RESEARCH PAPER UDC 711.4 (569.1)
DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.10.1285-1296
Architectural and urban identity of Homs city
Ali Salmo1, Elena V. Scherbina1, Lina Yaser Alibrahim2
1 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); Moscow,
Russian Federation; 2 Municipality of Homs city; Homs, Syria
Introduction. The article aims to determine the architectural and urban planning elements that give buildings and residential neighborhoods their identity in Homs city in Syria. During the last century, environmental and social problems have accumulated. The city's parts have subjected to many violations in the construction processes and the weak construction laws. Within the past ten years, the war crisis in Syria caused massive destruction in the old city too. Together, all these factors contributed to losing an important and essential part of the city's structure.
Materials and methods. Throughout retrospective and comparative analysis, in addition to observations and photographic recordings, the basic architectural and planning features in the city of Homs have been identified. These features distinguish Homs from the rest of the Syrian cities. The merging process of social and environmental characteristics and their intercon-nectedness shaped the so-called "Homsi" identity. Results. The research concluded that Homs' city possesses unique planning and architectural characteristics that distin- s ^ guish it from other Syrian towns despite the historical connection between the Syrian cities. Thus, the character and the city's J н architectural and urban identity have developed, so architects and urban planners should not ignore this identity in the next k s stage of recovery and reconstruction. g с
Conclusions. This lost identity of Homs must be reintroduced creatively in the next stage of reconstruction because it car- S ries the meanings of environmental sustainability in addition to being a historical and cultural legacy that cannot be neglected с у in the future if we ignored it now, all the attempts to revive only the visual image of the city will not save the identity and will • . generate a fake and weak personality of the city. oS
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KEYWORDS: architectural and urban identity, image of the city, post-war reconstruction, sustainable development, Syrian y ^ war crisis, old city of Homs, compact design, courtyard houses, cultural heritage <_ 9
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FOR CITATION: Salmo A., Scherbina E.V., Alibrahim L.Y. Architectural and urban identity of Homs city. Vestnik MGSU a § [Monthly Journal on Construction and Architecture]. 2021; 16(10):1285-1296. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.10.1285-1296 o $
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Corresponding author: Ali Salmo, [email protected]. o n
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Архитектурная и градостроительная идентичность города Хомс o z
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Али Салмо1, Елена Витальевна Щербина1, Лина Ясер Алибрахим
1 Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет
(НИУ МГСУ); г. Москва, Россия;
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2 Муниципалитет города Хомс; г. Хомс, Сирия Е 0 - ф )
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Введение. Цель статьи — выявить элементы архитектуры и градостроительства, которые придают идентичность с |
зданиям и жилым районам сирийского города Хомс. Социальные проблемы, а также проблемы окружающей среды 3 1
накапливались на протяжении последнего столетия. Разные части города пострадали от многочисленных нарушений, 1 ф
допущенных в процессе строительства, что стало результатом несовершенного строительного законодательства. За © П
последние десять лет сирийский военный кризис вызвал массовые разрушения и на территории старого города. В це- !_ £
лом все указанные факторы привели к утрате существенной части городской структуры. $ у
Материалы и методы. Основные архитектурные и градостроительные особенности города Хомс установлены с по- ф я
мощью ретроспективного и сравнительного анализа, использованных в дополнение к наблюдениям и фотофиксации. Эти особенности отличают Хомс от других сирийских городов. Процесс слияния социальных характеристик со спецификой окружающей среды, а также их взаимосвязь привели к образованию так называемой «идентичности Хомса». Результаты. Сделан вывод о том, что Хомс обладает уникальными градостроительными и архитектурными чертами, которые отличают его от других сирийских городов, несмотря на наличие исторической связи между ними. Таким
© Ali Salmo, Elena V. Scherbina, Lina Yaser Alibrahim, 2021 1285
Распространяется на основании Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)
образом развивается своеобразие, архитектурная и градостроительная идентичность города, которую архитекторам и градостроителям следует принять во внимание на следующем этапе восстановления и реконструкции. Выводы. Утраченную Хомсом идентичность необходимо творчески восстановить на следующем этапе реконструкции, поскольку она несет в себе смыслы экологической устойчивости в дополнение к историческому и культурному наследию, которыми нельзя пренебрегать в будущем, притом, что они игнорируются в настоящем. Все попытки возродить исключительно внешний вид города не спасут его идентичность, а приведут к созданию фальшивой и слабой городской индивидуальности.
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: архитектурная и градостроительная идентичность, имидж города, послевоенные восстановления, устойчивое развитие, военный кризис в Сирии, старый город Хомса, компактная планировка, дом со внутренним двором, культурное наследие
ДЛЯ ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ: Салмо А, Щербина Е.В., Алибрахим Л.Я. Architectural and urban identity of Homs city // Вестник МГСУ. 2021. Т. 16. Вып. 10. С. 1285-1296. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.10.1285-1296
Автор, ответственный за переписку: Али Салмо, [email protected].
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The city of Homs went through many historical stages that formed its architectural and urban identity. Since the year 280 BC, Homs was a Greek after that a Roman settlement, and it was followed by successive stages of the Islamic era (Umayyad, Abbasid, Ayyubid, and Mamluk), which was followed by Ottoman rule, and finally, the French mandate that ended with the independence of Syria 1946 year [1].
Homs has architectural and planning elements that distinguish it from those in Damascus or Aleppo [1], for example, the final evolutionary sequence of these elements and the changes that occurred to them formed the final visual identity of the city. To define the architectural elements, these elements must be studied clearly according to their functions and materials, this will help to shape the specific architectural and urban image, which will contribute later to form clear visual models that are far from exaggerated and nearer to the soul of the city. In previous studies, the idea of defining the urban and architectural identity of Syrian cities was addressed, but from different aspects.
For example, during a study in the historical development of Palmyra, it was indicated that if the historical master plan of the city is preserved, taking into account the social and economic needs and the general fabric of the city, then the urban identity of the city and in particular the general Roman character of the ancient city will be preserved [2].
In another study on determining the planning significance of the architectural identity in Homs, it was pointed out that the elements of cultural heritage are the only basic components of the architectural identity in Homs, and that if these elements are classified and attributed to their level of destruction in the old city, this will contribute to restore the architectural identity in the city of Homs [3, 4].
The population's needs were also important in some studies. Through social questionnaires, the psychological and social needs of the population in the city of Homs were determined. Accordingly, external and internal factors were identified to form a proposed strategy for the sustainable development of the city [5].
Now, 10 years after the Syrian war crisis, efforts are directed towards documenting and preserving the Syrian tangible heritage of old cities [6, 7], also, in the city of Homs, work is underway to develop a general plan for the city. During the development of this plan, it is very important to take into account the importance of the place and the value of the cultural heritage elements of the urban identity. and that is why the local and international community realizes that preserving the image and identity of cities lost because of wars and disasters is of importance at the social and environmental levels at the same time.
Therefore, it is imperative to study the historical, cultural and architectural urban elements of the city that express its identity, which should be taken into account in the development of the program and master plan for the forthcoming post-war reconstruction. This determined the purpose of the research carried out — to determine the architectural style of the historical city of Homs, which includes distinctive architectural and urban elements related to different historical ones, which is often called "Homsi". This style is the cumulative and evolutionary product of all civilizations in Syria, especially in Homs. Thus, the task is to analyze the historical formation of the city based on field observations and archival materials.
Hypothesis: clear allocation of architectural elements defining urban identity will ensure urban planning to take into account the preservation of cultural heritage sites and urban identity.
The social importance of the city's image in the minds of its residents supports their sense of belonging to their street, neighbourhood or city, and contributes to enhancing the roles of individuals in the development of their environment and societies. with the aim of strengthening the relationship between the citizen returning from internal or external displacement and his place of residence.
The environmental importance of the city's image throughout the history of Homs supported the comfort (physical and psychological) of the inhabitants. For example, the traditional "Homsi" house, with its inner courtyard filled with jasmine trees and water elements such as fountain and Salsabil, also the study of shading,
colors, and textures of materials, formed a small local environment that respected the privacy and human scale of the residents and gave them in all seasons a state of comfort [8].
The term "Homsi" has been mentioned in the local literatures of Syrian architecture, this word is an adjective from the name of the city Homs, another name is used also to describe the architecture technique which is named as "Ablaqi Homsi".
In this study, historical materials and the author's notes, Homs city architectural heritage archived or published data were used. The methods that are used, systematic comparative and visual analysis, the instrument of these methods is the detailing method, throughout the study of architectural and urban planning documents in Homs, authors used previously studied literature in this field too, to determine the urban and architectural elements of Homs city identity [9-16]. The architecture style of Homs was characterized by using combination of materials such as white and black local stones, besides the use of some clay materials in the external cladding, woods and bricks also were noticed through observations, which is an early use of sustainable materials. On the level of shapes, Roman elements were used with arches, doors, and columns. Islamic elements, and shapes such as Spherical domes, Vaults, Muqarnas, and Mashrabiya also were found in old "Homsi" houses [14-16].
The French mandate also tried to add or renew some elements such as wooden gable roofs, small balconies, and high vertical windows that were decorated with premade steel. These features created the architectural iden-
tity of the city of Homs, so these elements distinguished Homs city from other cities in Syria, the following points will briefly identify the architectural characteristics of this style:
1) Inserting an ancient Roman architectural element such as arches, columns, entablatures, vaults, pediments, (or a part of them) in windows, doors, entrances (influence of Roman architecture);
2) Using locally produced materials such as basalt or limestone in facades, ceilings, and floors and also adding Islamic architectural elements like Mahsrabiya, Wind catchers, and fountains (influence of the Islamic architecture);
3) Using red brick tiles and fine steel elements in roofs, facades, and decorative elements besides the use of glass (influence of the French architecture);
4) Inserting elements of green plants logically, without exaggerations, to achieve their aesthetic and environmental goals;
5) All these elements were subjected to architectural scale studies that were related to the precise geometric proportions that suit the human dimensions and his privacy. All these points supported the urban structure for each old house, which formed the larger, stronger structure of the old neighborhood and finally the old city [13].
So in order to understand the classifications of the objects of cultural heritage and other elements that shaped the Homsi identity the following (Table 1, 2) will explain specific elements of the "Homsi" architectural and urban style that followed the previous points, and according to functional use of territories the highlighted architectural features of old Homs city will be provided in (Fig. 1).
Table 1. The architectural elements of the traditional "Homsi" house
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Element (photo)
Element name
Discerption of element
Inner courtyard
It is a space with an open ceiling inside of Arab Homsi house, creates an interior environment, which is isolated visually and acoustically, also contributes to light the rooms, as it contains important environmental elements, such as water elements, plants and trees
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It is a room opened to the inner courtyard that was studied in order to be used in shade to protect residents from the sun's
Continuation of the Table 1
Element (photo)
Element name
Discerption of element
Upper and
The architect in Homs used the corridors to achieve the thermal gradient and to limit the movement in front of the rooms and halls, in order to create a transition area from the rooms to the inner courtyard, so that the internal temperature of the rooms can be kept lower than the temperature of the inner courtyard in summer, and higher in winter
Openings and
The size of the small windows helped to maintain the air pressure between the internal and external spaces, because their small size in summer, will help in introducing a cold airflow, and in winter, their small size will reduce thermal loss
Domes have been used in mosque architecture, so that they have acoustic and structural uses as well, but they can also be seen in the architecture of the Homsi house, because they have a role in reducing the intensity of the sun's rays as they regulate the movement of air through the windows at the base
They are wooden elements added to the large windows that help block the sunlight and heat and regulate the movement of air. They have a role in enhancing privacy as they prevent vision from outside to inside and allow vision from the inside out
The location of the fountain is chosen on the axis of the Iwan, thus adding a special aesthetic character to the inner courtyard, with its plants and also because of the sound of water
It is a protrusion of the building over the entire street space, helping to expand the area of the upper spaces of the house, and it may cover long distances to form a shaded area at the bottom, thus helping the movement of air in the street due to its formation of a pressure difference between the areas of shadows and the areas exposed to sun radiation
End of the Table 1
Element (photo)
Element name
Discerption of element
The ornaments and decorations in the Homsi house are varied, they are two types, some of them spread on the internal walls, floors, and ceilings, and some ofthem spread on the outer walls. Most of the decorations were geometric, especially the shapes that express Islamic architecture in square or octagonal shapes with Arabic fonts. There are also animal ornaments in the form of conflicting lions, and these decorations are mostly from the Mamluk era [14]
Table 2. The urban planning elements of the old Homs city
Element (photo)
Element Name
Discerption of element
Residential house
It is a dwelling for one or several families, characterized by its simple and environmental design, as it is closed to the outside and open to an internal environment, in order to achieve a high degree of privacy that suits the needs of the population at that time, and the design based on the study of shade and light helped to resist the factors of the external atmosphere [14, 15]
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Residential Neighborhood
The old residential neighborhood in Homs has a two-dimensional structure characterized by an irregular configuration, whereby a group of residential buildings define the streets. The streets are narrow, continuous, and not straight. As for the spatial (three-dimensional) structure of the residential neighborhood, it is characterized by being horizontal that does not rise much, and the difference in height between residential buildings is small, in order to calm the winds and cast shadows on the streets and thus to control the temperature day and night, by controlling the air pressure differences and preserving the heat
The school had a special significance associated with religious buildings (churches or mosques) for religious education. However, the link was strengthened under the Ottoman rule, as the school's role evolved to include reading rooms, lecture rooms, and teachers' rooms. The school had two sections for summer and winter education, and its location was not limited to the old city
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Hammam (Bathroom)
It was intended as a place for public bathing. The Hammam (bathroom) had social and recreational significance, although the idea of the bath was present in Islam, it was before in Roman and Byzantine eras. The people of the city used to go to it in the morning with the intention of bathing, because their homes were far from their work place, but at night, people used to go to it for the purpose of recreation and meetings
End of the Table 2
Element (photo)
Element Name
Discerption of element
The markets were clustered around the Big Mosque in Old Homs, and they were also distributed along a pedestrian axis on the right and left of it.
One of the most important features of the Homs old markets is that they were distributed according to the type ofproducts. There were markets of great importance near the mosque, such as the markets for perfumes, books and gold. As for the less important markets such as fabrics and food, they were a little further from the mosque. And the markets related to the iron and wood industry were the least important. It is interesting that there were markets for women, and also special markets for fake goods [14, 15]
Religious Buildings
The ancient city of Homs includes one of the oldest churches in the world, Saint Mary Church of the Holy Belt. In addition, other small churches were widespread in the Old City, which indicates the state of religious coexistence in the city of Homs
The Big Mosque was a center for three main activities (social-commercial-religious) and its size was large to accommodate a larger population. Later, with the increase in the population, commercial and social functions were separated, to preserve only its religious function.
The mosque, with its minaret, constituted the highest building in the Old City, so that it imposed architectural control over the rest of the residential buildings [15]
The other mosques that are located in the old Homs, are smaller, and they are spread in the old city, closer to the (prayer halls) than to be mosques. Minarets were also lower than the minaret of the Big Mosque [15]
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General features of the old city of Homs: Homs has a dry desert nature, so the conditions and possibilities that were available to the architect in Homs determined urban and architectural work in this city, in (Table 3) the urban typology of the city was defined according to functions and coloristic style also main and secondary elements that fall between them, however here are several important features that shaped the city:
1. The Closure feature characterizes the general structure of the old city of Homs:
This is because it was surrounded by a wall. The closure of the city was general and included all the elements of the city in all its different functions, not only residential buildings but also social buildings, such as
mosques, schools and bathrooms [15, 16]. This closure reflected positively on the city, because it has become an integrated and compacted unit. Thus, the goal for which it was planned and designed was achieved.
2. Wide Wall surrounded the old city of Homs:
The perimeter of the wall is 4,200 meters, the height ranged from 5 to 8 meters and the wall had 4 doors in the Roman era, but in the Abbasid era they became seven doors.
This wall in some of its parts was surrounded by a ditch and was filled with water sometimes. The seven gates surrounding the old city defined the directions of the major streets of the city which were divided into two main types (the branch) and (the path) [15-17]. These
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Fig. 1. Classification of OCH based on urban territories division by functional use that highlighted architectural features of old city of Homs
streets were open from one side and ended with a small square for the use of religious and social celebrations, and therefore only for the residents of those neighborhoods. The width of the street in Old Homs varies and is not fixed, depending on the assigned function, so the transportation network inside the Old City is unclear.
3. The Big Mosque and market dominated all other activities in the old city:
Where the major streets meet, the Big Mosque dominated all other elements such as schools, caravansaries, and even residential buildings in the old city inside the wall. To protect from the terrible weather in summer and winter. The centre of the old city is not in the geometric centre of the old city. Rather, it was near the Great Mosque to the north-western side of the old city [17-19]. Significant social buildings were along the major streets connecting the old city centre and the gates. The most important social buildings small mosques, bathrooms, and schools.
4. The old city of Homs comprised a group of administrative residential neighbourhoods:
8 neighbourhoods formed the old city, the neighbourhoods separated from each other by main and secondary streets, each neighbourhood comprising a group
of residential buildings and small shops for selling daily items, besides small buildings such as the school, the mosque and the hammam [20].
5. The internal spaces of buildings were distinguished by their artistic beauty and functional exploitation:
The internal spaces added to the general shape of the old city a distinctive planning character, the inner courtyard of each house was a place for a social meeting where the family would sit and enjoy peace and comfort, and at the level of the old city, these courtyards were the lung that the ancient city breathes through.
According to what was previously reached (Fig. 2) shows the general planning and urban features of the ancient city of Homs in order to understand a general composition of the urban identity in the city.
1. Homs city has a distinctive architectural and urban planning style:
Despite the similarity of some characteristics in ancient Arab cities with the old city of Homs, the old city
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Table 3. The urban typology of the old city of Homs
Coloristic style
Ablak Style Common
.o "o Materials
Ö '3 2 Object Main element Architectural element Black stones White stones Wood Metal Masonry on clay mortars Glass
Iwans + + - - + -
Internal facades Upper and lower corridors + + + + + -
Windows and doors + + + + + +
M <u Domes + + + - + -
c3 ft M Residential buildings External facades Sibat + - + - + -
00 .13 with a courtyard Mashrabiya - - + - + -
Windows and doors + + + + + +
SAF (Fountain, sculpture) + + - - + -
Courtyard Paving + + - - + -
Green elements Vertical or hanged elements
Facades Windows and doors + + + + + +
Walls + + - - + -
Big mosques Square Flooring + + - - + -
Corridors Arches + + - - - -
Columns + + - - + -
High minaret Openings and windows + + - - + +
Facades Windows and doors + + + + + +
Small mosques Walls + + - - + -
Short minaret Openings and windows + + - - + -
Christian churches Facades Windows and doors + + + + + +
Walls + + - - + -
m Covered markets (khan, bazaar) Ceilings - - + + + -
% a Commercial buildings Walls + + - - + -
m o Windows and doors + + - + + -
^ pH Religious Ceilings + + - - + -
Schools (takkiya — madrasa) Walls + + - - + -
And Educational Windows and doors + + + + + +
Waiting zones + + + - + -
Hammam Internal facades Bathing zones + + - - + +
SAF (Fountain, sculpture) + + - - + -
External facades Windows and doors + + - - + -
(Large) for religious holidays The dimensions of the sites and their
Squares (Small) for social events finishing materials depend on the distance from the Grand Mosque
Local significance Local streets are asphalted. the rest of
Streets Pedestrian the streets are narrower and built of
Closed-end basalt stones
Fig. 2. The figure shows the complicated formation of urban identity of a city, made by authors
of Homs possesses a set of architectural and urban characteristics that distinguish it from other Syrian cities.
2. Homs developed a complicated structure of the architectural and urban identity:
The architectural and urban identity of the ancient city of Homs is not limited to the visual image of the city, but is a set of environmental and social features and characteristics that have been formed over time, which are the outcome of the accumulation of natural characteristics (geographical location and climatic features) and artificial characteristics (architectural elements, streets, buildings, squares, markets, etc.). Besides the amalgamation of these characteristics with social customs and traditions resulting from religious and ethnic coexistence and the resulting socio-economic transactions that ultimately formed the so-called "Homsi" identity.
3. Post-war reconstruction has to posses advanced technologies that respect the city's identity:
The destruction in the city because of the war in Syria requires a pause in order to spot the errors before the war as well, to correct the mistakes that occurred in
the last century resulting from building violations and weak building codes in the old city of Homs. This is because reconstruction without going back to history will lead to the loss of the urban and architectural identity of this city forever.
The analysis discussed the importance of reviving the architectural and urban identities of the old city of Homs, and reviewed the necessity of returning to the traditional environment of the old city in Homs, which has endured for hundreds of years, unlike the new architectural and urban environments that are devoid of life and very far from human requirements.
The general structure in Old Homs was able, with the simplest means, to secure human needs for comfort in addition to preserving the natural resources that still remain today in the traditional Arab homes in Homs.
The modern trends in construction and planning, especially in the reconstruction phase, should benefit from previous experiences, to solve current problems, and how to take advantage of modern technologies in the formation of a modern urban environment characte-
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rized by technological progress and also bearing the true identity of the city.
The next challenge for the architect in Homs is to create a flexible and sustainable architectural and urban environment that restores its identity (social and environmental) by imposing a building control system that respects the traditional heritage in Homs and also by reducing building violations, in a way that guarantees opportunities for future generations, and takes advantage of the reconstruction phase to recover the lost identity of Homs.
The study concluded by identifying the distinctive elements of the architectural and urban identity of the old city of Homs, in addition to the important planning features of the city that are related to the nature of religious and social life in it, and the necessity of returning in the next stage of recovery and reconstruction to the compact models and structures, because they respect the environment and the human being. And it preserved the resources for hundreds of years.
Noting that the current attempts to retrieve the image of the city through the external appearance only, are nothing but naive attempts to cover the distorted urban
body with beautiful architectural clothing, and this will not address the deep problems facing the citizen in Homs.
In this study, representations of urban identity were expanded, which express the distinction and difference of urban characteristics in the old city of Homs from other cities:
• the classification of the major city planning elements that make up the identity of town planning is revealed;
• the main architectural elements bearing historical values and expressing the Homsi architectural identity were highlighted;
• thus, the studies conducted in the creation of new urban design and planning areas have allowed the use of elements of urban planning identity to create an environment that is conducive, comfortable and environmentally friendly to humans.
Based on this, it is possible to pave the way for the development and restoration of devastated areas on the basis of restoring the traditional urban identity of the city of Homs in all parts of the city, not just in the old city.
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7. Rahme R. Post-war reconstruction in the context of historic preservation. Masters' dissertation. 2018.
8. Kassouha S. Towards a strategy for regaining cultural identity in the urban reconstruction of the war-ravaged city centre of Homs, Syria. Masters' dissertation. 2014.
9. Barakat H., Jabbour Z. Environmental Sciences. Al-Baath University Journal. 2015; 1:227-247.
10. Al-Zahrawi N. Archaeological and heritage Ablakia architecture in Homs city: a documentary study. Al-Baath university Journal. 2007; 8:8-223.
11. Barakat H., Jabbour Z. Town planning theories. Al-Baath University Journal.2000; 3:29-54.
12. Almasri E. The rehabilitation of urban environment in Homs old City Syria. Damascus University Journal. 2013; 30(2):87-112.
13. Dayoub T. Medieval architecture: Islamic and European architecture. Al-Baath University Journal. 2001; 5:162-171.
14. Massouh I. Modern Trends in reviving residential buildings in the nuclei of Traditional Arabic Cities. Masters' dissertation. 2008; 16-80.
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Received July 11, 2021.
Adopted in revised form on September 30, 2021. Approved for publication on October 4, 2021.
tion. 2018; 4:12-18. DOI: 10.22337/2077-9038-20184-12-18 (rus.).
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B i o n o t e s : Ali Salmo—master of Urban Planning, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Urban Planning; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; ID RISC: 485908, ResearcherlD: Q-6673-2016, ORCID: 0000-0002-8595-2101; [email protected];
Elena V. Scherbina — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Urban Planning; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; ID RISC: 1052643, ResearcherID: AAG-1758-2019, ORCID: 0000-0002-67977559; [email protected];
Lina Yaser Alibrahim — bachelor of architecture, Head of Urban Planning sector; Municipality of Homs city; Al Kouwatli shosse, Homs, Syria; ResearcherID: AAK-2569-2021, ORCID: 0000-0002-3332-9190; linaalibrahim26@ gmail.com.
Contribution of the authors:
Salmo A. — research concept; methodology development; writing the draft; follow on revision of the text; final conclusions.
Scherbina E.V. — scientific management; research concept; methodology development; participation in development of curricula and their implementation; follow on revision of the text; final conclusions.
Alibrahim L.Y. — processing of research materials; preparation of individual sections of the text; participation in the discussions of the conclusions.
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
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8. Kassouha S. Towards a strategy for regaining cultural identity in the urban reconstruction of the war-ravaged city centre of Homs, Syria // Masters' dissertation. 2014.
9. Barakat H., Jabbour Z. Environmental Sciences // Al-Baath university Journal. 2015. Vol. 1. Pp. 227-247.
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10. Al-Zahrawi N. Archaeological and heritage Ablakia architecture in Homs city: a documentary study // Al-Baath university Journal. 2007. Vol. 8. Pp. 8-223.
11. Barakat H., Jabbour Z. Town planning theories // Al-Baath university Journal. 2000. Vol. 3. Pp. 29-54.
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16. Al-Dbiyat M. Bibliographie // Homs et Hama en Syrie centrale. 1995. Pp. 325-349. DOI: 10.4000/ books.ifpo.3668
17. Mansour H. The lost identity of the city: The case of Damascus // CITTA 8th annual conference on planning research. 2015. Pp. 1-21.
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Поступила в редакцию 11 июля 2021 г.
Принята в доработанном виде 30 сентября 2021 г.
Одобрена для публикации 4 октября 2021 г.
Об авторах: Али Салмо — магистр градостроительства, аспирант кафедры градостроительства; Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ);
129337, г. Москва, Ярославское шоссе, д. 26; РИНЦ ГО: 485908, Ке8еагсИегГО: д-6673-2016, ОЯСГО: 0000-00028595-2101; [email protected];
Елена Витальевна Щербина — доктор технических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры градостроительства; Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ); 129337, г. Москва, Ярославское шоссе, д. 26; РИНЦ ГО: 1052643, ResearcherГО: АА0-1758-2019, ОЯСГО: 0000-0002-6797-7559; [email protected];
Лина Ясер Алибрахим — бакалавр архитектуры, руководитель сектора градостроительства; Муниципалитет города Хомс; г. Хомс, Аль-Куватли шоссе, Сирия; ResearcherГО: ААК-2569-2021, ORCГО: 0000-0002-33329190; [email protected].
Вклад авторов:
Салмо А. — концепция исследования; развитие методологии; написание исходного текста; доработка текста; итоговые выводы.
Щербина Е.В. — научное руководство; концепция исследования; развитие методологии; участие в разработке учебных программ и их реализации; доработка текста; итоговые выводы.
Алибрахим Л.Я. — обработка материалов и подготовка отдельных разделов текста; участие в обсуждении выводов.
Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.