Научная статья на тему 'Agamid lizards crossing the way of 60 years of Herpetology in the Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn'

Agamid lizards crossing the way of 60 years of Herpetology in the Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Böhme Wolfgang

Brief historical sketch of Museum A. Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn. Founded by the St. Petersburg native Alexander Koenig (1858 1940) in 1900 as a purely ornithological research institution, it became a public museum in 1934 while the research part was extended to mammalogy and entomology. The herpetology department was founded only in 1951. It first housed merely few herps collected by Koenig and his assistants as by-catches during their mainly ornithological expeditions to North Africa. Remarkable is the Hoggar spiny tail lizard collected by Frhr. Hans Geyr von Schweppenburg and subsequently described by Lorenz Müller as Uromastyx geyri Müller, 1922, thereby becoming the first namebearing herpetological type of ZFMK. Important acquisitions of agamids followed only 4 5 decades later: rich Laudakia stellio material from several Aegean islands (K.F. Buchholz); several rare and endemic Laudakia species from Afghanistan (Clas M. Naumann) and Pakistan (Khalid J. Baig); the Gottingen Museum collection with some historical agamid types; significant collections from West (Mauritania, Senegal) and East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia) as well as from SE Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam). Research on agamid lizards at ZFMK was and is carried out in the course of several doctoral theses since the late 1970-ies: with the two DAAD fellows Scott M. Moody (from Ann Arbor, USA), Khalid J. Baig (from Islamabad), Thomas Wilms and Philipp Wagner, the work of the two latter being strongly supported by Andreas Schmitz (formerly also ZFMK, now Geneva). Agamid research in Bonn culminated by organizing the 1st international symposium «DeAgamis» which now finds its continuation in the present meeting «DeAgamis II» in St. Petersburg.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Agamid lizards crossing the way of 60 years of Herpetology in the Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn»


(sensu Panov et Zykova) (Euphrates river, N Syria). Laudakia nupta complex consists of three forms of species level divergence: form from Khorasan -Esfahan, Hormozgan - Fars and Kermanshah -

Khuzestan - Ham. Laudakia tuberculata is a sister species to Laudakia nupta.

Key words: DNA Barcoding, Laudakia, Trapelus, Pseudotrapelus.


Wolfgang Böhme

Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig 160 Adenauerallee, D-53113 Bonn, Germany E-mail: [email protected]

Brief historical sketch of Museum A. Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn. Founded by the St. Petersburg native Alexander Koenig (1858 - 1940) in 1900 as a purely ornithological research institution, it became a public museum in 1934 while the research part was extended to mammalogy and entomology. The

herpetology department was founded only in 1951. It first housed merely few herps collected by Koenig and his assistants as by-catches during their mainly ornithological expeditions to North Africa. Remarkable is the Hoggar spiny tail lizard collected by Frhr. Hans Geyr von Schweppenburg and subsequently


Sodder*bdruclc aus »NatarwissenscbaftUcher Beobachter', Heft No. I5|i0.


lieber eine neue Utomastix-kvt aus der ZentralSahara.

Von Prof. Lorenz Müller, München.

Herr Geheimrat Prof. Dr, König in Bonn hatte die Lieben»-p^ Würdigkeit mir eine größere Anzahl von Reptilien und Amphibien, die Freiherr Hans Geyr von Schweppenburg in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 1914 in den Ahaggarbergen zusammengebracht hatte, zur Bearbeitung anzuvertrauen.

Unter diesem aus einem zoologisch noch so gut wie unerforschten Gebiete stammenden Material befand sich auch eine neue, im männlichen Geschlecht auffallend gefärbte Urarnastix-Art, die im nachfolgenden charakterisiert werden soll. Uromastix geyri nov. spee,

Typus: Männchen ad., Berge bei Tahihaoüt, Freiherr H. Geyr v. Schweppenburg leg, 1, Mai 1914 Museum König, Bonn.

Gehört in die Gruppe von U. acanthtmirus, 1/. aemptius und ü. mkropkolis (Abt 1. Ii, der Beatimmungstabolle in Beulengers Calalogue or tho Lizards Vol. I, p. 405), Infolge seines gedrungenen Körperbaus und des verhältnismäßig großen Kopfes ähnelt er habituell am meisten U. aeardhinurus, mit dem er auch bezüglich der Größe der Rumpfschuppen übereinstimmt. Er unterscheidet sich aber von letzterer Art durch den erheblich längeren, schlankeren und mehr allmählich sich verjüngendeu Schwanz, sowie durch das Vorhandensein vergrößerter, meist zugespitzter Schuppen an den Flanken. f< Eingehende Beschreibung: Kopf verhältnismäßig

groß (ungefähr Vs der Kopfrumpflänge), Körper breit und gedrungen, Extremitäten kräftig. Der Schwanz ist annähernd so lang wie der Körper ohne Kopf (letzterer von der Schnauze bis zum Vorderraitd des Tympanums gemessen), und verhältnismäßig schlank. Seine größte Breite, die bereits beim dritten oder vierten Schwanzwirtel erreicht ist, beträgt V* bis höchstens V* seiner Lttnge: die Verschmälerung erfolgt ganz allmählich und das letzte Schwanzdrittel ist nur mehr mäßig abgeplattet Bei U. MaUAmarus ist der Schwanz um etwa '/* kürzer als der Körper ohne Kopf, seine größte Breite beträgt etwa '/* seiner Länge und seine Verschmälerung erfolgt nicht allmählich, sondern erst im letzten Schwanzviertel ziemlich plötzlich. Auch ist er bis zur Spitze hin stark abgeplattet. Bei Urmattix geyri finden sich meist 22—23 Schwanzwirtel, selten 20 oder 24, bei

First paper especially on ZFMK agamids (original descritpion of Uromastyx geyri) and the last comprehensive proceedings volume of DeAgamis I

СОВРЕМЕННАЯ ГЕРПЕТОЛОГИЯ 2010 Т. 10, вып. 3/4 141


described by Lorenz Müller as Uromastyx geyri Müller, 1922, thereby becoming the first name-bearing herpetological type of ZFMK. Important acquisitions of agamids followed only 4 - 5 decades later: rich Laudakia stellio material from several Aegean islands (K.F. Buchholz); several rare and endemic Laudakia species from Afghanistan (Clas M. Naumann) and Pakistan (Khalid J. Baig); the Gottingen Museum collection with some historical agamid types; significant collections from West (Mauritania, Senegal) and East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia) as well as from SE Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam).

Research on agamid lizards at ZFMK was and is carried out in the course of several doctoral theses since the late 1970-ies: with the two DAAD fellows Scott M. Moody (from Ann Arbor, USA), Khalid J. Baig (from Islamabad), Thomas Wilms and Philipp Wagner, the work of the two latter being strongly supported by Andreas Schmitz (formerly also ZFMK, now Geneva). Agamid research in Bonn culminated by organizing the 1st international symposium «DeAgamis» which now finds its continuation in the present meeting «DeAgamis II» in St. Petersburg.

Key words: Squamata, Agamidae, Museum Alexander Koenig, Bonn.


Evgeniy A. Dunayev 1, Nikolay A. Poyarkov 2

1 Zoological Museum, Moscow State University 6 B. Nikitskaya, Moscow 125009, Russia E-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Biological faculty, Moscow State University Vorobyevy Gory, GSP-1, Moscow 119991, Russia E-mail: [email protected]

We studied 16S and COI sequences of 42 specimens from 37 populations belonging to five taxa of Phrynocephalus versicolor species complex.

Most basal position in the NJ- and ML-trees occupies the clade comprising Ph. hispida. Within the remaining taxa, clearly separate position occupies the clade from Tuva and NW Mongolia - Ph. kulagini (Ph. versicolor kulagini) - this taxon is a sister clade to the group joining Ph. versicolor + (Ph. frontalis + Ph. przewalskii).

Modern range of Ph. hispida occupies Dzhungarian and Transaltai Gobi in Mongolia and from the eastern part of Xinjiang to Gansu province in China. This territory is regarded as a possible area of origin of Ph. (superspecies versicolor) and Ph. (superspecies guttatus) ancestors (Dunayev, 2009). Further dispersal of versicolor-group ancestor went in two basic directions: first lineage crossed Mongolian Altai and along the Great Lakes depression reached southern Tuva (Russia), where Ph. kulagini was formed. Another lineage moved to the east and gave rise to Ph. przewalskii, Ph. frontalis and Ph. versicolor. Further differentiation of this

group seems to be a subject of adaptive radiation and morphological differentiation of taxa since several substrate races were formed.

Ph. przewalskii and Ph. frontalis are found in sandy areas in Ordos and Alashan deserts, whereas Ph. versicolor inhabit hammadas in Gobi desert. As a result of further dispersal of Ph. versicolor in southern Mongolia it formed narrow contact zones with two parapatrically distributed «cryptic» species (Ph. hispida and Ph. kulagini).

All taxa can be distinguished from each other on the basis of colouration. Ph. frontalis and Ph. przewalskii are distinct from other species in having bright-orange (aurantiacus) underside of tail in juvenile and young specimens, and from each other they can be distinguished by size or absence/presence of dark dorsomedial stripe. Other species of Ph. (su-perspecies versicolor) have yellow underside of tail in juveniles. Ph. hispida and Ph. versicolor are distinguished from Ph. kulagini in presence of pink (or orange) axillary spots, and from each other in white (in Ph. hispida) or black (in Ph. versicolor) end of tail undersurface in young and juveniles.



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