Научная статья на тему 'Android robots'

Android robots Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Shevchugov V.O., Smirnov N.A., Savitskaya T.N.

Is an android robot science fiction or reality nowadays? Not long ago many people considered them science fiction. Robots were described in different books, films, and what was most important thing was that a lot of people had a dream to get robotized assistants. An android is a robot designed to look like and act like a human. It is universal. This robot can do a lot of different tasks, that’s why it will be demanded. Today, there are very few similar prototypes in the world. Many people are trying to design them.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Android robots»

Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики - 2015. Том 2

UDK 004=20


V. O. Shevchugov Scientific supervisor - N. A. Smirnov Foreign language supervisor - T. N. Savitskaya

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

Is an android robot science fiction or reality nowadays? Not long ago many people considered them science fiction. Robots were described in different books, films, and what was most important thing was that a lot of people had a dream to get robotized assistants. An android is a robot designed to look like and act like a human. It is universal. This robot can do a lot of different tasks, that's why it will be demanded. Today, there are very few similar prototypes in the world. Many people are trying to design them.

Keywords: Android robots.


В. О. Шевчугов Научный руководитель - Н. А. Смирнов Руководитель по иностранному языку - Т. Н. Савицкая

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Роботы андроиды - это вымысел или реальность в наши дни? Еще совсем недавно, подобные роботы были для большинства людей только фантастикой. Они были везде, в книгах, кинофильмах, но самое главное, они были в мечтах людей, которых все больше завлекала идея создания роботизированных помощников. Роботы андроиды - это роботы, которые по внешнему виду, напоминают строение человека. Данные роботы универсальны, они способны выполнять множество задач, а потому, являются востребованными. Сегодня, в мире немного подобных прототипов, но над их созданием трудится большое количество людей.

Ключевые слова: Роботы андроиды.

In spite of the latest technological achievements, still many jobs could be dangerous for people's health. Everyday firefighters, police officers, miners and other people risk their life, doing their work. We are going to design the robot, which could make human's life easier and less dangerous. It could perform hard and dangerous work and replace a human in daily routine.

Today, there are several similar robots in the world. It is the robot ASIMO from Japan, the robot PET-MAN from USA, the robot AR-600 from Russia, The Violin playing robot from Japan and so on. These robots can perform basic functions like walking, grabbing, turning and giving visual feedback , but also capable of doing things like climbing a ladder, starting and driving a car, connecting a fire hose to a valve and so on. These robots have the ability to work automatically, without people's command. If we want to design a similar robot, first of all we need to design and to set up a mechanical part of the robot. Then we will need to do the mathematical calculations and to design different algorithms of movements of the robot. In addition, to do the calculations for simple and difficult movements the robot must have a powerful computer system. We are going to develop a special suit to develop and to set up the mechanical part of the robot. It allows people to operate the robot. The suit consists of different sensors. They copy any people's movements and transfer the information to robot. Robot moves according to the commands of the suit. Therefore, the control system of the robot is organized.

This robot cannot work automatically. The robot can only copy and record the information about people's movements. We think that the main task is to design the mechanical part of the robot. Even a separate

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодых исследователей)»

part of the robot can be useful for people. For example, today, there are bionic prosthesis of legs and hands in the world. They allow people to do simple but necessary actions. For example, people can tie laces, cook, and move. That's why it is important to design the structure of the robot like a structure of a human.

At this stage, we have to design the hand of the robot. Today we have some results. We have designed and made some parts of the hand so far. They help us to test the control system of the robot. These tests showed the operability of the control system and helped to correct some mistakes.

Thus, our research and experiments proved that the construction of the robot is possible and that it can be useful for different organizations. However, we need many intellectual resources to design and to set up all systems of the robot. This robot cannot operate small subjects, but it can use different instruments. At the first stage, the robot will not have an artificial intelligence, so it won't be able to work automatically. However, its control system will help people to decide different tasks faster and better, then any robot. Nevertheless, the control system of the robot cannot replace a human's mind.


1. Android technics, electronic resource (2015) list available at: http://npo-at.com/products/ar-600/, 16 Marh [16 Marh 2015].

2. Shelby Hoebee, (2013) 10 most Mind-Blowing androids and robots list available at: http://listverse.com/2013/10/05/10-most-mind-blowing-androids-and-robots/, 16 Marh [16 Marh 2015].

3. Perfect partner - android robot, Mechatronics (2010) list available at: http://www.mechatronic.me/robotics/8-perfect-partner-android-robot, 16 Marh [16 Marh 2015].

© Shevchugov V. O., 2015

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