Niyazova R.R., Hasanova G.M.
Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture, Tashkent, Uzbekistan DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.7.76.944
In this research article conducted a study to identify the most effective interactive teaching methods on a theoretical lesson on the subject of "Theory and methodology of triathlon" with students at the Uzbek state University of physical culture and sports. Discusses guidelines for the use of active and interactive forms of classes, for the formation and development of professional and pedagogical skills of students.
Keywords: active and interactive methods, physical culture, education, method, case study, Venn diagram, graphic organizer Cluster "fish skeleton".
Relevance. The state educational standard of higher education of the Republic of Uzbekistan sets among many requirements for the educational process-the use of active and interactive forms of classes for the formation and development of professional skills of students [1, 2].
The introduction of interactive forms of education is one of the most important directions for improving the training of students in a modern University, where the teacher shows not only his competence and erudition, but also knows how to attract students with new forms of educational and cognitive activity. For this purpose, individual, pair and group work is organized, project activities are used, role-playing games are held, work with documents and various sources of information is carried out. The teacher creates an educational communication environment that will facilitate business interaction between participants with mutual assessment and control [2, 4, 5].
Purpose of research: to determine the most effective interactive teaching methods that contribute to the activation of educational and cognitive activities of students of the Uzbek state University of physical culture and sports, when studying the topic "Technology of development of the power component in triathletes using non-traditional means".
The hypothesis of the study. It was assumed that the educational process with the use of active and interactive methods, based on the inclusion of all students in the group without exception, and each of them makes an individual contribution to the solution of the task by actively sharing knowledge, ideas, ways of activity, in contrast to traditional classes, where the student is a passive listener, will increase the level of knowledge of students and interest in classes.
Scientific novelty of the research:
- it is determined that with" active " training, the organization and management of the educational process are aimed at fully activating the educational and cognitive activities of students through the wide use of both didactic and innovative organizational and managerial tools and methods;
- it is revealed that for the productive development of knowledge in the discipline "Theory and methodology of triathlon", the teacher must create an educational communication environment that will
facilitate business interaction of participants with mutual assessment and control;
- experimentally determined the effectiveness of the introduction of interactive forms of education, as one of the most important areas of improving the training of students in a modern University.
In the course of organizing and conducting a training session on the subject "Theory and methodology of triathlon", the topic "Technology of development of the power component in triathletes using non-traditional means" was revealed. Before the lesson, the following tasks were set: awakening students 'interest in learning; effective assimilation of educational material; students' independent search for ways and options for solving the set educational task; learning to work in a team: showing tolerance to different points of view, respect for the rights of everyone to freedom of speech; formation of students ' own opinions based on certain facts; reaching the level of conscious competence of the student.
During the organization and conduct of the training session, the teacher used the following interactive forms: case-study (analysis of specific situations, situational analysis); Venn diagram; work in small groups graphic organizer Cluster; "Fish skeleton" (Ishikawa model); discussion of complex and debatable issues and problems (take a position, scale of opinions, PEEC-formula (P-position; E-explanation; E-example; C — consequence/judgment)) [3,4].
It should be noted that during the preparation of classes based on interactive forms of learning, the teacher faced the question not only of choosing the most effective form of training for studying a specific topic, but also of the possibility of combining teaching methods, which undoubtedly contributes to the most profound understanding of the topic.
To solve this problem, the teacher relied on the following methodological principles:
•an interactive lesson is not a lecture, but a joint work of students on a specific problem;
•all participants in the educational process are equal regardless of age, social status, work experience;
•each participant has the right to have their own opinion on the issue under study;
•criticism of the individual is unacceptable (only an idea or incorrect information can be criticized).
Eepa3uucKuu COK>3 YneHbix (ECY) # 7(76), 2020
In the course of the lesson, technologies for the using non-traditional means and methods, which were development of special power qualities were analyzed clearly presented in table 1.
Table 1
Using traditional and non-traditional means of developing the power component in triathletes
№ Traditional means of power development non-Traditional means of power development
Exercises for hands
1 Push-up with a wide and narrow grip Pull-UPS with reverse grip Pull-UPS with a straight grip Pull down with straight hands on the block Baibell pull to the chest Pull down on the block Throwing a stuffed ball down while standing Push-UPS on bars Flexion of the arms in the wrist joints with a barbell "Instability" - push-up from the floor with a stuffed ball Mahi kettlebell Abduction of the forearm on the block Pallover with a dumbbell "flying ball" throw a stuffed ball over your shoulder Drawing the hands back in a tilt using an elastic band
Exercises for the body
2 Pull-UPS in the tilt Steps with a barbell Chest pull in the sitting position on the block Scissors Lifting the legs from the prone position with a turn (using the cuffs on the legs, and hold the neck in your hands) Plank push-up position on the forearms "Woodcutter" "Reverse woodcutter" "Burpee" "Russian twist» Lunge with bending arms with dumbbells on the biceps Flexing the legs on the ball in the bridge position Reverse twisting "Skating rink" Twisting on the ball with turns and body
Exercises for the legs
3 The reduction of the hips. Squats with a barbell or on a special simulator Squats with a barbell press The push platform Exercises for the muscles of the back of the thigh, lying on your stomach with the leg hook of the simulator Exercises for the muscles of the back of the thigh, sitting on the simulator, lifting the legs at a right angle Lunges forward, sideways Running up the stairs Walking up on a pedestal. Squats in the floor-squat on two legs with a small weight in the back. Squats on one leg (with weight behind). Bounces on one leg with a short support phase with weighted cuffs. Reduction of the back surface of the hip in the phase of removal from the support, working with the resistance of rubber "Goose step" with thighs parallel to the ground and a pelvis turn Jumping out with 90° angles up and changing legs in flight Hip extension forward, with rubber. Attacks on the rise, with the weight. Lunges back and forth, with the weight above the head. Lunges to the right and left, with the weight above the head. Jumping on the foot Running on sand, in deep snow and with weights.
Research result. As the results of the study showed during the experiment, the most effective, almost equally, in the study of the proposed topic were interactive methods of teaching case studies (26.1%), Venn diagram (22.7%), fish skeleton (24.2%). in our opinion, this is due to the fact that these methods allow for the analysis and synthesis of the proposed problem, and the development of a model of practical action is an effective means of forming the professional qualities
of students. The cluster (12.3%) and PEEC-formula (14.7%) methods used were less productive, in our opinion, due to the lack of variation in students ' thinking, the ability to establish comprehensive connections of the studied topic, and to argue their opinion. The obtained data is based on the analysis of the conducted testing among students on the passed topic (Diagram 1).
Diagram 1.
The Effectiveness of interactive teaching methods that contribute to the activation of educational and cognitive actions of students when studying the topic "Technology for the development of the power component in triathletes using non-traditional means".
Our experiment has shown that in the conditions of interactive learning, students have an increase in the accuracy of perception, mental performance, there is an intensive development of intellectual and emotional properties of the individual: stability of attention, observation, the ability to analyze and sum up. Interactive learning promotes the development of students ' communication skills, helps to establish emotional contacts between them, activates teamwork, and expands the range of educational opportunities.
Thus, our research helped to determine the most effective classification of interactive teaching methods for organizing a full-fledged educational process:
* Radical-the desire to rebuild the educational process based on the use of computer technologies (distance learning, virtual seminars, conferences, games, etc.);
* Combinatorial-combining previously known elements (lecture-dialogue, didactic and creative games, business and role-playing games);
* Modifying-improving the existing teaching methodology without significantly changing it.
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2 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "on measures to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of managers and teachers of higher educational institutions"/, no. up-4732, June 12, 2015
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5 Sozonov A. N. Flash-technologies in education //Abstracts of the all-Russian scientific and methodological conference with international participation " Improving the quality of continuing professional education" Krasnoyarsk: CPI KSTU, 2006. Pp. 233-234.