AZERBAIJAN CHEMICAL JOURNAL № 3 2022 ISSN 2522-1841 (Online)
ISSN 0005-2531 (Print)
UDC 66.01.77
A.A.Hasanov, R.A.Shikhiyev
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Department of Petrochemical Technology
and Industrial Ecology
[email protected] [email protected]
Received 25.03.2022 Accepted 21.04.2022
The aim of this study is to select an efficient, inexpensive adsorbent for the removal of synthetic dyes from the wastewater of the textile industry. We used waste products obtained during the regeneration of ion-exchange resins formed from highly saline aqueous solutions of calcium and magnesium that do not require pre-treatment, as well as magnesite minerals that contain traces of impurities, such as Fe, Zn, Co, Cd, Mn. The spectrophotometric characteristics of synthetic organic dyes in wastewater have been studied. The study has shown that in the process of adsorption, synthetic organic dyes are adsorbed by 95-99% in less than 15 minutes. Since synthetic organic dyes have active stretching, the adsorbent particles are not deposited in a dispersed colloidal form in the purified water and particle flotation occurs. To prevent this process, we used the required amount of sprayed activated bentonite with a negative charge, since bentonite causes rapid coagulation of dispersed adsorbent particles and also adsorbs dyes. Experiments have shown that to purify 1 liter of water contaminated with synthetic organic dyes, it is sufficient to use 10-15 ml of salt water obtained during the regeneration of ion-exchange resins or 1.5 g of magnesite, or 1.3 g of dolomite. The developed adsorbent eliminates pollutants by reducing the biological and chemical oxygen demand. These reductions are about ~95%. The adsorption treatment which we offer is effective and inexpensive, since the adsorbent is a mixture obtained from industrial waste and local bentonite.
Keywords: adsorption, adsorbent, wastewater, waste, dyes, regeneration, degree, bentonite. Introduction
As you know, the development of industry causes great harm to the environment: soil, surface and ground water, water basin, lakes, atmosphere, forests, contributes to the greenhouse effect and damage to the ozone layer [1-3].
Waters polluted by the textile industry contain detergents and synthetic organic dyes such as cybacet blue, cetylone orange, suprantin red, solophenyl brown, erionyl red, etc. These organic dyes contain aromatic nuclei that are difficult to digest by microorganisms. The molecules of these dyes contain carcinogenic groups in electrophilic or radical form and cause changes in the genetic code with mutations and carcinogenic risk [4-7].
It should be noted that the adsorbents used so far to remove synthetic organic dyes from textile wastewater are not always effective. Purified
water is sometimes dyed and carries risks and may even pollute groundwater [8-12].
We used wastes obtained during the regeneration of ion-exchange resins, formed from highly saline aqueous solutions of calcium and magnesium. These wastes do not require pre-treatment. It is known that sea water contains a sufficient amount of magnesium and calcium salts, which can be used as a raw material for the production of adsorbents [13].
Experimental part
Analysis of industrial waste showed that one liter contains 5-8 g/l Mg2+, 10-15 g/l Ca2+, 20 g of Mg(OH)2 and Mg2(OH)2CO3 mixture and 30 g of CaCO3. Experiments have shown that to purify 1 liter of water contaminated with synthetic organic dyes, it is enough to use 1015 ml of salt water obtained during the regene-
ration of ion-exchange resins or 1.5 g of magnesite or 1.3 g of dolomite.
First, we studied the spectrophotometric properties of synthetic organic dyes in order to carry out subsequent adsorption purifications using the salt solution adsorbent [mixture Ca-CO3+Mg2(OH)2CO3+Mg(OH)2].
Studies have shown that in the adsorption process, synthetic organic dyes are adsorbed by 95.5-99.0% in less than 15 minutes. Since synthetic organic dyes have surface active properties, adsorbent particles are not deposited in a dispersed colloidal form in purified water, and particle flotation occurs [14, 15].
To prevent this process, we used the required amount of sprayed activated bentonite with a negative charge, since bentonite causes rapid coagulation of dispersed particles of the adsorbent, and also adsorbs dyes (a synergistic effect) [16-18].
Experiments include the following stages:
1. Preparation of organic synthetic dye solutions with a concentration of 0.02%.
2. Introduction to these solutions of a certain amount of a solution obtained from magnesite or dolomite and various amounts of bentonite.
3. NaOH and Na2CO3 solution was used to maintain an alkaline pH.
4. Stirring the mixture for several minutes and determining the time of clarification of the resulting liquid.
5. Separation of the liquid phase by decantation or filtration.
6. Analysis of liquid phase.
The cleaning process is carried out as follows:
Wastewater from the sump enters the adsorber equipped with a stirrer where the wastewater is mixed with the adsorbent (Figure 1) [19, 20]. Using pH regulator, NaOH+Na2CO3 mixture containing a certain amount of bento-nite is supplied from the tank [21]. After the mixing stops, the adsorbent settles to the bottom of the container. The filtrate is withdrawn through the filtrate levels. At the end of the
emptying of the device from the filtrate, the adsorbent is removed for further regeneration.
The experiments were carried out under the following conditions:
• temperature, 22°C
• contact time, 15 minutes
• mixing speed, 100 period/minute
• solution volume, 50 ml
• initial dye concentration, 40 mg/l
• adsorbent weighing 0.8 g was added into 500 ml of wastewater
The light of purified solutions transmits information about the residual concentrations of the dye. Adsorption kinetics allows us to determine the optimal time for mixing and sorption for each dye. Empirically, the decrease in adsorption capacity over time was determined. This stabilizes for all dyes in 10 minutes.
The amount of adsorbed dyes (mg) per 1 g of the adsorbent was calculated as follows:
C - C
C0 Ce
C0 - initial concentration, mg/l Ce - equilibrium concentration, mg/l m - weight of adsorbent, g
The degree of purification was calculated as follows:
C - C Co Ce * 100 C
Results and discussion
The adsorption results of various dyes on adsorbents obtained from mixture [(Mg(OH)2, Mg(OH)2CO3 and CaCO3)] using bentonite are given below:
> Betaseed blue CM-2 - 98.5%
> Bezacrolan yellow L-4R - 92.5%
> Bezacrolan black L-RS - 94.3%
> Samarin purple HFRL - 96.2%
> Samarin yellow HRL - 92.5%
> Demacron orange RD2 - 97.2%
> Actin blue P-R3 - 99.7%
> Actin red B - 95.3%
Scheme of the adsorber
The stabilization time of absorbed dyes over time.
Dyes Stabilization time, min
0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0
Betaseed blue CM-2 0.225 0.180 0.125 0.056 0.055 0.055
Bezacrolan yellow L-4R 0.425 0.254 0.150 0.082 0.081 0.080
Bezacrolan black L-RS 0.488 0.275 0.178 0.115 0.114 0.114
Samarin purple HFRL 0.354 0.216 0.156 0.094 0.095 0.095
Samarin yellow HRL 0.376 0.194 0.145 0.079 0.078 0.078
Demacron orange RD2 0.518 0.224 0.165 0.098 0.097 0.097
Actin blue P-R3 0.215 0.178 0.118 0.048 0.048 0.048
Actin red B 0.614 0.375 0.246 0.158 0.157 0.157
The purification process of wastewater contaminated with various dyes was carried out by the adsorption method using a mixture [(Mg(OH)2, Mg(OH)2CO3 and CaCOs)] obtained during regeneration of bentonites of ion-exchange resins. An analysis of industrial waste has showed that from one liter of salt liquid at pH~ 11 can be formed more than 20 g of the mixture [(Mg(OH)2, Mg(OH)2COs and CaCOs)].
Experiments have shown that for the purification of 1 liter of wastewater contaminated with synthetic organic dyes with the concentration of 40 mg/l, it is sufficient to use 10-15 ml of the
solution obtained during the regeneration of ionexchange resins and 10-15 ml of magnesite or dolomite solution. When salt water and 40 mg of bentonite are used, the purification degree in 15 minutes is 92.5% ^ 99.7%.
The developed adsorbent eliminates pollutants by reducing biological and chemical oxygen demand. These decreases are approximately 95%.
Our proposed adsorption treatment is effective and in expensive, since the adsorbent is the mixture obtained from industrial waste and local bentonite.
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Э.Л.Нэ«эпоу, R.A.§ixiyev
Bu tadqiqatin maqsadi tekstil sanayesindan aynlan tullanti sulanndan sintetik boyalann gixarilmasi ügün effektiv, ucuz adsorbent segmakdir. Ovvalcadan emal talab etmayan kalsium va maqneziumun yüksak duzlu sulu mahlullarindan amala galan ion dayi§dirici qatranlarin, hamginin Fe, Zn, Co, Cd, Mn kimi qari§iqlarm izlari olan maqnezit minerallarinin regenerasiyasi zamani alda edilmi§ tullanti mahsullarindan istifada etdik. Qirkab sularda sintetik üzvi boyalarin spektrofotometrik xüsusiyyatlari tadqiq edilmi§dir. Tadqiqatlar göstarmi§dir ki, adsorbsiya prosesinda sintetik üzvi boyalar 15 daqiqadan az müddatda 95-99% adsorbsiya olunur. Sintetik üzvi boyalar aktiv uzanma qabiliyyatina malik oldugundan, adsorbent hissaciklar dispers kolloid formada tamizlanmi§ suda gökmür, lakin hissaciklarin flotasiyasi ba§ verir. Bu prosesin qar§isini almaq ügün lazimi miqdarda manfi yüklü püskürtülmü§ aktivla§dirilmi§ bentonitdan istifada edilmi§dir, günki bentonit dispers adsorbent hissaciklarin süratli laxtalanmasina sabab olur va hamginin boyalari adsorbsiya edir. Tacrübalar göstarmi§dir ki, sintetik üzvi boyalarla girklanmi§ 1 litr suyu tamizlamak ügün ion dayi§dirici qatranlarin regenerasiyasi zamani alinan 10-15 ml duzlu su va ya 1.5 q maqnezit va ya 1.3 q dolomitdan istifada etmak kifayatdir. Hazirlanmi§ adsorbent bioloji oksigen talabatini va kimyavi oksigen talabatini azaltmaqla girklandiricilari aradan qaldirir. Bu azalmalar ~ 95% saviyyasindadir. Adsorbent sanaye tullantilarindan va yerli bentonitdan alinan qan§iq oldugundan, taklif etdiyimiz adsorbsiya tamizlanmasi metodu samarali va ucuzdur.
Agar sözlar: adsorbsiya, adsorbent, tullanti sulari, tullantilar, boyalar, regenerasiya, d3T3C3, bentonit.
А.А.Гасанов, Р.А.Шихиев
Целью данного исследования является выбор эффективного недорогого адсорбента для удаления синтетических красителей из сточных вод текстильной промышленности. Использовали отходы, полученные при регенерации ионообменных смол, образованных из сильносоленых водных растворов кальция и магния, не требующих предварительной обработки, а также магнезитовые минералы, содержащие следы примесей, таких как Fe, Zn, Co, Cd, Mn. Изучены спектрофотометрические характеристики синтетических органических красителей в сточных водах. Исследования показали, что в процессе адсорбции синтетические органические красители адсорбируются на 95-99% менее чем за 15 минут. Поскольку синтетические органические красители обладают активным вытягиванием, частицы адсорбента не осаждаются в очищенной воде в дисперсной коллоидной форме, а происходит флотация частиц. Для предотвращения этого процесса использовали необходимое количество напыляемого активированного бентонита с отрицательным зарядом, так как бентонит вызывает быструю коагуляцию дисперсных частиц адсорбента, а также адсорбирует красители. Опыты показали, что для очистки 1 л воды, загрязненной синтетическими органическими красителями, достаточно использовать 10-15 мл соленой воды, полученной при регенерации ионообменных смол или 1.5 г магнезита или 1.3 г доломита. Разработанный адсорбент устраняет загрязняющие вещества за счет снижения био -логической и химической потребности в кислороде. Эти сокращения составляют порядка ~95%. Предлагаемая нами адсорбционная очистка эффективна и недорога, так как адсорбент представляет собой смесь, полученную из промышленных отходов и местного бентонита.
Ключевые слова: адсорбция, адсорбент, сточные воды, отходы, красители, регенерация, степень, бентонит.