УДК 338.48(574)
AIMEN A.T., Doctor of Егоп. Sc., Рrofessor Dean of the Faculty of Technology1 E-mail: [email protected]
FAIZOVA E.R., PhD in Econ. Sc.
Acting Associate Professor of the Department of «Tourism and Service»1 E-mail: [email protected]
Master's Degree in Services
Senior Lecturer of the Department of «Tourism and Service»1 E-mail: [email protected]
Master of Economics,
Senior Lecturer of the Department of «Tourism and Service»1 E-mail: [email protected]
1M.H.Dulaty Taraz Regional University, Republic of Kazakhstan
Received 7 March 2022
The article examines the regional foundations of the development of extreme tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis of the trends in the development of structural elements of extreme sports is carried out. This article proposes the directions of development of extreme tourism in Kazakhstan. Nowadays, cultural-historical, health and extreme tourism is intensively developing in Kazakhstan. There are also a large number of tourists from all over the world and regions of Kazakhstan in the country who can enjoy their holidays, admire nature and historical sights.
Keywords: extreme tourism, extreme, danger, athletes.
4Статья публикуется в авторской редакции.
А.Т. АЙМЕН, д-р экон. наук, профессор декан технологического факультета1
Э.Р. ФАИЗОВА, канд. экон. наук и.о. доцента кафедры «Туризм и сервис»1
магистр в сфере услуг, старший преподаватель кафедры «Туризм и сервис»1 О.Ж. ДОСЫМОВА
магистр экономических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры «Туризм и сервис»1 1Таразский региональный университет имени М.Х.Дулати, Республика Казахстан
В статье исследованы региональные основы развития экстремального туризма в Республике Казахстан. Проведен анализ тенденций развития структурных элементов экстрима. Предложены направления развития экстремального туризма Республики Казахстан. Сейчас в Казахстане интенсивно развивается культурно-исторический, оздоровительный и экстремальный туризм. Также в стране большое количество туристов со всего мира и регионов Казахстана, которые могут насладиться отдыхом, полюбоваться природой и историческими достопримечательностями.
Ключевые слова: экстремальный туризм, экстрим, опасность, спортсмены.
Introduction. There is a huge potential for the development of extreme tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. People of different ages and professions come to extreme tourism. Foreign experts reveal the phenomenon of extreme tourism, changed by morality and taste, which has emerged in the West in recent years. In the modern world, extreme tourism is living in all popularized forms, spent on free time. The direction of rock climbing as tourism was considered by Babkin A.V. «Special types of tourism» (2008) [1], Akimova M. A. «Extreme tourism: improving classification» [2].
The main part. In Europe, this type of tourism began to develop extremely fast in the threads of the 1980s-early 1990s. Extreme tourism in Kazakhstan began to develop since the mid-1990s. Extreme is an extraordinary action that carries all the danger for citizens. Such sports include skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing. Extreme sports are born every day.They are characterized by a high degree of danger to the life and health of the athlete, a large number of acrobatic tricks, a high level of adrenaline, which is released by the athlete during sports.
Extreme tourism is one of the types of tourist recreation, more or less associated with risk. Recently, adventure tourism has been actively
developing - a type of tourism that combines all trips related to active ways of traveling and outdoor recreation, in order to get new sensations, impressions, improve physical fitness and achieve sports results. Extreme tourism is one of the most dangerous types of tourism, its objective is to destroy the danger. All types of hazards in extreme tourism can be classified according to the nature of the phenomenon and the role of tourists in the occurrence of a dangerous situation.
The history of extreme tourism is closely connected with the history of the development of extreme sports, examples of which are sky surfing, trekking, heliski, freeride, rafting, etc. Currently, extreme tourism includes various sports activities related to ricks, and represents a lot of colorful phenomena.
Active types of recreation are finding more and more fans among ordinary tourists. The most popular of them is diving, which is also one of the most extreme sports. Now there are 20 million certified amateur divers in the world [1].
All extreme tourism can be divided into several main types:
- water extreme tourism (diving, wakeboarding, water skiing, windsurfing, surfing, kayaking, slalom kayaking, rodeo, rafting);
- land-based extreme tourism (mountain biking, caving, X-racing);
- mountain extreme tourism (mountaineering, bugles of lies and snowboarding);
- exquisite extreme tourism (parachuting, group acrobatics, freestyle, sky surfing, base-jumping, hot air balloon takeoffs, hang gliding);
- exotic extreme tourism (space tourism, kiterfing, jailoo tourism, tourism in the north and south).
Extreme tourism has become popular due to the fact that it is life-threatening. Therefore, ensuring the safety of extreme tourism is an urgent problem.
In ordinary life, every tourist can find himself in a dangerous situation. Threats to the health and mental state of a tourist can be caused by both accidental circumstances and his own actions. Examples of situations that arise for reasons beyond our control are:
1) various accidents in deserted places;
2) orientation on the terrain;
3) lagging behind groups on routes;
4) meeting with predatory animals;
5) getting into the swamp;
6) the danger of overturning the boat on the water.
To reduce the risk of threats to the safety of tourists, it is advisable to provide conditions for continuous communication with them. In extreme situations, in the presence of an immediate threat, an effective communication system allows you to minimize the threat. Despite the activity and the desire to get as many extreme sensations as possible, the tourist should not forget about his safety, notifying about his location and intentions.
Risk factors in extreme tourism are classified according to their nature [2]:
1) injury risk - various phenomena, the result of which may be bodily injuries (rockfalls, avalanches, etc.);
2) environmental variability - the danger of adverse weather conditions, fire hazard, dangerous atmospheric effects;
3) biological factors - the risk of food poisoning, bites of poisonous insects, transmitting infections, ingestion of poisonous microorganisms into the human body;
4) psychophysiological loads - the risk of physical and neuropsychological overload among tourists when passing difficult, dangerous sections of routes;
5) danger of ultraviolet and radiation, chemical, toxic emissions;
6) specific risk factors - possible unforeseen circumstances on the routes of natural and man-made disasters, poor technical condition of the infrastructure, low level of training of service personnel, instructors, unreliable information provided on the routes.
Thus, extreme tourism has a number of specific types, each of which is diverse and carries, in addition to pleasure, a very real danger. From an economic point of view, the profitability of extreme tourism is determined by the ability to cause an adrenaline rush in a tourist. Extreme tourism is quite well developed abroad. It originated mainly in Western Europe, North America and the Asia-Pacific region.
As for Kazakhstan, there are many promising areas for the development of extreme tourism. People's preferences are individual, including in tourism, so we offer a variety of services within the following types of tourism: extreme tourism, family tourism, youth tourism, and sightseeing tourism.
To assess the attractiveness of extreme tourism in Kazakhstan, data were used from marketing research conducted by the international company IPK. On the basis of the conducted studies, the segments of foreign consumers were determined by socio-demographic factors, which are presented in the following forms [3]:
- group 1 - the British - 10% of the total tourist flow of Kazakhstan, age - from 35 to 54 years, secondary and higher education, 26% -family;
- group 2 - Koreans make up 8% of the flow of tourists, age - from 25 to 54 years, higher education, 39% - married couples;
- group 3 - French - 6% of the flow of tourists, age - from 25 to 54 years, secondary and higher education, 32% married couples;
- group 4 - Germans, age - from 35 to 54 years, higher and secondary education, 24% -married couples;
- group 5 - Japanese - 1% of the flow of tourists, age - 45-65 years, higher education, married couples make up 10%.
Yes No
Figure 1. - The ratio of tourists who prefer to engage in extreme tourism
Note - Source: compiled by the authors on the basis of [5, p 10].
Based on the analysis of the data, the following conclusions were made: all the necessary resources and infrastructure are available to attract foreign tourists to Kazakhstan.
Considering the rating of foreign tourists' interest in the types of tours, it can be concluded that Kazakhstan is provided with resources to promote hiking, but at the same time there is a low level of infrastructure development. Even in the absence of infrastructure, it is possible to organize travel and attract foreign tourists, since large financial investments are not required.
The second place in importance is given to cultural and educational tourism, which is represented by the Kazakh national culture, customs and mentality. This is especially relevant in recent years due to the increased interest from European and American tourists to Kazakhstan.
For the development of this type of tourism, 7 tourist zones have been allocated, which include a segment of the Great Silk Road, an overview of nomad culture, an inspection of
Mountain tourism 9%
Ecotours 12%
more than 9 thousand monuments, including the mausoleums «Khoja Ahmed Yasawi», «Aisha-Bibi», «Babaji-Khatun», «Karakhana» and «Davutbek», mysterious settlement «Akyrtas», underground mosque Beket-Ata. Most of the historical monuments of Kazakhstan have already been restored and continue to be reconstructed [4].
The peculiarity of attracting foreign tourists is to emphasize the importance of the Great Silk Road in Kazakhstan: a tourist can immerse himself in the atmosphere of military antiquity, ride through medieval batyrs, see the ruins of ancient cities, mausoleums, cultural monuments, for example, the settlement of Otrar, towering on the horizon in the steppes of Kazakhstan, see a great many monuments of the Stone Age, ancient parking lots, petroglyphs found as a result of excavations. The basis for the development of such tourism can be national yurt towns, the purpose of which will be the restoration and revival of traditions.
Other 6%
walking tour41%
Historical and national tours 32%
Figure 2. - Preferences of tourists by type of tourism
Note - Source: compiled by the authors on the basis of [6, p 10].
Ecological tours are in the third place among foreign tourists according to the rating, as there are attractive natural resources and reserved places in Kazakhstan. Ecological tourism is referred to one of the most low-cost and attractive. For ecological tourism, Kazakhstan has the untouched beautiful and attractive nature, flora and fauna. Ecological tourism in Kazakhstan gives the chance to tourists to learn the natural environment, to see natural monuments and sights, to watch for animals and birds, assumes a unification with the nature.
There are 900 attractive routes through national reserves and parks in Kazakhstan. For foreign tourists there is an opportunity to observe rare and endangered species of animals, such as snow leopard, Tien Shan bear, caracal, lynx, gazelle and many others. 900 routes have been developed in Kazakhstan, a «bird's paradise» in nature reserves, tourists are particularly interested in the Korgalzhinsky Nature Reserve [5].
The development of various types of tourism, especially its extreme types, is possible in Zhambyl region. The spurs of the Karatau, Talas and Kyrgyz Alatau mountains are suitable for mountaineering and extreme tourism. You can include skydiving, paragliding and the like in the tour program. Lakes of the Tersko-Ashibulak reservoir Balkhash, Alakol, Bilikol are convenient for water entertainment. Adventure tours can be carried out in the vastness of the Zhambyl steppes. Currently, the natural potential of the region is practically not used in the tourism sector.
Except mountaineering, foreign tourists are attracted by extreme, sports and adventure types of tourism. The perspective direction in Kazakhstan of beach tourism is represented on the Caspian Sea, Lake Alakol, Balkhash, the Bu-khtarminsky water reservoir. Rafting tours also began to function (for example, on the Katun River or on the Ili River), and the same mountain routes, but only laid out on more interesting (and respectively, more difficult for achievement) to places, and travelings by mountain bicycles.
According to one of the travelers, extreme tourism is the pinnacle of tourism. When he has already achieved a lot in overcoming the danger, appearing with slaps in the face, which still does not catch something. And this means that it is time to cross a certain line, which is to separate
tourism as a sport from the full risk of dangerous travel.
It can be said about such people that risk is their craft, balancing on the verge of the impossible is their way of life. And it is important that their risk, their desire to reach the top become worthy not only of professionals, but also of ordinary people. Anyone who has ever been in the mountains or participated in rafting on a turbulent river will never forget what he saw and experienced. Such young people are driven by different motives: the desire for adventure, the challenge to oneself, the desire to stand out among others, to be the first; an extreme sport provokes a powerful release of adrenaline and thus satisfies those who need this adrenaline.
Some are attracted by the presence of an element of struggle in order to prove the perfection of a person and the boundlessness of his will to achieve the goal.
These indicators indicate a sufficient level to develop extreme tourism in the Zhambyl region. In our opinion, for the successful development of extreme tourism in the studied regions, it is necessary to develop regional programs of tourist products and services.
Conclusions. Extreme tourism is one of the most dangerous types of tourism; its purpose is to make feel the danger. The task of the state is to make it as safe as possible for the participants and to prevent the uncontrolled use and destruction of natural tourist resources.
Travel agencies in the region are mainly focused on inbound tourism, visa services and air ticket sales. For the development of domestic tourism, it is necessary, first of all, to borrow mutual understanding and cooperation between tour operators and the State Duma.
Also, travel companies of Kazakhstan working with extreme tours are interested in taking not only Kazakhstan athletes, but also tourists from other CIS countries and far abroad. An important step, being the creation of packaged extreme tours, in Kotor will present a product at a very low cost. It is necessary to adopt the foreign experience of travel agencies operating on the principle: «together is cheaper».
In order to attract tourists to Kazakhstan for thrills, it is necessary to create a product that can fully compete with foreign counterparts not only in terms of the quality of service and the richness of the services offered, but also in terms of pricing policy.
Currently, active tourism in Kazakhstan is developing in several directions, one of which is extreme tourism.
Implementation of activities will allow:
- improve the quality of provided sports and extreme services;
- to turn the tourist complex of the regions into a socially and economically significant branch of the economy;
- to set up conditions for the creation of a modern, highly effective sports and recreational tourist complex on the territory of the Republic, accessible to all segments of the population;
- create conditions for the support and development of inbound extreme tourism;
- to ensure the ecological safety of the population at the level of national and international standards, as well as to preserve and rationally use natural resources.
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2. Akimova M. A., Ruban D. A. Ekstremalnyi turizm: sovershenstvovanie klassifikatsii [Extreme tourism: improving classification]. Geograficheskii vestnik [Geographical Bulletin], 2016, vol. 1 (36), pp. 95-103. (In Russian)
3. Kurtzman Yu. Kategorii sportivnogo turizma [Categories of sports tourism]. Zhurnal spor-tivnogo turizma [Journal of Sports Tourism], 2005, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 15-20. (In Russian)
4. Official website of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Organizatsiia Obieedinennykh Natsii Kazakhstan [United Nations Kazakhstan]. (In Russian) Available at: https://kazakhstan.un.org/ru (accessed: 19.06.2021).
5. Official website of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan (January 17, 2014). The Kazakh way - 2050: A single goal, single interests, a single future. (In Russian) Available at: http://tarih-
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Статья поступила 7 марта 2022 г.