ANALYSIS OF SMART CITY: CONCEPTION, STANDARD, ARCHITECTURE AND MODEL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Техника и технологии»

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Ключевые слова
conception / standard / architecture / model / smart city / infrastructure / analysis. / konsepsiya / standart / arxitektura / model / aqlli shahar / infratuzilma / tahlil.

Аннотация научной статьи по технике и технологии, автор научной работы — Temirova Dilfuza Xusanovna

This article reviews the network requirements for different applications and identifies the appropriate protocols that can be used at different system levels. In addition, network architectures for five different smart city systems are presented. Consequently, the design and development of efficient network, communication protocols and architectures to meet the growing needs of various important and rapidly developing smart city applications and services are considered.

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Ushbu maqolada turli ilovalar uchun tarmoq talablari ko‘rib chiqiladi va turli tizim darajalarida ishlatilishi mumkin bo‘lgan tegishli protokollar aniqlangan. Bundan tashqari, besh xil aqlli shahar tizimlari uchun tarmoq arxitekturalari taqdim etilgan. Binobarin, turli muhim va tez rivojlanayotgan aqlli shahar ilovalari va xizmatlarining ortib borayotgan ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun samarali tarmoq, aloqa protokollari va arxitekturasini loyihalash va rivojlantirish masalalari ko‘rib chiqilgan.



Temirova Dilfuza Xusanovna

Assistant Professor, Department of Data Communication Networks and Systems,

Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad


[email protected]

Abstract: This article reviews the network requirements for different applications and identifies the appropriate protocols that can be used at different system levels. In addition, network architectures for five different smart city systems are presented. Consequently, the design and development of efficient network, communication protocols and architectures to meet the growing needs of various important and rapidly developing smart city applications and services are considered.

Keywords: conception, standard, architecture, model, smart city, infrastructure, analysis.



Temirova Dilfuza Xusanovna

Muhammad al-Xorazmiy nomidagi Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti "Ma'lumotlarni uzatish tarmoqlari va tizimlari " kafedrasi assistenti

[email protected]

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada turli ilovalar uchun tarmoq talablari ko'rib chiqiladi va turli tizim darajalarida ishlatilishi mumkin bo'lgan tegishli protokollar aniqlangan. Bundan tashqari, besh xil aqlli shahar tizimlari uchun tarmoq arxitekturalari taqdim etilgan. Binobarin, turli muhim va tez rivojlanayotgan aqlli shahar ilovalari va xizmatlarining ortib borayotgan ehtiyojlarini qondirish uchun samarali tarmoq, aloqa protokollari va arxitekturasini loyihalash va rivojlantirish masalalari ko'rib chiqilgan.

Kalit so'zlar: konsepsiya, standart, arxitektura, model, aqlli shahar, infratuzilma, tahlil.


Темирова Дильфуза Хусановна

Ассистент кафедры «Сети и системы передачи данных» Ташкентского университета информационных технологий имени Мухаммада аль-Хорезми

[email protected]

Аннотация: В этой статье рассматриваются сетевые требования для различных приложений и определяются соответствующие протоколы, которые можно использовать на разных уровнях системы. Кроме того, представлены сетевые архитектуры для пяти различных систем «умного города». Следовательно, рассматривается проектирование и разработка эффективных сетей, протоколов связи и архитектур для удовлетворения растущих потребностей различных важных и быстро развивающихся приложений и услуг «умного города».

Ключевые слова: концепция, стандарт, архитектура, модель, умный город, инфраструктура, анализ.


Today, the development stages of introducing innovative technologies of "Smart City" in the world and in our country continue. Preliminary test projects for the introduction of "Smart City" technologies are being implemented in various places of the Republic, in particular, in the city of Tashkent in the directions of "Safe City", "Smart Meters", "Smart Transport", "Smart Medicine" and is being launched. Also, in the city of Nurafshan, along with comprehensive works on the introduction of modern city infrastructure, comprehensive works on the introduction of modern urban planning infrastructure are being carried out within the framework of the "Tashkent City" and "Delta City" projects.

On this basis, one of the important tasks ahead is the in-depth analysis of the decisions made in these directions in foreign countries, conducting practical experiments within the framework of relevant pilot projects and laboratory and field research, as well as developing interesting investment schemes for investors in accordance with the existing conditions and Development of new proposals for flexible business models and search for their existing options are today's urgent issues.

The introduction of "Smart City" technologies increases the efficiency of city management by forming a single digital environment, while providing an opportunity to manage the city as a whole. In the implementation of the innovative development strategy, in the context of global climate changes, priority sectors such as water-saving,

soil fertility-increasing intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and the introduction of digitization technologies require special research.

In this regard, the special importance of the above-mentioned tasks, as well as the introduction of "Smart City" technologies based on the main and priority directions of the state policy in this direction, innovative active organizations by improving the institutional mechanisms of state support for innovative activities increase the share, introduce artificial intelligence, Internet of things and digitization technologies in strategic areas such as robotics, biotechnology, food safety, smart agriculture, smart medicine, smart industry and clustering (copper and winemaking) is an important aspect.

According to the United Nations Population Fund, in 2014, 54 percent of the world's population, approximately 3.3 billion people, lived in cities. By 2030, approximately 66% or 5 billion people will live in cities. This is not only a big problem in building and managing cities, but improving the lives of billions of people is one of the main issues of today. To solve this problem, engineers around the world are turning to new technologies - Cyber Physical Systems, 5G and data analytics; are looking for new approaches ansd solutions that improve urban transport, water and waste management, energy use, infrastructure issues that support urban activities and urban residents' lifestyles, and much more.


There are many definitions of a smart city, and a number of conceptual options have been adopted by replacing the word "smart" with other alternative adjectives (eg, intellectual or digital) (Picture 1). The term "smart city" is a vague concept and is used in inconsistent ways. There is no single template for building a smart city, nor is there a one-size-fits-all definition of a smart city. For example, Hollands [1] refers to the smart city as a "level of urbanization" phenomenon. Nam and Pardo [2] considered the meaning of the term "smart" in the context of "smart city".

In marketing parlance, intelligence focuses on the user's perspective. Due to the need to appeal to a wider base of community members; "smart" is user-friendly and serves better than the term "intelligent", which is limited to having quick thinking and responding to feedback. This interpretation suggests that "smart" is more than "intellectual" and that intelligence is realized when the system adapts to the needs of the user. In the field of urban planning, smartness is seen as a normative requirement and an ideological dimension, while being smarter includes strategic directions.

Picture 1. Smart city concept

Governments and government agencies at all levels are embracing the concept of smartness to differentiate policies and programs aimed at sustainable development, sustainable economic growth, and improved quality of life for citizens [3]. Table 1 presents some definitions of the concept of "smart city" proposed in the literature, which give an idea of the many meanings of a smart city.

Table 1

Definitions of "Smart City"

No Description Source

1. A set of measures aimed at creating modern engineering and communication infrastructures of cities through the introduction of information and communication technologies lex.uz (Decision No. 48 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 18, 2019)

2. A smart city is a city built on visionary directions with six "smart" characteristics www.smart-cities.eu

3. A city that provides sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life through management with the participation of human and social capital investments, traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructures is considered a "smart city". Caragliu et al (2009)

4. A smart city is one that monitors and integrates the status of all critical infrastructures, including roads, bridges, tunnels, rails, subways, airports, seaports, communications, water, energy, and even large buildings. Hall (2000)

5. A smart city is a city that uses physical, IT, social and business infrastructures to form the collective "intelligence" of the city. Harrison et al (2010)

6. A connected and stable, comfortable and safe community Lazaroyu and Roscia (2012)

7. The application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to human capital/education, socioeconomic capital and environmental issues is often illustrated by the concept of the smart city. Lombardi et al (2012)

8. A complex of information and communication technologies that allows for the transfer, analysis and processing of data for the improvement of city services and general well-being Connor Phillips and Junfeng Jiao (2023, ieeeexplore.ieee.org)

9. A smart city is the "city of the future" Evaristus Didik Madyatmadja et al (2021, ieeexplore.ieee.org)

10. Smart to make critical infrastructure components and services, including city government, education, health, public safety, real estate, transportation and utilities, more intelligent, connected and efficient Use of computing technologies. Washburn et al.(2010)

11. Being a smart city means using all available technologies and resources in a smart and coordinated way to develop urban centers that are simultaneously integrated, livable and sustainable Barrionuevo and others

Today, several cities are striving to become smart cities of the digital world. However, there are challenges to overcome in order to achieve this, namely the implementation of a complex plan involving public and private actors (parties), product vendors and suppliers, and IT infrastructure providers. includes A smart city requires a standards-based information technology infrastructure foundation that can meet and support a wide range of requirements and adapt to new technologies such as advanced sensors, measurement and analytics tools, and machine learning and artificial intelligence-based solutions. . In the development of a smart city, public organizations, citizens, state and local authorities, private enterprises play an important role and should be supported by them. The benefits of a smart city include greater prospects for sustainability, disaster prevention, business, public safety and quality of life. However, there are key challenges that need to be addressed for a smart city, including: commodification, social and digital containment, privacy and surveillance.

Moreover, building a smart city is a huge task because several working parts and components are involved, particularly the domains of smart cities [4]. Most smart cities are not built from scratch or all in one go. The development of a smart city is a gradual process and we are witnessing that the city is gradually becoming smarter. Over time,

separate areas (areas) of a smart city will develop together and be interconnected, but the condition for using the same consistent technical rules provided for in technical standards is provided for them.

In our opinion, standards and standardization have not always existed. In fact, standardization associations and organizations began their activities a little more than 100 years ago. The oldest institution of this type in the world is the British Standards Institute (BSI), which was founded in 1901, but the first national standard appeared in the same BSI only in 1903, or rather, was officially published [5]. The emergence of the world standardization system is in very recent history, that is, in 1946, the International Organization for Standardization, or ISO, was established. In fact, technological international committees such as IEEE are even younger. However, despite the relatively late start of international standardization organizations, today standards and the standardization process itself have become one of the main factors that contribute to world development, the globalization of markets and industries, and mainly determine the success of certain business and even political initiatives. In fact, there is a lot to be said about standards, but they can be applied publicly, collectively, and collectively so that all participants of a system or process have the same concepts and values of properties in a certain subject, field, and direction. The object used must be standardized.

At first, company or association standards appeared, then with their great commercial success they became national, and then they became international with the participation of representatives of different countries who are members of international standardization organizations. Of course, there are other ways of disseminating standards - for example, one country's standards can be localized for another country, or another country can include a country as a partner in the road map for the preparation of these documents. And in the 21st century, when the need to adopt new technical rules or standards often determines the success of certain economic decisions, such alternative methods of adopting standards are increasingly used. Usually, in both the first and second cases, everything is determined by the success of using a certain standard or its "popularity". In addition, adopted international standards are localized with references to international digitization in a given country. Thus, in principle, the transfer of tested solutions is carried out and the conditions for the international division of labor are created.

In practice, in the process of standardization, practices based on proven evidence, including economic practice, material resources, are taken into account, rather than the idea of using a system or object. At the same time, the possibility of disseminating this or that standard requires the successful implementation of its application not only in one country with the same conditions, but also in different countries with different climatic, social, economic and legal conditions. This creates

conflicting requirements for the content of standards, which must be specific enough to be applicable in a particular country and general enough to be applicable across countries.

From this point of view, the UK standards group dedicated to the smart city has achieved the greatest success to date. It is these standards that have been presented to ISO, an international organization for standardization, and its members, including Uzbekistan, are invited to be considered as a basis for creating national standards on this subject, of course, taking into account the wishes and considerations. This is expressed by the members of the standardization organization.

The table below compares the local standards of the "smart city" with international standards (Table 2).

Table 2

Comparative analysis of smart city standards

"Smart city" criteria and standards Direction and Criteria

City management Economy Transportation Telecommunication Energy Housing Ecol ogy Security Education Health care Culture Tourism Innovation

Israel standards + + + + + - + + + + - - +

BSI standards - + + + + + + + + + - - +

Smart Cities Mission criteria + - - + + - + - - + - - -

ITU criteria - + + + - + + + + + - - +

Russian standards + - + + + + + - - - - + +

Uzbekistan standards + + + + + - - + + + - + +


The Snap4City architecture presented in Badii, Bellini, Difino, & Nesi [6] is the architecture of the Snap4City platform developed as a result of a research challenge initiated by the European Commission's Select4Cities Pre-Commercial Procurement H2020 research and development project. The proposed platform meets all the key requirements presented, that is, it focuses on attributes such as ease of use, interoperability, flexibility, scalability, open source, modularity, and reliability, in addition to security and privacy.

A SmartGC architecture is proposed by Ramalho, Rossetti, Cacho, & Souza [7] for a smart city garbage collection application. According to Kong & Wang [8], the architecture is based on the concept of Artificial Transportation System (ATS), which applies the methods and theory of artificial society to the transportation system by

applying high-performance computing technologies and agent-based modeling combines simulation methods. According to the researchers, the SmartGC architecture includes several quality attributes: portability, scalability, data availability, security and access control, real-time and batch data processing, and ease of use. An enterprise architecture for smart cities based on The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) was proposed in Jnr [9]. The architecture focuses on efficient distribution and storage of energy data for energy consumption in smart city buildings and electric vehicles using data from an open, online mode in real time . The architecture also uses data openness to ensure interoperability between components.

Jnr, Petersen, Ahlers, and Krogstie [10] proposed a "big data-driven multi-stage architecture" for Electric Vehicle (EV) usage, location points, routes, movement, charging stations, parking uses application programming interfaces (APIs) to process heterogeneous data resulting from localization. The architecture enables interoperability in a smart city by offering flexible and large-scale processing of data about traffic points in real-time and on the basis of aggregated data. A System of System software architecture based on IoT was proposed by Aziz, Musharaf and Syed in their research. Researchers have combined the microservice architecture style (a variation of service-oriented architecture) with cloud computing to achieve key quality attributes. The architecture was tested in smart city applications and evaluated on the quality attributes of scalability and sustainability. A hybrid architecture based on blockchain technology and Software Defined Network (SDN) for smart cities was proposed by Singh, Tripathi, Waliya, Deepika, and Anjuda. The architecture aims to address the challenges of smart cities, including privacy and security, scalability, latency and high bandwidth utilization.

The results of the researchers proved to be effective in improving the identified problems. From the reviewed works, it is clear that there is an inextricable link between quality attributes and smart city architecture.

The quality attributes described and defined above were categorized according to the product quality model defined in the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 [11] standard. The product quality control model divided quality attributes into eight high-level categories as follows:

- Functional compatibility;

- Work efficiency;

- Compliance;

- Ease of use;

- Reliability;

- Security;

- The ability to restart;

- Portability

The above categories consist of a set of interrelated subcategories. Researchers have used different terms for quality attributes (QA), such as "modifiability" and "modularity" related to "Reusability"; and terms like "reaction time", "latency", "speed", "throughput" are related to "Performance". A review of the literature shows that research has been conducted on harmonizing the terms and classifying them into appropriate high-level categories.

Different architectures have been proposed to address different quality attributes, and there is no single architecture that addresses all quality attributes (Table 3). This idea is reasonable because cities have different characteristics, such as government and political structure, economic model, social and cultural activities [10], [12]. However, despite these differences, some key quality attributes are very important and must be satisfied by smart city architecture. In this thesis , four key quality attributes are proposed based on the considered architectures for smart cities, regardless of city characteristics.

Various components and participants are involved in the implementation of smart city projects: sensors, equipment and device suppliers, communication providers, service providers, business service innovations. Users of smart cities use services from various sectors such as industry, utilities, transport/logistics, and healthcare. These various components form a tiered architecture (Picture 2). Picture 2 shows the importance of ICT in building smart cities by connecting applications/services and urban infrastructure such as power grids, roads, parking lots. Much of the current research on smart cities concerns the data layer, and smart city data security, privacy, reliability, data sharing, standardization, services and commercialization are the most important areas currently being explored in experiments, presentations and projects. is being viewed.

Table 3

Quality attributes for a smart city


REFERENCES Functional Suitability Performance Efficiency Compatibility Usability Reliability Security Maintainability Portability

Silva et al + + + + + + +

Kakarontzas et al + + + + +

Kyriazopoulou + + + + + +

Bastidas et al + + + + + +

Santana et al + + +

Paul + + +

Khan et al + + +

Badii et al + + + + + +

Nitti et al + + + + +

Ramalho et al + + + + + +

Singh et al + + +

Aziz et al + +

FREQUENCY 4 7 7 3 6 11 6 9

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Picture 2. Functional steps of a smart city

There is much to say about what data cities have, how data can be collected, enriched, analyzed and effectively used in practice. However, the main direction in data collection, processing, exchange and storage is the layer of communication networks connecting the urban infrastructure. Basically, communication networks are used to transmit any type of data (video, audio, text, and any digital information) from a local area network (LAN) to a global network (WAN). The network infrastructure is manifested in the form of hardware and software. . In fact, the layer of communication networks is the main means of information transmission, in which applications and services are connected through one or more networks, which is a key factor in the data transmission of smart city applications. In a smart city, communication networks define and describe the ways in which smart city objects can effectively communicate with each other, where the smart city creates "intelligence" and is organized to provide high-quality services. Therefore, the role of such communication networks in supporting smart city applications is important. Sometimes, because the concepts of smart cities are too big compared to communication network projects, communication networks are often seen as the last stage of city projects, which leads to a decrease in the "intelligence" index of a smart city.

Energy infrastructure is the single most important part of any city. For this reason, electricity networks are established as critical national infrastructure (CNI). If electricity is not available for a sufficient period of time, the functions of all other important organizations such as security, police, telecommunications will be affected. In this, the smart grid controls the transmission and distribution of electricity, from the production plant to the consumer premises, by controlling and monitoring the

electricity and water infrastructure at all levels. A smart grid is defined by the IEEE as an automated network capable of monitoring and responding to changes in everything from individual appliances to home appliances. A global but incomplete structure of smart grid applications is shown in Picture 3. A smart grid is at the heart of a smart city, enabling smart city applications and services to run efficiently.

The applications and processes of smart cities use big data, data collection, processing and sharing. Therefore, reliable communication and network infrastructure must form the basis of smart cities to enable data transmission. A large number of applications form the practical stage of smart city architecture, where each application has its own ICT requirement. Therefore, the construction of such ICT infrastructure includes different technologies depending on the deployment environment.

Picture 3. Intelligent network architecture

Wireless technologies are the most sought-after solutions because they meet the ICT requirements of smart city applications (economical, social benefits, flexibility and ease of deployment). However, there are still problems waiting to be solved in wireless communication, such as power consumption, simplicity and ease of installation, large coverage area. To overcome these challenges, equipment manufacturers and mobile operators have joined forces to develop and implement new wireless technologies called low-power wireless networks.


This article outlines the four-tiered architecture of a smart city. Requirements and problems in the implementation of a smart city are studied. A hierarchical data management architecture is considered, which facilitates the efficiency, availability and scalability of services and the management of distributed data across the region.

The service-oriented feature of the considered architecture is suitable for the heterogeneous environment of a smart city. The digital management stage is also one of the main stages of the smart city, but it is related to the technical aspects of the considered smart city architecture.

The smart city paradigm combines CPS, IoT, WSNs, Cloud Computing, UAV, these important new technologies to improve the quality of life of city residents, ensure efficient use of resources and reduce operational costs. In order for the reviewed model to achieve its goals, it is essential to ensure effective networking and communication between the various components involved in supporting various smart city applications. This section reviewed the network requirements for different applications and identified the appropriate protocols that can be used at different system levels. In addition, network architectures for five different smart city systems are presented. Critical requirements such as routing, energy efficiency, security, reliability, mobility, and heterogeneous network support must be addressed. Consequently, more research and studies are required to lead to the design and development of efficient network, communication protocols and architectures to meet the growing needs of various critical and rapidly developing smart city applications and services.


1. Hollands, R. (2008) "Will the real smart city please stand up? - Intelligent, progressive or entrepreneurial?", City - Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 303- 320. DOI: 10.1080/13604810802479126

2. Nam, T., & Pardo, T. A. (2011). Smart city as urban innovation. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance - ICEGOV '11. doi: 10.1145/2072069.2072100

3. Maxmudov, S., Temirova, D. Smart Cities: Concepts, Standarts, Frameworks, Models, Technologies // International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies Applications, Trends and Opportunities (ICISCT 2022), 3rd, 4th and 5th of November 2022, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. - 7 p.

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5. https://www. ice.org.uk/what-is-civil-engineering/what-do-civil-engineers-do/british-standards-institution

6. Badii, C., Bellini, P., Difino, A., & Nesi, P. (2019). Sii-mobility: An IoT/IoE architecture to enhance smart city mobility and transportation services. Sensors (Switzerland), 19(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/s19010001

7. Ramalho, M. S., Rossetti, R. J. F., Cacho, N., & Souza, A. (2020). SmartGC: A software architecture for garbage

8. collection in smart cities. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation, 16(2), 79-93. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijbic.2020.109675

9. Kong, Q., & Wang, F. (2013). An Overview of Artificial Transportation Systems. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, (July). https://doi.org/10.1109/S0LI.2013.6611420

10. https://www.opengroup.org/togaf

11. Jnr, B. A., S. A. Petersen, D. Ahlers, and J. Krogstie. 2020b. "Big Data Driven Multi-tier Architecture for Electric Mobility as a Service in Smart Cities." International Journal of Energy Sector Management. doi: 10.1108/IJESM-08-2019-0001.

12. https: //www.iso. org/standard/35733. html

13. Maxmudov, S., Temirova, D. Load Balancing Method in Smart City Networks based Software Defined Networking // International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies Applications, Trends and Opportunities (ICISCT 2021), 3rd, 4th and 5th of November 2021, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. - 6 p.

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