Научная статья на тему 'Analysis of production and consumption foods in Lugansk region'

Analysis of production and consumption foods in Lugansk region Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
food production and consumption / agricultural production / price parity / the support of the state / продукты питания / производство и потребление / сельскохозяйственное производство / паритет цен / поддержка государства

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — S. O. Volvak

The influence of production on the consumption of food in the Lugansk region on human health. The comparison of the experiences of developed countries, is justified, that in modern conditions the essential foundation for the success of agricultural enterprises is to regulate the state of parity prices for farm products and manufactured goods, financial support of the state and the restriction of entry of imported food products

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Анализ производства и потребления продуктов питания в Луганской области

Рассматривается влияние производства на потребление продуктов питания в Луганской области на здоровье людей. Приведено сравнение опыта развитых стран, обосновано, что в современных условиях важнейшей основой успешной деятельности сельскохозяйственных предприятий является регулирование государством паритета цен на сельскохозяйственные продукты и промышленные товары, финансовая поддержка государства и ограничение ввоза импортных продуктов питания.

Текст научной работы на тему «Analysis of production and consumption foods in Lugansk region»

--Marketing -

УДК: 338/43(477)

S. O. Volvak,

Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine


Formulation of the problem. Nutrition and safety of food render the most direct influence on public health and are important for everyone. Properly balanced diet, which allows to satisfy the physiological needs of the body and regular physical activity are important prerequisite for good health.

Analysis of recent studies and publications. Issues of food consumption covered in many publications. They relate to the dynamics of consumption, the typology of the national economy in terms of development, assessing the level of food consumption, the state's food security. Thus, corresponding member of UAAS B. Pashover [1] analyzes the changes in food consumption per capita in Ukraine, calorie consumption and cost of the product, lack of food supply for 1960 — 2005. compared with the rational standards elaborated UkrNII nutrition and performance of developed countries in terms of the current state of food security. Firsov, EA [2] investigates the food consumption by age groups reveals the reasons for the differences and their impact on human health during the economic crisis in Ukraine. However, these issues are not sufficiently explored at the regional level.

The publication is intended to identify correlation between changes in production and consumption of basic foodstuffs in the country, an analysis of their level of consumption, the study of changes in mortality rates in the Luhansk region by age group, identifying their causes, the identification of changes in fertility by age groups of

women and the direction of increasing food production , to improve their consumption.

Basic material. In the transition to market relations food production has declined. This is one of the main causes of decline in food consumption and deterioration of their structure. Part of the output is exported, often devoted to storage and other purposes, some products are imported. To a certain extent affects the level of consumption. But Table 1 shows that the increased consumption of all foods at the same time, production increased only when compared with 2000 for grain crops, sunflower, vegetables and melons, milk and eggs. Compared with the level of 1995. then a decrease in the production of all food and increase their consumption, and in 2009 was the production of sugar beet. This means that consumption is met by imported food.

There is a shortage of most food products in comparison with the norms of a balanced diet, set UkrNII supply (Table 2).

Especially significant deficit of meat and meat products (50,8%), milk and dairy products (53,3%), fruit crops (65,0%). Still lower consumption of these products in socially disadvantaged populations. Thus, in a group of incapacitated persons consumption of meat products below that level by 54,2%, milk — by 68.3%, fruits—by 68.4%.

Medical research found that health depends largely on the level and balance of nutrients. Food supplies the body not only energy resources but also ensures the supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and

Table 1

f food per capita in Lugansk

Production Consumption

Types of products 2009. versus Types of products 2009. versus

1995, (+,-),% 2000, (+,-), % 1995, (+,-),% 2000, (+,-), %

Cereals - 5 5,5 + 168,4 Bread products + 0,3 + 2,9

Sugar beet - - Sugar + 40,7 + 6,4

Sunflower seeds - 30,3 + 97,0 Oil + 60,6 +53,8

Potato - 40,1 +31,1 Potato +32,3 + 12,3

Vegetables and melons - 51,8 + 24,2 Vegetables and melons + 70,7 + 48,1

Fruits, berries, grapes - 88,5 - 61,6 Fruits, berries, grapes + 29,6 + 33,5

Meat (slaughter weight) - 74,6 - 5,6 Meat and meat products + 18,6 + 78,2

Milk - 73,1 + 11,6 Milk and dairy - 14,4 + 45,6

Eggs - 26,0 + 112,5 Eggs + 70,5 + 93,9

Економiчний вюник Донбасу № 4 (22), 2010

Table 2

The consumption of basic foodstuffs per capita in Lugansk

Types of products Rational consumption rate of food UkrNII kg / year Actual consumption in the EU (2002), kg / year Actual consumption, kg / year 2009 Increase (+), decrease (-) consumption in comparison, in%

1990 2000 2009 1990 2000 norm UkrNII Food

Meat and meat products 83 95 79,9 22,9 40,8 - 48,9 + 78,2 -50,8

Milk and dairy 380 363 381,6 121,9 177,5 - 53,5 + 45,6 - 53,3

Eggs 290 225 236 131 254 +7,6 + 93,9 - 12,4

Fish and fish products 20 24 17,5 7,6 14,7 - 16,0 93,4 - 26,5

Sugar 38 41 48,8 38,7 40,8 - 16,4 + 5,4 + 7,4

Oil 13 19 13,5 10,6 16,3 + 20,7 + 53,8 + 25,4

Potato 124 81 98,7 108,0 121,3 + 22,9 + 12,3 -2,2

Vegetables and melons 161 116 99,7 83,2 123,1 + 23,5 + 48,1 - 23,5

Fruits, berries, grapes 90 110 37,5 23,6 31,5 - 16,0 + 33,5 - 65,0

Bread products 102 97 124,9 112 115 - 7,7 + 2,9 + 12,7

Calories kcal / day 3387 3456 3 597 2733 2874 - 20,1 + 5,2 - 15,1

mineral salts, which are required for renewal of cells and tissues of humans. Food is also needed for the formation of enzymes, hormones and other regulators of metabolism. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition significantly reduces the body's defenses, which contributes to the emergence of many diseases.

Significant deficits in the Lugansk region, can not adversely affect human health. In particular, this manifests itself in increased mortality. In 1985 and 1990 the number of deaths per 1000 population did not exceed an average of 12.2, then in 2000 their number had risen to 17.6, and in 2005 to 18,3 in 2009 the mortality rate dropped to 16, 9. This apparent effect of a combination of reasons, including changes in living conditions of people in a transformation of the economy, the uncertainty of many people in the future, political instability, but is certainly important malnutrition. At the same time in the European Union consumption of most products is close to rational norms of consumption and in most of these countries a decrease in mortality. For example, in Austria, the mortality rate declined from 8.8 in 1990 to 8.4 in 2005, in Germany, respectively, from 11,5 to 10,1, in Belgium, from 10,6 to 10,0, the United Kingdom of 11 , 2 to 9,9, Sweden — from 11,1 to 9,9. These data confirm the influence of nutrition on human health [2].

Analysis of mortality in Ukraine by age groups (Table 3) for 1990, the most significant increase in mortality occurred in the most able-bodied populations, namely in the 25-29 age group — by 37,2%, 30-34 years — at 64, 7%, 35-39 years — at 43.7%, 40-44 years — 54,2%. This unfortunate trend is particularly worrying, as it increases the proportion of people of retirement age, which can not create additional problems for the retention

of funds in the pension fund. This trend can be explained by the fact that inadequate and unbalanced diet are most affecting the health of those groups that perform the most difficult and responsible work. In terms of malnutrition, they suffer nervous stress and stress, which in turn can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system that is the main causes of death in modern conditions. According to official statistics, 64.1% of people die due to diseases of the cardiovascular system [3].

During 19 last years, the population in Ukraine declined by 5875.6 thousand people or 11,3%, Lugansk region 535,1 thousand people or 18,7%.

To overcome the tendency to reduce the population of no small importance is the increase in fertility. From the data (Fig. 1) shows that in 1960 the birth rate was at 24 births per 1000 population, for 1965-1985 GG — 15 people. But since 1990, fertility begins to decline: in 2000, its level dropped to 6,2. It also shows the impact of economic crisis, there has been increasing fertility. Since 2002, an increase in fertility.

Undoubtedly, an important role in this played cash benefits to families on the birth of the first, second and third child respectively 12, 25 and 50 thousand UAH. respectively. In 2009 the fertility rate rose in comparison with 2005 by 25,7%. Nevertheless, the number of deaths this year exceeds the number of births at 81,0%.

In 2009, the most significantly increased the number of births among women from 30 to 39 years (Table 4). Increased fertility and women aged from 25 to 29 years and 40 — 44 years. Apparently, this shows the influence of the experience of women in this age and well-established way of life in their families. Virtually no increase fertility aged 20-24 years, who before going to the market

EKOHOMMHHH BiCHHK ^OHÖacy № 4 (22), 2010

Table 3

Changing mortality rates in Lugansk region in general and by age

1990 2000 2009 Increase (+), decrease (-) 2009. % of 1990

Number of deaths per 1 00 thousand resident population including age, years 1221,1 1774,2 1692,9 + 38,6

0-4 322,8 318,8 281,1 -12,9

5-9 51,1 49,8 25,8 - 49,5

10-14 38,6 44,5 32,1 - 16,8

15-19 102,2 116,9 81,2 - 20,5

20-24 162,0 194,9 163,1 + 0,7

25-29 171,6 286,4 235,5 + 37,2

30-34 212,3 365,9 349,6 + 64,7

35-39 299,8 538,2 429,8 + 43,4

40-44 418,5 774,3 645,4 + 54,2

45-49 644,2 1092,0 840,8 + 30,5

50-54 958,0 1 530,7 1261,5 +31,7

55-59 1485,3 2012,9 1656,8 + 11,5

60-64 2094,8 3018,8 2257,1 + 7,7

65-69 2964,4 4140,5 3283,2 + 10,8

70 years and older 8645,1 10519,7 8056,4 - 6,8

Dinamics of birth rate in the Lugansk region (1960- 2009)

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009


conditions were most prolific. An important reason for this is the deterioration of opportunities to purchase housing in relation to their dramatic price increase during the economic crisis, as well as other goods necessary for normal life newlyweds. The total fertility rate indicates the number of children, which can give birth to an average of one woman at the present level of fertility. It declined in 2000 to 47,1%, and in 2009 increased by 44,4%.

The analysis shows great importance to increase food production for human health, reducing mortality in the country. The decline in production occurred in the agricultural enterprises for several reasons. High-value businesses have greater potential to achieve higher production efficiency than the small and low marketable economy. This is due to greater capacity of large farms in the use of such factors as the social division of labor

and production, more efficient use of high technology and other scientific and technological progress. But to realize the potential of agricultural enterprises must carry out the objective requirements of economic laws of commodity production, and the first of them it is a requirement of equivalence of commodity exchange. This demand is just not satisfied because of a disproportionate increase in the prices of manufactured goods in comparison with the prices of agricultural products during the transition to market relations. In modern terms the agricultural enterprises can not do without significant government financial support. This is due primarily to the fact that the industry remains competitive because of the mass of producers. They can not influence the level of prices for agricultural goods, while industrial enterprises in some way use the monopoly prices for

EKOHOMMHHH BiCHHK ^OHSacy № 4 (22), 2010

Table 4

Number of births per 1000 women by age in Lugansk

1990 2000 2009 2000% to 1990 2009 % to 2000

Women aged 15-4 9 49,3 23,8 36,5 48,3 153,4

including 20 64,0 29,6 31,1 46,3 105,1

20-24 145,4 81,1 83,7 55,8 103,2

25-29 79,6 42,5 71,6 53,4 168,5

30-34 39,4 19,4 44,6 49,2 229,9

3 5-39 14,0 5,4 16,7 38,6 309,3

40-44 2,8 1,0 3,0 35,7 300,0

45-49 0,1 0,0 0,1 - 100,0

Total fertility 1,7 0,9 1,3 52,9 144,4

their products consumed on farms. As a result, part of the income generated in agriculture, is distributed through the price mechanism in other sectors of the economy.

It must be noted and the need to reduce quotas on food imports of agricultural products, especially those that can be done in Ukraine. Minister AIC believes that Ukraine is already 3-4 years can double the production of agricultural products [4]. These issues will be covered in more detail in further studies on the problem of food security of the country and regions.

Conclusions and suggestions. The analysis of production and consumption showed that the decrease in agricultural production has negatively affected the food consumption and health. Necessary to increase the volume of agricultural production. The experience of developed countries, in modern terms the essential foundation for the success of agricultural enterprises is to regulate the state of parity prices for farm products and manufactured goods consumed in agriculture, and direct government subventions to agricultural enterprises. Such assistance is actually the way to restore an equivalent exchange between agriculture and other sectors of the economy. Restriction of entry of imported food will also help support domestic producers.


1. Paskhaver B. Modern state of food safety / Economy of Ukraine, 2006. — № 4. — P. 43—49. 2. Firsov Е.А. An analysis of production and consumption of food stuffs in Ukraine [Electronic resource]. — Access mode: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/ portal/chem_biol/nvlnau/Ekon/2009_6/articles/ EA_Firsov.pdf. 3. Statistical Yearbook of the Lugansk region of 2009. — Lugansk, 2010. — 770 p. 4. Internet-resource: http://file.liga.net/market/3.html. 5. VI Smolyar Nutrition. — K. : Science. Dumka, 1991. — 308 p.

Volvak S. A. Analysis of production and consumption foods in Lugansk region

The influence of production on the consumption of food in the Lugansk region on human health. The

comparison of the experiences of developed countries, is justified, that in modern conditions the essential foundation for the success of agricultural enterprises is to regulate the state of parity prices for farm products and manufactured goods, financial support of the state and the restriction of entry of imported food products.

Key words: food production and consumption, agricultural production, price parity, the support of the state.

Вольвак С. О. Аналiз виробництва та спожи-вання продук^в харчування в Луганськш обласп

Розгаядаеться вплив виробництва на споживан-ня продукпв харчування в Луганськш област на здоров'я людей. Приведено порiвняння досвщу розвине-них краш, обгрунтовано. що в сучасних умовах най-важлившою основою устшно! дгяльносп сшьсько-господарських тдприемств е регулювання державою паритету щн на сшьськогосподарсьш продукти i про-мисловi товари, фшансова тдтримка держави та об-меження ввозу iмпортних продукпв харчування.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Ключовi слова: продукти харчування, виробниц-тво та споживання, сшьськогосподарське виробницт-во, паритет щн, тдтримка держави.

Вольвак С. А. Анализ производства и потребления продуктов питания в Луганской области

Рассматривается влияние производства на потребление продуктов питания в Луганской области на здоровье людей. Приведено сравнение опыта развитых стран, обосновано, что в современных условиях важнейшей основой успешной деятельности сельскохозяйственных предприятий является регулирование государством паритета цен на сельскохозяйственные продукты и промышленные товары, финансовая поддержка государства и ограничение ввоза импортных продуктов питания.

Ключевые слова: продукты питания, производство и потребление, сельскохозяйственное производство, паритет цен, поддержка государства.

Received by the editors: 08.10.2010

and final form in 01.12.2010

Економiчний вюник Донбасу № 4 (22), 2010

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