DOI 10.24411/2072-8735-2018-10293
Anastasia S. Dotkulova,
Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical
University, Moscow, Russia;
Moscow Technical University of Communications
and Informatics, Moscow, Russia,
Keywords: driver's psychophysiological characteristics, state function, driver reaction, traffic flow, driver testing.
Currently, the issue of measures to ensure the safe management of vehicles is relevant and requires a systematic approach. More obvious is the fact that accident-free driving is associated with the psycho-physiological qualities of the driver. Therefore, an urgent task is to assess the psychological and psycho-physiological characteristics that affect the reliability of the professional activity of drivers.
Training of future drivers for transport services is carried out in almost all countries where automobilization has reached a high level. High-quality and well-developed training methods can improve driver's reliability on road. Further selection of the suitability of drivers can help to reduce the number of traffic accidents and human casualties. However, not all organizations and countries conduct professional selection of drivers, both personal car enthusiasts and drivers of passenger transport. The statistical indicators of road accidents over the past few years show an increase in the number of people killed in car accidents, which gives foundations for investigation of the driver's condition. There is a growing need for research on monitoring the status of the driver using information and communication technologies with collecting and processing data on the status of the driver. Prediction of the reliability of a driver's professional activity is based on the analysis of the psycho-physiological characteristics of the person, as well as the subsequent correction of classical models of traffic theory.
Information about author:
Anastasia S. Dotkulova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University, Moscow, Russia;
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow, Russia
Для цитирования:
Доткулова А.С. Анализ влияния реакции водителя на свойства функции состояния транспортного потока // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2019. Том 13. №7. С. 65-71.
For citation:
Dotkulova A.S. (2019).Analysis of the influence of the driver's reaction on the properties of the transport flow status functions. T-Comm, vol. 13, no.7, pр. 65-71.
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Automobiligation is spreading around ihe world, in large cities, vehicle and pedestrian traffic is intense. Intensive Hows have their own characteristics; different types of vehicles, multi-lane traffic, intersections and ramifications of roads, short distances between vehicles, pedestrian crossings, etc. In this regard, the participants of the movement are required increased attention on the road.
According to Ross tat. in 20t6 in the Russian Federation, 184 thousands road accidents with injuries were recorded, which resulted in 23,114 people killed, and 231,197 injured [1]- According to statistics from traffic police, up to 90% of accidents are caused by human factors, primarily errors made by drivers. It is especially important to explore the main characteristics of the reliability of drivers, affecting traffic safety [2].
Drivers of vehicles should warn in advance about tlteir further actions, monitor the situation on the road, quickly and accurately respond to changes. During heavy tralTic driving, Die driver should always remember that other drivers may have less driving skills and slow response. In each response, there are latent and motor periods [3]. Depending on Hie type of source of irritation, the time of the latent period varies in duration. The time ol the motor period depends on the psycho-physiological characteristics of the person and the possibilities of action. Traffic participant behavior depends on various factors: general physical condition, emotional attitude, psychological characteristics, etc. Often on the road there are cases of deviant behavior of drivers which are not predictable and not always explainable. Some causes of deviant behavior are not social, but biopsy eh ieal. it is important to be able to evaluate them.
Influence of a human factor on a transport flow
Studying the influence of the human factor on the traffic flow, one can identify the main psycho-physiological characteristics:
I. Physiological indicators:
• The central nervous system is the main part of the human nervous system. It consists of two parts: the brain and the spinal eord. The main functions ol the nervous system are to control all vital processes in the body. The brain is responsible for thinking, speaking, coordination. It ensures the functioning of all the senses, ranging from simple temperature sensitivity and ending with vision and hearing. The spinal cord regulates the functioning of the internal organs, provides coordination of their activities and sets the body in motion;
• Cardiovascular system - a system of organs that circulates blood in humans and animals. Due to blood circulation, oxygen, as well as nutrients, arc delivered to organs and tissues of the body, while carbon dioxide, other metabolic products, and waste products are removed;
• Respiratory system - a set of organs and tissues that ensure the exchange of gases in the human body between the blood and the external environment. The respiratory system consists of the lungs and the respiratory tract. Pulmonary contractions are performed with the intercostal muscles and diaphragm. Respiratory tract: nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles;
• Metabolism and heat transfer - a set of physical, chemical and physiological processes of assimilation of nutrients in the body With the release of energy. In Ihe metabolism, there are two
interrelated, but multidirectional processes - anabolism and ca-tabolism;
• Separate biochemical tests;
2. Psychophysiological indicators:
• Higher nervous activity — a set of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes, as well as higher mental functions that provide adequate body behavior in changing natural and social conditions;
• The Junctions of the visual analyzer perceive and analyze light stimuli:
• The functions of the auditory analyzer perceive Sound signals, which are oscillations of air with different frequency and strength, and transform the mechanical energy of these oscillations into nervous excitement;
• The functions of the tactile analyzer are used to analyze all mechanical influences acting on the human body (pressure, touch, vibration);
3. Psychological indicators:
• The psychological structure of the personality is an integral system of qualities and properties that fully characterize a person as a person;
• Psychological personality traits are mental trails that are realized in social groups or in relationships with people. The structure of psychological phenomena is made up of temperament. abilities, character and orientation;
• The psychological state is a temporary originality of the mental activity of the individual, due to the content and conditions of his activity, personal attitude to this activity;
• Psychophysical condition - a holistic reaction of a person to external and internal effects that occur during human life, and provide a specific perception of the surrounding world.
The temperament has an important role on the man's behavior.
Driver temperament
Temperament is a characteristic set of mental features associated with emotional excitability, i.e. the speed at which feelings arise, on the one hand, and their strength, on the other. Temperament is the basis of the formation and development of character. From a physiological point of view, it is due to the type of higher nervous activity of a person and is manifested in the nature of human behavior, in the degree of his vital activity.
The founders of the teachings on temperaments were the doctors of antiquity Hippocrates (VXVllI century BG) and Galen (li centuiy BC). They argued that people differ from each other in the ratio of "body juices": phlegm (lymph, "sputum"), blood (sanguis, sangea. "blood"), yellow bile (chole, "bile, poison") and black bile ( melena chole, "black gall"). Based on this teaching, Galen developed the first interpretation of the typology of temperaments "De temperamentum" (lat, "Proportionality", "correct measure"). They were iden(itied temperaments: sanguine (from the [.atin. Sanguis - blood), phlegmatic (from the Greek. Phlegma - phlegm), choleric (from the Greek. Chole - bile), melancholic (from the Greek. Mclas chole - black bile).
Currently, in the lield of transport psychology, there are 4 types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.
Sanguine are balanced people with increased activity and reactivity. They have lively facial expressions, laugh loudly, love to attract attention to themselves. They have a high threshold of
sensitivity, so they do not notice very weak sounds and light stimuli. Energetic, efficient, resourceful. Sanguine is characterized by quick reactions and switching from one task to another. They easily get used to new people and changes in the external environment.
Choleric - a similar temperament with a sanguine person. Choleric have low sensitivity, high reactivity and activity. Reactivity prevails over activity; therefore, this type is unrestrained, impatient and quick-tempered. Choleric people are more inert than sanguine, therefore they have difficulty switching attention.
Phlegmatic - a little emotional and sensitive. Their high activity prevails over reactivity. Phlegmatic rarely show emotions. They are difficult to laugh or sadden. Phlegmatic people are not rich in mimicry, slow motion, as well as speech. They hardly shift attention from one object to another, slowly changing their skills and habits. Patient, restrained, difficult to find a language with new people.
Melancholic ~ little active, highly sensitive and emotional. Movement and facial expressions inexpressive, quiet voice, timid and unsure of himself. Low-energy, non-stable, slow, quickly tired. Easily distracted, attention dissipated.
Belonging to a particular psycho-type was determined using testing based on the Eysenck circle. Also, using the hardwaresoftware complex "UPDK-MK", developed by Neurokom, a psychodiagnostics study was conducted, defining mental processes such as: level of perception of speed and distance, distribution of attention, emotional stability, reaction time, risk appetite. memory. Psychophysiological and emotional features of a person play an important role in the stability of traffic.
Main characteristics of traffic flow
The traffic flow is represented as a sequence of synchronized sets of vehicles that move at a speed depending on the density of the flow and interact according lo the rules of the road.
The main flow characteristics are:
* The speed of the transport flow v is (he average speed of moving cars in the flow (m/s);
Density of traffic flow p — the number of vehicles located on a stretch of a given length (auto/m);
• Intensity of traffic flow q - the number of cars passing a section of a road per unit of time (auto/s);
Dynamic clearance d,„ - safe distance between cars (m).
Based on the data obtained using the microwave radar SS11D |4| and the study [5 J, a pattern was established between the speed of cars and the distance between them.
As a result of processing data from the radar, we got the field of values along the x axis - the velocity v, which we are trying lo estimate (m/s), along the y axis - the distance dm between cars (m). It turns out that these are straight statistically stable lines. These lines show that in fact the flow of drivers can be classified into several psycho-types. This statement echoes the results presented in [6J.
In [7-8]. the speed of the traffic flow was found by the formula
= where
V^ - deterministic component of the transport stream: d - dynamic clearance; At - average time;
v - average vehicle speed determined by the formula \-r
-, where
a - the probability of the vehicle belonging to a particular class;
//. - the distribution parameter of the duration of the lime interval between drivers trying to move forward; X, - the number of attempts to move;
p - probability of vehicle movement; r - traffic density.
// =—, where t
t - time.
10 15 20 25
a) difficult movement
b) movement along a dedicated lane
c) movement on weekdays
Fig. I. The dependence of the distancing between cars on their speed in different conditions
TJ «
.1 1(3
— 311 ---.
l'n "> IS
il) H — ÎO
»IS *
« in
Flow of drivers of type 4
Density (*n f
J) flow of drivers of type 4 Fig. 4, Status functions of non-uniform flows
Flow of type 1 and type 2 drivers
40 «0 «0 lût»
D«n,ltv |m / sec|
a) (low of type i and type 2 drivers
Flow of type 1 and type 4 drivers
id lit w. 4e so
£*«"! tHy ¡m / Ht|
b) low of type 1 and type 4 drivers Fig. 5. Status functions of non-uniform flows
"phlegmatic". When examining a flow of this type, the state function is decreasing, ft is assumed lliat al low speed, representatives of this type try to keep die distance of the vehicle ahead of them more than the dynamic clearance. On the road, drivers belonging to this type are accustomed to being cautious.
3. Consider a uniform flow of drivers of type 3, similar in its psychophysical characteristics to the type of temperament "sanguine". When examining a flow of this type, the state function is more stable. Drivers with a temperament of a balanced personality, have a good reaction and rarely distracted from the road. It is assumed that the drivers of this type more stable and predictable behavior on the road. This type of drivers warns in advance about their further actions, trying to follow the rules of the traflic regulations.
4. Consider a uniform flow of drivers of type 4, similar in its psychophysical characteristics to the type of temperament "melancholic". When examining a flow of this type, the stale function is similar to the phlegmatic state function. However, the phlegmatic drive at higher speeds, which in adverse weather conditions or poor mental and physical condition entails driver errors when driving.
5. Consider the non-uniform flow of type 1 and lype 2 drivers. With a mixed flow, the state function decreases. The graph shows that the flow rate decreases, and llie density increases. We assume that similar temperaments, preferring to move at an average speed, choose the optimal speed for themselves and move at a minimum safe distance proportional to the dynamic dimension. On the road, drivers of such temperaments understand each other's behavior better and can show qualities ihey are used to. with more minimal risks to driving safety.
6. Consider the non-uniform flow of drivers of type 1 and type 4. Willi a mixed flow, the state function is non-smooth. We assume that the drops arc obtained by the interaction of two types of drivers unlike in temperament. On the road, drivers of such temperaments are accustomed to behave differently. The behavior of drivers of one type is not always predicted by others, which entails delays in making the right decisions, the formation of jams and a greater likelihood of an accident
7. With a heterogeneous flow of mixed types of all drivers, ihc slate function decreases gradually. We assume that this is due lo the fact that while some drivers "take a long time to make a decision", while others "are constantly in a hurry," Hie flow rale remains fairly stable.
As a result of the determination of personality temperament and the study of behavioral qualities on the road, the following conclusions were formulated:
Exploring the graphs of the state function and the main traffic flow diagrams, the following statements are formulated:
1. Consider a uniform flow of drivers of type 1, similar in its psychophysical characteristics to the type of temperament "choleric". When examining a flow of this type, the state function does not go out of the origin of coordinates. It is assumed that even at high speeds the density between cars does not tend to zero. This is due to the fact thai the holistic type of personality is unrestrained, emotional and quick-tempered. On the road, drivers belonging to this type, quite oflen adhere to the "checkered" driving style, violating traffic rules.
2. Consider a uniform flow of drivers of lype 2, similar in its psychophysical characteristics to the type of temperament
1, Sanguine:
a. Positive traits:
• feel great on busy city streets;
• fast switching between tasks;
• good reaction time;
b. Negative qualities:
• unstable to monotonous stimuli;
• easy to lose vigilance.
2. Choleric: a. Positive traits:
• fast response time;
b. Negative qualities:
■ unwilling to be cautious on the road;
• lovers of fast driving;
• often violate traffic rules.
3. Phlegmatic:
a. Positive traits:
• discreel, patient;
• trying to follow all the rules of traffic regulations;
• make fewer mistakes compared with choleric;
• resistant to any monotonous stimuli;
b. Negative qualities:
• hardly switch attention;
• it is more difficult to find the right solution to the problem in an extreme situation.
4. Melancholic:
a. Positive traits:
• discreet, patient;
• trying to follow all the rules of traffic regulations;
b. Negative qualities:
• are often lost in an extreme situation;
■ get tired quickly;
• scattered attention;
• least adapted to driving.
Currently, there is no list of psychophysiological characteristics necessary for the diagnosis of the functional slate of a person in the case of professional selection for the position of a vehicle driver. It is shown that the psycho-physiological state of a person is decisive in solving issues of professional selection far the position of vehicle operators. As a result of the experiment, there is a need to create special techniques and tools (hat study the tendencies of the mental development of a person, determining both
explicitly and implicitly the parameters that increase the reliability of driver's professional activities.
As part of the study, a proprietary software product has been developed that allows, based on knowledge of the physical properties of the individual, to conduct active testing of the psychophysiological and emotional qualities of the driver. Analyzing the data obtained, highlight the properties that have a significant impact on traffic safety.
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Доткулова Анастасия Сергеевна, Московский автомобильно-дорожный государственных технический
университет, Москва, Россия; Московский технический университетсвязи и информатики, Москва, Россия, [email protected]
В настоящее время вопрос о мерах обеспечения безопасного управления автотранспортом средством является актуальным и требует системного подхода. Более очевидным становится факт, что безаварийность связана с психофизиологическими качествами водителя. Поэтому актуальной задачей является оценка психологических и психофизиологических характеристик, которые влияют на надежность профессиональной деятельности водителей при управлении автотранспортным средством. Подготовка будущих водителей для транспортных перевозок проводится почти во всех странах, где автомобилизация достигла высокого уровня. Качественная и грамотно проработанная методика водителей позволяет повысить надежность водителей. Дальнейший отбор пригодности водителей поможет снизить количество дорожно-транспортных происшествий и человеческих жертв. Однако, не во всех организациях и странах проводится профессиональный отбор водителей, причем как личных автолюбители, так и водители пассажирского транспорта. Статистические показатели ДТП за последние несколько лет показывают на рост количества погибших в автомобильных авариях, что дает основания для исследования состояния водителя. Появляется все большая необходимость в исследованиях, посвященных мониторингу состояния водителя с помощью инфокоммуникационных технологий, необходимых для сбора и обработки данных о состоянии водителя. Прогнозирование надежности профессиональной деятельности водителя строится на основе анализа психофизиологических характеристик человека, а также последующей коррекции классических моделей теории трафика.
Ключевые слова: психофизиологические особенности водителя, функция состояния, реакция водителя, транспортный поток, тестирование водителей.
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8. Buslaev A.P., Tatashev A.G. Monotonic random walk on a one-dimensional lattice. Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, 2012, vol. 10, по. 1-2, pp. 130-139.
Информация об авторе:
Доткулова Анастасия Сергеевна, Старший преподаватель кафедры ВМ, Московский автомобильно-дорожный государственных технический
университет, Москва, Россия;
Старший преподаватель кафедры МКиИТ, Московский технический университет связи и информатики, Москва, Россия