Kadirova D.N.
Termez State University, Dotsent Surkhandarya, Uzbekistan
Annotation. This in the article natural science in teaching interactive of the methods of use advantages given .
Key word. Interactive methods , Abu Rayhan Beruni , observation , natural science
Interactive of the methods use Natural science teaching in the process in children sure based on and whole verse h during memorable of knowledge accumulated to go help will give .
"Ma'mun" Academy about the importance of demonstration in the process of educating students members also expressed positive opinions. The members of "Ma'mun" Academy also expressed positive opinions about the importance of demonstration in the process of educating students . For example, Abu Rayhan Beruni was a great talent and researcher who made a huge contribution to the development of world science. Beruni writes: "Our goal is not to bore the reader." If the student moves from one issue to another, it is like walking in different district gardens, as soon as one garden is passed, another garden begins. Then his everyone to see and watch what to do comes » diya will fly To the reader knowledge in giving : - the student not boring ; - knowledge in giving one different thing or one different science not teaching ; - unity , consistency ; - new The topics are interesting, mostly demonstrative statement reach says that it is necessary . Knowledge in getting understand study , scientific of the researcher to purity compliance to reach separately ehtobar will give .
Natural science in classes applied exhibition to means ( live natural objects and descriptive tables , systems , puppets , film , slide film , slide ) and others enters
Natural science teaching for especially natural of bodies use to the goal according to because they are in students natural bodies directly to see based on imagination and concepts harvest to do possibility will give . Natural demonstrative weapons - t abiiy of plants samples all organs with , ready herbariums , seeds set , fixed ( wet ) accessories , bouquets , animal of the world alive natural samples , skeleton and overalls , insects collection of birds eggs and nests , mud , sand , river stones , gravel , water , birds pati , minerals etc enters These are live and lifeless nature to their bodies is divided .
When using these visual aids, it is advisable to start with the simplest ones first. As a result of their research, it turned out that:
- visual aids, which initially have a simple and simple structure and are quickly accepted by students, then (continuously) slightly complex visual aids, and
at the end of the lesson, when complex visual aids are used, students' acceptance and making personal conclusions about objects gave positive results,
- When complex visual aids were used from the beginning of the lessons, there were some shortcomings in students' perception and drawing their own conclusions about the topic.
In addition, it is important to take into account the students' acceptance of the lessons in the classroom, because some classes may have relatively low acquisition opportunities for all students, while other classes may have high acquisition opportunities for all students. . Going from simple to complex in the use of visual aids will give a positive result in both of the above cases. In addition, all students in the class actively participate in the lessons.
For example: in the "Deserts and Oases" topic in the "Natural Science" textbook of the fourth grade, the concepts "barkhan", "barren" are presented. Also, visual aids depicting "barkhan" and "bald" are presented in the textbook itself. Readers who live in the true desert zone or have been to the desert a few times may have a partial understanding of this, but have not seen the lightness of the sand and how it moves from one place to another as a result of strong winds. students cannot draw conclusions about the formed "barkhans". For this, the students will see the lightness of the sand with their own eyes , and if they see that the sand can fly away under the influence of a little wind , they will have a clear and positive understanding of the formation of "barkhans".
It is important to use a variety of sensory analyzers so that students can get full information about the objects when using each visual aid: skin sensation, smell and, if possible, the full senses with the guidance of the teacher. when used, they are stored in memory for a long time. Demonstrating live animals allows students to imagine not only their appearance, but also their movements, actions, sounds, etc., and these images will be more complete and clear. In order to better guide the observations, the teacher asks the students about the size, shape, color, main parts of the face if it is alive, the way it moves, as well as guiding questions about the similarities and differences from other objects. puts
In teaching science, the teacher has to inform the students about many objects and phenomena that they have not yet seen. In such cases, it is advisable for the teacher to use simple pictures first, and then some more complex ones.
Many objects are observed in science classes. Follow up nature of learning demonstrative is a method . Observation in science classes environment in the process of being the body and events planned purposefully washed away without , conscious acceptance do n adi . Observations regardless of what purpose it is intended for thing conscious acceptance by doing get for simple information at first know , and then they can summarize and draw conclusions.
For example, by observing the changes in the color of the leaves of maple and maple, students compare the leaves of these plants and determine their differences and common features: looking at the fruits of maple, sycamore, sycamore, poplar , students learn what these fruits are different from each other. observed to differ with
Observing objects and phenomena, comparing them, identifying similarities and differences helps to develop thinking, attention and will.
" Diary observations in the notebook special sources the children observations to transfer help will give . M: In the summer you in nature what did you watch . How plants do you know Nature and work to the calendar observation information each day writing to go to observations steady interest absorbent to the goal appropriate of styles is considered
Used books
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