An optimization of path planning A* for static uniform grid based on pruning algorithms: Experimental experience
Mohammed Hammoud, Sergey Lupin
Abstract — Path-finding in uniform-cost grid environments is a popular task in different applications, like and video games, and robotics. In this project, several classical algorithms are presented and their work is explained, such as A*, Dijkstra, and Wave-front algorithm. A novel search strategy called Jump Point Search which uses pruning to decrease the discovered space is also presented. Jump Point Search is a designed optimal and fast algorithm for grids with no memory overhead. Moreover, Jump Point Search improvement will be discussed together with JPS+. We will use a benchmark to evaluate each of mentioned algorithms using different criteria, such as operation time, the number of visited nodes, and path length. Our environment will be a 2D uniform static grid. The aim of this article is to investigate the performance of several grid-based path-finding algorithms. We find that JPS produces the same path length as A* but with dramatically decreasing in time.
Keywords— Artificial Intelligence, path planning algorithms, Pruning algorithms, Robotics, Game development.
I. Introduction
Path planning is finding a visible collision-free path that will lead the agent from the initial to the target configuration. It defines the next action to do from the current state. The algorithm selects the best next state to move to from all potential states. This decision is made according to some function of criteria, usually defined using one of the distance measures, such as the shortest Euclidean distance to the target state.
Zero or multiple paths can be existing between certain initial and target states connecting the states. There are usually several possible paths (that is, paths that do not encounter obstacles). Criteria used in the evaluation of planning algorithms:
• Completeness: the ability to always find the solution if it exists and correctly report an error when there is none.
• Cost Optimization: is there a solution with the lowest path cost among all solutions?
• Time Complexity: the time required to calculate the path if it exists.
• Space Complexity: it defines the required memory to find the solution.
• Path Length: According to these criteria, the main goal is to get the shortest possible path. This length can be calculated with different formulas (Euclidean, Manhattan, etc.).
• Path Smoothness(PS): the path should be free from sharp turns, in other words, the goal of smoothness
is to have a straight path as much as possible, and this will help minimize power consumption since turns on a straight path use much less memory than a curvy path. The smoothness of the path can be calculated using the following equation(l):
PS = £¿(180 - (1)
• Detach from obstacles: the calculated path must be kept as far away from obstacles as possible.
In this work, we compared the classical algorithm (A*) with the Jump Point Search algorithm (JPS). In the next sections, we will briefly cover the classical algorithms, and in detail the JPS.
II. Literature review
A. Dijkistra
Dijkstra's Algorithm calculates all shortest paths from a given initial node to all other nodes in a fully connected graph. This algorithm requires information about the relative distance between all nodes Distances must not be negative.
B. A*
This is a search for the best first [9], which uses an evaluation function, refer to equation (2):
f(n) = g(n) + h(n) (1)
where g(n) is the cost of the path from the start state to node n, and h(n) is the heuristic which estimates cost of the shortest path from n to the target state, so we have f(n) equals the estimated the cost of the best path that continues from n to the target. This approach allows the algorithm to distinguish between more or less promising nodes and, as a result, find a solution more efficiently. This heuristic function can be the Euclidean distance or the Manhattan distance (sum of vertical and horizontal displacements) from the current node to the target node. Algorithm A* is complete because it finds the optimal path if it exists and if the heuristic is feasible (optimistic). Its disadvantage is high memory usage. If all costs to reach the goal are set to zero, operation A* is equal to Dijkstra's algorithm (h(n) = 0).
C. Jump Point Search
JPS is an optimized search algorithm for improving optimal search Aa* by expanding special nodes, called jump points [3] from the grid based on some rules. JPS excludes symmetric paths from a uniform 8-connected grid and provides one path between the destination and the target.
* S * /
-w- *
Fig. 1 Symmetries paths from start to goal in grid environment
Fig. 1 represents many equivalent best paths through this rectangular area. These tracks are symmetrical (costs the same).
A* adds nearest neighbor nodes to the set of what to explore next. JPS identifies situations where path symmetry is present and ignores certain nodes as we expand our search, as shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Difference between A* and JPS
JPS can recognize symmetric paths and ignore all but one, while A* adds all neighbors to the open list, as in the classic A* algorithm. JPS suggests moving right and keeps moving in that direction until we find a node y with at least one more neighbor without dominance, as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 JPS rules
1) Work principle of JPS
The main idea is to minimize the immediate neighbors around a node. The goal is to prove the presence of an optimal path between the node's parent and each neighbor, which doesn't pass through the current node. Jump points are intermediate points on the map through which a minimum of one optimal path must be passed.
2) Pruning rules
For a given node x accessed through a parent node p(x), suppose n' = (p, ..., n) - path without x, n = (p, x, n) - path with x. We truncate some neighbor's n of x, if one of two rules is satisfied:
• In the case of horizontal and vertical movement, there is a path shorter than one pass through current node x as shown in equation (3)
length(n') < length (n) (2)
• n' has a diagonal move earlier than n, and equation (4) is satisfied.
length(n') = length (n) (3)
3) Jump points
JPS determines node x as the jump point on the following rules:
1) x is a start or a target node.
2) x has a minimum of one forced neighbor.
3) The search direction from p(x) to x is diagonal and the other directions (vertical and horizontal) met the first two rules Fig. 3b.
There are two sets of rules: pruning rules and jumping rules. Looking to Fig. 4b, node x is currently being expanded. The direction of movement from the parent of node x is either horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
p- ►x
-p ►x
(a) straight, diagonal, and forced neighbor
Traveling eastward; forced neighbors of current node N
Traveling vestwaid: forced neighbors of current node N
! ] ■ +
■ T r
T p ■
■ p I
! ! Y N
P I ■
▼ N i i i,___J
Traveling northward: forced neighbors of in i i . Y N
Traveling southward: forced neighbors rr ent node N
(b) The eight forced neighbor cases [2].
Fig. 4 Work principles of JPS
Since there is an optimal path from p(x) to the gray marked neighbors of x without passing through x, we can prune the gray-marked neighbors. The remaining neighbors after pruning is called natural neighbors of x (marked in white). The existence of obstacles signals that it is important to consider a set of size k, where (0 < k < 2). These nodes represent forced neighbors of the current node that only occur when moving in a forward or cardinal direction (north, south, west, or east). Forced neighbors signal that the normal pruning strategy will fail and that the current node must consider additional nodes.
Now we will explain the work of the JPS algorithm in the case illustrated in Fig. 5.
1) Starting with a single node in the open queue, expand vertically and find nothing (Fig. 5a).
2) Expanding horizontally, we find a node with a forced neighbor (highlighted in purple). Add this node to the open set (Fig. 5b).
3) Expand diagonally, finding nothing because we run into the edge of the map (Fig. 5c).
4) Explore the next best one (from the open node). Since we were moving horizontally, when we reached this node, we continue to jump horizontally (Fig. 5d).
5) Since there is a forced neighbor, it is necessary to expand in this direction. Following the rules of diagonal jumps, we move diagonally, then look both vertically and horizontally (Fig. 5e).
6) Found nothing, we again move diagonally (Fig. 5f).
7) This time, after expanding horizontally (nowhere to go) and vertically, we see the target node. It is no less interesting than finding a node with a forced neighbor, so we add this node to the open set (Fig. 5g).
8) Expanding the last open node, reaching the goal (Fig. 5a).
9) By skipping the last iteration of the algorithm - adding the target itself to the open set only to recognize it as such - we found a better way (Fig. 5i).
D. Jump Point Search improvement
JPS spends most of its time searching the grid for successors instead of manipulating nodes from lists. JPS has been enhanced using various techniques such as block-based symmetry breaking and improvement of cleaning rules. The majority of jump points are target independent. The improved JPS version uses a new preprocessing that calculates and stores jump points of nodes on the map.
Such block-based operations allow applying the pruning rules of JPS to multiple nodes simultaneously. This will allow the grid to be scanned faster which increases the overall pathfinding performance. To achieve this, the grid must be encoded as a matrix of bits. Each bit corresponds to a unique location and implies the nodes that can be traversed.
In JPS we will scan horizontally then vertically then diagonally (just one node at a time), in the order shown with the red numbers. While new JPS scan several nodes at the same time.
JPS performs searching iteratively along a given row or column, and it stops in case finding a forced neighbor in an adjacent row or detecting a dead-end or the target node in the current row. The stopping condition can be validated using an operation on B BN, and B j. This algorithm is shown below (applied at the same time on the example shown in Fig. 7, where w = 8).
1) Get BN by reading w nodes from N.
BN = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], Dead node exists at: bN = ffs(BN) - 1 = 4
where ffs stands for find the first set
2) Get B | by reading w nodes, from the previous row for node N
B |= [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
3) Get B I (Bd)by reading w nodes, from the previous row for node N
B |= [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
4) Detect dead node exists in position i of byte B in case Bt = 0 and Bi+1 = 1. In other words, this can be done, as shown in equation (5):
bN = find first set(BN) - 1 (4)
bN = 5 - 1 = 4
5) Detect forced neighbors, Bt is a forced neighbor if Bt is traversable and Bi-1 is not(obstacles). This is done using equation (6):
forced(B) = (B << 1) &! B (5)
6) Find stop byte Bs, using equation (7).
Bs = forced(By)| forced(Bd )\BN (6)
Bs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
Bs= 0 ^ The search has to stop. Since BN If bs = 0, jump w-1 nodes and repeat, else search has to stop. If bs is less than bN, then there is a jump point at BN [¿s- 1] else we hit a dead node. At position bs= ffs (BN)
(h) (i) Fig. 5 JPS example workflow [4]
Fig. 6 JPS (red numbers) and Improved JPS [5]
JPS+ has disadvantages represented by preprocessing step (offline algorithm). The time complexity of JPS is quadratic while it has linear space requirements w.r.t the number of
nodes in the grid. The disadvantage of the prepossessing step requires re-computing the map changes and introducing a substantive memory overhead.
JPS+ is a speed algorithm since it searches for jump point successors in constant time rather than scanning the grid for jump points. In most cases, JPS+ requires scanning a small part of the map and in this case, time dramatically increases if the map is obstacle free. In this case, one diagonal jump may lead to all nodes being scanned. Additionally, recomputing the path via block-based symmetry is performed very fast.
IV. Methods and methodology
We used the benchmark [8] as shown in Fig. 8 to evaluate each of the mentioned algorithms against various criteria such as running time, number of nodes visited, and path length.
(a) Berlin_0_256 map
(b) Boston_2_512 map
Fig. 7 Samples from the dataset used to test and evaluate algorithms
V. Results
For all maps in the dataset [10], the results are illustrated below. We have tested both algorithms (A*, JPS) on different maps from this dataset. some results samples for some maps are shown in Table. 1 and Table. 2. Each table corresponds to a different map size: 256 x 256 to 512 x 512.
As shown in Tables, JPs finds a path faster than A*. JPs also produces a path almost similar to A*. From another point, we have tested the algorithms on all datasets, which are shown in Fig 9-14.
Fig. 10 Path length comparison between A* (blue) and JPS (orange) for the entire dataset for a map size of 512 x 512
Fig. 11 Time comparison between A* (blue) and JPS for map size 512 x 512
Fig. 12 Path length comparison between A* (blue) and JPS (orange) for the entire dataset for a map size of 1024 x 1024
Fig. 8 Path length comparison between A* (blue) and JPS (orange) for the entire dataset for a map size of 256 x 256
Fig. 13 Time comparison between A* (blue) and JPS for map size 1024 x 1024
Table. I Algorithms Comparison for 256 * 256 map
Map 256x256 Start Goal Benchmark (length) Algorithm
x y x y length Time (sec) length Time (sec)
Boston_0-256 352 0 0 407 752.3595 752.3595 11.3571 751.7737 0.9301
268 10 24 482 752.0530 752.0530 10.4115 751.4672 0.6380
Paris_0-256 495 503 24 85 722.0509 722.0509 16.7910 720.2935 2.9828
509 48 12 495 720.8570 720.8570 14.8685 717.3423 1.7216
London_0-256 214 26 51 199 828.5311 828.5311 12.3035 825.6022 2.7474
244 40 507 502 828.1930 828.1930 16.9394 828.1930 2.0201
Moscow_0-256 5 499 510 20 729.1829 729.1829 15.0875 728.5971 1.0276
67 499 502 6 731.8692 731.8692 4.7098 729.5260 167.0000
Table. II Algorithms Comparison for 512 x 512 map
Map 512 * 512 Start Goal Benchmark (length) Algorithm
x y x y length Time(sec) length Time
Boston_0-512 4 227 181 7 379.1564 379.1564 3.8948 377.3991 1.1406
125 1 26 233 376.4113 376.4113 1.0783 375.2397 0.2997
Paris_0-512 242 243 6 18 390.3036 390.3036 2.5419 387.3747 0.6335
239 253 7 10 389.4752 389.4752 1.6995 387.1320 0.6477
London_0-512 153 13 49 254 397.6001 397.6001 4.1897 395.8427 1.1271
31 108 132 25 397.8305 397.8305 2.4166 394.3158 1.0736
Moscow_0-512 247 4 7 247 361.0559 361.0559 1.6264 359.8843 0.4414
20 241 246 0 360.0854 360.0854 2.5279 357.1564 0.4946
Fig. 15 shows a visual representation of the path generated by JPS.
Fig. 14 Visual representation of the shortest path between two points based on JPS
In this work, we compared A* with a pruning algorithm jump point search. Using the jumping approach, JPS is able to quickly move over the map with no need to add nodes to the open list. This reduces the operations number and nodes' number in the list. JPS is optimal and eliminates nodes with no memory overhead. A disadvantage of JPS is to ignore the
possibility from any angle so that JPS solutions always have a gap with the actual paths. This will be a possible working direction that will be implemented on enhanced JPS for better performance.
[1] C. Y. Lee, "An algorithm for path connections and its applications, "IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, vol. EC-10, no. 3, pp.346365, Sep. 1961.
[2] D. Harabor and A. Grastien, "Online graph pruning for pathfinding on grid maps," in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 1, 2011, pp. 1114-1119.
[3] "The JPS pathfinding system," in International Symposium on Combinatorial Search, vol. 3, no. 1, 2012.
[4] a-visual-explanation-of-jump-point-search.html.
[5] D. Harabor and A. Grastien, "Improving jump point search," in Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, vol. 24, 2014, pp. 128-135.
[6] S. Rabin, Game AI Pro 360: guide to movement and pathfinding CRC Press, 2019.
[7] Pygame,
[8] "Moving AI lab: 2d maps and benchmark problems,"
[9] B. Stout, "Smart moves: Intelligent pathfinding," Game developer magazine, vol. 10, pp. 28-35, 1996.
[10] "Moving AI lab: 2d maps and benchmark problems, city street,"
Paper received 25 June 2023.
Mohammed Hammoud, PhD student, National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET) (e-mail: [email protected]); Sergey Lupin, Professor, National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET), (e-mail: [email protected]).