80 th anniversary of the Zaporizhzhia region. The program included works of Honored Artists of Ukraine N. Boyeva, M. Popov, D. Savenko and laureates of international contests H. Khazova and V. Kolyadyuk. Traditionally, guests were invited to the musical feast, and this time they were the composer and violinist, Honored Artist ofUkraine, laureate of international composer competitions in Germany and the United States, a member of the French associations of the composers ("SACEM") and of the musical performers ("SPEDIDAM"), winner of the American Honorable Prize Oleksandr Gonobolin (Kherson) and the saxophonist, Honored Artist ofUkraine O. Rukomoinikov (Kyiv). The high professional level was demonstrated by Zaporizhzhia performers - the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Philharmonic, directed by V. Redya, the choir "Zaporizhzhia", the People's Artist of Ukraine I. Gapon, the Philharmonic soloists Y. Yaksa, M. Kvitkov, T. Lavrik and T. Kovalevsky.
During some years of its existence, the art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite." has not only become an integral part of the musical life of the city, but has also gained considerable popularity and wide recognition far beyond its borders. Also quite proper is the statement of N. Boyeva about that: « "Artistic Impreza" performed by composers from Zaporizhzhia, beginning this year, has acquired the status of an all-Ukraine event. This means that a little star on the map of musical life in Ukraine has a chance to shine brightly and motivationally!» [14]
Unfortunately, the further development of the "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite ." project was halted in 2020-2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine measures it caused. At the same time, talented Zaporizhzhia artists - composers and performers - actively continue their creative deals and there is no doubt that at the approaching moment their artistic accomplishments will be presented to the Zaporizhzhia music community and the whole Ukraine, and this parade of creativity will be renewed numerous times.
The art project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite." is an annual public creative report by masters -members of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Branch of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine. By its very
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nature, the project is close to the specifics of the Festival of Contemporary Music. The concert is often held in close cooperation with famous musicians (composers and performers) from other regions of Ukraine, giving audiences in Zaporizhzhia the chance to experience the latest achievements of Ukrainian music art.
The main factor contributing to the success of the project was the close and creative cooperation of Za-porizhzhia composers with the best musicians from the city (the Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Regional Philharmonic, led by V. Redya, soloists of the Philhar-
monic and the Musical Drama Theatre, Musical College teachers, etc.). This article outlines the nature of the creative achievements of Zaporizhzhia composers and performers involved in the "Artistic Impreza".
Nowadays, the project "Composers of Zaporizhzhia invite." is an important factor in the intensive development of musical art in the Zaporizhzhia region, inspiring the improvement of the region's musical life. Thanks to the festival, local composers and performers will demonstrate their achievements in the context of the development of contemporary academic Ukrainian music.
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Information about the author
Yevgen Petrovich Kemenchedgy, post-graduate student of the Faculty of Music Art, Department of Theory and
History of Music, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Adress: 61160, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Miru Str. 82, 14 A
E-mail: [email protected]; Tel.:+38 (066) 700-23-85
ORDIC: 0000-0001-9672-4086
European Journal of Arts 4 (2021) - PREMJER Section 2. Musical arts - ISSN 2310-5666 -
1 XapKiecbKa державна академiя культури Харшв, Украша
У статтг визначено специфгку масштабного мистецького проекту «Композитори Запорiжжя запрошу-ють...». Розкрито iсторiю створення та функцiонування цього творчого заходу на теренах сучасного Запоргзь-кого регiону. Висвiтлено основнг фактори, що вплинули на процес формування та розвитку даного мистецького проекту, об^рунтовано його роль в музичному життi Запорiзького регiону як важливо'! складово'! музично'! культури Укра'ни та охарактеризовано творчi здобутки запорiзьких композиторiв та виконавцiв. Здiйснено ретроспективний огляд концертних програм мистецького проекту «Композитори Запорiжжя запрошують» рiзних рок1в.
Ключов1 слова: музичне мистецтво Запорiжжя, мистецький проект, запорiзькi композитори, Нацюнальна спГлка композиторiв Укра'ни.
1нформаЦя про автора
Кеменчеджи евген Петрович, ааспгрант кафедри iсторГi та теорп музики Харкгвсько'' державно!' академп
культури, ХаркГв, Укра'на
Адреса: 61160, м. ХаркГв, Украша, вул. 82, 14А
E-mail: [email protected]; Тел.:+38 (066) 700-23-85
ORDIC: 0000-0001-9672-4086