Norboeva Rano Holjigitovna, Researcher, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
Tashpulatov Salih Shukurovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Cherunova Irina Victorovna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Don State Technical University, E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. this article presents the results of experimental studies on increasing the strength of cotton sewing threads, to which the demand at manufacturing enterprises increases from year to year. The quality that determines the suitability for the functional purpose of competitive garments depends on many factors, among which more attention is paid to the quality of the sewing threads used in their manufacture. This is primarily due to an increase in the quality of products on the part of consumers. Therefore, an important technological task is the development of new progressive methods of processing sewing threads in order to increase their strength and create the prerequisites for the introduction of innovative technologies based on the localization of production and import substitution.
Keywords: sewing threads, finishing, technological environment, finishing composition, sewing production, quality improvement, property.
It is known that the quality of garments is largely associated with the strength characteristics of thread connections of parts [1-3]. Therefore, ongoing research in this direction are relevant. Special attention is paid to the issues of predicting the strength properties of thread compounds. To date, many scientists [4-6] have devoted their research to solving this problem. Without denying the legitimacy of using previously known methods for ensuring the strength of seams, the authors attempted to create a more advanced method, characterized by simplicity and reliability.
The strength properties of thread joints, which in turn determine the quality of the product as a whole,
largely depend on the execution of a technological operation for grinding parts of garments.
If we analyze the assortment group of garments, then many sewing enterprises use imported sewing threads. Considering that the republic is a major supplier of cotton natural fiber to the world market, much attention is currently being paid to the process of processing raw materials and manufacturing finished products. The present studies are devoted to the development of a method for ensuring the strength of finished cotton sewing threads.
The quality that determines the suitability for the functional purpose of competitive garments depends on many factors, among which more at-
Section 9. Technical sciences
tention is paid to the quality of the sewing threads used in their manufacture. This is primarily due to an increase in the quality of products on the part of consumers. Therefore, an important technological task is the development of new progressive methods of processing sewing threads in order to increase their strength and create the prerequisites for the introduction of innovative technologies based on the localization of production and import substitution.
Currently, in order to improve the quality of sewing threads, in addition to developing new compositions for finishing sewing threads (applying highly elastic, durable films), researchers are trying to create technological processes in which the processing medium is not only liquid, but also foam and gaseous.
However, the application of these methods encounters a number of difficulties, namely, the need to install additional special equipment, increase the length of the technological process for processing sewing threads, and also the difficulty in choosing finishing reagents corresponding to their economic and environmental efficiency.
Therefore, the most effective solution to this problem is to improve the physical and mechanical properties of sewing threads directly in the field of sewing production. Currently, in order to improve the quality of sewing threads, in addition to developing new compositions for finishing sewing threads (applying highly elastic, durable films), researchers are trying to create technological processes in which the processing medium is not only liquid, but also foam and gaseous.
However, the application of these methods encounters a number of difficulties, namely, the need to install additional special equipment, increase the length of the technological process for processing sewing threads, and also the difficulty in choosing finishing reagents corresponding to their economic and environmental efficiency.
Therefore, the most effective solution to this problem is to improve the physical and mechanical
properties of sewing threads directly in the field of sewing production.
A promising development of this direction may be the implementation of finishing operations using a liquid-phase technological medium. The first and, perhaps, the main advantage compared to most other technologies is the continuous, rather than discrete, deposition of them on the surface of the thread. In addition, the use of a liquid-phase polymer composition allows you to control the amount of applied fluid on the sewing threads, to accumulate it in the necessary areas: the inner spaces of the threads, the places where some of the fibers deviate from the body of the thread, as a result of which the threads acquire better physical and mechanical properties compared to traditional processing. And the most important advantage of this method is the combination of applying a polymer composition with the process of grinding parts of garments [7-9].
The purpose of the subsequent stages of the research will be aimed at the scientific justification, research, development and implementation of a practically significant technological process for the final finishing of sewing threads, which ensures high quality of thread connections. More attention will be paid to the selection and justification of active components for the development of the optimal composition of the finishing polymer composition, theoretical and experimental studies of the interaction of the liquid-phase polymer composition with the surface of the sewing threads, the study of the influence of technological modes of liquid-phase processing on the physic mechanical properties of the threads, production testing of the developed technological and technical solutions and making recommendations for their implementation in production.
Using the results of this work allows to obtain high-quality thread compounds in the field of sewing production.
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