Doctor of technical sciences, prof.,head of Department Rozen V.P.
Postgraduate Trachuk A.R.
Ukraine, Kiev city, Institute of Energy Saving and Energy management National technical university of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Department of Automation management of electrotechnical complexes
Abstract. The analysis of the ways of development of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine performed, namely the possible ways of development for the fuel and energy complex of the country. The results of the conducted researches defined most perspective resources which are needed for providing of power safety in Ukraine, also alternative directions to the receipt of additional power mediums.
Introduction. The present level of development of Ukrainian society defines a fairly high level of energy consumption. Analyzing the state of development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, one can say that in recent years it has become a threat to national energy security.
Ukraine has a powerful fuel and energy complex (FEC), but is now taking place in the energy supply constraints in some areas of the country, such as gas or electricity. These phenomena are related to such factors, providing virtually interest-free loans to agriculture in the consumption of fuel and energy resources; untimely payment for the consumed fuel and energy resources, which leads to the deterioration of the payment possibilities Energy of Ukraine; large, almost 60% of the country's dependence on energy supplies from Russia, which could lead to monopoly; exhausted operating margin of safety in some sectors Energy, is about 70%; progressive lag oil and gas industry, and the growth of proven reserves can no longer cover the shortage of prey.
Problem formulation. A situation inability of Energy to meet the demands and needs of Ukraine in the industrial sector and the needs of the population in the fuel and energy, huge debts for the consumed energy, the further accumulation of unresolved issues and problems in this sector, the non-payment of debts can undermine the foundations of economic security and cause social destabilization in Ukraine.
Despite the complexity of the situation Ukraine may withdraw from the energy crisis, but are required to stabilize the system and coordinated actions of all branches of power in the framework of a balanced national energy policy [1].
The analysis work relating to this subject indicates that the state and the possibility of fuel and energy complex have many prospects at this stage of development.
However, in this situation, the difficult economic situation the process of raising funds, investors and other financial assets is complicated and delayed. Character Energy is of strategic importance for Ukraine, because it determines the priority status of its path of development and energy security in the international arena. To assess the energy security of many developed and indicators and the assessment of the levels determined.
Due to the fact that nuclear power has a significant place in the power generation and is a strategic object, its security should be considered separately.
The diversification of external sources of energy supplies reduces dependence of Ukraine on imports of natural gas, oil and nuclear fuel from one state. This development increases the reliability of energy supplies, and allows the perspective to obtain energy at lower prices, to create conditions for equal partnership with Russia, and generally increase the level of energy security of Ukraine.
The main problem lies in the fact that Ukraine is importing 53% of the total amount of energy of energy, is in a position that at the international level is not called over-reliance, but Ukraine receives the bulk of energy (about 60% of imports) from one country - Russia. Under these conditions,
the dependence of energy and the economy of Ukraine in general on imported energy supplies is critical.
Consider the consequences that may result from this situation:
1. Long-term interruptions in the supply of energy in the event of accidents on main pipelines.
2. Reducing the volume of energy supplies as a result of declining domestic production.
3. Maximum dependence on the exporting State, which hampers the development of equal relations.
4. Monopoly rise in energy prices, the emergence of restrictions on their supply in case of deterioration of bilateral relations with the state-exporter.
The benefits of diversification projects: improving the reliability of energy supplies; the emergence of competition between importers will lead to lower prices, causing a cost wins state; improving energy security of Ukraine. However, there are certain limitations to the introduction of diversification strategy. Thus, the cost of these projects is very high - the construction of oil and gas pipelines, the creation of its own nuclear fuel cycle and its elements costs hundreds of millions -billions of dollars.
In connection with the economic crisis in Ukraine and the unfavorable investment climate the introduction of alternative energy sources in full until 2020, it is practically impossible. At the initial stage of development of alternative sources of new energy supplies can be more expensive from Russian.
The most economical and environmentally friendly primary energy - oil and gas - are scarce in Ukraine. They are consuming at an accelerated pace, so to focus the future development of Ukraine's fuel and energy sector can not be based on them. [2]
From the standpoint of long-term development strategy of Energy serious objections priority is the construction of combined heat and power (CHP) on the corner: the costs related primarily to environmental pollution may outweigh the income from the production of electricity. Moreover, Ukraine lacks investment funds for the development of the coal industry and for the modernization of coal-fired thermal power station in order to meet the requirements for environmental protection.
We carry out analyzes on major energy sources.
Natural gas. Russia has the world's largest reserves of natural gas, on the border with Ukraine (transport costs - minimal) and is already associated with our country strong network of transit pipelines. Ukraine has an advantageous geographical position and can expand the range of gas suppliers - by Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, as well as Norway, Iran and Azerbaijan.
The first phase of the diversification necessary to solve the issue of gas imports from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. While gas supplies from these countries can only be made through Russian pipelines, the problem of attracting alternative sources will be solved, at least partially. First we need to meet the minimum requirement - the gas supply from a single source shall not exceed 51% of imports.
In the future, you need to develop gas supply routes that would not pass through the territory of Russia. That would give Ukraine an opportunity to reach not partial and full diversification.
In the future, new sources of gas supply will be determined exclusively by economic expediency.
Oil. The construction of new oil transit through Ukraine will facilitate loading of domestic refineries and lower prices of crude oil on the domestic market. The geographical position of Ukraine allows to attract different sources of oil: Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, countries of the Middle East and others. The problem of diversification of sources of oil supplies to Ukraine should be addressed taking into account economic factors - solve it based only on political agreements can not be
Nuclear fuel. Supply of nuclear fuel for Ukrainian nuclear power plants (NPP), and the preservation and processing of spent fuel to Russia made 100%. Exhaustion of compensatory supplies of nuclear fuel from Russia and the almost total use of the regulatory fuel reserves threaten Ukraine's energy security. This can greatly enhance the economic dictates from Russia as a monopoly supplier of nuclear fuel. A significant contribution to nuclear power plants in the total electricity production, as well as the need to ensure energy security suggest the feasibility of establishing in Ukraine's own nuclear-fuel cycle. However, due to the absence of national nuclear power program, determines its real prospects for the next 40 years, as well as the high cost of the creation of the nuclear fuel cycle, the construction of a complete cycle of the economically risky.
Therefore, for the period until 2020, it is advisable to focus on the creation of only some of its elements. After the implementation of a joint project by Westinghouse Ukraine can use nuclear fuel
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from other countries. This will contribute to the diversification of its sources of supply for domestic nuclear power plants. There is a need to develop alternative and renewable sources of energy [3].
In Ukraine, gradually unfolding work on the development of small hydropower potential is evaluated differently. There is evidence that it is three to four times the capacity of the cascade hydropower stations on the Dnieper, that is, had the hydropower generation can provide about 30-40 bln. KWh. Given the opportunity to cover a maximum of hydropower electric power system load, as well as better economic performance is the direction of improving Ukraine's fuel and energy sector is extremely important and promising.
Ukraine also has powerful resources to create objects of geothermal energy. In particular, considerable geothermal energy available in the Transcarpathia, Chernihiv, Sumy, Poltava, Kharkiv, Lviv, Kherson, Ivano-Frankivsk regions. Except for small experimental geothermal heating facilities, this area is practically not developed. Slowly going development and implementation of heat pump technology, although in this area there are companies that can carry it out and already partially carried out. [4]
Conclusions. Analyzing the state of Ukrainian energy resources, it can be concluded that the gradual diversification - the only way for the full development and energy security of Ukraine in the future. The priority should be to diversify strategic resources such as oil, natural gas and nuclear fuel. The country has the opportunity to implement these programs and to postpone their introduction in the future is inappropriate because it would complicate the situation.
Therefore, to preserve national interests in the field of energy security and is necessary given the threat of energy. The solution should start with government regulations, and their implementation and ensure compliance, and streamlining the shift towards the goal of improving the reliability and security of supply of energy resources in strategically important objects at the state level.
Key parameters determining the energy efficiency and conservation are to ensure the timely and uniform supply of energy to the consumer; implementation of the necessary supply of energy in accordance with the requirements of the population and the consumer; an analysis of the quality of raw energy before actually sending to the customer; high level of responsibility on the part of the customer's energy on the issue of payment of accounts; ROI and payback period of energy according to the schedule set by the farm individually; to attract international and domestic investors, support of state government; upgrade obsolete equipment, as well as to identify and prevent possible cases of emergencies [5].
To determine the state of Ukraine's energy security of these factors are combined with indicators of energy security, and carried out analysis of the obtained values. In addition, Ukraine needs to develop alternative and renewable energy sources and to attract foreign investment in this sector, which will increase the amount of energy in the country and improve the state's energy security. Thus, close cooperation of the Ukrainian government and industry to save energy and reduce emissions, the introduction of the law "On alternative fuel", to attract foreign investment in the energy sector, agreements with other countries on possible deliveries of energy resources will bring the country out of the complex the energy crisis and reduce the subjective pressure on the economy.
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