In figure 3 schedule S (0) is submitted at ^ = 4, and in fig. 4 the schedule of dependence of movement from time is submitted: oscillations are imposed on cylinder oscillations with the big period answering to elastic fixing with the smaller period, caused by the frequency of waves in liquid.
1. Forrestol M. Zh., Alzkheymer B. E. Unsteady movement of the rigid cylinder under the influence of elastic and acoustic waves. Applied mechanics. Series E, ASME, 1968, P. 278-283.
2. Kubenko V. D., Panasyuk N. N. Action of non-stationary waves on cylindrical bodies in compressed liquid. Applied mechanics, 1973, t. 9, century 12. P. 77-82.
3. Agalarova T.J. Interaction of an acoustic wave with an oscillator. The collection of scientific works on mechanics, No. 7, - Baku, 1997. P. 181-184.
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Murvatov Faxraddin Tadji, Scientific research institute "Geotechnological Problems of Oil Gas and Chemistry"
Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku Leading research fellow E-mail: [email protected]
Application of the influence of nanostructural coordination polymers based composite solution on well-bottom zone (WBZ)
Abstract: In the article study and application results of influence measure carried out in WBZ of well N111 of the South-East Sadan oil-gas area of Siyazan monoclinal oil field by 3% layer water composition of1% mixture of BF-1 and BF reagents have been analyzed and use of the reagents in heavily extracted oils fields has been recommended to increase the production efficiency.
Keywords: rubber, permeability, nanostructural coordination polymer based composite fluid, WBZ influence.
Nowadays negative tendencies as worsening of hydraulic condition in the old oil fields, deteriorating of oil reserves structure, formation of great number of heavily extracted reserves, complication of exploitation condition of the wells, increase of interval between repairs and wells with little production, increase of geological production, technological and etc. risks are observed. The main part of hydrocarbon reserves of oil deposits consists of oils having high viscosity, anomal property, and asphalten-resin-paraffin (ARP) containing compositions. For speeding up the flow of such oils into the well, the well bottom zone is influenced by chemical, thermochemical, thermal, microfoam system and other methods [1-4]. But in many cases these methods are not efficient and create problems with unknown results. For adopting of such hydrocarbons use of more complicated technologies brings to the increase of various
risks. By the carried out analyses it has been determined using traditional oil extracting methods in the development 66-58% of oil reserves can remain in the earth [5-7].
Let's mention that in Siyazan monoclinal oil deposits (SMOD) simultaneous exploitation of several reservoirs with various regimes, pressure, productivity and volume filtration characteristics is followed by incompatibilities. In such case as a result of strong flow from various characteristic formations complex to the well, artificial opportunities for the movement of water with oil and gas appear. Natural isolation of reservoirs is gradually disturbed, their content and properties worsen in the contact with layer fluids having various temperature, pressure, lithological — hydrogeological, oil-gas properties, reservoir oils become heavier, the structure changes and overturns to heavily extracted one.
Application of the influence of nanostructural coordination polymers based composite solution on well-bottom zone (WBZ)
It also brings to sharp weakening of reservoir system. Thus, heavy hydrocarbons in the content of oil crystallizing first settle to the well bottom zone and then gradually spread into the far well bottom reservoirs. As a result of high viscosity, freezing temperature, anomal rheological behavior extraction and transportation of such oils create serious problems.
For intensifying of such oils extraction, applied influence on WBZ including methods of influence by chloride acid have little efficiency but in many cases they are efficienless. Ecological risks significantly increase and bring harm to the enterprises from economic point. Thus from abovementioned causes connected with settling of hydrocarbons including resin substance into the well bottom zone while influencing WBZ by HCl acid, influence of the acid becomes significantly limited and influence efficiency reduces in minimum.
Connected with the created reality and sharp technical, technological situation, unical, specific geologico-geophysical and exploitation condition in SMOD for bringing of new elements into existing development system in the field, completion of residue oil reserves, substantiation of more innovative methods and technologies, application and continuation of development must be considered the most urgent problem.
For this purpose, laboratory investigations on nano-structural coordination polymer based reagents have been carried out in Siyazan oil on the basis of various principles and significant results have been obtained.
On 01.06.2015 300 ml volume oil sample was taken from producing well № 111 in the south-east Saadan oil-gas deposit and added some volume of 1.0% composite of nanostructural coordination polymer based BF-1 and BF-2 reagents alkalized in diesel fraction waste (ADFW) and viscosity change was observed (at 20 °C). The results of the observation were given in table 1.
Table 1. - Change of oil viscosity by 0,1% composite additives of BF-1 and BF-2 reagents in ADFW
№ Additive volume, ml Oil viscosity, 9 sSt
1 0,0 14,6
2 20,0 11,0
3 40,0 9,4
4 60,0 7,4
5 80,0 5,9
6 100,0 5,2
7 120,0 4,4
As it is seen from table 1 oil viscosity significantly reduces when additives are added (to 70%). For studying the influence of the additive on other indices, physico-chemical
analysis ofoil has been carried out before and after the additive is added. The results of the analysis are given in table 2. Table 2. - Change of oil indices (in 120 ml. volume) with 1.0% composite additives of BF-1 and BF-2 reagents in ADFW
№ Indices Before addition After addition 120 ml)
1 Pure oil% 66,67 69.8
2 Special weight of oil (20 °C), kg\m 891 -
3 Water separated from oil,% 0,0 16,67
4 Viscosity 14,6 4,4
5 Resin,% 40,0 26,0
6 Mechanical mixtures^ 33,33 16,66
As it is seen from table 2 by adding additive oil viscosity-reduces 70%, resin quantity 35,0%, mechanical mixtures 50%.
To learn the influence of the mixture of this layer water composite on oil viscosity, change of the viscosity of 3.0% composite prepared in layer water and added into 300 ml volume oil sample taken from well N111 on 03.06.2015 has been observed and its results have been given in table 3.
Table 3. - Change of oil viscosity with 3,0% layer water mixture additive of 1.0% composite of BF-1 and BF-2 reagents in ADFW
№ Additive volume, ml Oil viscosity, 9 sSt
1 0,0 12,6
2 20,0 12,2
3 40,0 11,2
4 60,0 9,2
5 80,0 8,0
6 100,0 6,7
7 120,0 5,2
8 140,0 4,8
9 160,0 4,4
As it seen from table 3 reduce in the oil viscosity by mixture additives has been observed.
Considering positive results ofthe laboratory researches on 27.06.2015 influence measure on WBZ in well N111 of Siyazan field has been carried out with, 3% layer water composite of 1.0% mixture of BF-1 and BF-2 in ADFW.
For carrying out technological process one cementing unit SA-320, one nanoreagent transporting car, one liquid (water) transporting car have been used. During the measure 60 ton composite, 90 ton injecting fluid have been used.
The technological process is expressed by preparing nanocomposite, transporting to the well and injecting according to the scheme given in figure l.The work was carried out on the following technology: raising the depth pump and keeping the hanger at 350 m, 6,0 m3 nanoreagent has been injected into the pipe,
then 1.0 ton pressure has been injected fluid out of the pipe and 8.0 ton pressure fluid behind of the pipe. After 72 hours' stop the well has been operated by lowering the hanger to the previous depth (737 m) with the help of 30mm pump. The results of the application are given in table 4.
Figure 1. The scheme of the equipment location during the influence on WBZ with nanocomposite: 1-tank for mixture of BF-1 and BF-2 in ADFW. 2-tank for injecting fluid (layer water) 3-tank for nanocomposite in the unit (3.0% mixture of nanoreagent in layer water); 4-pump for injecting nanocomposite and pressure fluid; 5-unit; 6-well
Table 4.
Well № Date of the measure Production t/day
before measure after measure
Oil Water Date Oil Water
July 1.3 0
August 1.2 0
27.06.2015 September 1.5 0
111 0.3 0.4
October 1.5 0
November 1.5 0
December 1.5 0
205.3 ton additional oil has been produced from been lasted. Work dynamograms of the depth pump in well N111 from the beginning of the measure till the well N111 before and after measure has been given in end of 2015. After the first measure efficiency has figure 2.
Figure 2. Work dynamograms of depth pump of well N111; a) before measure b) after measure After the measure physico-chemical analysis of rheological properties have been studied and real results periodically taken oil samples has been carried out, their have been obtained. Analysis results are given in table 5.
Analysis of environmental status of the Kechut Artificial Reservoir and river Arpa with armenian index of water quality Table 5. - Change of the indices of the oil taken from well N111 depending on time
№ Indices Before measure After measure
01.06.2015 19.07.2015 21.07.2015 24.07.2015 30.07.2015 14.08.2015 19.09.2015 11.11.2015
1 Pure oil,% 66,67 66,67 73,3 73,3 71,6 100 100 100
2 Specific weight of oil, kg/m 3 (20 °) 891,0 890,0 890,0 890,0 890,0 890,0 891,0 891,0
3 Water separated from oil% 0 0 0 0 1,16 0 0 0
4 Rubber,% 40 16 28 20 30 34 34 36
5 Oil viscosity, sSt 14,6 7,0 6,5 5,9 4,8 10,8 10,8 10,8
6 Mechani-cal mix-tures,% 33,33 33,33 26,6 26,6 28,3 0 0 0
As it is seen from table 5 quality indices of produced oil are improving after measure.
Analysis of measure results of the influence on WBZ of well N111 carried out by 3% composition in layer water of 1% mixture of equal quantity mixtures of BF-1
and BF-2 reagents based on nanostructural coordination polymers show that the composite can be applied and it will be very useful for increasing production efficiency in heavy oil fields with high viscosity.
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4. Bagirov M.K and others. Increase of layer oil output by using microfoam systems - Baku, Sabah, P. 279.
5. Gumerskiy Kh.Kh., Shahverdiyev F.Kh., Mamedov Y. G., Generalization of world experience in oil deposits development/Azerbaijan oil industry N11, P. 14-29.
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Simonyan Arsen Gevorgovich, Yerevan State University, Postgraduate Student, the Faculty
of Pharmacy and Chemistry E-mail: [email protected] Pirumyan Gevorg Petrosovich, Yerevan State University, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Chemistry, E-mail: [email protected] Simonyan Gevorg Sarkisovich, Yerevan State University, Candidate of Chemiical Science, Associat Professor, the Faculty of Pharmacy and Chemistry,
E-mail: [email protected]
Analysis of environmental status of the Kechut Artificial Reservoir and river Arpa with armenian index of water quality
Abstract: The water quality of Kechut Artificial Reservoir and river Arpa was evaluated by Armenian water guality index at first time. It was shown that from the source to the mouth of the river the values of the Armenian water guality index increases, indicating the decline in the water quality of river Arpa. It was estab-