Научная статья на тему 'Archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts'

Archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
conflict / organisational culture / archetype / political parties / elite group / конфликт / организационная культура / архетип / поли- тические партии / элитные группы

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych

The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts created to determine the conditions for stopping the destructive process of fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups. Within the established model, the archetypal mechanisms of conflict development were revealed, the factors that make the participants of competitive interaction clash in confrontation were identified, and the conditions of its transformation into cooperation were outlined. The role of the biological mechanisms of activation of conflict participants was demonstrated. When analysing the developed model, the connection between the fragmentation of Ukrainian elite groups and imbalance of the differentiating and integrating functions in internal organisational conflicts was revealed. This made it possible to suggest that this imbalance is due to contradictions between habitual (network) and current (hierarchical) components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. The habitual component, due to activation of the corresponding groups of archetypes of the unconscious, blocks the process of sacralisation of leaders as part of realisation of the current component, which makes it impossible for them to perform the integrating function in political organisations under conditions where the differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts is realised without hindrance. This causes the continuous fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, atomisation and, as a result, their failure to exercise its power functions. It is concluded that the destructive fragmentation process of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups as a result of the unbalanced differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts can be stopped only after their restructuring into a multi-intelligent social model system. It can be implemented through appropriate algorithms of interaction among members and units of political organisations, which together will constitute a variable organisational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing reproduction of the habitual and current components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society

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В статье представлена архетипическая модель возникновения, эскалации и разрешения социального конфликта, которая была создана с целью определения условий остановки деструктивного процесса фрагментации политических организаций украинских элитных групп. В рамках созданной модели раскрыты архетипические механизмы протекания конфликта, определены факторы, которые сталкивают участников конкурентного взаимодействия в конфронтацию, а также условия его трансформации в кооперацию. Показана роль биологических механизмов активации участников конфликта. В процессе анализа разработанной модели определена связь фрагментации украинских элитных групп с дисбалансом дифференцирующей и интегрирующей функций внутриорганизационных конфликтов. Это позволило предположить, что такой дисбаланс обусловлен противоречиями между габитуальным (сетевым) и текущим (иерархическим) компонентами присущей украинскому обществу организационной культуры. В частности, габитуальный компонент, вследствие активации соответствующих групп архетипов бессознательного, блокирует процесс сакрализации лидеров в рамках реализации текущего компонента, обусловливает их несостоятельность осуществить интегрирующую функцию в политических организациях в условиях, когда дифференцирующая функция внутриорганизационных конфликтов реализуется без помех. Это обусловливает непрерывную фрагментацию политических организаций украинских элитных групп, которая приводит к их деградации, атомизации и, как следствие, неспособности осуществлять свою властную функцию. Сделан вывод о том, что деструктивный процесс фрагментации политических организаций украинских элитных групп, реализацию которого обеспечивает несбалансированная дифференцирующая функция внутреннего организационного конфликта, может быть остановлен только после их реструктуризации в мультиразумные системы социальной модели. Это возможно реализовать путем введения соответствующих алгоритмов взаимодействия членов и подразделений политических организаций, составляющих в совокупности переменную организационную структуру, которая обеспечит синергетический эффект в результате одновременного взаимодополняющего воспроизведения габитуального и текущего компонентов присущей украинскому обществу организационной культуры.

Текст научной работы на тему «Archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts»

UDC: 329.001(100)

Plakhtiy Taras Oleksiiovych,

independent researcher, 79014, Lviv, Tract Glyniany, 36-B, tel.: (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441

Плахтш Тарас Олексшович,

незалежний досл1дник, 79014, Льв1в, Тракт Глинянський, 36-Б, тел.: (050) 317 3701, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441

Плахтий Тарас Алексеевич,

независимый исследователь, 79014, Львов, Тракт Глинянский, 36-Б, тел.: (050) 317 37 01, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1339-7441


Abstract. The article presents the archetypal model of emergence, escalation and resolution of social conflicts created to determine the conditions for stopping the destructive process of fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups. Within the established model, the archetypal mechanisms of conflict development were revealed, the factors that make the participants of competitive interaction clash in confrontation were identified, and the conditions of its transformation into cooperation were outlined. The role of the biological mechanisms of activation of conflict participants was demonstrated.

When analysing the developed model, the connection between the fragmentation of Ukrainian elite groups and imbalance of the differentiating and integrating functions in internal organisational conflicts was revealed. This made it possible to suggest that this imbalance is due to contradictions between habitual (network) and current (hierarchical) components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society. The habitual component, due to activation of the corresponding groups of archetypes of the unconscious, blocks the process of sacralisation of leaders as part of realisation of the current component, which makes it impossible for them to perform the integrating function in political organisa-

tions under conditions where the differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts is realised without hindrance. This causes the continuous fragmentation of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, atomisation and, as a result, their failure to exercise its power functions.

It is concluded that the destructive fragmentation process of the political organisations of Ukrainian elite groups as a result of the unbalanced differentiating function of internal organisational conflicts can be stopped only after their restructuring into a multi-intelligent social model system. It can be implemented through appropriate algorithms of interaction among members and units of political organisations, which together will constitute a variable organisational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing reproduction of the habitual and current components inherent in the organisational culture of Ukrainian society.

Keywords: conflict, organisational culture, archetype, political parties, elite group.


Анотащя. У статл представлено архетипну модель виникнення, еска-лаци та розв'язання сощального конфлшту, яка була створена з метою ви-значення умов зупинки деструктивного процесу фрагментаци полггичних оргашзацш украшських елггних груп. У межах створено!' моделi розкрито архетипш мехашзми перебиу конфлшту, визначено чинники, яю зштов-хують учасниив конкурентно!' взаемоди у конфронтацш, а також умови ïï трансформаци у кооперацш. Показано роль бюлопчних механiзмiв актива-ци учасникiв конфлiкту.

У процесi аналiзу розроблено!' моделi визначено зв'язок фрагментаци украшських елггних груп iз дисбалансом диференцшючо!' та iнтегруючоï функцiï внутршшх органiзацiйних конфлiктiв. Це дало змогу припустити, що такий дисбаланс обумовлений протирiччями мiж габiтуальним (мере-жевим) та поточним (iерархiчним) компонентами притаманно!' украшсько-му суспiльству органiзацiйноï культури. Зокрема, габлуальний компонент, внаслiдок активаци вiдповiдних груп архетипiв несвiдомого, блокуе процес сакралiзацiï лiдерiв у межах реалiзацiï поточного компонента, що обумов-люе IX неспроможнiсть здiйснити штегруючу функцiю в полiтичних оргаш-защях в умовах, коли диференцiююча функщя внутрiшнiх органiзацiйних конфлiктiв реалiзуеться без жодних перешкод. Це обумовлюе безперервну фрагментащю полiтичних органiзацiй украшських елггних груп, яка приводить до 1'х деградацiï, атомiзацiï та, як наслiдок, неспроможностi здiйснювати свою владну функцш.

Зроблено висновок про те, що деструктивний процес фрагментаци полн тичних оргашзацш украшських еллних груп, реалiзацiю якого забезпечуе незбалансована диференщююча функцiя внутрiшнього органiзацiйного

конфлшту, може бути зупинений лише шсля !х реструктуризаци у мульти-розумш системи сощально! моделi. Це можливо реалiзувати шляхом запро-вадження вщповщних алгоритмiв взаемодп членiв та шдроздшв полгтич-них органiзацiй, що в сукупносп складуть змiнну органiзацiйну структуру, яка забезпечить синергетичний ефект внаслщок одночасного взаемно шдси-люючого ввдтворення габiтуального i поточного компонентiв притаманно! укра!нському суспiльству оргашзацшно! культури.

Ключовi слова: конфлiкт, органiзацiйна культура, архетип, полггичш парти, елiтнi групи.


Аннотация. В статье представлена архетипическая модель возникновения, эскалации и разрешения социального конфликта, которая была создана с целью определения условий остановки деструктивного процесса фрагментации политических организаций украинских элитных групп. В рамках созданной модели раскрыты архетипические механизмы протекания конфликта, определены факторы, которые сталкивают участников конкурентного взаимодействия в конфронтацию, а также условия его трансформации в кооперацию. Показана роль биологических механизмов активации участников конфликта.

В процессе анализа разработанной модели определена связь фрагментации украинских элитных групп с дисбалансом дифференцирующей и интегрирующей функций внутриорганизационных конфликтов. Это позволило предположить, что такой дисбаланс обусловлен противоречиями между габитуальным (сетевым) и текущим (иерархическим) компонентами присущей украинскому обществу организационной культуры. В частности, габитуальный компонент, вследствие активации соответствующих групп архетипов бессознательного, блокирует процесс сакрализации лидеров в рамках реализации текущего компонента, обусловливает их несостоятельность осуществить интегрирующую функцию в политических организациях в условиях, когда дифференцирующая функция внутриорганизационных конфликтов реализуется без помех. Это обусловливает непрерывную фрагментацию политических организаций украинских элитных групп, которая приводит к их деградации, атомизации и, как следствие, неспособности осуществлять свою властную функцию.

Сделан вывод о том, что деструктивный процесс фрагментации политических организаций украинских элитных групп, реализацию которого обеспечивает несбалансированная дифференцирующая функция внутреннего организационного конфликта, может быть остановлен только после их реструктуризации в мультиразумные системы социальной модели. Это возможно реализовать путем введения соответствующих алгоритмов взаимодействия членов и подразделений политических организаций, составляющих в совокупности переменную организационную структуру, которая

обеспечит синергетический эффект в результате одновременного взаимодополняющего воспроизведения габитуального и текущего компонентов присущей украинскому обществу организационной культуры.

Ключевые слова: конфликт, организационная культура, архетип, политические партии, элитные группы.

Target setting. At the beginning of the nineties the Ukrainian political elite divided into two comparable groups competing for power — People's Movement of Ukraine and the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR. For more than 25 years of Independence took place a catastrophic, we believe, process of the fragmentation of the Ukrainian elite groups — at the time of the writing of this post in Ukraine were registered 352 political parties and their formation process continues.

The process of fragmentation of the Ukrainian elite groups has a variety of reasons, however, we believe it should be considered as an action of the differentiating features of the social conflict inside the Ukrainian elite groups in a situation where the action of the integrating its function is unable to balance it.

Thus, it is crucial for the successful creation and activity of Ukrainian political organizations, the sustainable development of the political system, after all, for the preservation and development of the state is stopping the fragmentation and the run of the integration processes of the Ukrainian elite groups.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The modern conflic-tology examines the situation of the conflict as one of the central concepts which involves opposite positions of

the sides of a question, the desire for opposite purposes, the use of the different means to achieve them, the divergence of interests, desires, aspirations, and so on. It offers a variety of classifications of probable causes of the conflict, the most common are: significant differences between the parties to the conflict (different goals, thoughts, attitudes, values, norms); individual characteristics of the conflicting parties; deficit of the communication, varying degrees of awareness; objective circumstances (restricted access to any resource or benefits); features the organizations, systems, structures. The basis of an actual conflict usually is more of the reasons that usually mutually reinforcing one another [1].

The causes of the conflict in their totality define a conflict situation that grows into a conflict as a result of the incident — an internal or external stimulus that upsets the balance of interests of the interaction.

In our view, most researchers in the field of conflict underestimate the etho-logical factor that on a biological level causes the immanence of the status of the conflict, filling it with social energy, accelerates or otherwise — slows its course. In this work [2] it is described the biological mechanism of the activation of the people in the presence of others that can briefly introduce the following sequence of interrelated

steps: information about the presence of another person through the appropriate systems of perception enters the brain; the brain sends a signal to the endocrine glands to provide an appropriate hormonal stimulus secret; the selected secret enters the bloodstream which delivers it to the brain; in the brain occur neurohumoral reactions that activate the appropriate person to implement the stimulus to action. This mechanism of activation is essential for the survival of the biological populations at the change in the environmental conditions of its life. It manifests itself in the process of reproduction by ranking the males for the purpose of admission to this process of the most powerful individuals of high status in these environments. This indicates the programming on a biological level of the conflict between human persons that interact in a competitive position as well as that identified in conflictology causes of the conflict are only triggers that trigger the appropriate biological activation mechanisms of interaction of the participants to initiate and maintain the status of the conflict.

At the same time, the American social psychologists L. Ross and R. Nis-bett in their book [3] presented the results of the studies of the impact of the situation of the interaction and its contexts on behavior that is statistically a determined choice due to their particular situation behavioral patterns and strategies. The authors showed that the change in the situation or interaction context allows it statistically to control the behavior of people — participants of the interaction.

Thus the situation of the interaction can be considered a starting point

which on the one hand creates the conditions for the conflict, activates the members to implement it and makes statistically a definite choice of theirs in this situation of the relevant behavioral patterns and strategies, and on the other — it is the object of the control for external subject that has the necessary tools and potential.

In scientific studies of conflictology are presented a number of models of the occurrence of the conflict from different authors. One of the most famous is the dynamic model of conflict by F. Glasl [4] which includes nine stages divided into three basic stages, each of which respectively interact according to the rules "win-win", "win-lose" and "lose-lose".

To go to each next step, according to F. Glasl, the parties to the conflict must overcome a certain "threshold" which qualitatively changes their behavior. The author believes that since the sixth stage is traced the apparent trend towards the "personalization" of the conflict and its rapid escalation occurs. However, its initial subject of debate since this stage no longer has any meaning.

Thus, this model illustrates jumpy change at each transition of values and moral standards of the conflict as the assumptions to develop their own behavioral strategies in the new stage. The analysis and modeling of this change permits to more clearly understand the nature of the process of escalation of the conflict and develop effective tools to stop it.

In our opinion, the best simulation is done in the framework of archetype that comes from the fact that the appearance on the public scene of

a self-sufficient individual actualized the phenomenon of the archetype. If the previous collectivist society of the modern era was united by ideology, then the modern — post-modern society of self-sufficient individuals is combined of the archetypes of the collective unconscious.

So the representatives of the Ukrainian school of archetype O. Donchenko and Yu. Romanenko in their book [5] indicate that the center of the social value is the type of the interaction of some characteristics of the social structures with others. This type of interaction is the main cause of some of the social trends and changes. It is about the attitudes to the society as a specific form of life with certain laws of development, historical and cultural and psychological characteristics which embodies its personality. Such perceptions were based on the developed by O. Donchenko concept of the archetypal of management [6].

There are a number of methods of analysis of the social systems based on archetypes. E. Afonin, one of the founders of the Ukrainian archetype school for many years in his studies [7] uses the binary scale-oppositions to monitor and analyze the changes in the psychosocial culture of Ukraine, which are able to display a stable, unchanging historical part of the Ukrainian society, psychology, and also the changing, dynamic component. In terms of practice, worthy of attention is the data conducted by E. Afonin of the monitoring of the system-wide changes [8], including various nature (moduses) identities that pushed the strategies of the social groups in competitive strife or civilized cooperation.

There are many approaches and strategies for conflict resolution in all the social groups and organizations in particular. So, F. Glasl in [4] recommends at the first three stages of escalation of the conflict in the organizations to use the moderation interaction between the participants. At the 3-5 stages he recommends inviting a consultant to support the process of the conflict resolution. At the 4-6 stages, according to the author, should be applied a strategy of social and therapeutic support of the process. At stages 5-7 F. Glasl recommends the use of mediation. At stages 6-8, he recommends to include in the conflict a "third party". At stages 7-9, in his opinion, it is required the intervention of the senior management. Thus the head of the organizations has the opportunity to use all of the strategies and its role at each stage can vary dramatically — it can be a moderator, advisor, intermediary or the person who takes the final decision.

The analysis of the offered, such as in [1; 4], approaches to conflict resolution in organizations indicate that they are designed for hierarchically structured social groups that are social systems with one mind biological model by the classification of the American expert on organization theory J. Garaedagi [10]. In his work this author presented a generic typology of organizations that are based on organizational paradigm shift, divides the organization in fool systems of the mechanistic model, systems with one mind of the biological model and multiclever systems of the social model. J. Garaedagi notes that in systems with a mind of biological models the conflicts between its components are resolved based on paternalism.

On the basis of paternalism is proposed to resolve conflicts in most of the works on conflict, particularly in [1] and [4], which examines the special role of the leader in the conflict management. The proposed strategies of the conflict resolution there may indeed be effective in business, where managers, according to the approaches of by I. Adizes set out in his work [9], have three main sources of energy management — authority, personal influence (charisma) and, most importantly, power as the ability to penalize employees and encourage change in the value of the remuneration. The presence of these three sources of energy of the management managers in the hierarchically structured business organizations can consider the conflicts not only as a negative but as a positive factor to activate their inner life, hence the need to learn how to manage them, and, if necessary, even provoke them.

The lack of the basic sources of the management energy — authority of the leaders in hierarchically structured political parties makes the organization vulnerable to internal conflicts, and most leaders — unable to run and maintain the integration processes.

This prompts to note the described by J. Garaedagi [10] multiclever organizations of the social model, the main purpose of whose is to harmonize the interests of the targeted elements to move in a consistent direction.

Obviously, in these organizations the conflicts between the elements will become destructive factors that cause a degeneration to the biological models to organizations with one mind that will change their main goal in a fundamentally different — growth through expansion into the environment.

Therefore the construction of the political organizations as multiclever systems of the social model needs to develop mechanisms of the blocking system processes of escalating competition of the targeted elements of such a confrontation and facilitate its transformation into cooperation.

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is the creation of archetypal patterns of emergence, escalation and resolution of the social conflict and determination based on its analysis of the conditions of stopping the destructive process of the fragmentation of the Ukrainian elite groups.

The statement of basic materials. Developing the model of the emergence, escalation and resolution of the social conflict, we proceeded with the integrated nature of the human psyche which necessitates comprehensive review of the totality of the factors that influence the choice of behavioral patterns and strategies when interacting with others.

As noted above, the situation of interaction with the real or imaginary subjects and their contexts (conflict situation) is a central concept in con-flictology. Therefore, in our model (Figure), it is considered as an input element that, according to [3], statistically determines the choice of behavioral patterns and strategies of the subjects of the interaction.

The situation of the interaction is perceived and understood by its subjects through the mental filter that in our model includes four basic, in our opinion, components: psycho-emotional state of the perceiving subject; his realized needs; his outlook and ideological construct of the memory (picture of

Archetypal model of the emergence, escalation and resolution of the social conflict

the world formed in the process of socialization); organizational culture.

The aim of our study requires more detailed focus on the organizational culture. We consider it as a part of so-

cietal psyche comprising two relatively autonomous components — the habitual and the current organizational culture and will pay attention to the degree of the correlation between them as

a unique token of each specific society. The habitual component in our model includes organizational practices that evolved over millennia, and the current component is the organizational practices that have emerged in the last period of several centuries and formed till today.

Note that the proposed form of the review of the organizational culture is relevant primarily for the Ukrainian society, which in its development experienced a long period of customary law with horizontal council organizational culture which, in fact, it is a habitual component. The current organizational culture is hierarchical. It was assimilated by the Ukrainian society over the last few hundred years of its stay in the various empires. The low degree of the correlation between these components of the organizational culture of the Ukrainians, in our view, for a long time causes inefficiencies of the organizations created by them, that is one of the main factors of the formed above problems of the abnormal fragmentation of the Ukrainian elite groups.

The habitual component inherent to Ukrainians of the organizational culture in political organizations is manifested, in our view, in the blocking of the process of the sacralization of the leaders who received this status in the ranking in the current of the hierarchical organizational culture. Obviously, without sacralization the manifested leaders of the political organizations are unable to realize the integrative function. Note that the process of sa-cralization is provided by the meanings and values that form the activated unconscious subjects of the conflict interaction of the certain conflict group

of the deep archetypes. Such groups are linked together at the related basic levels and shadows of the personal archetypes corresponding to the cultural archetypes, invariant archetypal myth and archetype components of other typologies of the unconscious. Moreover, the activation of the sets of archetypes would ensure the cooperation situation, particularly in this case, the situation of the conflict resolution in the victory for one of the contenders for the informal leadership. However, the habitual organizational practices within council organizational culture provide for periodic interaction in positions of equal, activate the alternative group archetypes that prevents the progress of the sacralization of the leader, but rather activates his opponents in competitive interaction and confrontation with the aim to win the leadership status.

On the convention of the suggested above division of the mental filter is the fact that all its four components are simultaneously modulators of the initial situation of the interaction — the factors that directly affect its parameters and its context and cause sustainable reproduction of a particular set of typical situations of the interaction that are characteristic of a society.

Therefore, the situation of the interaction with the mental filters we consider as one that is conventionally divided into several interconnected components to better illustrate the principle of the operation of the model.

Perceived through the described mental filter the situation of the interaction and its contexts are experienced by the actors of the interaction altogether with the corresponding activated in the memory meanings and

values that have been acquired and stored there in the process of socialization. These meanings and values we assume to be rational. Note that this, like any other, meanings and values are initially interconnected with a certain set of archetypes. So they, through the mechanism of resonance, activate the corresponding archetypes of the unconscious of the subject of the interaction that triggers a biological activator (see below), which provides energy to support the awareness and subsequent processes that will be described below.

The conscious meanings and values falling in the value-semantic con-structer of the behavioral strategies are the basis for designing the appropriate to the situation of the interaction of their set. The subject of the interaction selects one of the strategies of this set — the most rational or optimal for its implementation as a reaction to the situation of the interaction and its contexts.

The set of strategies that has been created in the semantic constructor falls in the memory of the subject of the interaction, which integrates into the existing picture of the world — outlook and ideological construct, modifying it to more adequately reflect the reality. Simultaneously are modified the current and habitual components of the organizational culture and is changing the degree of the correlation between them, depending on which of them is more consistent with the chosen behavioral strategy, and also varies the psycho-emotional state of the subject of the interaction and the degree of the awareness of his own needs.

Then the chosen strategy is implemented in the form of a set of actions

that somehow change the situation of the interaction and its contexts. Then the cycle repeats.

Again, note that the power to implement the described process provides a biological activator triggered by archetypes after their activation of the interrelated meanings and values of the outlook and ideological construct of the memory of the subject of the interaction, which, in turn, activate in by the situation of the interaction and its contexts. Consider these mechanisms in more detail.

In parallel with the above-described process of understanding takes place the process of activation of the corresponding to the current situation and its contexts of the set of the archetypes of the unconscious psyche of the subject of the interaction that is formed as a set of interrelated meanings and corresponding values.

In order to understand, this set of meanings and values one must overcome some energy barrier. To simulate the process of overcoming this barrier, we use the concept of the biological activator of the mental processes of the individual or societal psyche, the principle of operation is based on current neurohormonal responses in the brains of the subjects of the interaction we led at the beginning by using materials of the work [2].

Thus, the biological activator accelerates the activation of the archetypes and the formation of their corresponding meanings and values in the unconscious, giving them the necessary energy to overcome the energy barrier that leads to their full or partial realization.

We can assume that the awareness of the archetypal meanings and values

is not continuous, but discrete. That is, they accumulate in a while in the unconscious and at the time of overcoming the energy barrier, instantly are understood. The described mechanism of the awareness can be compared to the principle of the pulsed laser in which a crystal after a quite prolonged activation at one point emits high-energy beam of light.

This way understood archetypal meanings and values fall in the value-semantic construct of the behavioral strategies, where there are rational meanings and values obtained from the memory after the perception of the current situation with its contexts through the mental filters described above. Typically, the rational and archetypal meanings and values contradict one another, hence the creation of value-semantic construct of the antagonistic sets of strategies, the choice between them is probabilistic in nature and may depend on a small random fluctuations in any of the above steps.

If we return to the energy metaphors in our model, we can assume that in certain situations of the interaction of the energy, which received the archetypal meanings and values of the biological activator abundantly are enough to displace the rational meaning to the periphery of the value-semantic construct of the behavioral strategies, to the instant choice of the appropriate behavioral strategy and its implementation through the immediate implementation of an appropriate set of actions.

When it is installed the energy parity between the rational and archetypal meanings and values in the value-semantic construct of the behavioral strategies our brain reduces the mental

stress and is able to reconcile them creating a hybrid and securing its components for their respective situations and contexts. That is, in some situations, we naturally use strategies that are based on one set of meanings and values, in the other — on the basis of an alternative set.

The set of the behavioral strategies that were designed in such a way and archetypal meanings and values that overcome the energy barrier of awareness, fall in the memory of the subject of the interaction, where is being finished the outlook and ideological construct, modify it, make it alternative meaningful centers. In the next stage of the interaction within this situation, these centers are activated immediately and sent to the semantic-value construct of the behavioral strategies already earlier understood archetypal meanings and values with the set of produced strategies based on these.

In this way, within our model we introduced the mechanisms of the energy supply of the interaction at each stage of escalation of the conflict and impulse (discrete) changes in values and meanings in the minds of these subjects, providing overcoming the threshold and transitions from step to step of the escalation of the conflict within its dynamic model of F. Glasl [4] which was described above.

Note that the conflict can be described by the same mechanisms, with the only difference that the initial balanced situation of the interaction suddenly changes the incident triggered externally or committed intentionally or unintentionally by one of its subjects.

Obviously, the resolution to the conflict follows with the condition of

the reduction of the activation of the intensity of the conflict archetypes of the unconscious in the psyche of the subjects of the interaction, which slows down or stops completely the biological activator, as a result such archetypal meanings and values do not get enough energy for their realization.

This means that the use of any of the proposed by F. Glasl [4] conflict resolution strategies leads to decreasing in intensity of the activation of the conflict archetypes of the unconscious in the psyche of the subjects of the interaction.

We will try to determine why this is happening. The situation of the interaction and its contexts activate certain sets of archetypes of the unconscious, which are based on the archetypes of low level — the biological level. Actually they are, in our opinion, able to run and maintain the maximum level job of the biological activator. One group of these archetypes is directly related to the need for reproduction, including the ranking of the males for the purpose of admission to this of the most powerful individuals in these environments. This mechanism, according to [2], is produced by nature for the survival of a population with a sudden change in its life conditions.

That is the stay in a situation of interaction, which contains elements of competition and automatically activates the unconscious psyche of the subjects of the interaction of the group of the mentioned archetypes, which immediately launches the full effect of the biological activator that fills the created on their basis respective meanings and values by the energy for initiation and support of the conflict as a ranking

tool which in turn pushes the competitive interaction in the confrontation.

All the strategies proposed by F. Glasl [4] provide for the intervention of a higher status external entity that stops the process of ranking of the participants of the interaction and hence the activation in their unconscious mental the conflict groups of archetypes.

That is, the vast majority of the proposed strategies for conflict resolution in conflictology is effective and, ultimately, were designed for the social systems for biological models with one mind in which the conflicts between elements, according to [10], are solved within paternalism.

In the systems with one mind of the biological model with several candidates for its role, which are in the process of ranking, are listed the strategies for conflict resolution in principle that can not be effective. A striking example of this is an attempt of the external players to stop the hybrid aggression of one country on another of our time — any effort moderators, consultants, agents are ineffective in circumstances where the aggressor — one of the conflicting subjects do not recognizes the higher status of any of the competitive external subjects or any of their organizations. This situation will continue until the moment of recognition by the aggressor of the higher status of someone from the competitors or their organizations on the role of one mind in the global social system of the biological model. Unfortunately, in our opinion, effective solutions to this type of conflict in the biological systems models with an incomplete ranking process do not exist.

The multiclever systems of the social model of the strategy offered by modern conflictology in principle are unsuitable because, by definition, the elements of these systems interact as equals. The appearance in them at least of one element of a higher status that was obtained in the process of ranking would mean the transformation of the system to a system of biological model with one mind.

Therefore the construction of the political organizations as multiclever systems of the social model requires fundamentally different approaches. In our opinion, they should be based on the natural, biologically change due to the group dynamics, during which no activation would occur in the above mentioned conflict groups of archetypes relating to the ranking as part of breeding needs and translate competitive interaction in confrontation.

In our overview publication [11], we presented our developed concept of one such approach, which is organizing the group interaction of the subjects consisting of a large group at the stage of clicks algorithms that would ensure their cooperation in the process of discussion and taking decision not as individuals but as representatives of the group opinion of the various previously dissolved groups. This will keep them interacting in an equal position and prevent the initiation and maintenance of their ranking process, which is always accompanied by activation of the group conflict of archetypes in the unconscious and runs the biological activator for understanding the relevant meanings and values. It is almost impossible to provoke a conflict with a representative of a disbanded group

and carrier of the group opinion in the process of discussion because the group status, a position which he represents, remains for him always above the status of any other subjects of the interaction.

Conclusions and recommendations for further research. The analysis of the created archetypal model of the emergence, escalation and resolution of the social conflict allowed to reveal the mechanisms of its course, to establish the factors that push participants in the competitive interaction in confrontation, to show the role of the biological mechanisms of activation of the conflict and determine the conditions of stopping the destructive process of the fragmentation of the Ukrainian elite groups.

The Ukrainian political parties are social biological model systems with one mind in which, due to inconsistencies of the habitual and current components of the organizational culture, hampers the process of the sacralization of the leaders that prevents their ability to realize the integrative function of the internal conflicts in which they have power within organizations.

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At the same time the differentiating feature of the internal organizational conflicts is implemented without interference. This causes the continuous fragmentation of the political organizations of the Ukrainian elite groups, which leads to their degradation, ato-mization and, as a result, failure to exercise their authority functions.

The destructive process of the fragmentation of the political organizations of the Ukrainian elite groups, the implementation of which provides the unbalanced differentiating feature of the internal organizational conflict

can be stopped only after the restructuring into multiclever systems of the social model. It can be implemented through the appropriate algorithms of the interaction between the members and the units of the political organizations, which together constitute a variable organizational structure that will provide a synergistic effect due to the simultaneous mutually reinforcing of the habitual and current components inherent in the Ukrainian society of the organizational culture.

Further studies within this theme should focus on studying the features of the interaction of the members of the political organizations with varying organizational structure after the full-length introduction.


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