Научная статья на тему 'ANTHROPOLOGY IN ECONOMIC'

ANTHROPOLOGY IN ECONOMIC Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
product / Economic / Anthropology / industry / Consumption / продукт / экономика / антропология / промышленность / потребление.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Khairzad Farhad Son Of Khairdeen

In today's world, anthropology is one of the broadest branches of science. Because it includes both biological and social content of human life. For this reason, in some countries, it is part of the biological sciences and in others; it is considered a social science. Anthropology is one of the most pious sciences. Anthropology studies all human groups, regardless of when or where they live. Anthropology also considers human nature, away from reactions and laboratory studies. Anthropology, compared to other sciences, has a wide range of historical and geographical areas and directly addresses human differences not only in a small area, but all over the world. After all, anthropologists look at humans in all eras, from the beginning of the first man millions of years ago to today.

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В современном мире антропология одна из самых широких областей науки. Потому что он включает в себя как биологическое, так и социальное содержание человеческой жизни. По этой причине в некоторых странах это часть биологических наук, а в других; это считается социальной наукой. Антропология одна из самых благочестивых наук. Антропология изучает все группы людей, независимо от того, где и когда они живут. Антропология также рассматривает человеческую природу вдали от реакций и лабораторных исследований. Антропология, по сравнению с другими науками, имеет широкий спектр исторических и географических областей и напрямую занимается человеческими различиями не только на небольшой территории, но и во всем мире. В конце концов, антропологи смотрят на людей во все эпохи, от появления первого человека миллионы лет назад до наших дней.

Текст научной работы на тему «ANTHROPOLOGY IN ECONOMIC»



master student of Termez state University Email: [email protected]

Abstract: In today's world, anthropology is one of the broadest branches of science. Because it includes both biological and social content of human life. For this reason, in some countries, it is part of the biological sciences and in others; it is considered a social science. Anthropology is one of the most pious sciences. Anthropology studies all human groups, regardless of when or where they live. Anthropology also considers human nature, away from reactions and laboratory studies. Anthropology, compared to other sciences, has a wide range of historical and geographical areas and directly addresses human differences not only in a small area, but all over the world. After all, anthropologists look at humans in all eras, from the beginning of the first man millions of years ago to today.

Keywords: product, Economic, Anthropology, industry, Consumption Annotatsiya: Hozirgi dunyoda antropologiya fanning eng keng tarmoqlaridan biridir. Chunki u inson hayotining ham biologik, ham ijtimoiy mazmunini o'z ichiga oladi. Shu sababli ba'zi mamlakatlarda bu biologik fanlarning bir qismiga, boshqalarda esa; u ijtimoiy fan deb hisoblanadi. Antropologiya eng taqvodor fanlardan biridir. Antropologiya qachon va qaerda yashashidan qat'i nazar, barcha inson guruhlarini o'rganadi. Antropologiya inson tabiatini ham reaktsiyalar va laboratoriya tadqiqotlaridan uzoqroq tutadi. Antropologiya boshqa fanlar bilan taqqoslaganda juda keng tarixiy-geografik sohalarga ega va nafaqat kichik sohada, balki butun dunyoda inson farqlarini to'g'ridan-to'g'ri hal qiladi. Axir antropologlar odamlarga millionlab yillar oldin birinchi odam paydo bo'lishidan to hozirgi kungacha barcha davrlarda qarashadi.

Kalitso'zlar: mahsulot, iqtisodiy, antropologiya, sanoat, iste'mol Аннотация: В современном мире антропология - одна из самых широких областей науки. Потому что он включает в себя как биологическое, так и социальное содержание человеческой жизни. По этой причине в некоторых странах это часть биологических наук, а в других; это считается социальной наукой. Антропология - одна из самых благочестивых наук. Антропология

изучает все группы людей, независимо от того, где и когда они живут. Антропология также рассматривает человеческую природу вдали от реакций и лабораторных исследований. Антропология, по сравнению с другими науками, имеет широкий спектр исторических и географических областей и напрямую занимается человеческими различиями не только на небольшой территории, но и во всем мире. В конце концов, антропологи смотрят на людей во все эпохи, от появления первого человека миллионы лет назад до наших дней.

Ключевые слова: продукт, экономика, антропология, промышленность, потребление.

Anthropologists not only deal with the testing of ideas about human behavior, but also study the validity of public beliefs about human biology. Anthropology, social life; Examines the intellectual and cultural life of human beings according to the historical course and natural and social relations. Anthropology, compared to other sciences, has a wide range of historical and geographical areas and directly addresses human differences not only in a small area, but all over the world. After all, anthropologists look at humans in all eras, from the beginning of the first man millions of years ago to today.

Anthropologists not only deal with the testing of ideas about human behavior, but also study the validity of public beliefs about human biology. Anthropology, social life; Examines the intellectual and cultural life of human beings according to the historical course and natural and social relations.

Anthropology as a branch of science deals with all human issues such as social behavior, language, roles, values, personality, government, kinship, history, art, disease, religion, economics, technology, clothing and so on. In addition, anthropology addresses human biological issues, such as body structure, skin color, blood groups and other biochemical characteristics, skin lines, prehistoric humans, and genetic and evolutionary issues affecting human growth. Anthropology is derived from the two Greek words "Anthropos" meaning human and "Logos" meaning study, cognition or reason. Anthropology is a way to study man and his close associates.

When we talk about economics: Economics is the science of production, distribution and consumption as a whole. All three of these cases are directly related to humans. And man has a valuable role, both in the production that is done by man, and in the distribution that is done by man, and in the consumption that is done by man.


If we pay attention to the scarcity part, everything in the world is relative and limited. And so in economics or in our personal lives we are limited to managing things. Although the demands are unlimited. Therefore, man is the source of unlimited desires and man is also the administrator of limited things. So we can say that the economy needs and depends on man and man also needs the economy. These human beings and economics are necessary for each other, without each other they have no special efficiency and necessity.

From now on, we have realized that economics, which is one of the branches of humanities or social sciences, has a valuable relationship with human beings. That is, all of this science is related to human work, effort, and behavior. It can be said that one is the soul and the other is its body.


The objective method of scientific knowledge was used in the research process. General information about economic anthropology and its impact on education are objectively revealed. The period of formation of economic anthropology was analyzed from the point of view of history. Dr. Asghar Askari Khaneghah, General Anthropology, William Sahakian, Thoughts of Great Philosophers. Translated by Gol Baba Saeedi, Azad Mehr Publications has been studied as a logical sequence and a primary source.

DISCUSSION AND RESULTS Economic anthropology: When we observe; An economic system is a system in which goods are produced, distributed and consumed. My people use food, facilities and comfort in a special way and necessarily produce, distribute and consume products.

In studying the economics of early peoples, some anthropologists interpreted anthropological data with technology, values of work, ownership, and determination of what makes sense, while some West Africans lacked a plan. They act like children. These people traditionally do not have food to eat in the rainy season, so they have to prepare the land for another crop.

Some anthropologists believe that the concepts of market economy cannot be used to study societies in which people do not trade goods for profit. He calls this "reasoning."

Other scholars belonging to the school of "ritualism" have a different theory. They argue that economic theory should be used in ways in which people can achieve personal satisfaction by saving objects as well as by distributing scarce resources. If

this theory is correct, safe economic theory is comprehensive enough and can be applied in any society.

In every society there are customs and laws that govern the types of work, that is, who does the work; Who has the resources and tools and how is it done? These issues are, in fact, embedded in culture and determine how the economy operates. Work patterns: In any human society, there is always a division of labor according to gender and age. This type of division of labor is simply the growth of patterns that exist among higher primates.

Division of labor by gender: What specific tasks men and women do are different in different societies, but most jobs are divided by gender. The division of labor by gender has been extensively studied by anthropologists in most human societies. For example, the division of labor according to Jenny has biological roots, and the work given to women is work that can be done near home and easily resumed after a short break. Jobs are usually "men's work" that requires physical strength, high energy, and frequent travel over long distances and are associated with many dangers. A study of the work done by men and women in a particular group shows that particular forms of gender division must be related to the traditional historical development by which they continue to live. In modern industrial societies, biological factors have lost their importance in the division of labor by technological factors and organizational innovation; therefore, it is not necessary for men and women to do specific work, but both sexes can turn to any type of work. Hence, there is no longer a monopoly on sex (male or female) in these societies. Perhaps the only thing men can do in these societies is to have children.

Division of labor by age: There may also be division of labor by age. In many non-industrial societies, children and the elderly contribute more to economic growth than in other societies; In South Vietnam, for example, young children not only care for younger siblings but also work in factories. Older people in South Vietnam have economic responsibilities. For example, the grandmother buys, cooks and cleans the house. This was the case in rural families in North America, where there was a lot of work but not enough labor.

Cooperation and Cooperation: Cooperation and cooperation exist in working groups from primitive societies to advanced societies and from non-industrial societies to societies.

Professional (industrial) assignment: In non-industrial societies where the division of labor is based on gender and age, each person has the knowledge and ability to do

work according to their age and gender. In contrast, in modern industrial societies, there is a great difference in specialized jobs and no one can know about all the jobs suitable for their age and gender.

Even in non-industrial societies, there is some kind of professional expertise. This is a minimum in hunter-gatherer communities, but spears made by a particular person may be in high demand because of their skill. Among the people who produce their own food and pay more attention to allocation.

Land control: All communities have rules for determining the value of land resources. Permanent farmers need concentrated water resources, irrigation systems and land division systems. In Western industrial societies, the system of private land ownership and access rights to natural resources prevails.

Technology: The economy of any society is related to the level of technology of its members. In advanced society, this knowledge is transmitted through books, while in primitive societies this knowledge is kept in groups.

Division of labor is a way in which technology remains and spreads among people so that it does not disappear. It is the technology by which the means of earning a living are learned and passed on to the next generation so that people can continue their lives. In human life and daily economic activities, human beings deal with three parts, which are production, distribution and consumption.

Production: Production or technology from the terms of economics, means the provision of goods and services required using available resources and facilities, production is considered the first human industry. In economics, desirability is created through human activity. Production, in economics, also involves the creation of objects by man. But it also includes other service activities such as protection and maintenance, cleaning, etc. It can be said that any activity and work that brings the element or elements of nature closer to human consumption.

Production is considered to be the creation of utility and desirability to satisfy the desires of individuals. At the same time, production is a field of activity of human activity by which the factors of production are combined and provide the goods and services needed by individuals.

Production means creating new economic benefits. The concept of production, in addition to the flow of commodity change, includes all services that are effective in improving the utility of goods and are available to people when they need access. Combine well with each other.

Also, the process of their production activities is such that it leads to the lowest production costs for a certain level of production. Thus, in addition to production and related issues, production costs also play an important role in economic activities.

Distribution: In economics, how production, income or wealth is divided among individuals or among factors of production such as (labor, land, capital, workers) is called distribution. Describes the income distribution as a visible element in the future of any economy. Distribution of a product or service is one of the four pillars of marketing. Distribution is the process of delivering goods or services to customers for use or consumption.

Consumption is an important concept in economics and this concept is studied in many social sciences. Economists are very interested in the special relationship between consumption and income, which has resulted in the consumption function playing an important role in economics. In different schools of economics, production and consumption are defined differently. In general, according to most economists, only the final purchase of goods and services by individuals is considered as consumption, while other types of costs (such as fixed investment, medium consumption, and government spending) in There is a separate category.

I : Dr. Asghar Askari Khaneghah, General Anthropology, page 1

2: Dr. Asghar Askari Khaneghah, General Anthropology, pages 2, 3.

3: Carl Jaspers. Socrates. Translated by Mohammad Hassan Lotfi. Tehran: Khorazmi

Publications, 1979.

4: William Sahakian, Thoughts of Great Philosophers. Translated by Gol Baba Saeedi, Azad Mehr Publications.

5: William Sahakian, Thoughts of the Great Philosophers, pp. 54, 55, 56, 57, 58. 6: Omid Massoud, Anthropology in Classical and Modern Philosophy, Scientific Article, 2012.

7: Aj. Kamyov, Fundamentals of Theory of Work Economics, Moscow 1994.

8: Dr. Asghar Askari Khaneghah, General Anthropology, pp. 353,354.

9: Dr. Asghar Askari Khaneghah, General Anthropology, pages 355, 359, 360.

10: Dr. Asghar Askari Khaneghah, General Anthropology, pages 362, 363, 364, 365,


II : http : /En.m. wikipedia. org/wiki/



18: Jean-Jacques Rousseau

26: http : //Fa.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/

27: http : //en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/platonism

28: http : //en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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