Научная статья на тему 'An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for assessment of risks to an organization’s information security'

An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for assessment of risks to an organization’s information security Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Glushenko S.A.

This article explains the importance of applying risk assessment in the implementation of information security systems. It is considered the most common risk assessment procedure and entails application of fuzzy logic theory for this purpose. The paper describes the proposed fuzzy production model (FPM), which defines seven input linguistic variables describing risk factors, four output linguistic variables that characterize different areas of information security risks, as well as four base rules. It is noted that the FPM is the first approach to the subject area and requires optimization to minimize the model’s output errors. The most common methods of optimization of fuzzy models parameters are examined, and the advantages of applying methods based on neuro-fuzzy networks (NFN) are justified. The article describes the process of converting fuzzy model elements, such as unit fuzzification, rule base unit and unit defuzzification, into fragments of the neural network. The result of this process is a neuro-fuzzy network corresponding to the fuzzy model. Formation of the developed NFN is based on an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), using the specialized Neuro-Fuzzy Designer package of MATLAB software. The model was trained by a hybrid method which represents a combination of the methods of least squares and backpropagation. The result of this process is optimization (setting) the parameters of membership functions of input linguistic variables. Application of neuro-fuzzy modeling made it possible to obtain a more appropriate fuzzy production model which is able to conduct linguistic analysis of the risks of an organization’s information security. The information obtained with its help allows IT managers to determine risk priorities and to develop effective action plans to reduce the impact of the most dangerous threats.

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Текст научной работы на тему «An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for assessment of risks to an organization’s information security»

An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for assessment of risks to an organization's information security1

Sergey A. Glushenko

Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Systems and Applied Computer Science Rostov State University of Economics

Address: 69, Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected]


This article explains the importance of applying risk assessment in the implementation of information security systems. It is considered the most common risk assessment procedure and entails application of fuzzy logic theory for this purpose. The paper describes the proposed fuzzy production model (FPM), which defines seven input linguistic variables describing risk factors, four output linguistic variables that characterize different areas of information security risks, as well as four base rules.

It is noted that the FPM is the first approach to the subject area and requires optimization to minimize the model's output errors. The most common methods of optimization of fuzzy models parameters are examined, and the advantages of applying methods based on neuro-fuzzy networks (NFN) are justified.

The article describes the process of converting fuzzy model elements, such as unit fuzzification, rule base unit and unit defuzzification, into fragments of the neural network. The result of this process is a neuro-fuzzy network corresponding to the fuzzy model.

Formation of the developed NFN is based on an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), using the specialized Neuro-Fuzzy Designer package of MATLAB software. The model was trained by a hybrid method which represents a combination of the methods of least squares and backpropagation. The result of this process is optimization (setting) the parameters of membership functions of input linguistic variables.

Application of neuro-fuzzy modeling made it possible to obtain a more appropriate fuzzy production model which is able to conduct linguistic analysis of the risks of an organization's information security. The information obtained with its help allows IT managers to determine risk priorities and to develop effective action plans to reduce the impact of the most dangerous threats.

Key words: risk, information security, linguistic variable, membership function, neuro-fuzzy network, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, neuro-fuzzy designer.

Citation: Glushenko S.A. (2017) An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for assessment of risks to an organization's information securit . Business Informatics, no. 1 (39), pp. 68—77. DOI: 10.17323/1998-0663.2017.1.68.77.

1 This research has been carried out with financial support of RFBR within the framework of scientific project No. 16-31-00285 "Fuzzy logic methods and models in risk management decision support systems"


The introduction of information technologies and computing facilities in the production and management of modern enterprises provides an effective tool to increase labor productivity. However, the enterprise IT-infrastructure often takes an unstructured form, which leads to an uncontrolled growth of information security (IS) vulnerabilities and risks to the enterprise as a whole.

Information security is an "information and supporting infrastructure protection against accidental or intentional effects of a natural or artificial character, which can cause unacceptable harm" [1].

Paper [2] analyzes the most common methods of IS risk assessment - NIST [3] and CRAMM [4], describes their disadvantages and proposes to use fuzzy logics for these purposes. The proposed fuzzy production model (FPM) includes seven input linguistic variables

(Table 1) describing risk factors, four output linguistic variables (Table 2), characterizing risks of various areas of information security, as well as four rules bases (Table 3) [2, 5].

When forming the input linguistic variables, the following term sets can be used, which determine the levels of factors [6]:

- T2 = {Low (L); High (H)};

- T3 = {Low (L); Medium (M); High (H)};

- T4 = {Very Low (VrL); Low (L); Medium (M);

High (H)};

- T5 = {Very Low (VrL); Low (L); Medium (M);

High (H); Very High (VrH)}.

When developing output linguistic variables, the following term sets can be used which determine risk factors [6]:

Table 1.

Risk factors of the information security of organization

Designation Name of linguistic variable Type of term set and interpretation of levels of factors

Xi Software/hardware protection T3. L - satisfactory to ensure the initial security level; M - sufficient for basic information security; H - completely complies with the information confidentiality level

X2 Organizational protection T3. L - deficient planning and lack of monitoring of vulnerabilities; M - planning and monitoring of vulnerabilities are conducted irregularly; H - timely planning and monitoring of vulnerabilities

X3 Legal protection T3. L - fragmentary and incomplete documentation; M - documentation is available, but short on details; H - documentation is complete and synchronized

X4 Motivation of a threats source (TS) T5. VrL - none; L - rare manifestation of interest; M - may well provoke interest; H - most likely will be interested in it; VrH - necessarily will take interest in it

X5 Possibilities of a threats source (TS) T5. VrL - none; L -insignificant level of TS infrastructure; M - medium level of infrastructure; H - rather high level of infrastructure; VrH - TS has significant possibilities

X6 Market value of an information resource (IR) T5. VrL - clear information; L - IR is of little value; M - IR is commercially confidential; H - highly confidential data; VrH - catastrophic value for the organization (strategic planning)

X7 Volume of information resource data (IR) of organization T5. VrL - very small part; L - minor part; M - half of IR; H - major part; VrH - full volume of IR

Table 2.

Risk factors of information security of an organization

Designation Name of linguistic variable Remark

Risk of effective protection reduction Characterizes the capability to reduce/increase the effective protection in relation to the required effectiveness for a particular enterprise

y2 Risk of potential threats Characterizes the possibility of potential threats to an enterprise

y3 Risk of material damage Characterizes the possibility of material damage to an enterprise when the organization's information security parameters are violated

y4 Risk to an organization's IS Integrated risk describing the enterprise's assurance level of information security

Table 3.

Fuzzy production rules of a model (fragment)

Rule designation


Rules base R1

R1.1 (Xj = L a x2 = L a x3 = L) v (Xj = M a X2 = L a x3 = L) v (Xj = L a x2 = M a x3 =L) y = VrHER

R1.2 (X = H a x2 = L a x3 = L) v (Xj = M a x2 = M a x3 = L) v (Xj = L a x2 = H a x3 = L) v (Xj = M a x2 = H a x3 = L) v (Xj = L a x2 = L a x3 = M) v (Xj = L a x2 = M a x3 = M) v (Xj = L a x2 = H a x3 = M) v (Xj = L a x2 = L a x3 = H) y = HER

R1.3 (Xj = H a x2 = M a x3 = L) v (Xj = H a x2 = H a x3 = L) v (Xj = M a x2 = L a x3 = M) v (Xj = H a x2 = L a x3 = M) v (xj = M a X2 = M a X3 = M) v (xj = M a X2 = H a x3 = M) v (xj = M a x2 = L a x3 = H) v (xj = L a x2 = M a x3 = H) v (Xj = M a X2 = M a X3 = H) v (Xj = L a X2 = H a x3 = H) y1 = MER

R1.4 (Xj = H a x2 = M a x3 = M) v (Xj = H a x2 = H a x3 = M) v (xj = H a X2 = L a X3 = H) v (xj = H a X2 = M a x3 = H) v (Xj = M a X2 = H a X3 = H) y1 = LER

R1.5 Xj = H a x2 = H a x3 = H y1 = VrLER

- T1 = {Low evidence of risk (LER); Medium evidence of risk (MER); High evidence of risk (HER)};

- T2 = {Very low evidence ofrisk (VrLER); Low evidence of risk (LER); Medium evidence of risk (MER); High evidence of risk (HER); Very high evidence of risk (VrHER)}.

In order to build a fuzzy model, it is necessary to de-

termine all its elements: rules base, number and type of membership functions for each variable model, parameters of membership functions, logical operators, etc.

The structure of the fuzzy production model for assessing risk to an organization's information security is provided in Figure 1.

Rules base yi


Fig. 1. Structure of fuzzy productive model

1. Statement of the problem

The developed model is based on expert knowledge about the modeled information security system (ISS) [2, 5, 7]. The system information was obtained with the involvement of an expert in the domain area, with the information obtained converted in a fuzzy model. This method is efficient if the expert has a perfect knowledge of the ISS. In practical work, the expert's knowledge is often insufficiently complete and accurate, and sometimes even contains contradictions. Therefore, the model should be based on objective system information, which can be presented by data from measuring the system input and output values [8].

These circumstances predetermine the relevance of development of the fuzzy self-tuning model for ISS risk assessment. The fuzzy model setting should primarily mean a process of determining parameters of the membership functions of input and output linguistic variables which minimize errors of the model outputs relative to the observed prototype system.

For model setting, namely, the optimization of its parameters, the following methods are most often used [9]:

♦ methods based on using neuro-fuzzy networks;

♦ searching methods;

♦ clustering-based methods.

The first group methods are associated with the conversion of a fuzzy model in a neuro-fuzzy network (NFN) and application of network training methods based on measurements of input and output system data for settings of the model network.

The second group methods are direct search methods

for optimal parameters of the fuzzy model. The search process can be both ordered and unordered (trial-and-error method). The most commonly used ordered search method is a method based on the use of genetic algorithms.

Clustering-based methods combine model parameters setting and its structuring. They are used for building fuzzy self-organizing models which have control over their essential input parameters, define an optimal number of fuzzy sets for input and output linguistic variables, and establish the form and number of rules.

Currently, the most studied methods are the first group methods. They make it possible to [10]:

optimize (set) parameters of the membership functions of linguistic parameters based on measurements of input and output dependences of the actual system;

correct fuzzy models which are not developed adequately enough by experts;

extend the expert-developed fuzzy models to the area of the studied model, where expert knowledge is limited.

The listed peculiarities explain the applicability of methods based on the use of neuro-fuzzy networks for setting a fuzzy model for assessing risk to an organization's information security.

2. Conversion of fuzzy model to neuro-fuzzy network

A conversion of fuzzification block elements is provided in Figure 2, which depicts a conversion of the piece-wise linear membership functions to a fragment of the neural network.

To set parameters a. of the membership functions in the course of network training, it is necessary to calculate derivatives of output values of the fuzzification block using appropriate parameters.

Block fuzzification results in calculated values of a degree of membership of input values by fuzzy set A.., each of which represents a linguistic range of definition.

The conversion of block elements of the rules base predicts presentation of the rule condition in the form of a neural network fragment. In this case, operations "AND" and "OR" can be performed using T- and S-norms and standards, or through other operators.

The input parameters of the defuzzification block are activation degrees fiBi (y) of fuzzy sets Bt at the model output. The center-of-gravity method is used for their conversion to a distinct number.









Low Middle High


û, X

Fig. 2. Conversion of piecewise linear membership functions (a) to neural network fragments (b)

As a result, the neuro-fuzzy network corresponding to the fuzzy model in Table 3 will have the structure given in Figure 3.

3. Application of Neuro-Fuzzy Designer package for building the NFN

The developed NFN is built based on the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) [8, 9] through the Neuro-Fuzzy Designer package of MATLAB software [11]. ANFIS is a neural network with several inputs and one output, which in their turn are fuzzy linguistic variables. In this case, the terms of input and output linguistic variables are described by membership functions that are coherent with the developed fuzzy self-tuning model of the IS risk assessment.

In the fuzzification phase, the triangular membership functions (Figure 4) for term sets of input (x х2, х3) and

output (y1) linguistic variables (LV) were specified:

Xj — LV "Software and hardware protection" (SwH-wPrt);

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x2 — LV "Organizational protection" (OrgPrt); x3 — LV "Legal protection" (LegPrt); y — LV "Risk of effective protection reduction" (Risk-Prt)1.


0 0 0.50 1

Fig. 4. Membership function for input variable SwHwPrt

The generated fuzzy inference system, which contains 27 rules of fuzzy products, is depicted in Figure 5.

NFN training was performed based on the training sample, which contained 200 sets representing a vector of values of factor levels having an impact on the risk, (input LV) and values of IS risk level (output LV). The data was obtained by generalizing the domain expert opinions using the Delphi method within the approach proposed in paper [12]. To generate training sets, the data received from the intrusion detection systems, antivirus programs, firewalls and other systems included in the ISS can be also used.

The Neuro-Fuzzy Designer package enables you to train using the method of backpropagation, the main purpose of which is to set up all multilayer structure layers by changing weights of intermediate layers, and the hybrid method, which is a combination of the method of least squares and the method of backpropagation. The results of applying NFN training methods for risk assessment of information security are provided in Table 4.

Table 4.

Application of Training Methods for Neutron-Fuzzy Network

Training method Error value Number of stages1

Method of backpropagation 0.0271 200

Hybrid method 0.0108 28

2 Number of stages required for achieving a stated error value






Rules base


Fig. 3. Neuro-fuzzy network (fragment)

Input LV

Input MF


Output MF

Output LV

Fig. 5. Structure of fuzzy inference system


0 0.50 1

Fig. 6. Optimized membership functions

As the Table shows, the hybrid training method enables us to get better results of network errors value during a fewer number of stages. With this in mind, for configuring the membership function parameters the choice was made in favor of the hybrid method. Figure 6 depicts a result of optimization (setting) of membership function parameters of the linguistic variable SwHwPrt.

Figure 7depicts a surface of the trained fuzzy model, which shows how output LV depends on two input LV; meanwhile, the third variable value is fixed.

The graphical view of dependence of output LV (ffiscPrt — "Risk of effective protection reduction") on input LV (^HwPrt — "Software and hardware protection" and OrgPrt — "Organizational protection") shows an expected increase of the value of risk of effective protection reduction of an organization with the

decrease of the hardware-software protection and organizational protection [2].

Therefore, a smooth and monotone dependence diagram of the reduced "output surface" implies a good "quality" of the output mechanism and adequacy and consistency of the used inference rules.

The risk assessment mechanism based on NFN has broad capabilities. In particular, it can be adapted to the existing risk management models, and can be also modified taking into account the actual conditions of the organization's information security policy [7].


The fuzzy production model described in the introduction was the first approximation for the subject domain concerned and was to be set up. The developed fuzzy self-tuning model of the information security risk assessment enabled us to adjust parameters of the membership functions for linguistic variables for the information security systems under study and obtain a more adequate fuzzy production model.

The fuzzy self-tuning model we implemented enables us to perform continuous analysis of the information security risk, and the information obtained as a result of fuzzy modeling enables IT managers to identify risk priorities (from "very high" to "very low") and to develop effective action plans to reduce the impact of the most hazardous threats.

Fig. 7. Surface of the fuzzy model system



1. State Technical Commission (2005) Informatsionnye tekhnologii. Osnovnye terminy i opredeleniya v oblasti tekhnicheskoy zashchity infor-matsii. Rekomendatsiipo standartizatsii (R 50.1.053-2005) [Information technologies. Basic terms and definitions in scope of technical protection of information. Recommendations on standardization (P 50.1.053-2005)]. Moscow, State Technical Commission (in Russian).

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12. Khubaev G.N. (2011) Poluchenie gruppovoy ekspertnoy otsenki znacheniy pokazateley: poshagovaya protsedura i programmnoe obespechenie [Obtaining a group expert estimate of metrics values: a stepwise procedure and software]. Software and Systems, no. 2, pp. 13—16 (in Russian).

Адаптивная нейро-нечеткая система оценки рисков информационной безопасности организации3

С.А. Глушенко

кандидат экономических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры информационных систем и прикладной информатики Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ) Адрес: 344002, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Большая Садовая, д. 69 E-mail: [email protected]

I Аннотация

В статье обосновывается важность применения оценки рисков при реализации системы обеспечения информационной безопасности. Рассматриваются наиболее распространенные методики оценки риска и предлагается использовать для этих целей теорию нечеткой логики. Описывается предложенная нечеткая продукционная модель (НПМ), в которой определены семь входных лингвистических переменных, характеризующих факторы риска, четыре выходных лингвистических переменных, характеризующих риски различных областей информационной безопасности, а также четыре базы правил.

3 Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, в рамках научного проекта № 16-31-00285 «Методы и модели нечеткой логики в системах принятия решений управления рисками»


Отмечается, что НПМ является первым приближением для рассматриваемой предметной области и требует оптимизации с целью минимизации ошибки выходов модели. Рассматриваются наиболее распространенные методы оптимизации параметров нечетких моделей и обосновываются преимущества применения методов, основанных на использовании нейро-нечетких сетей (ННС).

Описывается процесс преобразования элементов нечеткой модели, таких как блок фаззификации, блок базы правил и блок дефаззификации во фрагменты нейронной сети. Результатом данного процесса является нейро-нечеткая сеть, соответствующая нечеткой модели.

Построение разработанной ННС осуществляется на основе системы нейро-нечеткого вывода (adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, ANFIS) посредством применения специализированного пакета Neuro-Fuzzy Designer программного средства MATLAB. Обучение модели было выполнено гибридным методом, который представляет собой комбинацию методов наименьших квадратов и обратного распространения ошибки. Результатом данного процесса является оптимизация (настройка) параметров функций принадлежности входных лингвистических переменных.

Использованный подход нейро-нечеткого моделирования позволил получить более адекватную нечеткую продукционную модель, которая позволяет проводить лингвистический анализ рисков информационной безопасности организации. Полученные с ее помощью сведения позволяют ИТ-менеджерам определять приоритеты рисков и разрабатывать эффективные планы мероприятий по снижению влияния наиболее опасных угроз.

Ключевые слова: риск, информационная безопасность, лингвистическая переменная, функция принадлежности,

нейро-нечеткая сеть, система нейро-нечеткого вывода, дизайнер нейро-нечетких сетей.

Цитирование: Glushenko S.A. An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for assessment of risks to an organization's

information security // Business Informatics. 2017. No. 1 (39). P. 68-77. DOI: 10.17323/1998-0663.2017.1.68.77.


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Moscow, 11-14 April 2017

Higher School of Economics has been hosting the annual April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development since 2000. Professor Evgeny Yasin, HSE's Academic Supervisor, is the Chair of the Conference Programme Committee.

The April Conference is the largest interdisciplinary event in social sciences in Russia, in terms of the number of its participants and attending representatives of the global academic community. At various times, Nobel Prize winners, as well as leading experts from the World Bank and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), have taken part in the Conference. This year, the Conference will bring together about 2000 participants, including 200 international experts. Conference speakers are selected based on expert reviews of their academic papers by internationally renowned experts in respective disciplines. This year, 240 sessions that have successfully passed academic review shall be carried out. Each session will feature three to four presentations focusing on current issues in economics, sociology, law, statistics, political science, management, public administration, finance and other fields related to the social sciences. On top of research-related reports, the Conference's programme traditionally includes special events such as roundtable discussions, doctoral seminars and presentations of honorary papers. Moreover, in 2017, the April Conference shall serve as a platform for discussion of papers dedicated to strategically important areas of economic and social development based on materials of the Center for Strategic Development. Furthermore, the Conference's roundtable discussions will cover the following topics: interaction between business and government at the regional and municipal level: the global and Russian experience, prospects for development in Russia's regions: views and opportunities of regional elites, the fate of economic programmes and reform in Russia, and the economic community and rankings of Russian economic journals, as well as other current issues related to the Russian and global economy, technological development, education and social policy. Members of the Russian Government, senior officials of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, and several of the most high profile representatives from the business community and civil society shall take part in the Conference. The Conference's discussions have become an essential part of an important dialogue between the Russian authorities, the expert community, and the general public.

Москва, 11-14 апреля 2017 г.

Начиная с 2000 года Высшая школа экономики ежегодно проводит Апрельскую международную научную конференцию по проблемам развития экономики и общества. Председателем Программного комитета конференции является профессор Е.Г. Ясин, научный руководитель ВШЭ. Среди проводимых в России междисциплинарных конференций по общественным наукам это мероприятие является крупнейшим по числу участников и представительству международного исследовательского сообщества. В конференции неоднократно участвовали лауреаты Нобелевской премии, принимают участие ведущие эксперты Всемирного Банка и Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития. В 2017 году в конференции примут участие около 2000 человек, включая 200 иностранных участников. Докладчики Апрельской конференции отбираются по результатам экспертизы научных докладов, которая осуществляется признанными экспертами в соответствующих областях знаний. По итогам академической экспертизы в этом году сформировано 240 сессий, на каждой из которых будет представлено 3-4 доклада по проблемам экономики, социологии, права, политологии, менеджмента, государственного управления, финансам и другим общественным наукам. Наряду с научными докладами программа конференции традиционно включает специальные мероприятия - круглые столы, аспирантские семинары, почетные доклады. В 2017 году Апрельская конференция станет площадкой для экспертного обсуждения докладов о стратегических направлениях экономического и социального развития, которые будут подготовлены на основе материалов Центра стратегических разработок. Круглые столы конференции будут посвящены, в частности, следующим темам: «Взаимодействие власти и бизнеса на региональном и муниципальном уровне: зарубежный и российский опыт», «Перспективы развития регионов России: взгляды и возможности региональной элиты», «Судьба экономических программ и реформ в России», «Экономическое сообщество и ранжирование российских экономических журналов» и другим актуальным проблемам российской и мировой экономики, технологического развития, образования и социальной политики. В мероприятиях конференции примут участие члены Правительства Российской Федерации, руководящие сотрудники Администрации Президента Российской Федерации, видные представители гражданского общества и бизнеса. Дискуссии в рамках конференции стали неотъемлемой частью диалога российской власти с экспертным сообществом и широкой общественностью.


Articles should be topical and original, should outline tasks (issues), describe key results of the author's research and appropriate conclusions.

Manuscripts are submitted via e-mail: [email protected].


TEXT FILES should be submitted in electronic form, as a MS Word document (version 2003 or higher).

LENGTH. Articles should be between 20 and 25 thousand characters (incl. spaces).

FONT, SPACING, MARGINS. The text should be in Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.5 spaced, fit to the width, margins: left - 25 mm, all other - 15 mm.

TITLE of the article should be submitted in native language and English.

AUTHORS' DETAILS are presented in native language and English. The details include:

♦ Full name of each author

♦ Position, rank, academic degree of each author

♦ Affiliation of each author, at the time the research was completed

♦ Full postal address of each affiliation (incl. postcode / ZIP)

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♦ E-mail address of each author.

ABSTRACT are presented in native language and English.

♦ The abstract should be between 200 and 300 words.

♦ The abstract should be informative (no general words), original, relevant (reflects your paper's key content and research findings); structured (follows the logics of results' presentation in the paper)

♦ The recommended structure: purpose (mandatory), design / methodology / approach (mandatory), findings (mandatory), research limitations / implications (if applicable), practical implications (if applicable), originality / value (mandatory).

♦ It is appropriate to describe the research methods/methodology

if they are original or of interest for this particular research. For papers concerned with experimental work the data sources and data procession technique should be described.

♦ The results should be described as precisely and informatively as possible. Include your key theoretical and experimental results, factual information, revealed interconnections and patterns. Give special priority in the abstract to new results and long-term impact data, important discoveries and verified findings that contradict previous theories as well as data that you think have practical value.

♦ Conclusions may be associated with recommendations, estimates, suggestions, hypotheses described in the paper.

♦ Information contained in the title should not be duplicated in the abstract. Authors should try to avoid unnecessary introductory phrases (e.g. «the author of the paper considers...»).

♦ Authors should use the language typical of research and technical documents to compile your abstract and avoid complex grammatical constructions.

♦ The text of the abstract should include key words of the paper.

KEYWORDS are presented in native language and English. The number of key words / words combinations are from 6 to 10 (separated by semicolons).

FORMULAE should be prepared using Math Type or MS Equation tool.

FIGURES should be of high quality, black and white, legible and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. All figures (charts, diagrams, etc.) should be submitted in electronic form (photo images - in TIF, PSD or JPEG formats, minimum resolution 300 dpi). Appropriate references in the text are required.

REFERENCES should be presented in Harvard style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.

The publication is free of charge.


Представляемая для публикации статья должна быть актуальной, обладать новизной, отражать постановку задачи (проблемы), описание основных результатов исследования, выводы, а также соответствовать указанным ниже правилам оформления.

Текст должен быть тщательно вычитан автором, который несет ответственность за научно-теоретический уровень публикуемого материала.

Материалы представляется в электронном виде по адресу:

[email protected].


ТЕКСТ СТАТЬИ представляется в редакцию в электронном виде (в формате MS Word, версия 2003 или выше).

ОБЪЕМ. Ориентировочный объем статьи составляет 20-25 тысяч знаков (с пробелами).


ШРИФТ - Times New Roman, кегль набора - 12 пунктов, полуторный интервал, форматирование по ширине. Нумерация страниц -вверху по центру, поля: левое - 2,5 см, верхнее, нижнее и правое -по 1,5 см.

НАЗВАНИЕ СТАТЬИ приводится на русском и английском языках. Название статьи должно быть информативным и раскрывать содержание статьи.

СВЕДЕНИЯ ОБ АВТОРАХ приводятся на русском и английском языках и включают следующие элементы:

♦ фамилия, имя, отчество всех авторов полностью

♦ должность, звание, ученая степень каждого автора

♦ полное название организации - места работы каждого автора в именительном падеже, полный почтовый адрес каждой организации (включая почтовый индекс)

♦ адрес электронной почты каждого автора.

АННОТАЦИЯ К СТАТЬЕ представляется на русском и английском языках.

♦ Объем - 200-300 слов.

♦ Аннотация должна быть информативной (не содержать общих слов).

♦ Аннотация должна отражать основное содержание статьи и быть структурированной (следовать логике описания результатов в статье).

♦ Структура аннотации: предмет, цель, метод или методологию проведения исследования, результаты исследований, область их применения, выводы.

♦ Метод или методологию проведения исследований целесообразно описывать в том случае, если они отличаются новизной или представляют интерес с точки зрения данной работы. В аннотациях статей, описывающих экспериментальные работы, указывают источники данных и характер их обработки.

♦ Результаты работы описывают предельно точно и информативно. Приводятся основные теоретические и экспериментальные результаты, фактические данные, обнаруженные взаимосвязи и закономерности. При этом отдается предпочтение новым результатам и дан-

ным долгосрочного значения, важным открытиям, выводам, которые опровергают существующие теории, а также информации, которая, по мнению автора, имеет практическое значение.

♦ Выводы могут сопровождаться рекомендациями, оценками, предложениями, гипотезами, описанными в статье.

♦ Сведения, содержащиеся в названии статьи, не должны повторяться в тексте аннотации. Следует избегать лишних вводных фраз (например, «автор статьи рассматривает...»).

♦ Исторические справки, если они не составляют основное содержание документа, описание ранее опубликованных работ и общеизвестные положения, в аннотации не приводятся.

♦ В тексте аннотации следует употреблять синтаксические конструкции, свойственные языку научных и технических документов, избегать сложных грамматических конструкций.

♦ В тексте аннотации следует применять значимые слова из текста статьи.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА приводятся на русском и английском языках. Количество ключевых слов (словосочетаний) - 6-10. Ключевые слова или словосочетания отделяются друг от друга точкой с запятой.

ФОРМУЛЫ. При наборе формул, как выключных, так и строчных, должен быть использован редактор формул MS Equation. В формульных и символических записях греческие (русские) символы, а также математические функции записываются прямыми шрифтами, а переменные аргументы функций в виде английских (латинских) букв -наклонным курсивом (пример «cos a», «sin b», «min», «max»). Нумерация формул - сквозная (по желанию авторов допускается двойная нумерация формул с указанием структурного номера раздела статьи и, через точку, номера формулы в разделе).

РИСУНКИ (графики, диаграммы и т.п.) могут быть оформлены средствами MS Word или MS Excel. Ссылки на рисунки в тексте обязательны и должны предшествовать позиции размещения рисунка. Допускается использование графического векторного файла в формате wmf/emf или cdr v.10. Фотографические материалы предоставляются в формате TIF или JPEG, c разрешением изображения не менее 300 точек на дюйм. Нумерация рисунков - сквозная.

ТАБЛИЦЫ оформляются средствами MS Word или MS Excel. Нумерация таблиц - сквозная.

СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ составляется в соответствии с требованиями ГОСТ 7.0.5-2008. Библиографическая ссылка (примеры оформления размещены на сайте журнала http://bi.hse.ru/). Нумерация библиографических источников - в порядке цитирования. Ссылки на иностранную литературу - на языке оригинала без сокращений.


оформляется в соответствии с требованиями SCOPUS (примеры оформления размещены на сайте журнала http://bi.hse.ru/). Для транслитерации русскоязычных наименований можно воспользоваться сервисом http://translit.ru/.


Для размещения полнотекстовых версий статей на сайте журнала с авторами заключается лицензионный договор о передаче авторских прав.

Плата с авторов за публикацию рукописей не взимается.

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