УДК 519.866
Khudoyorov L.N. Head of the Department of Software Engineering Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Kharizmi
Karshi branch Axmedova N.F. assistant
Department of Software Engineering Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al-Kharizmi
Karshi branch
Abstract. The article describes the development models of small business and private entrepreneurship in the market segment. In the use of models, the laws of distribution, the random laws on which they operate, the laws of distribution of discrete and continuous random quantities were used.
Key words: small business, private entrepreneurship, distribution laws, random quantities, discrete random quantities, continuous random quantities, Poisson distribution.
In order to econometrically model the development of small business activities in the conditions of the market economy, it is necessary to determine its objective necessity and specific characteristics. Taking this into account, we paid special attention to the importance of information on the activity of small business in achieving the goal of our research, the necessity and precise definition of the modeling object.
In the following years, a number of regulatory documents were adopted by the government of our republic, personally by our president, on the development of small business activities, support of entrepreneurs and creation of a favorable environment.
However, despite this, small business activity in our republic faces a number of problems in its development, including problems in ensuring the implementation of regulatory documents for the development of small business, the existence of laws that require improvement, conducting serious marketing research in this area, selling goods and services, and large companies an example of this is the low level of necessary economic and legal literacy, which allows making scientifically based decisions on problems related to the development of effective strategies and tactics of competition, and the barriers set up by
administrative and supervisory bodies. As a result of these objective and subjective reasons, newly established small business entities often go bankrupt.
With the help of methods and models that are effectively used in assessing the stability of the development of economic sectors in developed countries, to assess the development and prospects of small business activities in our republic in the sector of economic sectors, scientific and methodological problems such as the optimal grouping of regions according to the development of this sector, to determine the attractiveness of economic sectors for small business subjects with the help of break-even analysis, extending the "life cycle" of small business entities, developing additional statistical indicators that ensure monitoring of their stable and proportionate development, solving scientific and practical problems such as econometric modeling and forecasting of small business development trends and prospects in the regions and cities of our republic and practical application the need arises.
It should be noted that in forecasting, the result indicator calculated over time should be monotonic with respect to time. Otherwise, the obtained result cannot show the future real state of the indicator. If the function is not monotonic, then other representations of the time function are used, and then the forecast values are found. Of course, it is necessary to recognize that, in addition to the factors in the model, the development of small business is influenced by objective and subjective factors (policy, legal and regulatory framework, socio-economic situation, global financial and economic crisis, pandemic, etc.).
Also, the role of management organization in the development of small business, issues of making management decisions in small business entities in the conditions of uncertainty are highlighted in the research of some scientists. Also, some scientific works are devoted to problems related to finance-credit relations and their implementation mechanisms in small business entities. Over the years, small business is emerging as a "locomotive" of every society and economy in economic, social and political directions. The emergence and development of small business depends on specific objective reasons in countries with a certain social system and common characteristics.
The goal of small business activities is to achieve results related to the continuity of the modeling process by using innovation to meet growing needs. Profit is an objective prerequisite for running a business, but it is not defined as the main goal of entrepreneurship. However, not every entrepreneurial activity is related to the innovation process, but any entrepreneurial activity is aimed at making a profit, because only entrepreneurial income allows to ensure the activity of the enterprise and assumes the risk when innovation occurs. Profit is the source of enterprise development and allows business to satisfy the need for tangible and intangible benefits.
Japan, which is one of the most developed countries in the field of small business, has advanced experience in this matter. In this country, 99.7% of the total enterprises, 70% of the total employed population, and more than 50% of the
total produced value-added products belong to small business entities. Toyota, Honda, Sony, and other similar companies specialized in the most modern scientific production and competitive in the world market have grown up in Japan based on small enterprises.
In Japan, measures for financial support of the small business sector began in the middle of the last century, and the organizational and legal frameworks were initially created. In 1950, the Small Enterprises Credit Insurance Act was passed, and in 1953, the Credit Guarantee Association Act was passed, and the Japan Finance Corporation for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises was established. To date, a comprehensive system of assistance to small business entities in financial matters has been formed. Together with Japan Finance Corporation, Shoko Chukin Bank, Credit Guarantee Corporations and other financial institutions provide financial support to the industry. The policy of supporting small business enterprises is coordinated by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency.
The modern worldview of the entrepreneur is primarily based on the determination of the profit of the business, of which the exchange or transaction is the main component. Any business has its own owners, and owners need tangible and intangible goods, so increasing the ownership of business units should be considered from the point of view of increasing the profit of the owner. Business owners try to maintain and increase their assets to get more profit.
In the scientific literature, there are many approaches to assigning business structures to a certain category. Among them, there are three most common approaches: quantitative, qualitative and combined.
The conservative policy of the British government created significant financial incentives to promote private entrepreneurship. Special programs were adopted to strengthen small business, consulting services and courses on training business techniques were organized.
Research on small businesses has identified several sources of financing for this sector, including borrowing from private individuals, commercial bank loans, use of special debt guarantee programs, leasing, public and private grant programs, or the use of strategic partners.
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