Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
Azizjon Salomidinovich Isomidinov
Doctor of philosophy in technical sciences, PhD, associate professor, Fergana Polytechnic Institute [email protected]
Boykozi Jorakozievich Khursanov
T.e. associate professor, Fergana Polytechnic Institute b .khursanov@ferpi .uz
In the article, given description about experiments on rotor - filter's cleaning efficiency which operates in wet method in order to clean manufacturing toxic gases. Apparatus is used for cleaning dusty gases which are emitted in manufacturing of superphosphate minerals from three stages mixing reactors and drum drier granulator. Rotor-filter gas cleaner is used in aspiration department.
For experimenting different parameters were selected: hole in the filter material has different diameters df= 2,3,4 mm; rotation numbers of rotor are 15,25,35 rotation/min; velocity of gas in the apparatus ur= 7.67^34.4 m/s (The velocity range is close to the speed range imposed on dust-cleaning devices in industry-wide wet methods); the diameters of the fluid strainer hole are dst= 1;2;3 mm. The experiments were conducted in air and water systems at a temperature of 20 ± 20C.
To absorb secondary hydrogen-fluoride (2HF) gas, the absorbents were selected and the wastewater neutrality increased from 5 Ph to 9.6 Ph by absorbing it into the absorbent fluid.
When applying fertilizer dust from drum granulator-dryer, it is found that the efficiency of cleaning is 4.6% higher than the existing wet method, and 2.5 times less water consumption per 1 m3.
Acceptable values were selected based on the results of the experiment.
Keywords: rotor filter, secondary gas, mixing reactor, filter material, wastewater, absorbent, scrubber, supperphosphate.
Research purpose:
Learn construction and scientific research of preferences and limitations of apparatus which operates cleaning process in wet method. By analyzing of that searched scientific information rotor filter apparatus's new construction was designed [1,2,3,4,5,6,15,16,17,18,19,20].
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
In experimental model of rotor filter dusty cleaner main factors which impact to cleaning process were identified (1 figure) .
Hydraulic loss, gas velocity, gas flow, liquid flow and resistances in apparatus were determined by experiments. Different materials were chosen for apparatus. Initial requirements and technical tasks for apparatus were devised by the result of theoretical and real experiments.
Figure 1. Total view of rotor-filter dusty gas cleaner's laboratory model
Research object.
Experiments identifying of dusty gas cleaning efficiency in apparatus were held in both the department of technological machines and equipment in Ferghana polytechnic institute and in "Farg'onaazof' JS plat's super phosphate mineral fertilizers manufacturing shop.
Firstly, dusty gas cleaner connected to the secondary line of dusty gases which were emitted in phosphate mineral fertilizers manufacturing shop and then to the line of dusty gases which were emitted from the drum drier ( figure 2).
Research method.
Experiments in terms of defining cleaning efficiency of rotor filter apparatus which were held on basis of different intervals of parameters and working factors.
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
1. Admissible gas velocity for the model of apparatus is 7.67-34.4 m/s.
2. Revolution of rotors per minute n= 15-45.
3. Liquid flow 68.1-178.2 liters /h.
In defining cleaning efficiency of apparatus, ACnEPATOP M-822 mark gaz
0 ^ analyser (operating temerature- 1O-350C, absorbing flow of air by filter 31 m /h?
admissible resistance coefficient 3 +/- ± 0,15 kPa (300 +/- ± 15 mm.column of water))
and sequence formule were used [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14].
G - G v = Gi 2100P/o (1)
where: ^-apparatus's cleaning efficiency; G- amount of dust in influent air compound to apparatus; G - amount dust in effluent air compound from the apparatus.
Two stages of experiments were held in order to identify the dust in air composition and cleaning of toxic gas.
Figure 2. Technological scheme manufacturing of super phosphate.
1-drum drier; 2-drum granulator; 3-horizontal reactor with mixer; 4- hammer mill;5-bolting machine;6- bucket elevator;7- calorifer;8-vertical reactor with mixer; 9-cyclone HHOrA3; 10-rotor filter gas cleaner; 11-fan; 12- centrifugal pump;13-; 14-
conveyor; 15- feeder.
Stage 1: Studies on the absorption of secondary toxic gases (2HF and CO2) from the three-stage mixing reactors into the absorbent fluid in the rotor filter apparatus and the determination of acid neutrality in waste water; The diameter of the filtration net material df=3mm, rotor rotation n=25 rotation/min, fluid dispersion hole diameter dsh =
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
3 mm, gas velocity ug = 7.67^ 34.4 m/s and ambient temperature 20 ± 20C. have been reached.
According to the technological regulations the laboratory analysis of the absorbance of the toxic gases formed by the reaction of sulfuric acid and phosphorite in the mixing reactors mounted on lignin and the neutrality of the acid in the wastewater. The substances for the absorption were selected according to 1SSR 12.1.005-88, 1SSR[21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30] According to it, taking into account the absorption of secondary toxic gas and rapid adaptation to the active environment, a solution of calcium technical soda, sodium carbonate soda and 10.20.30% water technical shampoo was prepared. The experiments on each selected absorbents were conducted depending on the gas velocity entering the rotor-filter apparatus. The duration of each experiment was 30 minutes. The laboratory tests to determine the neutrality of the gas absorbed by the absorptive liquid medium are presented in table 1.
10% solution
№ Technical white soda ash Calcium-carbonate soda Technical shampoo
00 6,5 6,14 5,8
30° 6,1 5,9 5,61
450 5,85 5,67 5,12
60° 5,34 5,1 4,83
90° 5,1 4,79 4,42
20% solution
№ Technical soda ash (white) Calcium-carbonate soda Technical shampoo
0° 7,9 7,1 6,8
30° 7,4 6,4 6,1
450 7,15 6,2 5,8
60° 6,8 6,1 5,4
90° 6,3 6,0 5,0
30% solution
№ Technical white soda ash Calcium-carbonate soda Technical shampoo
0° 9,46 8,7 8,1
30° 9,15 8,45 7,6
45° 8,73 8,1 7,19
60° 8,4 7,78 6,84
90° 8,12 7,4 6,5
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
When the acid content of the waste water required by technology is greater than 7Ph, the waste water is considered to be alkaline and can be reused in industry. The scrubber currently used in the manufacturing process is 3.5 - 5.0Ph [31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39].
Table 1 shows that the absorption of toxic gas into the absorbent liquid and the increase in wastewater depend on the rate of gas entering the unit.
The following results were obtained in the experiments to determine the effective absorption of toxic gas into the absorbent liquid.
Absorbent added as 10 % solution to the water.
1.In the technical soda ash - interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 51-65% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
2. In the calcium-carbonate soda- interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 47.9-61.4% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
3. in the technical shampoo- interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 44.2-58% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
In the added absorbent as 20 % solution to the water.
1. In the technical soda ash - interval velocity of gas is 0.31-34.47.67-34.4 m/s and 63-79% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
2. In the calcium-carbonate soda- interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 60-71% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
3. In the technical shampoo- interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 50-68% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
In the added absorbent as 30 % solution to the water.
1. In the technical soda ash - interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 81.2-94.6% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
2. In the calcium-carbonate soda- interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 74-87% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
3. In the technical shampoo- interval velocity of gas is 7.67-34.4 m/s and 65-81% poisonous gas is absorbed in liquid.
Based on the results of the experiment, a graph of dependence of the shear degree on the ventilator of the absorption efficiency (Figure 3) was made.
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
-Technical white soda ash ; ■ -Calcium-carbonate soda;
A -Technical shampoo.
Figure 3. Influence of the degree of sheber installed on the ventilator on cleaning
1- 30% liquid solution prepared ; 2-20% liquid solution prepared;3- 10% liquid
solution prepared;
The choice of the optimal value of hydraulic resistance in the exhaust gas exhaust pipe was analyzed according to the above graphic. It was found that the efficiency of cleaning at a gas velocity of 23.8 m/s was higher than the technical requirements and that the hydraulic resistance of the smoke pipe was at optimum value.
STAGE 2: cleaning of dusty gas which flows from the drum drier-granulator in the manufacturing mineral fertilizers was experimented.
For the experiment, filter material with diameter d^= 3 mm, revolution of rotor per minute n = 25, diameter of the connecting pipe hole dm= 1,2,3 mm, gas velocity at
apparatus ur = 7.67 ^ 34.4 m / s, fluid flow rate is 0.072 ^ 0.178 m / h, ambient temperature is 20 ± 20C, dust temperature is 80-1200C.
The efficiency of the cleaning was determined experimentally, depending on the rate of gas entering the rotor-filter apparatus and the change in fluid flow. The multicomponent gas analyzer ANKT-410 -410 was used to determine the degree of purification [40,41,42]. The results of the experiment are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
connecting pipe hole's diameter d=1mm
№ U1 sheber 90 0 u2 sheber 60 0 u3 sheber 45 0 u4 sheber 30 0 u5 sheber 0
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
34,4 28 23,8 18,79 7,67
0 79.8 81.4 82.4 83.8 84.7
10 89.7 92.9 93.5 94.7 95.6
20 90.8 93.7 94.8 95.9 95.1
30 92.3 94.5 95.1 96.4 96.9
connecting pipe hol e's diameter c =2 mm
№ 0 U1 sheber 90 0 u2 sheber 60 u3 sheber 45 0 u4 sheber 30 0 u5 sheber 0
34,4 28 23,8 18,79 7,67
0 81 82.3 83 84.2 85.4
10 90.4 93.6 94.7 95.3 96
20 91.8 94.2 95.2 96.4 96.9
30 93.2 95.1 95.6 96.9 97.1
40(36) 93.6 95.8 96.4 97 98.2
connecting pipe hol e's diameter c =3 mm
№ 0 U1 sheber 90 0 u2 sheber 60 u3 sheber 45 0 u4 sheber 30 0 u5 sheber 0
34,4 28 23,8 18,79 7,67
0 84 84.7 85.3 87.1 88.2
10 93.6 95.2 95.9 96.7 97.8
20 94 95.7 96.2 97.1 98.3
30 94.3 96 96.9 97.8 98.5
40(42) 94.8 96.5 97.6 98 98.9
Based on the experimental results, a histogram of the efficiency of cleaning of the fluid consumption and gas velocity was constructed. The colored growth lines in the histogram represent the amount of fluid determined by the fluorescence scale readings of the device.
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
Figure 4. Rotor filter apparatus's nipple diameter is 1mm, dynamics of cleaning efficiency change depending on gas velocity and liquid flow.
liquid flow 68.11/hour; —► liquid flow 85.3 1/hour; —► liquid flow 124.7 1/hour; I —► liquid flow 141.7 1/hour;
■ ■
Figure 5. Rotor filter apparatus's nipple diameter is 2mm, dynamics of cleaning efficiency change depending on gas velocity and liquid flow.
liquid flow 711/hour; —► liquid flow 86.95 1/hour; —► liquid flow 130.45 1/hour; I —► liquid flow 147.54 1/hour; ■—► liquid flow 168.2 1/hour;
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
Figure 6. Rotor filter apparatus's nipple diameter is 3mm, dynamics of cleaning efficiency change depending on gas velocity and liquid flow.
liquid flow 72 1/hour; —► liquid flow 89.55 1/hour; —► liquid flow 135.33 1/hour; —► liquid flow 152.5 1/hour; ■—► liquid flow 178.2 1/hour;
Chose optimal working parameters
The choice of the optimal value of hydraulic resistance in the exhaust pipe for exhaust gas was analyzed according to the graph above (see Figure 3). It was found that the efficiency of cleaning at a gas velocity of 23.8 m / s was higher than the technical requirements and that the hydraulic resistance of the smoke pipe was at optimum value.
The choice of the optimal value of dust suppressors and hydraulic resistance in the smoke pipe was analyzed in Table 2 above. It was found that when the gas entering the device was 18.79 m / s, the efficiency of the treatment was higher than the technical requirements and that the hydraulic resistance in the exhaust pipe was of optimum value [43,44,45,46,47,48].
The rotor-filter apparatus has been compared with existing devices which works in wet methos.
1. Experimental results obtained when using rotor-filter apparatus for purification of hydrogen-fluoride gas and phosphorite dust from the mixing reactors in the process of producing superphosphate, as well as in the wet method of purification with a wet cleaning method. 4.6% higher, 1m3 air purification was 2.5 times less, and wastewater discharge (Ph) a increased from 5 to 9.6, which is 1.8 times higher.
Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
The choice of the optimal value of dust suppressors and hydraulic resistance in the smoke pipe was analyzed in Table 2 above. It was found that when the gas entering the device was 18.79 m / s, the efficiency of the treatment was higher than the technical requirements and that the hydraulic resistance in the exhaust pipe was of optimum value.
Based on the experience we can draw the following conclusion.
1. Rotor-filtering apparatus can be used to purify the dusty air produced during the production of sulfate.
2. The liquid supplied to the rotor-filter apparatus can be used in the process of purification of toxic gases by adding absorbents to the liquid.
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Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF 2022=5.016) Passport:
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1See also: State standart requirement.