network structures and the ways in which they re-conceptualize socio-cultural organization through innovative forms of spatial practice. The second section is dedicated to the study of new models of communication whose influence overcomes states' borders and which have a great potential and capabilities for destroying the basis and cultural values of the society.
The contributions of this edited volume entitled Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations: Cultural Dimensions study the role of modern mass media in the public sphere which has become a zone of modern discourse distorted by unequal access to information, power and prosperity issues that are especially relevant in the epoch of globalization.
• The papers included in the section ‘Networked Cultures: Negotiating Cultural Differences in Contested Spaces’ discuss the dynamics and potentials of newly emerging socio-political network structures and the ways in which they reconceptualise socio-political organization through innovative forms of spatial practice.
• The section ‘Modern Mass Media and Public Sphere’ is dedicated to the study of the new models of communication whose influence overcomes states' borders and which have a great potential and capabilities for destroying the basis and cultural values of a society.
For more details on the volumes, please, visit the Internet-shop of Editorial URSS
Age of Globalization:
Studies in Contemporary Global Processes
Age of Globalization is a special brief English version of the Russian journal Vek globalizatsii. The first and second sections contain complete articles and in the subsequent section one can find abstracts and annotations of the rest of the papers from the Russian-language original.
Alexander N. Chumakov
On the Subject and Boundaries of Global Studies William C. Gay
Processes of Globalization and the Discipline of Global Studies Leonid E. Grinin
Globalization and the Transformation of National Sovereignty Sergey Kashkin and Paul Kalinichenko
Globalization of the Rule of Law: Experience of Russia and the EU Countries
Anastasia V. Mitrofanova
Religion in World Politics and the Problem of ‘Civilizations’
Please, visit
to read the papers.
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