Научная статья на тему 'Анализ влияния обучения с помощью моделирования на скорость и точность принятия решений волейболисток'

Анализ влияния обучения с помощью моделирования на скорость и точность принятия решений волейболисток Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Merzoug D, Belkadi A, Sebbane M, Abed F, Abdedaim A

Целью данного исследования была проверка эффективности программы обучения скорости и точности принятия решений базовых навыках волейбола. Материал. Проверка эффективности обучения волейболисток по программе моделирования скорости и точности принятия решений. В данном исследовании приняли участие две группы игроков академии волейбола. Одна группа академии (ЭГ) занималась по разработанной программе, которая включала участие в моделировании, спортивную деятельность, анализ игры, обсуждение тактических приемов в волейболе и др. Другая группа академии служила в качестве контрольной группы и прошла пре и пост-тесты, используя тест «Super Lab». В нашем исследовании была разработана и внедрена программа, включающая три аспекта принятия решений в волейбол: оценка скорости и точности принятия решения; оценка базовых навыков волейболисток в ходе 15 матчей (Romeas и соавт., 2016; Такахаси, Икея, Кано, Окубо, & Мишина, 2016); выявление изменений после программы обучения моделированию от пре до пост-теста, а также различий между контрольной и экспериментальной группами. Методы: анализ и обобщение научной литературы, педагогический эксперимент, тестирование, обработка данных с помощью статистической программы SPSS. Уровень значимости для всех тестов переменных 0,05. При разработке и реализации этого исследования были соблюдены следующие процедуры. Тестирование на компьютере с использованием «Super Lab» (в 4.04) позволило измерить скорость и точность принятия решений волейболистами. Результаты. Результаты показали значительное улучшение в принятии решений участников в экспериментальной и контрольной группах. Обе группы также отметили значительное ухудшение точности их решения. Сходство в пост-теста в двух группах позволило сделать вывод, что моделирование обучения влияет на принятие решений для экспериментальной группы. Результаты показали значительное улучшение в скорости принятия решений, как для экспериментальной группы 1 и контрольной группы 2 (Таблица 3). Также можно заметить, что вариабельность показателей в каждой группе, как указано стандартное отклонение, был меньше на пост-тесте. Анализ межгрупповых различий показал, что испытуемые существенно не отличаются друг от друга как на пре-тесте, так и на пост-тесте (табл. 6). Средний балл за точность чуть выше на пре-тест для экспериментальной группы, однако средний балл для обеих групп на пост-тест был практически идентичен (2.95 правильное и 2.86). Заключение. Можно сделать вывод, что разработанная нами программа способствует развитию скорости и точности принятия решений игроками, поскольку с помощью видеоигр и обратной связи повышает технические умения базовых навыков волейболистов (подача, блокирование и т.д.).

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The purpose of this study was to verify the efficiency of learning by simulation intervention programme on the speed and accuracy on decision making of Basic Volleyball Skills (Serving, Sitting and Dig & Blocked) of 24 volleyball players. Material. Two intact groups of volleyball academy players participated in this study. One academy group participated in the perceptual learning simulation, which included activities, game analysis, tactical volleyball discussions, volleyball rule discussions and decision making, they were spatially and temporally occluded to provide varying amounts of information to the participant. The other academy group served as the control group and completed both the preand post-tests bay using "Super Lab (V 4.04) test. Our study was designed and implemented to address three aspects of decision making in Volleyball. First, speed and accuracy of decision making was assessed. In this research, Super Lab (V 4.04) test 3D basic Situation skills from Volleyball situation matches of 15 3D basic Situation skills -Multiple Object Tracking ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"rs6aari7q","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Romeas et al., 2016; Takahashi, Ikeya, Kano, Ookubo, & Mishina, 2016)","plainCitation":"(Romeas et al., 2016; Takahashi, Ikeya, Kano, Ookubo, & Mishina, 2016)"},"citationItems":[{"id":551,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/2590369/items/CWNUI9NU"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/2590369/items/CWNUI9NU"],"itemData":{"id":551,"type":"article-journal","title":"3D-Multiple Object Tracking training task improves passing decision-making accuracy in soccer players","container-title":"Psychology of Sport and Exercise","page":"1-9","volume":"22","source":"ScienceDirect","abstract":"The ability to perform a context-free 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) task has been highly related to athletic performance. In the present study, we assessed the transferability of a perceptual-cognitive 3D-MOT training from a laboratory setting to a soccer field, a sport in which the capacity to correctly read the dynamic visual scene is a prerequisite to performance. Throughout preand post-training sessions, we looked at three essential skills (passing, dribbling, shooting) that are used to gain the upper hand over the opponent. We recorded decision-making accuracy during small-sided games in university-level soccer players (n = 23) before and after a training protocol. Experimental (n = 9) and active control (n = 7) groups were respectively trained during 10 sessions of 3D-MOT or 3D soccer videos. A passive control group (n = 7) did not received any particular training or instructions. Decision-making accuracy in passing, but not in dribbling and shooting, between preand post-sessions was superior for the 3D-MOT trained group compared to control groups. This result was correlated with the players' subjective decision-making accuracy, rated after preand post-sessions through a visual analogue scale questionnaire. To our knowledge, this study represents the first evidence in which a non-contextual, perceptual-cognitive training exercise has a transfer effect onto the field in athletes.","DOI":"10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.06.002","ISSN":"1469-0292","journalAbbreviation":"Psychology of Sport and Exercise","author":[{"family":"Romeas","given":"Thomas"},{"family":"Guldner","given":"Antoine"},{"family":"Faubert","given":"Jocelyn"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}},"label":"page"},{"id":571,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/2590369/items/DKSI4I2T"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/2590369/items/DKSI4I2T"],"itemData":{"id":571,"type":"paper-conference","title":"Robust volleyball tracking system using multi-view cameras","container-title":"2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)","page":"2740-2745","source":"IEEE Xplore","event":"2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)","abstract":"We have developed a real-time ball tracking system that can be used for volleyball games. Although a number of methods for visual object tracking have been proposed, tracking a fast-moving ball is still a challenging task because of the motion blur and the occlusion. We thus use a complementary tracking scheme in which tracking processes for multiple cameras help each other sharing the 3D position of the ball. The ball on each camera is accurately tracked by predicting its position at the next frame. The 3D ball positions measured by the system can be used for drawing the trajectory CG of a ball and for calculating statistical data related to ball movement. Evaluation results obtained using actual volleyball video sequences showed that the system would be effective for visualizing ball trajectories in live volleyball broadcasts.","DOI":"10.1109/ICPR.2016.7900050","author":[{"family":"Takahashi","given":"M."},{"family":"Ikeya","given":"K."},{"family":"Kano","given":"M."},{"family":"Ookubo","given":"H."},{"family":"Mishina","given":"T."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2016"]]}},"label":"page"}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Romeas et al., 2016; Takahashi, Ikeya, Kano, Ookubo, & Mishina, 2016) was used to identify any changes after a learning simulation programme. The participants scores on each of these variables were processed to determine if there were any significant differences from preto post-test performance, and if there were any significant differences between the subjects who received the perceptual learning by simulation and the subjects in the Control group. Methods. All data collected from all the different tests were entered in an Excel format and processed using the SPSS statistics programme and the appropriate t-tests for repeated measures, were completed to determine group differences (Table 2). The significance level for all test variables was an alpha level of 0.05. The following procedures were followed in the development and implementation of this research. The researcher decided that a computer-based test using "Super Lab (V 4.04) test 3D basic Situation skills from Volleyball situation matches would provide the necessary challenge to players’ decision making and also allow a measurement of the speed and accuracy with which they made their decisions. Two different kinds of data were analyzed: Speed and Accuracy of Decision Making, As the first situation is presented on the computer screen, a timer is activated. Players will see the action up to the point where the action is “frozen”. Watch and when the screen freezes players can immediately make their decision by clicking with on the keyboard eight second were done to answer quickly time and accuracy of your decision will be measured.Results. Results showed important improvement in the decision making by participants in both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups also indicated a significant deterioration in the accuracy of their decisions. The similarity in the post-test scores of the two groups led to the conclusion that learning simulation has affected the decision-making for the experimental group. Our results suggest different sources of visual information work collectively to facilitate player’s anticipation in time-constrained sports and reinforce the complexity of player’s perception. Another Suggestion is made for the design of future technique to improve decision making. The results showed a significant improvement in speed of decision making for both the experimental Group 1 and the Control group 2 (Table 3). It can also be noticed that the variability scores within each group, as indicated by the standard deviation, was less on the post-tests. The SD on the pre-test for the experimental group was 2.95s, which dropped to.90s on the post-test. The SD on the pre-test for the Control group was 1.72s on the pre-test and only.83s on the post-test. This means that both groups not only became faster, but also that the subjects within each of the groups were more similar to each other in the speed of their decision making on the post-test. Between group differences showed that the subjects were not significantly different from each other, either on the pre-test or on the post-test (Table 6). The mean score for accuracy was slightly higher on the pre-test for Group 1 (experimental), but the mean score for both groups on the post-test was almost identical (2.95 correct and 2.86).Conclusion. We can conclude that our designed learning by simulation programme develop mutually the speed and accuracy of players’ decision making which can rely on (3D) basic Situation skills and video match playing feedback, to raise declarative and technical skills Basic Volleyball Skills (Serving, Sitting and Dig & Blocked). Two significant differences were recorded between the experimental and the Control groups. The first was the significant improvement in speed accompanied by weakening in the accuracy of their decision making. This may be a attribute of an intermediate altitude of Volleyball skill as players push to become faster at processing information. The cost in terms of accuracy in decision making could be a task of this process. The results of the study were that the subjects who participated in the learning by simulation did achieve significant differences on the targeted outcomes, when compared to subjects from a similar Volleyball players. and we can say that the use of learning by simulations programme can bring some important changes in speed and accuracy of decision making to academy volleyball players. It was encouraging that a significantly better progress was achieved in the decision making of the subjects by the experimental group.

Текст научной работы на тему «Анализ влияния обучения с помощью моделирования на скорость и точность принятия решений волейболисток»

junior soccer players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2010;24(1):266-71.

15. Noormohammadpour P, Khezri AH, Linek P, Mansournia MA, Hassannejad A, Younesian A, et al. Comparison of Lateral Abdominal Muscle Thickness and Cross Sectional Area of Multifidus in Adolescent Soccer Players with and without Low Back Pain: A Case Control Study. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016;7(4).

16. Kuznetsova Z.M., Kristin Duhi. Sydney Olympic Games: a struggle for heritage - overcoming short-term disappointments and long-term deficits. Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogico-pshycological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports]. 2013, Vol. 27 No. 2(27), pp. 80-90.

17. Aftimichuk O.E., Kuznetsova Z.M. The importance of rhythm in the vocational educational and sports training.

Pedagogiko-psihologicheskie i mediko-biologicheskie problemy fizicheskoj kul'tury i sporta [Pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports]. 2015, No. 2 (35). pp. 2838, DOI 10.14526/01_1111_42.

18. Marcus Michelle. On the road to recovery: Gasoline content regulations and child health. Zhurnal ozdorovitel'noj ekonomiki [Journal of health economics]. 2017, Vol. 54, pp. 98-123 (Scopus)

19. Kulkarni Meenal, Pandit Anil. Analysis of Cost Reduction Techniques Adopted in Hospitals in and Around Pune. Zhurnal ozdorovitel'nogo upravleniya [Journal of health management]. 2014, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Scopus)

Submitted: 28.07.2017 Received: 01.08.2017

Author's information

Seyed Alireza Hosseini Khezri - PhD Candidate at Ural Federal University. Physical Education and Sports and Youth services, Ekaterinburg, Russia, Tel: +79634474600 Email: [email protected]

Anna Zakharova - Professor of physical Education and Sports Science, Ekaterinburg, Russia, Tel: + 79634474600

For citations: Hosseini Khezri S.A., Zakharova A. The investigation of back muscle and abdominal muscle endurance in soccer players 10-12 years old, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems ofphysical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 8-14. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_228

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_229


Merzoug D -, Belkadi A -, Sebbane M -, Abed F -, Abdedaim A -

Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria

E-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Целью данного исследования была проверка эффективности программы обучения скорости и точности принятия решений базовых навыках волейбола. Материал. Проверка эффективности обучения волейболисток по программе моделирования скорости и точности принятия решений. В данном исследовании приняли участие две группы игроков академии волейбола. Одна группа академии (ЭГ) занималась по разработанной программе, которая включала участие в моделировании, спортивную деятельность, анализ игры, обсуждение тактических приемов в волейболе и др. Другая группа академии служила в качестве контрольной группы и прошла пре - и пост-тесты, используя тест «Super Lab». В нашем исследовании была разработана и внедрена программа, включающая три аспекта принятия решений в волейбол: оценка скорости и точности принятия решения; оценка базовых навыков волейболисток в ходе 15 матчей (Romeas и соавт., 2016; Такахаси, Икея, Кано, Окубо, & Мишина, 2016); выявление изменений после программы обучения моделированию от пре - до пост-теста, а также различий между контрольной и экспериментальной группами. Методы: анализ и обобщение научной литературы, педагогический эксперимент, тестирование, обработка данных с помощью статистической программы SPSS. Уровень значимости для всех тестов переменных - 0,05. При разработке и реализации этого исследования были соблюдены следующие процедуры. Тестирование на компьютере с использованием «Super Lab» (в 4.04) позволило измерить скорость и точность принятия решений волейболистами. Результаты. Результаты показали значительное улучшение в принятии решений участников в экспериментальной и контрольной группах. Обе группы также отметили значительное ухудшение точности их решения. Сходство в пост-теста в двух группах позволило сделать вывод, что моделирование обучения влияет на принятие решений для экспериментальной группы. Результаты показали значительное улучшение в скорости принятия решений, как для экспериментальной группы 1 и контрольной группы 2 (Таблица 3). Также можно заметить, что вариабельность показателей в каждой группе, как указано стандартное отклонение, был меньше на пост-тесте. Анализ межгрупповых различий показал, что испытуемые существенно не отличаются друг от друга как на пре-тесте, так и на пост-тесте (табл. 6). Средний балл за точность чуть выше на пре-тест для экспериментальной группы, однако средний балл для обеих групп на пост-тест был практически идентичен (2.95 правильное и 2.86).

Заключение. Можно сделать вывод, что разработанная нами программа способствует развитию скорости и точности принятия решений игроками, поскольку с помощью видеоигр и обратной связи повышает технические умения базовых навыков волейболистов (подача, блокирование и т.д.).

Ключевые слова: обучение, имитация, принятие решений, волейбол.



Merzoug D -, Belkadi A -, Sebbane M -, Abed F -, Abdedaim A -

Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The purpose of this study was to verify the efficiency of learning by simulation intervention programme on the speed and accuracy on decision making of Basic Volleyball Skills (Serving, Sitting and Dig & Blocked) of 24 volleyball players. Material. Two intact groups of volleyball academy players participated in this study. One academy group participated in the perceptual learning simulation, which included activities, game analysis, tactical volleyball

discussions, volleyball rule discussions and decision making, they were spatially and temporally occluded to provide varying amounts of information to the participant. The other academy group served as the control group and completed both the pre- and post-tests bay using "Super Lab (V 4.04) test. Our study was designed and implemented to address three aspects of decision making in Volleyball. First, speed and accuracy of decision making was assessed. In this research, Super Lab (V 4.04) test 3D basic Situation skills from Volleyball situation matches of 15 3D basic Situation skills -Multiple Object Tracking(Romeas et al., 2016; Takahashi, Ikeya, Kano, Ookubo, & Mishina, 2016) was used to identify any changes after a learning simulation programme. The participants scores on each of these variables were processed to determine if there were any significant differences from pre- to post-test performance, and if there were any significant differences between the subjects who received the perceptual learning by simulation and the subjects in the Control group. Methods. All data collected from all the different tests were entered in an Excel format and processed using the SPSS statistics programme and the appropriate t-tests for repeated measures, were completed to determine group differences (Table 2). The significance level for all test variables was an alpha level of 0.05. The following procedures were followed in the development and implementation of this research. The researcher decided that a computer-based test using "Super Lab (V 4.04) test 3D basic Situation skills from Volleyball situation matches would provide the necessary challenge to players' decision making and also allow a measurement of the speed and accuracy with which they made their decisions. Two different kinds of data were analyzed: Speed and Accuracy of Decision Making, As the first situation is presented on the computer screen, a timer is activated. Players will see the action up to the point where the action is "frozen". Watch and when the screen freezes players can immediately make their decision by clicking with on the keyboard eight second were done to answer quickly time and accuracy of your decision will be measured. Results. Results showed important improvement in the decision making by participants in both the experimental and the control groups. Both groups also indicated a significant deterioration in the accuracy of their decisions. The similarity in the post-test scores of the two groups led to the conclusion that learning simulation has affected the decision-making for the experimental group. Our results suggest different sources of visual information work collectively to facilitate player's anticipation in time-constrained sports and reinforce the complexity ofplayer's perception. Another Suggestion is made for the design of future technique to improve decision making. The results showed a significant improvement in speed of decision making for both the experimental Group 1 and the Control group 2 (Table 3). It can also be noticed that the variability scores within each group, as indicated by the standard deviation, was less on the post-tests. The SD on the pre-test for the experimental group was 2.95s, which dropped to .90s on the post-test. The SD on the pre-test for the Control group was 1.72 s on the pre-test and only .83 s on the post-test. This means that both groups not only became faster, but also that the subjects within each of the groups were more similar to each other in the speed of their decision making on the post-test. Between group differences showed that the subjects were not significantly different from each other, either on the pre-test or on the post-test (Table 6). The mean score for accuracy was slightly higher on the pretest for Group 1 (experimental), but the mean score for both groups on the post-test was almost identical (2.95 correct and 2.86). Conclusion. We can conclude that our designed learning by simulation programme develop mutually the speed and accuracy ofplayers' decision making which can rely on (3D) basic Situation skills and video match playing feedback, to raise declarative and technical skills Basic Volleyball Skills (Serving, Sitting and Dig & Blocked).

Two significant differences were recorded between the experimental and the Control groups. The first was the significant improvement in speed accompanied by weakening in the accuracy of their decision making. This may be a attribute of an intermediate altitude of Volleyball skill as players push to become faster at processing information. The cost in terms of accuracy in decision making could be a task of this process. The results of the study were that the subjects who participated in the learning by simulation did achieve significant differences on the targeted outcomes, when

compared to subjects from a similar Volleyball players. and we can say that the use of learning by simulations programme can bring some important changes in speed and accuracy of decision making to academy volleyball players. It was encouraging that a significantly better progress was achieved in the decision making of the subjects by the experimental group. Keywords: Learning, Simulation, Decision-Making, volley ball.


Experts represent a select group of people who stand out from their peers for the excellence with which they achieve high-level results(Afonso, Garganta, & Mesquita, 2012). Researchers investigated the effect of implicit and explicit learning methods on motor skills, decision making and anticipation skill. (Poolton, Masters, & Maxwell, 2005), Perceptual-learning skills such as anticipation and decision-making are two crucial performance determinants in volleball, where fast and correct decisions are required in a complex and different situation (Ward & Williams, 2003), it was shown that perceptual abilities of high performance athletes are fundamental perceptual and cognitive differences between experts and novices (Nimmerichter, Weber, Wirth, & Haller, 2015; Williams, Ward, Smeeton, & Allen, 2004), However, the different methods regarding anticipatory-skill learning for enhancing decision-making is inconsistent (Klostermann, Vater, Kredel, & Hossner, 2015). In fast ball sports like volleyball, decision-making skills are the most determining factor for excellent performance.(Schlappi-Lienhard & Hossner, 2015) that research aimed to identify factors

that influence the decision-making process in top-level beach volleyball in order to find relevant aspects for further research. (Romeas, Guldner, & Faubert, 2016) confirmed that ability to perform a context-free 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) task has been highly related to athletic performance.

The following research question guided this research: Will the perceptual learning by simulation of u/17 volleyball players be improved following participation in a 16-week programme designed to develop speed and accuracy of decision making?



A total of 24 male volleyball players were recruited. Using procedures similar to those applied by Baker(Baker, Côté, & Abernethy, 2003), Participants were divided in two Experimental Groups (EG) and Control Group(CG) consisted of 24 males (Table 1). All Participants signed an informed consent form and reported normal or corrected to normal levels of visual function. They were free to withdraw from testing at any stage. The institution's ethics guidelines were followed.

Table 1

Players' information

Mean error




Std. Deviation

Age (years) Experimental Group 12 16,17 0,577 0,167

Control Group 12 16,58 0,515 0,149

Experience (years) Experimental Group 12 4.2917 0.83824 0.24198

Control Group 12 3.8750 0.77239 0.22297



2-3-Data Analysis

Table 2

Plans for Data analysis

Variable Within Group Between Groups

Speed of Decision Making Dependent i-test Independent i-test

Accuracy of Decision Making Dependent i-test Independent i-test

Measures: Results Table 3

Speed of decision making: Results within groups

n Mean Std. Deviation t Sig. (2-tailed)

Experimental Group 1 Pre-test 12 4.44s 2.95 3.476 0.002*

Post-test 12 3.38s 0.90

Control Group 2 Pre-test 12 3.76s 1.72 3.795 0.001*

Post-test 12 2.98s 0.83

*p = < 0.5

Table 4

Speed of decision making: Results between groups

n Mean Std. Deviation t Sig. (2-tailed)

Group 1 Pre-test 12 4.57s 2.60 1.97 0.073

Group 2 Pre-test 12 2.95s 1.60

Group 1 Post-test 12 3.37s 0.98 2.58 *0.040

Group 2 Post-test 12 2.96s 0.93

*p = < 0.05

The (Table 4) show the differences that are presented between the two groups the Control group was not significantly faster on the pre-test than experimental Group 1. However, control Group 2 was significantly Table 5

Accuracy of decision making: Results within groups

faster than experimental Group 1 on the posttest. It can be noted that two subjects in Group 1 and four subjects in Group 2 did not take the post-test.

E.Group Pre-test 12 5.60 correct 1.96 5.675 0.000*

Post-test 12 2.95 correct 1.86

E.Group Pre-test 12 4.10 correct 2.30 6.254 0.000*

Post-test 12 3.86 correct 1.90

*p = < 0.5

The results showed a significant change in the scores for accuracy of decision making for both the experimental Group 1 and the Control group 2 (Table 5). However, the change was in becoming less accurate. In Table 6

Accuracy of decision making: Results between groups

other words, the accuracy of decisions decline significantly for both groups. The mean can be interpreted as the group's average score out of 15 3D basic Situation skills test.

N Mean/25 Std. Deviation t Sig. (2-tailed)



Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

12 6.20 correct

12 6.10 correct

12 3.10 correct

12 3.20 correct

2.34 1.94 1.86 1.70

0.424 0.793

0.396 0.925

*p = < 0.05 Discussion

The results of the final test using Super Lab (V 4.04) test 3D of decision making speed and accuracy showed that Volleyball players in both groups became significantly faster but also became significantly less accurate. There is some supposition from literature as to what type of practice might improve decision making(Abernethy, 1996) .(Grehaigne, Godbout, & Bouthier, 2001) showed that experts make faster decisions when predicting an opponent's (Lorains, Ball, & MacMahon, 2013) showed that Speeded video is further to have allowed elite athletes to perform more automatically, with a faster processing effectiveness. in this case reasons why speed but not accuracy of decision making significantly improved for both groups could include by the research of (Mascarenhas, Collins, & Mortimer, 2005) found that experts were not more appropriate in their decisions making, However, (Thomas, 1994) stated that accuracy in decision making can be trained and speed will improve with experience. and also associated the accuracy and speed of decision making with procedural knowledge.

The post-test speed showed that experimental group was significantly faster than that the control group it could be interpreted as a positive sign. Perhaps the learning by simulation, which may have had a effect on the acceleration in decision making

speed that initially accompanies an increase in expertise.

In this case, the learning by simulation can claim to have contributed to an increase in the speed of decision making by the experimental group, since the control group did not experienced the same significant increase in speed. The learning by simulation also had a positive effect on the accuracy of decisions making, since both groups reflected similar patterns of significant decline in the accuracy of their decision making.


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Submitted: 23.07.2017 Received: 26.07.2017

Authors information

Merzoug D - Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences, Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria, E-mail: mohamed.sebbaneauniv-mosta.dz Belkadi A - Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences, Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria

Sebbane M - Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences, Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria

Abed F - Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences, Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria

Abdedaim A - Laboratory of Human Movement Sciences, Institute of Physical & Sport Education, Mostaganem University - Algeria

For citations: Merzoug D., Belkadi A., Sebbane M., Abed F., Abdedaim A. Analysing the Effect of Learning by Simulation on the Speed and accuracy Decision Making of Volleyball players, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 14-21. DOI 10.14526/03 2017 229

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_228



Zerf Mohammed — PhD, Physical Education Institute Laboratory OPAPS, University of Mostaganem, Mostaganem 27000,


E-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Все виды спорта требуют координации глаз, рук и/или ног, что важно для тактической подготовки спортсменов. Наш проблема касается профилактики травм, полученных во время игр и тренировок. Разработанная исследователем методика включает в себя движения, которые требуют последовательного и синхронного участия обеих сторон тела, используя сенсорно-моторную способность организовывать временные моторные реакции. Разница между индивидами определяется по времени реакции, времени движения[2], интеллекту [3] и когнитивному контролю как важным и решающим факторам превосходства в индивидуальной координации[4]. По данным аналогичных исследований, в случае коллективных навыков различия касаются пространственно-временного поведения команды[5]. Материалы. Исходя из вышесказанного, цель данного исследования - изучить влияние полученных после игры- навыков на повышение эффективности координации отношений в команде. Методы исследования: для достижения этой цели были отобраны 36 игроков в возрасте 17 лет из разных клубов по гандболу Сиди-Бель-аббесе согласно их квалификации и амплуа в период 2015-2016 гг. по первоначальному тестированию на скорость и зрительно-моторную координацию. Результаты. На основе статистического анализа (р < 0,05) полученных результатов показано, что оценка ритмической координации требует ротации игроков для анализа ошибок в решении двойной задачи координации. В настоящем исследовании подтверждено, что различия фиксировались в пользу разворотов с последующим возвращением. Это связано с использованием традиционных методов обучения и тактических комбинаций, что подтверждается данными аналогичных исследований. Заключение. На основании этих различий, выявленных научно-исследовательской группой, мы рекомендуем нашим тренерам и игрокам развивать ритмическую координацию, основанную не только на технических требованиях, но и на изменении ролевых позиций игроков. [6]. Ключевые слова: пост-игра, навыки, координация, гандбол.

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