Научная статья на тему 'Applying the way of equating-developing in teaching “information science and information technologies” in higher educational institutions'

Applying the way of equating-developing in teaching “information science and information technologies” in higher educational institutions Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaripova M.J., Djumaev Z.S., Zaripov Z.J.

The article deals with the usage problem of the way consisting of two mutually complementary content - equating and developing parts in organising teaching process of “Information science and information technologies” course at higher educational institutions.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Applying the way of equating-developing in teaching “information science and information technologies” in higher educational institutions»

Психолого-педагогический журнал Гаудеамус, № 2 (24), 2014

граммированного обучения). В первом случае осуществляется анализ по параллелям таблицы информационной карты, во втором -по вертикалям, в третьем - системный охват всей карты, помогающий осуществлять комбинированные действия и составлять разносторонние активные мероприятия коррекции нарушения двигательных функций учащихся.


1. Роберт И.В. Теория и методика информатизации образования (психолого-педагогический аспект). 2-е изд., доп. М.: ИИО РАО, 2008. 274 с.

2. Чванова М.С., Липский И.А. Информатизация системы непрерывной подготовки специалистов: методология, теория, практика: монография. Тамбов; М., 2000.

3. Гузенко И.Г. Педагогика рефлексивной прак-сеологии. Л.: ЛГПУ, 2010, С. 303.

4. Клейман Г.М. Школы будущего: компьютеры в процессе обучения / пер. с англ. М., 1987.

5. Физическая реабилитация: учебник / под ред. С.Н. Попова. Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005. 608 с.

6. Частные методики адаптивной физической культуры: учебник / под ред. Л.В. Шапковой. М.: Советский спорт, 2007. 608 с.

7. Словарь-справочник по педагогике / авт.-сост. В.А. Мижериков. М.: ТЦ, Сфера, 2004. 448 с.


1. Robert I.V. Teoriya i metodika informatizatsii obrazovaniya (psihologo-pedagogicheskiy aspekt). 2-e izd., dop. M.: IIO RAO, 2008. 274 s.

2. Chvanova M.S., Lipskiy I.A. Informatizatsiya sistemy nepreryvnoy podgotovki spetsialistov: metodologiya, teoriya, praktika: monografiya. Tambov; M., 2000.

3. Guzenko I.G. Pedagogika refleksivnoy prakseo-logii. L.: LGPU, 2010, S. 303.

4. Kleyman G.M. Shkoly buduschego: komp'yutery v protsesse obucheniya / per. s angl. M., 1987.

5. Fizicheskaya reabilitatsiya: uchebnik / pod red. S.N. Popova. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 2005. 608 s.

6. Chastnye metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul'tury: uchebnik pod red. L.V. Shapkovoy. M.: Sovetskiy sport, 2007. 608 s.

7. Slovar'-spravochnik po pedagogike / avt.-sost. V.A. Mizherikov. M.: TTs, Sfera, 2004. 448 s.


I.I. Gouzenko

Lipetsk State Pedagogical University, Lipetsk, Russia. e-mail: [email protected]

The article describes the pedagogical statements that are base for 'Project of preparing future teacher for correctional activities' based on educational software (ES). The results of research are oriented to interests of higher and secondary education pedagogical collective.

Key words: correction, educational software, professional activity of future teacher with help of ES.

УДК 002:372.8


M.J. Zaripova, Z.S. Djumaev, Z.J. Zaripov

Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan Academic Lyceum № 2 at Samarkand State University, Samarkand e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

The article deals with the usage problem of the way consisting of two mutually complementary content -equating and developing parts in organising teaching process of "Information science and information technologies" course at higher educational institutions.

Key words: test, low level, intermediate level, high level, adaptation (adjustment) level, correctional (correcting) level, productive-creative (effective, fruitful-creative) level.

Introduction. Nowadays in order to perform activity in the developing society, everyone is required to master skills of high information culture and computer skills. So that information science at higher educational institutions (HEI)

is obligatory for all curricula of higher professional education. It consists of different informative courses possessing comprehensive cha-rateristics of all courses system connected with information science and information technolo-

gies. As a rule, at higher educational institutions information science course of comprehensive features is taught in the primary level, that is significant step in the system of preparation of conscious and rational individium who uses information technologies initially in study then in professional activities.

In the process of teaching "Information science", "Information systems", "Information technologies", "Basis of Internet", "Web programming" and some other relative subjects are formed and taught based on education experience of "Informatics and IT" course of foreign and national education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, but nevertheless the "Informatics and information technologies" science is in the curriculum of higher educational institution, the teaching methods of the subject has not been formed yet.

Moreover the analysis of current teaching practice performs that teachers of informatics course faces the problems like when students start the course there are significant differences of the knowledge, skills and competences obtained at school rather than at higher educational institutions. The factors of those problems may be the followings:

material and technical basis difference of schools (thenumber and quality of school computer technics, the balance of the number students and computers, access to internet of one student and etc.);

- qualification differences of teachers;

- new information - communication technologies or new programme, in the period of one academic year only 5-10% of methodological materials can ne renewed;

- the variety of school informatics course (introductory course, main course, core course, elective course);

- the inequative opportunities of using educational-methodolical textbook, periodical and computers for additional study on computer and information technologies of student in the urban and rural areas;

the differences of free usage of computers at home, computer clubs and other places.

If the teachers of Information science do not take into consideration the above problems while teaching the course it will cause to decrease the interest to the subject and fall behind in progress. In its turn that will be one of the factors to impact to the quality of preparation of

professional specialist of higher education and lower the study quality of information science cycle.

In the solution of abovementioned problems the ways suggested by authors that is two substantial parts completing each other should be used in teaching informatics and information technology at the higher educational institutions. They are equalling and developing parts.

Issues, such as overcoming the negative approach of students having difficulties, eliminating a gap in skills, qualification and knowledge in acquiring IT of informatics in the equalling part of the method and issues such as insuring their headway by using IT for student's solving non-standard issues and developing communicative skills, creative approaches, independence in acquiring the subject and encouraging their interest are sorted out in developing part. In order to solve such problems successfully, students recently entering the higher education and acquiring the subject informatics conditionally can be divided into 3 groups:

a) lower level;

b) medium level;

c) higher level.

a) First group members. The knowledge and skills of the lower level students' in the field of IT are superficial (with a huge gap) while acquiring the subject informatics. They use this knowledge and skills in study and daily activities very seldom, and that is used only for the purpose of game and entertainment computer games, chat conversation. Activities of students like this are characterised as reproductive at informatics trainings. In this case a great deal of assistance is required by teacher for them. They do not realise the necessity of learning the IT for the successful study and professional activities.

b) Second group members. There are separate gaps in skills, qualifacation and knowledge in the field of information technology of medium level students acquiring the subject Informatics. In this stage one or several software applications (which they are interested in) are acquired sufficiently. Information technologies are used not only for the purpose of games, entertainment and hobby but also activities related to their interest, and occasionally for preparation of study tasks. Such students' activities are both reproductive and productive, that's to say, it

ncMxonoro-neflaromHecKMM wypHan fayfleaMyc, № 2 (24), 2014

might be fruitful only in the fields that they are interested in. Under usual circumstances they feel certain, but teacher's assistance is required to acquire new material and in creative activities. They realise that it is necessary to learn information technologies in separate fields to carry out successful study and professional activities.

c) Third group members. Higher level level students acquiring the subject Informatics possess a profound knowledge and skill. They are capable of using this knowledge in everyda situations, study and study-professional activities in active way. It is typical of them to transfer from reproductive into productive techniques of activities, even to learn new software application or to use familiar softwares in a new way. Such students don't get satisfaction from doing usual tasks drills. They intend to learn productive activities and new types of activities. They realise that it is necessary to learn informatics and information technologies in separate fields to carry out successful study and professional activities.

The authors suggest the consideration of the following testing issue in informatics for the purpose of equalling the level of knowledge of first (low) group and second group members to

the third group members so that to overcome the negative approach of students having difficulties, to eliminate a gap in skills, qualification and knowledge in acquiring the subject informatics towards the subject in the equalling part of the method. This test should be made up based on the assessment of preliminary preparation level of informatics and school curricula program (pic. 1).

The purpose of testing is to check the informatics knowledge of the students obtained at general secondary educational institutions and secondary specialised vocational educational institutions and if required, to organise informatics courses and thus to equate to the level of knowledge of third group member. This testing makes a vital role in the equalling part of the method.

Besides it is necessary to say as a conclusion based on the analysis of practical activity experiments, it is necessary to approach the equalling-developing teaching students informatics and IT as dynamic process, its logic is revealed at the following consecutive steps: adaptation (adjustment) step, correctional (correcting) step, productive-creative (effective, fruitful-creative) step.

Pic. 1. Students knowledge testing on Information science

The adaptation step intends the adaptation (tuning) of ways, form and means of teaching informatics for the students of higher educational institutions; identifying the proficiency on information technologies; prognostication the ways of individual attempts while studying the course [1-3].

At correction step improvement of elaboration based on the individual movement ways of learning IT knowledge, skill and qualification of students; state of success of every student's and creation of effective background of informatics teaching based on individualization of teaching are implied.

At productive-creative step generalization the independent, creative skills, qualification and knowledge of students, development of communicative skills and broadening of outlook are implied.

Equalling-developing teaching method on informatics and IT for higher education students is oriented to solve by choosing contents of study materials and teaching method as well as means on behalf of realization various approaches of achieving goals to solve problems connected with enormous differences in skills, qualification and knowledge of students obtained from the course and makes a contribution to students in acquiring the informatics group subjects in professional direction in the future successfull. The method is organically linked with solving the following components at addressing the assigned task:

- target component;

- semantic component;

- processual component.

The target component of the method is connected with the consideration of system of targets identified by important features of their steps and equalling-developing parts in teaching process. The purpose of the adaptation step is to assess the level of qualification, skills and students' real knowledge of IT by adding to the process of progress to identify the gap in qualification, skills and knowledge of weak, backward students, to seek the ways of developing the qualification, skills and knowledge of excellent students in the future [3]. The purpose of the correction step is to make up their individual projects according to IT aimed at systemising the knowledge of advanced students and fill up a gap in qualification, skills and knowledge of backward students as well as to help them carry out. The purpose of the productive-creative step is to encourage the students to be able to apply their skills and knowledge in IT under different circumstances in the direction of study, general culture and profession creatively and independently as well as to form attainment for backward students the expertise of using IT under non-standard circumstances, and for advanced students to be able to use such expertise independently.

The semantic component of the method is connected with the provision of accomplishment based on two principles of election the meaning of equalling-developing parts of the teaching

process. Nonlinear-modular principle of teaching content elaboration proposes to divide study materials into modules dedicated to the study of separate topics. Whereas nonlinearity enables the previous modules the opportunity (in equalling parts) to be able to go back to separate elements or to apply to the elements of successive modules (in developing parts).

Study material consists of distinguishing 5 main units enabling to acquire optional type of IT in the principle of teaching content universa-lization:

1) task and functions (technology's task, its functions, information processing types, apparatus and software and etc.);

2) main notions and objects (invariant to the information content and variant of study of information technologies, exact programming products);

3) exact programming product environment (interface, exact programming product environment (interface, working regimes);

4) typical ways of working with information (information processing basis in programming product, motion, operation concretization;

5) independent ways of study of information technologies (new, untypical basis of searching problem solution - basis of context menu, interface similarity, information usage).

The processual component of the way is related with selection of teaching models in the teaching process of equalling-developing parts.

Results: The advantages of equalling-developing method in teaching informatics researched by authors has significant importance in the solution of abovementioned problems.


1. Абушкин Д.Б., Корнилов В.С. Методика выравнивающего и развивающего обучения в вузовском курсе «Практикум решения задач на ЭВМ» // Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии в образовании и науке (ММ ИТОН): мат-лы V Междунар. научно-методической конференции, посвященной 25-летию информатики в школе. Алматы: КазНПУ, 2010. Том II. С. 19-21.

2. Фалина И.Н. Методика выравнивающего и развивающего обучения информатике в физико-математических классах: дис. ... канд. пед. наук. М., 2000. 139 с.

3. Забродина О.М. Методика выравнивающе-развивающего обучения информационным технологиям студентов вуза в курсе информа-

Психолого-педагогический журнал Гаудеамус, № 2 (24), 2014

тики: дис. ... канд. пед. наук. Волгоград, 2009. 201 с.


1. Abushkin D.B., Kornilov V.S. Metodika vyrav-nivayuschego i razvivayuschego obucheniya v vuzovskom kurse «Praktikum resheniya zadach na EVM» // Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i in-formatsionnye tehnologii v obrazovanii i nauke (MM ITON): mat-ly V Mezhdunar. Nauch.-metodich. Konf., posvyaschennoy 25-letiyu informatiki v shkole. Almaty: KazNPU, 2010. T. II. S. 19-21.

2. Falina I.N. Metodika vyravnivayuschego i razvivayuschego obucheniya informatike v fiziko-matematicheskih klassah: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. M., 2000. 139 s.

3. Zabrodina O.M. Metodika vyravnivayusche-razvivayuschego obucheniya informatsionnym tehnologiyam studentov vuza v kurse informatiki: dis. ... kand. ped. nauk. Volgograd, 2009. 201 s.



M.J. Zaripova, Z.S. Djumaev, Z.J. Zaripov

Termez State University, Termez, Uzbekistan Academic Lyceum № 2 at Samarkand State University, Samarkand e-mail: [email protected] zulfikor76 @mail.ru

The article deals with the usage problem of the way consisting of two mutually complementary content - equating and developing parts in organising teaching process of "Information science and information technologies" course at higher educational institutions.

Key words: test, low level, intermediate level, high level, adaptation (adjustment) level, correctional (correcting) level, productive-creative (effective, fruitful-creative) level.

УДК 004.77


Т.А. Гаритова, Н.Е. Копытова

Тамбовский государственный университет имени Г.Р. Державина, Россия, г. Тамбов.

e-mail: [email protected]

В статье рассматриваются теоретические и практические аспекты разработки сайта кафедры, включающие в себя определение информационной структуры сайта и структуры страниц. Предлагается реализация сайта средствами CMS Joomla, а также оценка эффективности работы ресурса средствами Google Analytics.

Ключевые слова: сайт кафедры, структура сайта, CMS Joomla, Google Analytics.

В настоящее время веб-сайт - это важный компонент любой организации. Он позволяет пользователям иметь постоянный доступ к информации из любой точки мира, позволяет осуществлять дистанционную связь и общение людей друг с другом. Для кафедры вуза создание собственного сайта может способствовать решению различных задач. К ним относятся своевременное ознакомление пользователей (студентов, сотрудников, преподавателей и др.) с актуальной информацией, привлечение абитуриентов, накопление ресурсов кафедры (статьи, учебные пособия, дипломные работы и др.). Сайт кафедры призван организовывать взаимодействие между руководством кафедры, преподавателями, студентами и абитуриентами посредством сети Интернет. Также сайт служит для поддер-

жания учебного процесса в целом и для организации принципа открытого образования.

Сайт кафедры должен нести в себе информационную и образовательную функции. Приоритетной является информационная функция. Она заключается в том, чтобы дать пользователю как можно больше информации о кафедре, ее деятельности, а также максимум контактной информации. Образовательная функция на сайте кафедры информатики и информационных технологий будет представлена лишь косвенно, путем включения в структуру сайта ссылок на различные образовательные ресурсы [1].

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Обязательной для кафедрального сайта является информация о направлениях подготовки кафедры, о научной деятельности, краткая информация о преподавателях и их контактные

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