веческих представлений/.../ Встав на почву субъективного идеализма, г. Богданов является скорее приверженцем русской субъективной школы, нежели последователем исторического материализма» [9, с. 179, 184]. Примерно о том же говорит и сам Плеханов, называя богдановский эмпириомонизм «идеалистическим монизмом», «оригинальным» идеализмом[1, с. 94, 97].
«Слово «материализм»,-утверждает Богданов,-. должно выражать, главным образом, противоположность социальному идеализму, отрицание первичности идей в общественной жизни, а не сведение этой жизни к голому механизму материи». Материю (мир сопротивлений) Богданов отождествляет с природой, которая не может существовать в человеческом сознании без труда. «Материя,- полагает Богданов, - есть объект человеческой деятельности; а здесь (у «ортодоксов» - Т.Д.) наоборот, человек рассматривается всецело как объект действий материи. Это - прямая противоположность социально-исторической теории Маркса, где исходным пунктом служит производство, труд, человеческая активность». Становясь на точку зрения условности всех понятий, в некоторых взаимосвязях «материей» может оказаться и «дух»: «Человеческий дух является материей для того труда, который на него направлен, который его изменяет, организует». По Богданову, «познавательное преклонение перед понятием материи может, как видим, принимать и религиозную окраску» [10, с. 212, 48, 69, 215, 51, 62]. Можно сказать, Богданов открывает «третий путь» в философии, дистанцируясь как от идеализма, так и от материализма: «Для нас, очевидно, совершенно необязательна сама антитеза, не только потому, что оба ее понятия смутны и неопределенны, но также и потому, что, поскольку исследование их генезиса придает им большую определенность, они оказываются пережитками авторитарного дуализма, отражением низшей социальной формации» [3, с. 332]. Богданов полагает, что «оставаясь на почве марксистского метода исследователи могут прийти в философии к воззрениям, для которых термин «материализм» недостаточен или не подходит», но вместе с тем, «материализм всё-таки ближе к живому опыту: мир сопротивлений, царство материи, это вся внешняя
природа, на которую направлена и вся коллективная практика» [8, с. 163; 10, с. 68-69]. По поводу соотношения материального и духовного в «Десятилетии отлучения от марксизма» Богданов высказывается таким образом: ««Явления материальные и духовные можно строгим исследованием разложить таким образом, что элементы обоих окажутся одни и те же/./ Это - организационные типы, не более. С такой точки зрения мы и должны их исследовать» [6, с. 31].
1. Плеханов Г.В. Materialismus militans. Ответ г. Богданову. Письмо третье.// Сочинения. - Т. 17. - М., 1924.
2. Ленин В.И. Материализм и эмпириокритицизм. Критические заметки об одной реакционной философии.// Полн. собр. соч. - Т. 18.
3. Богданов А. А. Эмпириомонизм: Статьи по философии / Отв. ред. В. Н. Садовский. Послесловия В. Н. Садовского; А. Л. Андреева и М. А. Маслина. — М.: Республика, 2003.
4. Богданов А.А. Записные книжки.// РГАСПИ. Ф. 259. Оп.1. Д. 26.
5. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Немецкая идеология.// Сочинения - 2-е изд. - Т. 3.
6. Богданов А.А. Десятилетие отлучения от марксизма.// Неизвестный Богданов. В 3-х книгах. Под ред Г.А. Бордюгова. - М.: АИРО-XX, 1995.
7. Юшкевич П.С. Об эмпириомонизме г. Богданова // Книга. 1907. № 21.
8. Богданов А.А. Вера и наука.// Падение великого фетишизма: (Современный кризис идеологии): Вера и наука (о книге В. Ильина "Материализм и эмпириокритицизм") - М.: Изд. С. Дорова-товского и А. Чарушникова, 1910.
9. Аксельрод Л.И. Философские очерки: Ответ философским критикам исторического материализма. - СПб, 1906.
10. Богданов А.А. Философия живого опыта: (Популярные очерки): Материализм, эмпириокритицизм, диалектический материализм, эмпириомонизм, наука будущего. - Изд. 2-е, Пг.: М.И. Семенов, [после 1914].
Tleyova S.
Master 2nd course Al-Farabi Kazakh national university
The article deals with actual problems of the reform in the country's educational sphere. Global changes in the economic and political life of the country led to the emergence of new socially significant reforms in the education system. The importance of education reforms is to ensure that world science and technology transfer knowledge from the world's leading educational centers in order to keep up with global trends in higher education.
Keywords: education system, law, knowledge, reforms, state programs, competitiveness, spiritual revival.
Currently, many reforms are carried out to support the development and prosperity of the whole country at all levels of education. These reforms enable Kazakhstani youth to achieve world educational achievements. Head of the state N.Nazarbayev in his address to the people of Kazakhstan under the title "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future", indicated a strategic goal to join the list of 30 leading developed countries of the world [1, P. 6.].
These goals are primarily a priority in improving the quality of the entire national education. Specific goals have been set for Kazakhstan to join the 30 advanced highly developed countries of the world. The successful implementation of these directions is primarily determined by the quality of knowledge. On this basis, innovation and modernization of education and science have become the main direction of economic development. One of the key goals of the country's independent development is to determine people's views on history from the perspective of a new perspective - "the development of education through new innovative approaches."
The main goal of education in the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 is as follows: "The overall goal of the education reform in Kazakhstan is to adapt the education system to a new socio-economic environment. The successful economy of the future will be those who invest in the education, skills and abilities of people. Education should be understood as investment, rather than expenses on social needs. Knowledge-based economy and society, lifelong learning should be used as a means of solving the problems of using competitiveness and applying new technologies, improving social cohesion, equal opportunities and quality of life". Thus, [2, p. 52] determining the importance of developing knowledge for the development of society and the state, several obligations are imposed on the development of knowledge.
Therefore, in recent years, the issue of modernizing the country's education system is constantly on the agenda, and education standards, new programs and textbooks are being analyzed at all levels, based on new technologies in the higher education system. These changes in the field of higher education also have an impact on the system of pedagogical education, and pedagogical institutes are focused on the consideration of educational results from this point of view.
In the program "The Way to the Future: Spiritual Revival," the head of state states that "everyone must deeply understand that education is an essential element of success, and emphasizes that the desire for knowledge, openness and development is in our blood. Among the priorities of our youth, education should always be in the first place as success is achieved by the country that places education above all in the system of values "[3, P. 4.]. Yes, during the years of independence, by the initiative of our president, many reforms and modernization works were carried out in the country. At the time of gaining independence, many
efforts were made to make young people educated and capable to use advanced technologies.
Since 1991, Kazakhstan has begun to form a new system of independent education. In order to ensure its legitimacy, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Education" (1992) and "About Higher Education" (1993) were adopted. These documents state that the Republic of Kazakhstan as a private independent state taking into account the new socioeconomic situation, i.e. transition to a market economy, implements an independent state policy in the field of education [4, 270].
These laws laid the foundation for radical reforms in the education system and the solution of many problems and consequences, such as: the refusal of state monopoly in education and overly centralized management; the expansion of sources of financing in the sphere of education; the removal of knowledge from ideology; the development of independent educational institutions; improvement of educational services. The laws established the constitutional right of citizens to compulsory free secondary education and free higher education on a competitive basis.
Tens of thousands of young people have been trained in the leading universities of the world. This is due to the "Bolashak" program, launched in the early nineties. Annually about three thousand Kazakhstanis get an opportunity to study in the best universities of the world on the unique in the world practice program "Bolashak". Several high-level universities and network of intellectual schools have been established in the country. In short, the state creates all conditions for providing young people with modern education.
One of the important steps in reforming the education system of the republic in accordance with the pace of development of the world educational system was the introduction of a multi-level structure of higher education as an experiment in higher educational institutions of the country since 1993 and its approval in 1999 for a legal basis in the law "About Education".
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Education", adopted in 1999, provides for the further development of the education system and says: "The main objective of the educational system is the creation of the necessary conditions for the formation of personality and professional development on the basis of national and universal values, achievements of science and practice , introduction of new teaching technologies, informatization of education, access to international global communication networks "[5]. A multi-level system will allow to develop diversity in the learning process and satisfy different needs in getting knowledge.
Global changes in the economic and political life of the country lead to the emergence of socially significant new approaches in the education system. These were important steps towards supporting reforms in the field of education.
Since the year of gaining independence in the national education system, reform has begun. In this connection, in 2007 the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About Education", "The State Program
for the Development of Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2005-2010", "The State Program for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2008-2012", "State Program for the Development of Science for 20072012" and other regulatory documents were adopted.
30 out of 145 Kazakhstani universities were admitted to the Great Universities' Charter. In the educational space of the country, the new system "Bachelor -Master - Doctorate" was introduced. In 2005 the first candidates for doctoral studies on this new model were accepted and in 2008-2009 the first graduates of the PhD system were graduated.
There are 130 institutions of higher education in Kazakhstan, including 9 national, 31 state, 54 private universities and tertiary educational institutions. They are attended by 512,700 people, 32,900 of them are master students and 2,700 are doctoral students. There are 38,200 teachers in the universities, including 3,500 doctors of science, 14,000 candidates of science, 1,562 doctoral students, that is, half of the teachers have academic degrees. This indicator is the result of reforms in the field of education in the country.
In order to keep up with world trends, the national education system strives to meet the "world standards" developed by world science and technology. New technologies that allow exchanging information from around the world and their potential infrastructures, provide getting education from the world's leading educational centers by universalizing the content of higher education.
Kazakhstan's accession to the European Higher Education Area was reflected in the Second Bologna Forum of Education Ministers of the Bologna Process countries, which was held on 12 March 2010 in the Hungarian capital, Budapest. Kazakhstan became the first country in Central Asia to enter the European educational space and became the 47-th full-fledged member of the Bologna system [6, p. 71.].
What advantages does the Bologna process bring to our country:
- the conformity of national curricula and plans with European standards;
- international recognition of specialties and academic degrees;
- introduction of a double diploma system, recognition of Kazakhstan diplomas (in the Bologna space) and an increase in the employment opportunities of graduates;
- strengthening the unity of Kazakhstani and European education systems.
The Bologna system is based on credit technology. The essence of credit technology is the student's ability to determine the trajectory of training at the university, ix. the student himself can choose teachers and subjects in the process of education. First of all, this creates mutual creative activity and competitiveness between teachers.
Secondly, the choice of disciplines, based on the personal interests of the student, will help to improve the quality of his knowledge. Another feature of the credit system is the use of a point-rating system in assessing the knowledge of students and the system of
test blocks for assessing the work of teachers [7, P. 120].
To achieve the main objectives of the Bologna Declaration, special attention is paid to its mechanisms such as the credit system, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and the supplements to the pan-European diplomas. The introduction and use of these mechanisms at the national and international levels is an effective way of forming an open European educational space. Higher vocational education is based on the use of a credit system for mastering educational programs used in the leading countries of the world.
Peculiarities of the credit system of education in comparison with the traditional system of education:
- if the purpose of the traditional education system was the transfer of information and specific knowledge, the new system aims to develop the students' decision-making skills on the basis of specific knowledge, i.e. formation of creative activity, professional competence and self-knowledge;
- the right of students to choose subjects in the curriculum, the direct participation of each student in the development of their own curriculum, the flexibility of the curriculum and the choice of courses;
- the right of students to choose teachers;
- the change of "student-teacher" relations as "subject-subject" relations, organizational and auxiliary role of the teacher;
- the introduction of academic advisors to assist students in choosing the subject and choosing a training trajectory;
- freedom of faculties in the organization of the educational process, the need to provide the educational process with the necessary methodological materials (printed and electronic);
- personalization of training by choosing educational trajectories for mastering the subjects of training of each student with the help of an adviser;
- increasing the role of the student's self-learning (SIW), and the division into the SIW - independent work of the student without the participation of the teacher and the SIWT - independent work of the student under the guidance of the teacher;
- assessment of the quality of knowledge through the examination and the absence of a test;
- increasing motivation for training, the possibility to study abroad, guaranteed academic recognition of education in another country;
- the possibility of extensive use of interactive teaching methods;
- the accuracy of the level of knowledge, the introduction of a test system different from the traditional assessment system, the presence of a mechanism of transfer into a traditional assessment system [8, P. 56.].
The main feature of this system is the introduction of a test unit (or credit system) for assessing students and teachers in each discipline. And to assess the mastery of subjects by the students the point-rating system is used.
The issues of innovative education, based on global projects and international experience, which
requires further development of education is specified at the international level. The main goal of this work is the selection of innovative projects that correspond to the priority directions of development of practically significant science and knowledge in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development of scientific research in the region and the use of science and education achievements for the social and economic development of the region.
The head of our state N.A. Nazarbayev at a meeting with the owners of the Bolashak Program in early 2010 said that it is necessary to implement the program "Intellectual Nation - 2020". The purpose of this program is to educate Kazakhstan's competitive generation of a new format and turn our country into a country with a promising future.
The program showed that it should be implemented in three main directions. The primary direction is the development of the education system in an innovative direction.
At present, young people should not only study in their specialty, but also focus on self-knowledge. The main values of today's education are creative thinking, the ability to comprehend the acquired knowledge, make informed decisions, technological and innovative projects. To implement this new approach, teaching staff should be primarily involved in the introduction of effective forms of education.
Financing of education comprised in 2008 -641,1 mlrd. tenge, in 2009 - 702,0 mlrd. tenge, in 2010-566 mlrd. tenge, in 2011 - 487 mlrd. tenge, in 2012 - 378 mlrd. tenge, in 2013 - 368 mlrd. tenge, in 2014 - 399 mlrd. tenge, in 2015 456,9 mlrd.tenge. These funds will allow our country to advance in the field of education, introduce information technologies into the education system and enter the world educational space.
The reforms carried out in our country began to bring results:
- the importance and level of higher education are met in the needs of such spheres of society as economics, politics, social culture;
- Unified system of training of specialists in the country;
- strengthening of international cooperation and partnership in sphere higher education;
- sharing knowledge and skills in different countries and continents;
- support for the development of universities through financing;
The second priority direction of the project is the information revolution. That is, active participation in new creative projects with the participation of leading universities and foreign prestigious experts on the basis of the information technology park.
The third priority direction of the project is to pay special attention to the education of youth on the basis of spiritual values. Taking into account the processes of globalization, one of the ways to confront it is to focus on the spiritual education of the younger generation, the strengthening of national and cultural values and religious literacy [9, P. 7.].
At a lecture at the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi under the title "Kazakhstan in the post-crisis world: an intellectual breakthrough into the future" N.A. Nazarbayev said: "We need to create a national intellectual base. We need erudite people who are able to compete at the international level. " That is, the goal of the education reform from the moment of getting independence is to bring the education system in line with international standards and improve the world quality level and increase the competitiveness of youth and professionals.
In order to improve the level of education of youth, our country annually increases the financing of the education system. According to official data of the Ministry of Education and Science, the amount of funding for education and science is given in the table below.
- promoting the competitiveness of the educational system.
With the assertion itself as a democratic, market-economically open country, Kazakhstan has begun to introduce systems of increasing education in the education system and to establish contacts with many countries of the world. Education is the main tool for improving the country's competitiveness.
1. Nazarbayev N. "Kazakhstan - 2050" strategiyasy kalyptaskan memlekettin zhana sayasi bagyty // Egemen Kazakhstan,14 zheltoksan, 2012. -№ 106 (28143). -B. 6-7 b.
2. Kazakhstan Respublikasynda bilim berudi damytudyn' 2011-2020 zhyldarga arnalgan memlekettik bagdarlamasy. -Almaty, 2010. -B.52-54.
3. Nazarbayev N.Bolashakka bagdar: Ruhani zhangyru // Egemen Kazakhstan, 2017 zh. 12 sauir. -B. 4-5.
Years Dedicated funds (mlrd. tenge)
1 2008 641,1
2 2009 702,0
3 2010 566
4 2011 487
5 2012 378
6 2013 368
7 2014 399
8 2015 456,9
4. Kazakhstan (Kazakh eli) tarihy: 4-kitaptan turatyn okulyk. Tauelsiz Kazakhstan: algysharttary zhane kalyptasuy. 4-kitap // avtorlar uzhymy. -Almaty: Kazakh universiteti, 2017. -470 b.
5. Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn' 1999 zhylgy 7 mausymdagy №389-1 «Bilim turaly» Zan'y.
6. Bolonskii process v dokumentah b statyah (Sorbonna-Bolonya-Salamanka-Praga) // Sost. E.V. Shevchenko. -SPb.: GTU, 2001.-240 c.
7. Kargaev K.A. Aimaktyk bilimnin' biregeilenui urdisindegi Bolondyk zhuie zhane
Kazakhstan // Aimak-koncept: mazmuny, adisteri men technologiyalar atty respublikalyk gylymi-praktikalyk konferenciya. -Almaty, 2012. -350 b.
8. Abdygapparova S.B. Osnovy kreditnoi sistemy obucheniya v Kazakhstane // S.B. Abdygapparova, G.K. Akhmetova, S.R. Ibatullin // Pod.red. Zh.A. Kulekeeva. - Almaty: Kazakh universiteti,2004.-198 s.
9. Nazarbayev N. "Intellektualdy ult - 2020" // Egemen Kazakhstan, 1 akpan, 2010 zh. -B.7-8.
Tynybayeva A.
Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Almaty, Kazakhstan. Kartabayeva Y.
Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The article deals with the main principles and the essence of reforms, initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978. The decision of socialistic modernization was made on the third Plenum of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party of the 11-th convocation in December of 1978. The reform was started from the weakest sector of economy agriculture. Then it was focused on the urban sector. The base of the state is socialism, but socialism in China has national characteristics.
Keywords: political activity.
The period of Deng Xiaoping's presence at the highest power of China is a special strip of PRC's historical development.Oneof the most important features ofthis era is the "breakdown of consciousness", searching the way to build up the economic power of the state and to increase the efficiency of national production and the policy of openness.Deng Xiaoping left his successors a rich heritage-a prospering country.He left his experience and covenants, and the most important principles of his own activity as "to liberate consciousness", "search for truth in the facts", to take into account the national specifics - skillfully using these principles, this heritage can not only preserve but also increase, to solve the remaining unresolved and emerging new problems associated with China's entry into a new stage of reforms in the post-industrial era.The historical significance of his activities and heritage lies in the fact that, with all possible fluctuations and zigzags in the implementation of reform policies, the processes of transformation of Chinafurther initiated by Deng Xiaoping, the main trends in the modernization of the country are now irreversible.That is why his departure has not led to radical changes in the country's policy, as in the case of other charismatic leaders.Dan had prepared in advance the economic, political and ideological conditions - which serve as the basis for continuing the course of reforms he had be-gun.In this sense, the era of Deng Xiaoping does not end with his death.The reforms continue to this day, and "socialism with Chinese specifics", initiated by Deng Xiaoping, has become a platform for the development of one of the strongest countries in the world economy [1]. The experience of reforms led by Deng Xiaoping is of great interest in the world.Deng Xiaoping was born
in a wealthy family mT Guang'an County of Sichuan province.Dan got a traditional education, studied Confucianism, however, unlike most of his peers, he already mastered the basics of the French language at school, which later played an important role in his fate.
At the age of sixteen, Deng Xiaoping left his native place and went with other Chinese students to France to study and work. It was in the early 20's, when, under the ideological influence of the may 4 movement, two Chinese teenagers sought to acquire modern knowledge to better serve the cause of national liberation and social revival of the Motherland.Not having enough money, the young boys and girls organized groupsof mutual help members of which have combined work with study.Deng Xiaoping also was under such conditions when he went to France and, he had to work in different places: at a machinebuilding factory, as a fireman on a steam train, for some time he even worked as a waiter.But life has developed so that he was more involved in politics than studies.Involved in the Socialist Union of youth, all his free time, he spent on performing instructions of the Communist cell, one of the leaders of which was in France Zhou Enlai.Friendship with him played an important role in the life of Denglater.Escaping from arrest, Deng Xiaoping leaves for Soviet Russia, where he studied at the Communist University of Eastern workers for two years, learning the basics of revolutionary science.Two years later, Deng Xiaoping returned to China and became an active member of the Communist party.In 30-40 years, Deng Xiaoping occupies a prominent place in the governing bodies of the CCR, leading propaganda, ideological education of party members.It was at this time that he emerged as an