Tadjibaeva A.E. Email: [email protected]
Abstract: the article under discussion reveals the actual problems of teaching foreign languages at university. The author of the article believes that the new socio-economic and political situation requires the implementation of language policy in the field of foreign language education in society, aimed at meeting both public and personal needs in relation to foreign languages. One of the problems typical for the process of teaching foreign languages and cultures is the lack of assimilation of the supposed educational material. In addition to motivating students, the relevance and appeal of the materials offered, as well as the professional and business competence of the teacher play a major role in this issue. Keywords: actual problem, foreign language, educational material, needs, teaching process, motivation, professional, competence, society.
ЯЗЫКАМ В ВУЗЕ Таджибаева А.Э.
Таджибаева Адила Эргашевна - ассистент, кафедра узбекского языка и литературы, факультет телекоммуникационных технологий и профессионального образования,
Ферганский филиал
Ташкентский университет информационных технологий, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье рассматриваются актуальные проблемы обучения иностранным языкам в вузе. Автор статьи считает, что новая социально-экономическая и политическая ситуация требует реализации в обществе языковой политики в области иноязычного образования, нацеленной на удовлетворение как общественных, так и личных потребностей по отношению к иностранным языкам. Одной из проблем, характерных для процесса преподавания иностранных языков и культур, является недостаточная степень усвоения предполагаемого учебного материала. В данном вопросе большую роль играет, помимо мотивации обучающихся, актуальность и привлекательность предлагаемых учебных материалов, а также профессиональная и деловая компетенция преподавателя. Ключевые слова: актуальная проблема, иностранный язык, учебный материал, потребности, процесс преподавания, мотивация, профессиональная, компетенция, общество.
UDC 372.881.1
In the age of globalization and international integration, a special place is occupied by training aimed at creating, maintaining and strengthening ties between countries and nationalities in order to exchange knowledge and experience, create common multinational projects, mutually beneficial conditions for cooperation between different states. Training of foreign languages, national and cultural peculiarities of different countries becomes extremely important [1].
The modern system of foreign language teaching is characterized by the fact that, firstly, practical knowledge of a foreign language has become an urgent need of wide layers of society, and, secondly, the general social context creates favorable conditions for differentiation of foreign language teaching. The new social, economic and political situation requires the implementation of a foreign language education policy in society, aimed at meeting both public and personal needs in relation to foreign languages. The implementation of the new language policy is associated with the creation of a flexible system of language choice and conditions for their learning, as well as a variative system of forms and means of teaching, reflecting the current state of the theory and practice of teaching the subject. The variety of variants of foreign language teaching, teaching aids sets new requirements to the professional training of foreign language teachers, who in the new conditions should be able to act not according to the strictly prescribed rules and practices. In accordance with its own choice from among the possible methodological systems of the one that is more adequate to the conditions of learning [3].
One of the main problems that characterizes the process of teaching foreign languages and cultures is the lack of comprehension of the intended learning material. In addition to motivating students, the relevance and appeal of the materials offered, as well as the professional and business competence of the teacher play a major role in this issue.
Every university professor must be a professional. By professionalism of a higher school teacher L.I. Gurye understands "a high level of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-subject knowledge and skills in combination with a corresponding cultural and moral image, providing in practice socially demanded training of future specialists"; professional competence of a higher school teacher is represented in the form of interrelated blocks: pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication, personality of a teacher, training and level of development of students; the structure of activity is Gnostic.
Unfortunately, the actual understanding of a teacher's professionalism is often reduced to his or her actual knowledge of the subject. The tasks of the instructor should not be limited to the transmission of information: what matters is not only the informative content of the course being taught, but also how and under what conditions the material is presented to students [4]. "Dry" and boring text paraphrases or the restriction of tasks to reading, translating, and paraphrasing texts are all methods long past. Now the process of teaching should be dynamic, creative and multi-format. This is the kind of activity that, no matter how trivial it sounds, requires "put your heart into it", to feel a sincere interest in the results of your work. A true teacher-professional should feel an interest in the success of his students and do everything possible for this. If, however, due to circumstances, a teacher approaches the teaching process solely as a work that he or she is required to do for a fee, the probability of success is likely to be zero [5].
Ideally, every foreign language teacher who claims to be a professional should:
1) constantly "revolve" in the language environment: watch movies and read literature in a foreign language; find opportunities to communicate with native speakers of the language; go abroad to maintain the level of "natural" (not book) language and familiarize with the culture of the language being taught;
2) regularly get acquainted with new teaching aids; master modern teaching methods; try to develop their own more effective and innovative language teaching methods;
3) improve the knowledge in the language of the specialty that his/her students master (for example, if a teacher teaches business English, self-education in economics and communication with colleagues teaching subjects in various economic disciplines can be a great help);
4) contribute to the creation (and maintenance) of a creative, welcoming environment in the classroom that keeps the audience focused and adds motivation to the learning experience;
5) practise public speaking skills and learn strategies and ways to influence the audience;
6) possess knowledge of pedagogy and psychology;
7) regularly share their knowledge and experience through the publication of scientific and methodological articles, textbooks and manuals that actually improve the work with the educational material, participate in scientific events (conferences, seminars, round tables).
In the conditions of a modern university, not all foreign language teachers meet these seemingly necessary requirements. The reasons for this may be numerous and varied: from a trivial misunderstanding of the importance of a constant desire to improve the quality of teaching to objective external circumstances such as working conditions and the economic situation in society [6].
Список литературы /References
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2. Akramova N.M., Sharipov M.S. Reforms in the system of higher education in Uzbekistan // Вопросы науки и образования, 2018. № 29 (41). [Electronic Resource]. URL: (date of access: 14.10.2020).
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