Научная статья на тему 'Anaerobic threshold” criterion use for endurance development among stayer swimmers'

Anaerobic threshold” criterion use for endurance development among stayer swimmers Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Ключевые слова
swimming / anaerobic threshold / pulse at the level of an anaerobic threshold / load intensity and volume at the level of an anaerobic threshold

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Eduard V. Feroyan

For an objective estimation of the load influence orientation in endurance improving kinds of activity the most prospective criterion is the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TANM).The effectiveness of threshold loads use mainly depends on the accuracy of their determination and control during the training, for this purpose it is necessary to take into account individual peculiarities, the level of sportsman’s readiness and the specificity of physical exercise. Material. This work substantiates noninvasive way of an individual TANM revelation, the method of threshold intensity control is created, the evaluation of the loads effectiveness at the level of TANM is given and optimal volumes of threshold loads, taking into account swimmers’ readiness, are revealed. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, for physical activity study and TANM determination swimmers were given step-increasing load at the treadmill, external respiration and gaseous metabolism indices, pulse and lactate were revealed. Results. Noninvasive method of an individual TANM revelation was selected and substantiated on the basis of the results comparison of TANM change according to typical changes (fractures) in the dynamics of different cardiorespiratory indices and lactate concentration in blood during step-increasing load. The effectiveness of threshold load influence depends on the accuracy of its intensity revelation and control and it is possible only on the basis of an individual approach. Threshold intensity control should be fulfilled according to an individual volume of heart rate (HR), calculated at the level of an individual TANM (HRTANM). Individual HRTANM preserves its volume for a long time period irrespective of the level of TANM change. Intensity control according to individual HRTANM provides gradual increase of threshold load intensity with the increase of readiness. Conclusion. Individual anaerobic threshold (TANM), revealed according to lung ventilation, is highly informative index of stayer swimmers’ readiness, which helps to estimate objectively the orientation of the training load influence and determine an optimal volume of threshold loads for endurance development. The effectiveness of threshold load influence depends on the accuracy of its intensity determination and control, which is possible only on the basis of an individual approach.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Anaerobic threshold” criterion use for endurance development among stayer swimmers»

psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 184-187. DOI 10.14526/03_2017_257

DOI 10.14526/03_2017_258



Eduard V. Feroyan - Candidate of Biological Associate Professor, Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sport 49 str., Chavchavadze, Tbilisi, 0163, Georgia

E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. For an objective estimation of the load influence orientation in endurance improving kinds of activity the most prospective criterion is the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TANM).The effectiveness of threshold loads use mainly depends on the accuracy of their determination and control during the training, for this purpose it is necessary to take into account individual peculiarities, the level of sportsman's readiness and the specificity of physical exercise. Material. This work substantiates noninvasive way of an individual TANM revelation, the method of threshold intensity control is created, the evaluation of the loads effectiveness at the level of TANM is given and optimal volumes of threshold loads, taking into account swimmers' readiness, are revealed. Research methods: scientific literature analysis and summarizing, for physical activity study and TANM determination swimmers were given step-increasing load at the treadmill, external respiration and gaseous metabolism indices, pulse and lactate were revealed. Results. Noninvasive method of an individual TANM revelation was selected and substantiated on the basis of the results comparison of TANM change according to typical changes (fractures) in the dynamics of different cardiorespiratory indices and lactate concentration in blood during step-increasing load. The effectiveness of threshold load influence depends on the accuracy of its intensity revelation and control and it is possible only on the basis of an individual approach. Threshold intensity control should be fulfilled according to an individual volume of heart rate (HR), calculated at the level of an individual TANM (HRTANM). Individual HRTANM preserves its volume for a long time period irrespective of the level of TANM change. Intensity control according to individual HRtanm provides gradual increase of threshold load intensity with the increase of readiness. Conclusion. Individual anaerobic threshold (TANM), revealed according to lung ventilation, is highly informative index of stayer swimmers' readiness, which helps to estimate objectively the orientation of the training load influence and determine an optimal volume of threshold loads for endurance development. The effectiveness of threshold load influence depends on the accuracy of its intensity determination and control, which is possible only on the basis of an individual approach.

Keywords: swimming, anaerobic threshold, pulse at the level of an anaerobic threshold, load intensity and volume at the level of an anaerobic threshold.

influence orientation in endurance improving Introduction. The quality of the kinds of activity the most prospective training activity is conditioned, first of all, by criterion is the threshold of anaerobic the degree of the training influence orientation metabolism (TANM). This index corresponds correspondence with the necessary adaptive with maximum intensity of the load, fulfilled transformations in a sportsman's organism mainly in an aerobic regimen and it helps to [2,17]. For an objective estimation of the load preserve this intensity for a long time period

[17,16,7]. Hence, TANM level increase is one of the most important objectives among long distance swimmers and in order to solve this problem TANM intensity loads (threshold loads) are considered the most optimal [1,6,9,3]. The effectiveness of threshold loads use mainly depends on the accuracy of their determination and control during the training, for this purpose it is necessary to take into account individual peculiarities, the level of sportsman's readiness and the specificity of physical exercise.

Nowadays the most widely-spread method of TANM determination is a noninvasive index of lung ventilation V e [13]. During the opportunity study to use noninvasive indices in order to determine TANM, based on their comparison with lactate, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of lactate dynamics while loads increase, but not to be guided by the average threshold level - 4 millimole.l"1. Individual values of lactate concentration at the level of TANM can have considerable interindividual differences - from 1,4 till 7,5 millimole.l-1 [18,15].

In order to control threshold intensity it is unacceptable to take into consideration the indices, reflecting outer side of the load, which include the speed of swimming. It is known that speed of swimming can depend on state of water in the swimming pool (temperature, depth, percentage of chlorination, ventilation), equipment of the sportsman. Moreover, the volume of threshold speed can change under the influence of the training. It is necessary to have the index, which reflects reaction of the organism to threshold load [13]. The most available and suitable for this purpose index is heart rate (HR), but it is necessary to take into account individual peculiarities of its reaction to the load (but, as a rule, it is not taken into consideration). It is known that interindividual HR variation at TANM level (HRtanm) varies within the following limits: from 140 till 190 bpm-1 [14]. That is why it is incorrect to control threshold intensity according to average statistical range, accepted as threshold one. It is obvious, that

orientation should be directed at an individual value of HRtanm , which, however, according to some data, preserves its value timewise, irrespective of TANM change [13,14], according to other results changes with the training level increase [9].

The problems solution, which are connected with intensity determination and control at TANM level with the corresponding methodologies creation, will help to estimate better the effectiveness of threshold loads use, reveal their optimal volume and dynamics with a sportsman's training level increase. Recommendations concerning the volumes of threshold loads, as a rule, are not connected with the definite level of readiness [1,9,4].

Uncertainty of the results of TANM use is caused by the diversity of the used by researchers testing procedures and ways of TANM localization [1,6,9]. That is why it is necessary to standardize the procedure of the test. Fundamental differences are also caused by ambiguous interpretation of the loading zones. It is preferable, when the loads are distributed according to the following zones: aerobic zone - till aerobic threshold (the averaged concentration of lactate in blood - 2 millimole.l-1), aerobic-anaerobic, or mixed zone - from aerobic threshold till anaerobic one (4 millimole.l-1) and anaerobic zone -over anaerobic threshold [12].

The aim and the objectives of the research. This work substantiates noninvasive way of an individual TANM revelation, the method of threshold intensity control is created, the evaluation of the loads effectiveness at the level of TANM is given and optimal volumes of threshold loads, taking into account swimmers' readiness, are revealed.

Research methods and research organization. 21 stayer swimmers from Georgia, which have different level of readiness (16 men and 5 women), within the age range of 15-26 years-old, took part in the experiment. The research works were fulfilled during preparatory periods of two-year cycles of training.

For physical activity study and TANM determination swimmers were given step-increasing load on the treadmill within the range of speeds, corresponding with the supposed level of TANM. The value of the stage (difference in speed between the previous and the following stages) was 0,2 or 0,1 m.sec-1. The second variant of the stage helps to increase the accuracy of TANM evaluation, but it is possible only if the limits of the loading range, necessary for the definite sportsman testing, are known. The duration of every stage is 2 minutes [5,11,10].

Before testing 4 minutes warming-up was held. All sportsmen were taught how to run on the treadmill before the research in order to avoid unusual feelings and maximally adapt the structure of running on the treadmill to running in natural conditions.

The indices of external respiration and gaseous metabolism (V02 and Vco2 ml.kg.min-1; lung ventilation - Ve (btps) l.min-1; respiratory quotient - RQ; non-metabolic excesses of CO2 - ExcC02 ml.kg.min-1; O2-pulse ml.beats.kg.min-1; ventilation equivalent in oxygen - Ke/vo2, and others), HR (with the help of biopotentials from chest leads) were revealed. External respiration, gaseous metabolism, lung ventilation volume study and the content of the exhaled air were registered at gas analyzer "Bekman" (the USA) and at gasometer. Blood lactate revelation was held with the help of bioelectrochemical sensor "Laktosen-LM-1" (Byelorussia). Samples were taken from a finger before running and at the end of each stage.

Statistical handling of the research results was realized at PC with the help of the application programs.

Noninvasive method of an individual TANM revelation was selected and substantiated on the basis of the results comparison of TANM change according to typical changes (fractures) in the dynamics of different cardiorespiratory indices and lactate concentration in blood during step-increasing load.

The coordinates of the cross point of two straight lines (two-phase model), which approximate the dependency of the definite index on the increasing load (least squares method), are considered as a threshold fracture (picture 1). Two-phase models of the indices, which have lesser quadratic mistake in comparison with one-phase (one straight line) model, were used for a fracture validity testing. For this purpose all points of the fracture according to each index were brought into one and were considered as the beginning of the coordinate system of centered values. The points were made in these systems, the coordinates of which according to the abscise axis corresponded with the increase of the running speed relative to the fracture, according to axis of ordinates - the increase of the corresponding index relative to the same fracture. In each coordinate system the collective of 62 points was received. With the help of F-criterion statistical hypothesis of approximation by two-phase model was checked. At the significance level р=0,05 the hypothesis was accepted in terms of F> Fcr=2,7 [8].

VLEo Lmin-1

100 80 60 40 20 0

2,6 2,8

3,0 3^2



V- »i.ceK 1

V, m.sec"1

Picture 1 - The example of TANM revelation with the help of dependency approximation of lung ventilation (Ve) on speed of running (V) by two-phase model: 1 and 2 - approximating straight lines of two-phase model, 3 - one-phase model

In order to estimate TANM informativity several TANM measurements were made during 6 months. At the same time all participants fulfilled control test 1500 meters (men) and 800 meters (women) swimming races. Time interval between the control tests and TANM measurements was no more than one week.

Also heart rate was measured many times at the level of individual TANM. Periodicity of measurements was no less than 6 weeks. With the help of Kruskal-Wallis test [8] the hypothesis of heart rate individual value constancy, which corresponded with TANM (HRtanm), was checked,

The effectiveness of threshold loads use was estimated taking into account the fact, that their maximum volume doesn't exceed 40% from general training volume. The effectiveness of the training programs was compared with different volume of threshold loads in them: I variant of the program (20-30% of threshold loads from general training volume) with the II variant (less than 20%), with the III (threshold loads more than 30%) - in 6-12-week cycle. Moreover, the influence of the loads on TANM level and with TANM increase was compared. In order to increase the intensity of an individual TANM running was fulfilled with the speed higher than threshold speed no more than 0,2 m.sec-1, which is approximately corresponds with threshold HR increase to 5 bpm -1.

The effectiveness of the training programs was estimated according to individual TANM changes and the results in swimming after the corresponding training cycles.

In order to reveal an optimal ratio of threshold loads volume and general training volume, taking into account the initial level of

Table 1 - TANM, revealed according to the lactate and noninvasive indices and its statistical


swimmers' readiness, 5 groups were organized on the basis of the information about individual TANM: 1st - TANM 2,6-2,8 m.sec-1 (5 people), 2nd - 2,9-3,1 m.sec-1 (4 people), 3rd - 3,2-3,4 m.sec-1 (4 people), 4th 3,5-3,6 m.sec-1 (5 people), 5th - 3,7-3,9 m.sec-1 (3 people). At the beginning and the end of 6-months training cycle TANM level was checked and the control test 800 and 1500 meters swimming races were held. During the mentioned cycle the sportsmen from each group fulfilled training programs with equal general swimming volumes, which correspond with their level of readiness, but with different part of threshold loads in them. As an optimal volume, was taken the volume of threshold loads, fulfilled by the swimmers with the greatest increase of TANM level.

Threshold load in the research was fulfilled in terms of the existing schemes of the training cycles creation 2-3 times a week in a form of a proportional, perpetual or repeated swimming.

Results and their discussion. The most evident and statistically valid (p<0,05) threshold fractures were among La, Ve, V02 and Ve as the index for individual TANM revelation according to own characteristics exceeds others (table 1).

During TANM informativity study the results at the distance of 1500 meters among men (15,45-16,30 minutes) and 800 meters among women (9,18-9,50) and also the values of speeds in running (treadmill) at the level of TANM were stated - 2,5-4,0 and 2,2-3,4 m.sec-1. Interconnection of TANM kevel with the results in swimming is characterized by correlation coefficient (validly differs from zero at significance level) and regression equations (table 2).

Indices for TANM, Coefficient of Correlation with F-criterion

TANM revelation m.sec-1 variation, % TANM

La 3,74±0,21 6,6 1,00 214,7

Kb 3,75±0,27 8,8 0,76 19,7

KC02 3,86±1,68 49,0 -0,25 738,0

Kq2 3,32±0,52 16,9 0,21 28,5

Table 2 - TANM ^ interconnection with the results in swimming

Group of Correlation Regression relative error of

swimmers Distance, m coefficient equation the equation, %

Men 1500 0,94 y=2055,4-232,2x 3,3

Women 800 0,88 y=1200,9-120,8x 3,5

The results of HRtanm measurement, fulfilled for the substantiation of threshold load intensity control method, showed the following results: the average values for all measurements among men were 168,4±1,69, among women - 173,7±2,91 bpm-1 (table 3). The level of TANM during the research among some sportsmen changed from 0,2 to 0,6 m.sec-1.

Table 3 -Mean value of individual HRtanm during 6 months (x±m)

№ of sportsmen Men Women

1 145,6±1,83 (5) 167,5±2,60 (4)

2 177,0±1,38 (4) 175,7±2,80 (3)

3 169,0±4,80 (3) 161,0±2,15 (4)

4 172,3±0,33 (3) 187,5±2,74 (4)

5 173,5±0,41 (2) 177,0±4,24 (3)

6 179,0±0,78 (2)

7 167,0±1,69 (2)

8 173,5±0,41 (2)

9 170,0±2,92 (4)

10 176,5±1,35 (4)

11 169,8±3,10 (4)

12 160,5±2,21 (2)

13 167,5±1,72 (4)

14 168,3±1,02 (4)

15 170,7±1,64 (6)

16 154,3±1,50 (3)

Note: in brackets stands the num ber of measurements

Hypothesis about the absence of differences between the samples of measurements according to each sportsman was rejected for the group of men at the level of significance p=0,01, for women - p=0,05. Therefore, the samples of measurements for each sportsman considerably differ from each other.

The effectiveness of threshold loads use was estimated according to the results of

the training programs with such kind of loads fulfillment by the sportsmen.

For the group of men the 1st variant of the program gave the greatest increase of TANM level and the result in swimming in comparison with the 2nd variant. Moreover, after 6-months cycle the advantage of the 1st variant is statistically valid p<0,01, and after 12-months cycle is less significant for TANM level increase (p<0,05) and not valid for the result increase (p>0,05). For women more

effective turned out to be also the 1st variant. Invalidity in the advantage of the results increase, probably, is conditioned by their insufficient motivation level. The use of the 1st variant of the program by men in comparison with the 3rd variant also turned out to be more effective after 6-months cycle (p<0,01). After 12-months cycle the advantage of the 1st variant is statistically invalid (p>0,05).

The advantage of the loads use by men at the level of individual TANM in comparison with the loads, which increase the level of individual TANM, is also obvious.

Among each 5 groups, formed according to the feature of the same readiness and general training volume, after 6-months training cycle distinguished the group, which gained the greatest TANM increase and results in swimming (the 3rd group). The volume of threshold loads, fulfilled by these sportsmen, was considered as an optimal one.

The results of TANM measurement to give grounds to Ve selection as noninvasive index for TANM revelation.

TANM, estimated according to Ve, is a high-informative index of stayers' readiness, moreover, more informative for men (table 2). The revealed regression equations help to predict the result in swimming (1500 meters for men and 800 meters for women) according to the volume of individual TANM.

As the research showed, the reliability of TANM measurement can be increased by means of other indices use in complex with Ve (for example, 7e/^o2,% CO2, % O2, which also have fractures at the level of TANM), but in this case sufficient technical equipment of the laboratory is necessary.

Intraindividual variation of HRTANM is less than interindividual variation both for men and women (table 3). As the hypothesis about the absence of differences between the samples of measurements according to each swimmer was rejected, we can come to the conclusion that individual values of HRTANM are validly distinguished and preserve in time in spite of TANM change. This characteristic of HRTANM helps to use it for the load

intensity control at the level of TANM. At the same time, gradual increase of threshold load intensity is automatically preserved with the increase of a swimmer's readiness. It is necessary to take into account interindividual variations of HRtanm. In the research works on threshold load revelation and use it is stated that a subjective "sense of threshold speed" can help to control threshold speed, which is produced owing to treadmill (or veloergometer) tests use for TANM determination.

The effectiveness of threshold loads use study showed, that the greatest effect they give in the volume, which is 20-30% from the general volume (1st variant). However, with the training cycle duration increase (12 weeks) the effectiveness of the 1st variant relative to other two variants decreases. Moreover, the level of readiness is not control and the range of the recommended volumes is wide. That is why it is necessary to study the dependency of threshold loads content in general volume on the level of a swimmer's readiness.

The results comparison of the loads use with the intensity of individual TANM and with this intensity increase proved the thesis about the fact, that the work in anaerobic zone slows down aerobic abilities development [11].Such kind of loads use should be restricted, especially during the preparatory period, when the training process is mainly directed at endurance development.

The received results prove the fact, that the effectiveness of training swimmers depends on the accuracy of threshold loads intensity determination and control. Sufficient accuracy can be provided only in case of individual approach. Orientation to the averaged norms is one of the most serious disadvantages of modern methodical recommendations in threshold loads measuring.

At each defined level of readiness there is the volume of the loads, the increase or not fulfillment of which leads to effectiveness of training decrease, it means that there is an optimum of threshold loads

volume. This optimum, expressed as a percentage from general volume, increases in terms of readiness improvement (table 4).

The volumes of the loads in the 5th group should be mentioned. The volumes of threshold loads, fulfilled in the 2nd and the 3rd subgroups, are almost the same, however TANM increase for the 3rd subgroup is validly higher (p<0,05). There appeared the theory that for the swimmers of this level and for those, who didn't achieve the limit in TANM

On the basis of the received results we can recommend the following volumes of threshold loads for endurance development among stayer - swimmers, taking into account their individual level of TANM: I level, TANM - till 15% from general volume; II level, TANM - till 15-20%; III level, TANM - till 20-25%; IV level, TANM - till 25-30%; V level, TANM - till 30-35%. For the swimmers of higher level of readiness this volume can be 40%.

Conclusion. Individual anaerobic threshold (TANM), revealed according to lung ventilation, is highly informative index of stayer swimmers' readiness. It helps to estimate objectively the orientation of the training load influence and determine an optimal volume of threshold loads for endurance development.

The effectiveness of threshold load influence depends on the accuracy of its

increase, there are greater volumes of threshold loads, which are necessary for the level of TANM increase. In order to check this theory two swimmers with the initial level 3,2 and 3,4 m.sec-1 were offered to achieve the volume of threshold loads 3540% during the preparatory period. After two months of training TANM level of each swimmer increased to 0,2 m.sec-1 and it is a good index of training effectiveness for the swimmers of this qualification.

intensity determination and control, which is possible only on the basis of an individual approach. Threshold intensity control should be fulfilled according to an individual volume of heart rate (HR), calculated at the level of an individual TANM (HRtanm). Individual HRTANM preserves its volume for a long time period irrespective of the level of TANM change. Intensity control according to individual HRTANM provides gradual increase of threshold load intensity with the increase of readiness.

In order to increase the level of TANM and improve the results in swimming a stayer has to fulfill the volume of swimming loads with TANM intensity in accordance with the level of own readiness. An optimal volume of threshold loads, expressed as a percentage from general volume, increases in terms of a sportsman's readiness

Table 4 - The volume of the fulfilled by the sportsmen training work during 6 months


Group (level) TANM, m.sec-1 The volume of threshold loads according to subgroups, % from general training volume

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1st 2nd 3rd

1st (2,6-2,8) 9,9±1,7 18,0±0,8 16,5±2,2

2nd (2,9-3,1) 10,4±1,4 28,5±1,9 21,0±2,8

3rd (3,2-3,4) 8,1±2,9 36,6±0,4 24,7±2,5

4th (3,5-3,6) 9,7±0,9 38,6±1,2 22,3±1,7

5th (3,7-3,9) 12,3±1,0 25,5±1,5 28,9±1,4

improvement during natural increase of general training volume.


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Authors information

Eduard V. Feroyan - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Georgian State Teaching University of Physical Education and Sport, 49 str., Chavchavadze, Tbilisi, 0163, Georgia, E-mail: [email protected]

For citations: Feroyan E.V. "Anaerobic threshold" criterion use for endurance development among stayer swimmers, The Russian journal of physical education and sport (pedagogico-psychological and medico-biological problems of physical culture and sports), 2017, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 187-194. DOI 10.14526/03 2017 258

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