G.G. Dmitriev, professor, Dr. Hab.
V.A. Islamov, associate professor, Ph.D., Honored trainer of Russia
Military institute (of physical culture)
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg.
Key words: servicemen, modified technique, adaptation, survival, extreme conditions, emotional states, "readiness reflex", "follow-up reflex".
Relevance. Formation of adaptation of servicemen of airborne troops to survive in extreme conditions is determined by the fact that combat training activity always takes place in conditions of emotional stress, that reduces the efficiency of its implementation. Determination of the causes of this phenomenon can increase the reliability of their implementation.
What is an extreme situation?
Extreme situation is a state of circumstances that affect a person in their most extreme and unexpected manifestations. Extreme - means extremely possible, extreme, beyond an unusual situation. In other words, any situation that involves a threat to human life or can cause injury may relate to extreme.
In turn, survival - is the most appropriate in the current situation human activity that promotes preservation of life, health and working capacity in the conditions of the compelled existence.
The main classification of extreme situations, established in recent decade, is made
- in terms of martial arts, regardless of social factors;
- at natural disasters;
- under the influence of "disturbing" climatic factors;
- in combat conditions (modern military conflicts).
The main survival techniques or determinants of its essence are motivation and the ability to be quick on the uptake, get together and confront the current emergency.
The purpose of the research was to represent emotional states as a phenomenon and as a process, to define their effect on the process of adaptation.
Materials and methods. The subjects were studied when performing the first parachute jump. First-year cadets of the higher, secondary professional education of Ryazan
higher airborne command school were the subjects in research. All in all, 300 people were examined.
Results and discussion. Emotions determine behavior and occur in all cases when the current situation cannot be settled well enough [2]. However, the emotion classification contains only descriptive forms. Vagueness of expression of their essence complicates researches of the mental phenomena. Hence, one needs to use physiological research methods that help control the intensity level of combat training activities and choose its quality orientation. "Readiness reflex", which belongs to the category of nonspecific reactions, is one of them. Its manifestation is strictly defined by specific patterns with a mathematical description. Thanks to this, objective control of the regulation of the "readiness reflex" based on any available for control physiological reaction can be introduced.
The dynamics of blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tension is most effective for control of the progress of this process [3].
The second component of the emotional process is called "follow-up reflex" or choice reaction. The nature of this component of emotional process consists in the "achievement-avoidance" response, the essence of which is to make the choice between "yes" "no" or "or". The state "or" is characterized as a fading response. This condition and the mechanism of its origin is well grounded in the algorithmic measurement theory [1].
Changing orientation of "avoidance-achievement" behavior is characterized by the frequency and amplitude of its manifestations. In term of physiology, this process takes place in the form of ideomotor responses, physically it is characterized by changes in the amplitude-frequency oscillatory processes with the theoretically justified mathematical apparatus, which ensures the objective control of the process [4].
Choice reaction and the emotional component of its organization are fully associated with the way how servicemen think during organization of adaptive behavior. The follow-up reflex provides search of options of behavior based on intensity, direction and time, which is connected with thinking process such as cognition. The essence of emotional regulation of specific activity is fully displayed only in the whole variety of representations of these interactions.
Each serviceman has his own range of manifestations of these reactions on the basis of hereditary predisposition and typical way of their course, which determines the conformity of the serviceman for particular environment.
In the conducted examinations just before a parachute jump, 12% of the servicemen had heart rate indices at the level of 149 ± 9 bpm, respiratory rate of 45 ± 4 bpm, blood pressure ranged 160/90-180/100. Such autonomic abnormalities at rest indicate strong
emotional excitement. 4 people of this category of the servicemen (42 persons) refused completely to make parachute jump that was about 1,2% of the total of surveyed (300 people). The vasomotor reaction in the face and hands was observed in this category of the surveyed. At the same time, they complained of the strong sense of exhaustion, headache and nausea. There was one serviceman who lost consciousness before making a parachute jump.
It should be noted that the controlled physiological characteristics of the surveyed servicemen had a multidirectional deviation which was shown in the reduction, increase or preservation of reference values. This indicates that the average characteristics are ineffective in assessing the state of readiness of servicemen to perform tasks. The developed semantic diagrams of presentation of the results of observations of autonomic responses of the surveyed servicemen were used to show more clearly the specific features of reaction to extreme stimulation.
So the research was conducted. The modified method of training to perform trial skydiving consisted in the thirteen to eight hours of training of servicemen using methods and techniques of physical training:
- with use of simulation and coordination exercises on the stocks of suspension systems;
- with jumping on a track with obstacles arranged with various slope angles to strengthen the ankle joint;
- with mastering ski jump from different height;
- with the use of specialized landing simulating "strong wind" equipment;
- with jumping from the 8-10 meter altitude simulator [5].
The modified technique involves a number of components: target, organizational, substantive, operational, diagnostic and effective.
The important indicators of the effectiveness of the modified ski diving training technique just before a jump in 7% of servicemen were as follows: heart rate - 139 ± 1 bpm, respiratory rate 35 ± 3 bpm, blood pressure - 130/70-140 / 80.
It should be noted that the proposed technique of training for an introductory skydive consists in the optimal combination of its theoretical and practical parts, supplemented with simulation and coordination exercises and measures taken to reduce the impact of stressors on the body of the involved ones. This will help to reduce the number of mistakes committed during the trial jump, improve resistance to specific stressors and adaptation to actions in extreme conditions [5].
Conclusions. The findings prove the effectiveness of the developed methods and techniques of adaptation of servicemen of the Airborne Troops to survive in extreme conditions.
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