International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Giyasova Azizakhan Muratovna
Journalism and Mass Communication University of Uzbekistan 1st year master's student at the Faculty of International Journalism
In this article discusses about innovative methods used in teaching foreign languages, especially English, modern pedagogical technologies and the advantages of organizing lessons based on them, innovative methods help students develop skills in four aspects of English: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Keywords: innovation, method, pedagogical technology, innovation education, innovation teacher, aspect, reading, listening, speaking, writing, skill..
В данной статье рассматриваются инновационные методы, используемые в обучении иностранным языкам, особенно английскому, современные педагогические технологии и преимущества организации уроков на их основе, инновационные методы помогают учащимся развивать навыки в четырех аспектах английского языка: чтение, письмо, аудирование и разговорная речь.
Ключевые слова: инновация, метод, педагогическая технология, инновационное образование, педагог-инновация, аспект, чтение, аудирование, говорение, письмо, умение..
After independence, our country, like all other spheres, pays great attention to education at the state level. All educational institutions in the country have been renovated in a modern style, new educational buildings have been commissioned, and the material and technical base has been radically updated. Particular attention was paid to the system of learning foreign languages. Several decisions have been made by the head of our state and government to develop foreign languages.
Our first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted PD 1875 "On measures to further improve the system of learning foreign languages" [
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
LKarimov,10.12.2012] opened a new way for the teaching and learning of foreign languages in the education system of our country. Following this decision, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted decision N 610 "On measures to further improve the quality of foreign language teaching in educational institutions." [A.Aripov 11.08.2017] Our esteemed President Sh. Mirziyoyev adopted PD 5117 on May 20, 2021. "On measures to bring the promotion of foreign language learning in the Republic of Uzbekistan to a qualitatively new level." [ Sh.Mirziyoyev 20.05.2020 ] These decisions were an important factor in mastering foreign languages, as well as the task of the foreign language teacher to become more skilled, self-reliant and improve the quality of lessons, to effectively organize lessons using innovative methods during the lesson.
We all know that every teacher needs to understand the essence of the topic in preparation for the lesson, to provide methodological and technical support of the lesson, as a result of which the teaching process is guaranteed to be effective in all respects. There are many ways to organize quality lessons. What methods and technologies are available to teach students in foreign language classes? When learning a foreign language, every student wants to be able to write, speak, listen, and write simple sentences in everyday language, family, reading, and other situations in the language they are learning. In turn, the teacher tries to create a foreign language environment for the student through the use of technical means (multimedia, audiovideo materials, Internet information, handouts and visual aids, etc.), as well as grammatical and lexical information in textbooks and textbooks. This is an important factor in creating a process of interaction. Innovative education is usually understand as the introduction of new (useful) elements into the learning process. Therefore, innovation in the education system is directly related to change. The education sector was one of the first in our country to launch an active innovation movement. This has been particularly evident in the teaching of foreign languages, including English, in general secondary schools since 2013 in the first grade. After that, the provision of English language classrooms in schools by the state with the latest information and communication technologies created an innovative teacher. New innovative methods, modern pedagogical technologies have emerged, and their emergence has greatly helped to develop in students the four aspects of teaching English: reading-reading, writing-writing, listening-listening, speaking-speaking.
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
Innovative technologies are the pedagogical process, as well as innovations and changes in the activities of teachers and students. The use of innovative methods is effective not only in the teaching of foreign languages but also in the teaching of other subjects. In English, I would like to point out which skills they can use to improve a student's skills and their advantages when they are used in English. It will be asked to write down his or her information and opinions.
Venn diagram: This technology develops students' ability to collect information on a topic, compare it, and reveal differences and commonalities. Through this method, students are taught to think critically, independently, creatively, and freely. [ Mahkamov U, Tillaboyeva N., 2003: 58]
Advantages: Reading can be used in tasks such as true or false, find differences between pictures, and thus improve students' speaking skills. Students can work in groups and in pairs.
6x6x6 technology. Students are divided into groups of 6. Assignments are given to the groups, a time is set. After completing the tasks, a new group is formed, representing one from each group. In the new group, each participant takes turns discussing the tasks in their group. The use of this technology in the educational process requires the teacher to be active, pedagogical skills, as well as the ability to form groups in accordance with the purpose.
Advantages: This technology allows you to train up to 36 students at a time and complete certain tasks. It is also possible to identify the capabilities of each group
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
member, to learn about their knowledge. It helps to improve students' reading, writing, speaking, listening skills.
Blits-questioning technology: The teacher asks questions to the students, and the students have to answer them quickly and clearly. The visual medium can be a ball or a board.
M: The teacher says an Uzbek word and throws the ball to the student, and the student quickly says the English word and returns the ball. [ Nabiyeva,2020: 256 ]
Advantages: Can be used to reinforce new words or grammar rules in a given topic. The use of this technology in the learning process teaches students to be quick and responsive. Helps to improve speaking skills.
Boomerang technology: Procedure: 1. Students are divided into groups; 2. Students are introduced to the purpose and order of the lesson. 3. Students will be given materials to read independently. 4. After the students have read and discussed the material, a new group is formed from each group member; 5. The members of the newly formed group take turns exchanging information, that is, they tell each other about the information in their group. 6. New group members return to their original groups; 7. The teacher asks students questions to determine how well they have mastered all the texts; 8. Team members are evaluated based on the answers to the questions. For example: in reading lessons, the text is divided into parts and given to groups. Each group member reads the passage and understands the content. Tells new members what they understand. Other members of the group also share what they have read. In this way thoughts are gathered. [ Sh.Alimov,2009 : 93 ]
Advantages: This technology allows students to work with literature in the classroom, in extracurricular activities, to memorize information, to express ideas freely, to have a lot of information in a short time, and the teacher evaluates all students. helps to increase In conclusion, the peculiarity of the use of innovative methods in the classroom is that they are carried out through the interaction of teacher and student. consists of systematic work carried out on the surface. It is well known that each subject has its own technology, methods and tools. In order to achieve high results in the training process, it is necessary to plan the training process in advance.
In this case, the teacher must choose the specifics of the subject, the learning process, the needs and capabilities of students, the level of knowledge, the technology used depending on the situation. Using innovative technologies, students will be able
International scientific-practical conference on the topic of "Problems and perspectives of modern technology in teaching foreign languages"
to demonstrate their abilities and potential, develop a creative approach to work, work in a team, and learn to respect the opinions of others. This will increase the effectiveness of the lesson and ensure the quality of education.
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