УДК: 611.82+611.81+611.1
Куница В. Н.1, Гасанова И. Х.1, Шаймарданова Л. Р.1, Гасанли З. Х.2, Абдуллаева В. Д.1, Аллахвердиев Э. Г.1, Новосельская Н. А.1
'Кафедра нормальной анатомии, 2кафедра пропедевтики стоматологии, Медицинская академия имени С.И. Георгиевского ФГАОУ ВО «Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского», 295051, бульвар Ленина 5/7, Симферополь, РФ
Для корреспонденции: Гасанова Илаха Халис, кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры нормальной анатомии Медицинской академии имени С.И. Георгиевского «ФГАОУ ВО КФУ им. В.И. Вернадского», e-mail:[email protected]
For correspondence: Gasanova I. Kh., PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of human anatomy, Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky of Vernadsky CFU, e-mail: [email protected]
Information about authors:
Kunitsa V. N. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5178-5061 Gasanova I. Kh. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3743-9829 Shaymardanova L. R. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3154-3203 Gasanli Z. Kh. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5527-8075 Abdullaeva V. D. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1767-965\ Allahverdiyev E. G. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9006-8580 Novoselskaya N. A. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-920166-9704
Изучение изменчивости сосудистых сплетений головного мозга является актуальной проблемой современной морфологии. В сосудистых сплетениях принято различать несколько составных: соединительная ткань, сосудистая сеть и эпителиальный покров. Сосудистые сплетения играют весьма важную роль в ликворообразовании, тем самым участвуют в обменной, трофической функции, обеспечивая гомеостаз головного мозга. При многократном введении ликвора у животных половозрелого и предстарческого возраста наблюдается положительный эффект на возрастные изменения соединительнотканной стромы и торможение возрастной инволюции органа.
Ключевые слова: сосудистые сплетения; головной мозг; спинномозговая жидкость; экспериментальная анатомия.
Kunitsa V. N., Gasanova I. Kh., Shaymardanova L. R., Gasanli Z. Kh., Abdullaeva V. D., Allahverdiyev E. G., Novoselskaya N. A.
Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky of Vernadsky CFU, Simferopol, Russia
The study of the variability of cerebral vascular plexuses is an actual problem of modern morphology. The choroid plexuses play an important role in liquor production, thus participating in the exchange, trophical functions and providing brain homeostasis. Multiple infusions of the cerebrospinal fluid to adult and presenile animals have positively influenced age-related changes of the connective tissue stroma and inhibition of the organ involution.
Key words: vascular plexus, brain, cerebrospinal fluid, experimental anatomy.
The vascular plexuses of the brain ventricles, as derivatives of the pia mater, connect the important systems of the body: the blood system and the nervous one. They are responsible for production and resorbtion of the cerebrospinal fluid, thus providing the brain homeostasis [1, 2, 3]. The study of the variability of cerebral vascular plexuses is an actual problem of modern morphology. Commonly the following parts in the vascular plexus are distinguished: the connective tissue, the vascular network, and the epithelial cover [4, 5]. On the base of vascular plexuses of the stroma the connective
tissue is pronounced, with a predominant amount of collagen fibres forming a broad network. Elastic fibers pass under the epithelium and around the vessels [6]. The data on the amount of connective tissue in the brain vascular plexuses at different age levels have not been studied sufficiently.
The investigations of vascular plexuses by many authors [7] showed the age-related involution of the organ, and the increase of the amount of connective tissue was considered as a sign of the involution start. The connective tissue of the vascular plexus in young species was loose and pappy, with a
small amount of elastic and collagen fibers having a large number of cells. With age, the number of fibers increased, and the connective tissue became denser. In newborns and children of early age, the connective tissue is very thin, in addition, it is difficult to distinguish between the epithelial and vascular layers. At older ages and under pathological conditions, the subepithelial layer expands and is encrusted with mineral salts [8]. Physiological calcification of the vascular-epithelial plexuses takes place at the age of 30 years [9]. The vascular network was formed by wide and winding vessels. The epithelium covered the free surface of the vascular plexus and, consequently, of all the villi, consisting of one layer of cubic granular cells that contained the nucleus in the center with a large nucleolus.
According to the authors [10], the ageing was accompanied by an increase of the number of squamous epithelial cells in the vascular plexuses, the number of vacuoles was increasing, the amount of collagen fibers in the plexus stroma was rising up, some of them were undergoing hyalinosis and calcification. In the process of aging, the length and area of the exchange surface of the capillaries decreased. The flattening of the epithelium, the increase in the volume of connective tissue, the hyalinosis, fibrosis and defragmentation of collagen fibers, the increase of psammomial bodies in the number was described. The diameter of the capillaries, on the contrary, was increasing [11, 12]. At the same time, the specific gravity of all types of connective tissue fibers increased.
Thus, the information about the features of age-related changes in the structure of the vascular plexuses in the sources is contradictory.
The purpose of our study was to study the age-related features of the morphological organization of the vascular plexuses of the human cerebral ventricles after application of the xenogenic cerebrospinal fluid.
White Wistar rats of the neonatal age (one day after birth, average weight being 6-8 g), immature (30 days, average weight being 30-40 g), mature (6 months, average weight being 180-200 g) and pre-senileperiods (20 months, average weight being 250-280 g) were used for the experiment. The age and weight of rats are indicated according to the start of the experiment. The total number of animals was 96, each experimental series contained 24 rats. The study was carried out with dividing the animals into the control group (subject to infusions of saline solution) and the experimental ones (with infusions of xenogenous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)) [13, 14]. The solutions were calculated for a single dose of 2 ml / kg of the body weight, the injections were given once to the newborn
rats and repeatedly with an interval of 2 days to the remaining age groups. In the experiment, rats were sacrificed on the 7th and 30th days. In order to study the structures of the connective tissue stroma, Merkulov's method of impregnation for the serial histological sections was used [15].
The villous and non-villous parts in the vascular plexuses of the cerebral ventricles in neonatal rats of the control group and the experimental one were poorly differentiated. The well-defined layers of the reticular fibers were visible in the walls of the large vessels, which sometimes formed a small looped network around them. Around the vessels of small villi they were visible in the form of thin, barely noticeable fibers (Fig. 1).
Fig.1. Vascular plexuses of the brain ventricles of the experimental rats of the neonatal period on the 7th day of the experiment. Reticular fibers (arrows).
In the group of immature animals, delicate and thin elastic argyrophilic and collagen fibers were found in the villi and on the base of plexuses, also there were few cellular elements. Reticular fibers were visible as thin, hardly noticeable fibers in the wall of some vessels and in most of cases were not stained.
Reticular fibers of mature animals are concentrated in the villous and nonvillous parts, formed by thin collagen and elastic fibers in the epithelium around the vessels, with their caliber large enough, and on the base of the plexus. The number of fibers in the vascular plexuses of this group was significant. In villi, the argyrophilic skeletons are represented perivascularly, as thick ring-shaped closed structures. In some areas of the non-villous part, there are individual fibroblasts and thin argyrophilic fibers. The stroma of the villi is dark brown, and the black fibers concentrate around large vessels, mainly in the non-villous part of the plexus (Figure 2).
Fig. 2. Vascular plexus of the ventricles of the brain in the experimental mature animals on the 7th day of the experiment. Ring-shaped perivascular network of reticular fibers (arrows).
On the 30 th day of the experiment in mature rats of the control group, expressed bundles of collagen fibers, intertwined with each other, form large networks. On the base of the plexus in the non-villous part, a moderate thickening of the subepithelial layer of the stroma and perivascular space is caused by coarsening of the connective tissue fibers and an increase in their number is observed, with a simultaneous decrease in the number of cellular elements (Figure 3).
Fig. 3. Choroid plexuses of the mature-age group of the control series on the 30th day of the experiment. Thick bundles of reticular fibers (arrows).
In the experimental animals of the same age group, with 10 injections of cerebrospinal fluid, the connective tissue stroma is formed by ordered collagen fibers. The most pronounced bundles of connective tissue fibers are in the perivascular region; they are also found in the form of small
bundles in the thickness of villi. Based on that, we assume that XCSF positively affects the microstructure of the plexus and inhibits the processes of age-related organ involution (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Vascular plexus of the brain ventricles of the of experimental animals of the mature age group on the 30th day of the experiment.
The villous and non-villous parts in the vascular plexuses of animals of the pre-senile age were clearly differentiated. Involute changes were characteristic for that period. In the control group, on the plexus base there was a large number of thick collagen fibers intertwining with each other and forming a coarse network with numerous cellular elements. After XCSF was administered to animals, the reticular fibers in vascular plexuses were seen as thin, barely noticeable fibers in the wall of some vessels, which also could suggest a positive dynamics of the effect of XCSF on the age-related changes in the ventricles plexuses.
Beginning with the period of maturity, moderate thickening of the stromal layers occured in the vascular plexuses due to coarsening of the fibers and the increase of their number. After the single and triple XCSF injections, no distinct pattern of changes in the number of fibers was observed. After repeated use of the cerebrospinal fluid in animals of mature and presenile age, inhibition of age-related organ involution was observed.
Конфликт интересов. Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.
The authors have no conflict of interests to declare.
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