ANALYZING THE INDEPENDENT TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN BELGOROD ON THE BASIS OF QUERIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Koroleva Inna S., Vishnevskaya Ekaterina V.

Independent urban tourism is a promising area for the internal tourism development in the context of existing economic and global world trends. Travelers plan and choose a travel route, book tickets for transport and hotels, study museums, attractions that they want to visit on a trip by themselves; and it is the features of independent tourism. Belgorod is an object of independent urban tourism. When travelers are organizing tours, they often use Internet resources; the frequency of search queries makes it possible to assess the demand for a specific product or destination. The analysis of the demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is based on user requests in Yandex. The demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is stable. The frequency of Internet requests for tourist depends on seasonality, it should be considered in planning the tourism sector development. The main consumers of tourist services in Belgorod are residents of Belgorod and Moscow regions, as well as other nearby regions, such as Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol. Microcations, which involve short trips closer to home and away from popular tourist destinations, are becoming a major travel trend. The analysis of requests made it possible to identify factors that impede the development of Belgorod as a tourist center - a narrow range of entertainment services, their high cost, the focus of local travel companies on outbound tourism, low quality of tourist infrastructure and services, low awareness of tourists about Belgorod as a tourist destination.

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новые туристские центры

new tourist centers

UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10409


Belgorod State University (Belgorod, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, e-mail: koroleva_i@bsu. edu. ru


Belgorod State University (Belgorod, Russia)

PhD in Geography, Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected]


Independent urban tourism is a promising area for the internal tourism development in the context of existing economic and global world trends. Travelers plan and choose a travel route, book tickets for transport and hotels, study museums, attractions that they want to visit on a trip by themselves; and it is the features of independent tourism. Belgorod is an object of independent urban tourism. When travelers are organizing tours, they often use Internet resources; the frequency of search queries makes it possible to assess the demand for a specific product or destination. The analysis of the demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is based on user requests in Yandex. The demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is stable. The frequency of Internet requests for tourist depends on seasonality, it should be considered in planning the tourism sector development. The main consumers of tourist services in Belgorod are residents of Belgorod and Moscow regions, as well as other nearby regions, such as Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol. Microcations, which involve short trips closer to home and away from popular tourist destinations, are becoming a major travel trend. The analysis of requests made it possible to identify factors that impede the development of Belgorod as a tourist center - a narrow range of entertainment services, their high cost, the focus of local travel companies on outbound tourism, low quality of tourist infrastructure and services, low awareness of tourists about Belgorod as a tourist destination.

Keywords: independent tourism, demand, search queries, informatization

Citation: Koroleva, I. S., & Vishnevskaya, E. V. (2020). Analyzing the independent tourism development in Belgorod on the basis of queries. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 14(4), 108-114. doi: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10409.

Article History Disclosure statement

Received 20 October 2020 No potential conflict of interest was reported by Accepted 18 November 2020_the author(s)._

© 2020 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10409

КОРОЛЕВА Инна Сергеевна

Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (Белгород, РФ)

кандидат географических наук, доцент; [email protected] ВИШНЕВСКАЯ Екатерина Владимировна

Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (Белгород, РФ)

кандидат экономических наук, доцент; [email protected]


Самодеятельный городской туризм является перспективным направлением развития внутреннего туризма в разрезе сложившихся экономических и глобальных мировых трендов. Среди особенностей самодеятельного туризма можно выделить то, что путешественники самостоятельно выбирают и разрабатывают маршрут путешествия, осуществляют бронирование билетов на транспорт и гостиниц, изучают музеи, достопримечательности и аттракции, которые хотят посетить в поездке. Город Белгород выступает объектом самодеятельного городского туризма. При организации туров путешественники часто используют интернет-ресурсы, частота поисковых запросов позволяет судить о спросе в отношении конкретного продукта или направления. Проведен анализ востребованности туристских достопримечательностей города Белгорода на основе запросов пользователей в поисковой системе Яндекс. Спрос на туристические достопримечательности города Белгород характеризуется определенной стабильностью. Частота интернет-запросов на туристские поездки отличается выраженной сезонностью, что следует учитывать при планировании развития туристского сектора. Основными потребителями туристских услуг в г. Белгород являются жители Белгородской и Московской областей, а также других близлежащих регионов — Воронежской, Курской, Орловской областей. Microcations, которые предполагают короткие поездки ближе к дому и вдали от популярных туристических локаций, становятся одним из главных туристических трендов. Проведенный анализ запросов позволил выявить факторы, тормозящие развитие г. Белгорода как туристского центра — это узкий спектр услуг индустрии развлечений, их высокая стоимость, ориентированность местных туркомпаний на выездной туризм, низкое качество туристской инфраструктуры и сервиса, низкий уровень информированности туристов о Белгороде как о туристской дестинации.

Ключевые слова: самодеятельный туризм, спрос, поисковые запросы, информатизация

Для цитирования: Королева И.С., Вишневская Е.В. Анализ развития самодеятельного туризма в городе Белгород на основе поисковых запросов // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2020. Т. 14. №4. С. 108-114. DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10409.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 20 октября 2020 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 18 ноября 2020 г.

Introduction. For a number of reasons (location, relatively low saturation with tourist attractions, etc.) Belgorod can be considered as an object of independent urban tourism.

Distinctive features of amateur tourism is that travelers are planning and choose a travel itinerary, complete a group, book accommodation, travel tickets, explore attractions that they want to visit on a trip [1, 2]. Independent urban tourism is a promising area for the development of internal tourism in the light of the latest economic and global trends (reduced economic stability in the Russian Federation, the coronavirus pandemic, closed borders) [3, 4, 5].

One of the features of independent tourism is popularity among young people, because the older generation is more conservative and feels safe if the trip is organized by a travel agency [6]. The trip is planned in advance and all information about the sights, historical, cultural heritage, architectural objects, travelers are looking for in advance on the Internet [7].

The main purpose of research is to investigate the demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod based on user requests in the Yandex search engine.

Materials and research methods. When tourists are organizing travel, they are increasingly using the possibilities of the Internet,

therefore, by the increase in the frequency of search queries, one can judge the demand for a particular product or destination. We analyzed the statistics of queries for keywords in the Yandex. This allowed us to study the seasonality of demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod. The methodology consists studying the statistics of queries in the search engine Yandex.ru (www.wordstat.yandex.ru) by keywords. By comparing the frequency of requests, it is possible to determine the popularity rating of tourist demand for a certain product, comparing this information in different time periods, we can conclude that this demand has changed over time.

In accordance with this methodology, a research of the demand for attractions in Belgorod was carried out according to the popularity rating of the keywords "What to see in Belgorod ..." according to the geographical principle. The research presents the results of the analysis of requests for a two-year period from 1.03.2018 to 28.02.2020. It should keep in mind that Yandex is used by about 50-55% of the population of the Russian Federation, we note that the real figures will be almost twice higher.

Research results and their discussion. The search engine Yandex.ru for the keywords "What to see in Belgorod" on average per month for the analyzed period received 986 queries (Table 1).

Table 1 - Keyword query statistics in "Yandex Wordstat"

Queries by words Impressions per month On mobile

what to see in Belgorod 986 745

Belgorod what to see for 2 days 321 258

what to see in Belgorod for 2 days 311 250

Belgorod what to see for 1 day 186 141

see city Belgorod 147 134

Belgorod attractions what to see 116 71

what to see in Belgorod for 1 day 96 73

Belgorod what to see for tourists 57 35

Belgorod attractions what to see for 1 day 39 32

Belgorod what to see with children 38 30

Belgorod what to see for a tourist for 1 day 11 9

what to see in Belgorod in winter 9 7

Fig. 1 - Share distribution of cities ofthe Russian Federation when searchingby keywords "What to see in Yandex.ru" by users (for the ptrioy 01.03.2018 to 28.03.2020)

Gubkin 11

Braynsk 21

Tula ■ 23

Alekseevka 27

Stroitel 35

Starii Oskol 35

Shebekino 42

Orel 58

Kursk 67

Sankt-Peterburg 67

Voronej Barnaul





100 200 300 400

number of queries, units





The first line of queries "what to see in Belgorod" includes all the listed queries (combinations of words by semantic meaning) in this dirertion. It can benated thai: them ajority of travelers toBelgo rodwant tocome for 1-2 days - the total number of queries is 93.8%. Perhaps a short tourist trip to Belgorod is planned by residents of nearby regions, or travelers who transit through Belgorod and are considering the possibility of staying in Belgorod for an overnight.

In most cases, queries come from mobile devices (phones and tablets) - 76%, while from desktops and laptops only 24%. This increase in lnternej acti vity can je associated with a general iacreare in computer literacy ogthe population and an increase in the number of users [8, 9].

Analysis of the structure of queries for the keywords "What to see in Belgorod" showed that the main consumers of tourist services in Belgorod are residents of the

Fig. " - Seasonal variation in keyword search"What to see in Belgorod" by users Yandex.ru (for the period 01.03.2018 to 28.03.2020)

1200 1000

1/1 ;H






§- 600 MO


E c


period, month


Fig. 3 - Monthly Search Query Progress on thh keywords "What to see in Belgorod" Yandex.re users (for the period 01.03.2018 to 28.03.2020)


Belgorod region (49% of searches). In second place are residents of the Moscow region (21% of searches). Rpsiheoto of hhsneapby pe-gions - Voronezh, Kursk, Oryol are also showing interest in tourist trips to Belgorod.

The so-called microcations (micro-vacations), which involve short trips closer to home and away from popular tourist locations, save time and money, as well as reduce the impact of travel on the environment, become one of the main travel trends in recent years [10, 11].

If we analyze the queries for the keywords "What to see in Belgorod" from residents of cities of the Russian Federation, then we can see the interest from residents of cities within a radius of 500 km - Voronezh, Stary Oskol, Tula, Bryansk, Gubkin, Alekseev-ka, Orel, with the exception of Moscow (648 searches), Barnaul (152 searches) and St. Petersburg (Fig. 1). Residents of remote regions of the Russian Federation do not consider the city of Belgorod for a tourist trip.

Let us consider seasonal fluctuations in the demand for tourist trips to Belgorod (Fig. 2). The chart shows sharp seasonal fluctuations in demand, which have a pronounced increase in demand in the summer months and a decline in the winter months. Residents of nearby regions usually plan independent tourist trips to Belgorod during summer holydays and vacations.

During the analyzed period, there was an increase in the number of requests for the keywords "What to see in Belgorod" by Yandex.ru users from 5,767 requests in 2018 to 8,047 re-

hf estr .n 2019, o (hy 4n%(2a280 rsqostrn). fte growth inrequesfswas observnd in thewinder montSa - Devember, Januarea isV OeVrua(y (by 53%, 123% and 186%, respectively), while in the summer months the number of requests increased slightly (June by 10%, July by 27%, August by 12%) (fig. 3).

Technological progress - including smart-phones and apps - have set new standards for convenience, speed and transparency in tourism [12, 13]. Innovations allow consumers to use their mobile devices to carry out a range of complex business transactions anytime and anywhere they want [14, 15]. The development of modern tourism presupposes a high level of digitalization and the creation of urban online services [16], therefore it is necessary to analyze the degree of involvement in the use of the Internet and online services of residents of the Russian Federation, the Central Federal District and the Belgorod Region.

According to the WEB-Index survey for February-July 2019, 95.8 million people over the age of 12 use the Internet in Russia - this is 78% of the country's population1. Internet penetration has grown by 10% over the past two years. This is mainly due to an increase in mobile Internet penetration and an increase in the number of Internet users among the older population. The number of Internet users on mobile devices

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1 Mediascope has expanded mobile Internet measurements throughout Russia. URL: https://me-diascope.net/news/1067271/ (Accessed on August

2, 2020)

during this time increased by 24%, and on desktop, on the contrary, decreased by 3%. At the same time, the number of those who use only the mobile Internet has grown by 50%.

The spread of mobile Internet continues to increase in all age groups of the population. The penetration rate among young people (12-34 years old) reached 90%, as a result, the growth rate in this group decreased, but at the same time we note that older people began to more actively learn Internet technologies and mobile penetration over the past two years has increased by more than 2 times. In the 55-year-old age group, a third of the population uses mobile Internet at least once a month. Also, among Russians of this age, desktop penetration continues to grow.

In cities with a population more than 100 thousand people, 47.1 million people use mobile Internet - this is 74% of the population or 89% of all Internet users aged 12 and over2. In small towns and settlements (less than 100 thousand people) 37.4 million people access the Internet from mobile devices - this is 64% of the population or 87% of all Internet users. However, in small settlements the share of Internet users who access the network only from mobile is higher than in large cities -41% versus 27%3.

Let us analyze the share of Internet sales in the total volume of retail trade. Despite the high level of Internet penetration in the Russian Federation, the share of sales via the Internet remains at a rather low level; in the Russian Federation, the share of sales increased from 0.7% in 2014 to 1.7% in 2018.

It is important to highlight that a fast growth in Internet sales is taking place in the Central Federal District - from 0.8% to 2.7% over the analyzed period. In the Belgorod Region, Internet sales grew 6 times and reached 0.6% in 2018 in the total retail trade turnover.

An analysis of the age and sex structure of Internet users in the Russian Federation shows that in almost all age categories the most ac-

2 Federal State Statistics Service. The share of online sales in the total volume of retail sales URL: https://www.fedstat.ru/indicator/50236 (Accessed on August 6, 2020).

3 Mediascope has expanded mobile Internet mea-

surements throughout Russia. URL: https://media-scope.net/news/1067271 (Accessed on August 5, 2020)

tive Internet users are women, this is most clearly manifested in the older age group +55 years old, where the share of women is 13.6%, and men - 8.9%. Up to 35 years, men slightly predominate as active Internet users4.

The number of active subscribers of fixed access to the Internet in the Russian Federation is growing steadily and in 2019 amounted to 64 693.585 thousand people. An analysis of the population who actively uses the Internet showed that in the Central Federal District more than half of the citizens (53%) are active Internet users, while the average for Russia is 44%, the Belgorod Region lags behind in this direction - only 39% of the population belongs to active users of the Internet.

Tourism is an area that depends on information. The level of information applications is one of the most important factors reflecting the degree of development of a tourist destination [17, 18, 19]. The tourism industry must be a pioneer in industry transformation, renewal and innovation, and smart tourism is the main way to achieve this goa [20].

For independent tourism, an important role is played not only by the resource potential of the destination, but also by the development of infrastructure in the city, information awareness of the tourist about the quality of services provided in the destination, a general understanding of it, about its possibilities and safety for visiting, medical opportunities, other services complementary to tourism, and etc [21, 22].

In 2020, due to the pandemic, there are crisis in all spheres of the economy, including tourism [3, 4]. Experts predict that with the end of the pandemic, it is internal tourism that will gradually resume, and not international, tourists will choose the places where they can get from home by car, short active and excursion tours will be popular. The most active travelers will be young people under 30 years old, they perceive the restrictions associated with quarantine measures more difficult than others. In this regard, we can expect an increase in the popularity of trips to Belgorod for tourist purposes.

Conclusion. The research of search queries by keywords in the Yandex system made

4 Number of Internet users. URL: https://webin-dex.mediascope.net/general-audience (Accessed on August 11, 2020)

it possible to analyze the demand of Russian users for tourist attractions in Belgorod and assess the dynamics of its changes. The demand for tourist attractions in Belgorod is characterized by a certain stability. The frequency of Internet requests for tourist trips is highly seasonal, which should be considered when planning the development of the tourism sector.

But the limited range of services in the entertainment industry, as a result of which

their high cost is formed, the focus of local travel companies on outbound tourism, the lack and low quality of tourist infrastructure and services, the lack of tourism products in the region that meet international standards, a low level of awareness of tourists and tourism industry specialists about the Belgorod region about a tourist destination - all this hinders the development of Belgorod as a tourist center.


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