ACTIVITIES OF THE ARMENIAN DELEGATION IN BERLIN IN APRIL-MAY 1918 Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Petrosyan Nushik B.

В рамках данной статьи мы представляем ситуацию в Закавказье в первой половине 1918 года, а также деятельность армянской делегации в Берлине в этот период.Проблемматика исследования - выявить основные направления деятельности армянской делегации, а цель исследования - подвести итоги этой деятельности.В своем исследовании мы использовали первоисточники, такие как некоторые материалы из Национального архива Армении, а также сборники печатных документов, а также аналитические работы ведущих российских и западных экспертов.Мы использовали метод сравнения данных, анализа и исторического исследования.В результате исследования мы пришли к выводу, что в условиях такого развития международных реалий армянский вопрос и вопрос выживания армян не входили в число внешнеполитических приоритетов Германии, поэтому армянская делегация вернулась из Берлина с пустыми руками.Սույն հոդվածի շրջանակներում ներկայացնում ենք Անդրկովկասում 1918 թվականի առաջին կեսին տիրող իրավիճակը, ինչպես նաև այդ ընթացքում Բեռլինում գտնվող հայկական պատվիրակության գործունեությունը։Հետազոտության խնդիրն է բացահայտել հայկական պատվիրակության կողմից գործունեության հիմանական ուղղությունները, իսկ ուսումնասիրության նպատակն է ամփոփել այդ գործունեության արդյունքները:Մեր հետազոտության ընթացքում մենք օգտագործել ենք առաջնային աղբյուրներ, ինչպիսիք են Հայաստանի ազգային արխիվի որոշ նյութեր, նաև տպագիր փաստաթղթերի ժողովածուներ, ինչպես նաև ռուս արևմտյան առաջատար փորձագետների վերլուծական աշխատանքներ:Մենք օգտագործել ենք տվյալների համեմատության, վերլուծության պատմական հետազոտության մեթոդը: Ուսումնասիրության արդյունքում հանգել ենք այն եզրակացության, որ միջազգային իրողությունների նման զարգացման պայմաններում հայկական հարցն ու հայերին հուզող գոյապահպանության խնդիրը չէր գտնվում Գերմանիայի արտաքին քաղաքական առաջնահերթությունների շարքում, ուստի պատվիրակությունը Բեռլինից վերադարձավ ձեռնունայն։

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Регион и мир, 2021, № 6

Activities of the Armenian Delegation in Berlin in April-May 1918

UDC 327 Petrosyan Nushik B.

Postgraduate student of the Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy

оf Yerevan State University Senior civil servant of the Ministry of High-Tech Industry (Yerevan, RA)

[email protected]

Key words: Transcaucasian Seim, Brest-Litovsk Treaty, Armenian delegation in Berlin, von Lozov, Armenian delegation in Batumi.

^ш^ш^шЬ uiiuini[li|iiulinLPjiiiii qn|i&iiLiihnLpjiiLiiQ Phni^hni_tf 1918 p. шщрЦЬ-йш^и


^ЬтрпщшЬ Ъпь2^Ч

Ьркшй^ щЬшш^шй hшriш]uшршhft hшршphрnщ1nLййhрft к ф^шйшфтпщщй шйр^пй^


^ршр&р wbfahninq^^U шрщтйшрЪрпщ/шй йш^шршрпщшй шtfшq ршцдшпш^пц (Ьркшй,

[email protected]

Udфnфшqlp. Umjb hnq^&fr 2Р2шЬш^ЬЬрпЫ ЬЬр^щшдЬпЫ hbg Шцр^п^шипЫ 1918 р^ш^шЬ^ шпш2^Ь ^Ьи^Ь rnfrpnq ^рш^^бш^р, ^щЬи Ьшк rniq рЬршдрпъ^ РЬпфЬт^ qrnb^nq Ищ^ш^шЬ qnp&nLbhnipjnibp:

-^hщшqnщnLpJшЬ ^bq^pb t ршдшЬш]шЬ1 щшщфpш^nLpJшЬ ^nqtf^g qnp&nLbhmp^b И^^шЬш^шЬ

nLqqnLpjnLbbhpp, ^и^ nLиnLtfЬшиfrpnLpJшЬ Ьщшшш^Ь t ш^ФпФЬ шд qnp&nLЬhnLpJшЬ шpq)nLЬgЬhpp: Uhp hhшшqnшnLpJшЬ pЬpшggnLtf Jhbg oqrnrnqnp&hi ЬЬр шпш2ЬшфЬ шqpJnLpЬhp, ^Ьэд^и^р ЬЬ ^шцшишшЬ^ шqqщфЬ npn2 fyniphp, Ьшк шщшq^p фшишшpqphp^ dnqn4ш&nLЬhp, ^Ь^щЬи Ьшк nnLи к

шpкtfщJшЬ rnnrngrnmrnp фnpйшqhшЬhp^ Ц^т^^шЬ ш2^шшшЬgЬhp:

ЦЬЬр oqmrnqnp&hi ЬЬр w^^i^p^ hшtiЫшшnLpJшЬ, 4bplnL&nLpJшЬ к щшш^ш^шЬ hhщшqnщmpJшЬ tfhpnqp: ПшnLtfЬшиfrpnLpJшЬ шpqJnLЬgnLtf hшЬqhl ЬЬр шцЬ hqpш^шgnLpJшЬ, np tf^2шqqщфЬ frpnqnLpJnLЬЬhpfr ШшЬ qшpqшgtfшЬ щшJtfшЬЬhpnLtf hшJ^ш^шЬ hшpgЬ nL hшJhpfrЬ hrnqnq qnJшщшhщшfrmpJшЬ ^qfrpp ^tp qщЬ4nLtf О^^шЬ^ш^ шpшшg^Ь gшqшgш^шЬ шnш2ЬшhhppnLpJnLЬЬhpfr 2шp£nLk nrnrnfr щшщфpш^nLpJnLЬp РЬпфЬ^д 4bpшqшpйш4 йЬпЬтЬшуЬ:

<ibqnLgipinbp" Шqp^n4UшиJшЬ Uhjk Pp^m L^mn^^ щшJtfшЬшqfrp, РЬпфЬ^ hшJ^ш^шЬ щшш^^pш^nLpJnLЬ, ФПЬ Lrnn^ PшpnLф hшJ^ш^шЬ щшщфpш^nLpJnLk

Деятельность армянской делегации в Берлине в апреле-мае 1918 г.

Петросян Нушик Б.

Аспирант кафедры международных отношений и дипломатии ЕрГУ Старший гос. служащий Министерства высокотехнологической промышленности (Ереван, РА)

[email protected]

Аннотация: В рамках данной статьи мы представляем ситуацию в Закавказье в первой половине 1918 года, а также деятельность армянской делегации в Берлине в этот период.

Проблемматика исследования - выявить основные направления деятельности армянской делегации, а цель исследования - подвести итоги этой деятельности.

В своем исследовании мы использовали первоисточники, такие как некоторые материалы из Национального архива Армении, а также сборники печатных документов, а также аналитические работы ведущих российских и западных экспертов.

Мы использовали метод сравнения данных, анализа и исторического исследования.

В результате исследования мы пришли к выводу, что в условиях такого развития международных реалий армянский вопрос и вопрос выживания армян не входили в число внешнеполитических приоритетов Германии, поэтому армянская делегация вернулась из Берлина с пустыми руками.

Ключевые слова: Закавказский Сейм, Брест-Литовский договор, армянская делегация в Берлине, фон Лозов, армянская делегация в Батуми.

In the first half of 1918, the Transcaucasia where the integration of structural elements was could be described as a regional integration struc- weak due to political differences and different ture, but in this case we are dealing with a structure foreign policy orientations. The orientation of the

Transcaucasian Tatars was towards Turkey, the Armenians towards Russia, which led to the qualification of "incorrigible Russophiles" [7], and the Georgians at that time had an exclusively German orientation. For the latter, Georgia was an opportunity with its rich economic resources, and as for Armenia, it could not be of economic interest to Germany, although the Armenian side spared no effort to receive German support.

On March 3, 1918, an heavy treaty was signed in Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia and the Quartet Union defeated in World War I. In the paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 4 of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty stated that the Bolsheviks were obliged to return to the Turks not only the territories of Western Armenia (or the "Eastern Anatolian States" as written in the treaty), but also from 1878 "The regions of Ardahan, Kars and Batumi" which are part of the Russian Empire [1].

In fact, under the treaty, Transcaucasia remained militarily defenseless.

The Transcaucasian peoples did not accept the Brest Treaty, but were unable to resist the large Turkish forces and respond with a worthy counterattack, so they went to the talks first in Trabzon and then in Batumi. The latters put the Transcaucasian countries that did not accept the Brest Treaty in a more difficult situation, causing more severe territorial losses.

Referring to the activities of the Armenian delegation in Berlin, it should be noted that German Lieutenant General von Losow has repeatedly alerted the German Foreign Ministry to prevent Turkey to trample on its economic interests in the German sphere of influence. In this regard, he suggested the following: first to force the Turks to recognize the Brest Treaty as a legal basis, then to carry out territorial exchanges by handing over the Muslim-populated areas of Akhltskha to him, instead receive from Turkey the Armenian eastern part of Kars, and the north Region of Batumi [8].

The German government, however, was not inclined to accept von Losow's proposal to impose the Brest Treaty on Turkey. Despite everything, the Armenian side continued to pin hopes on Germany to prevent new possible Turkish massacres. This was the reason for the business trip of the Armenian delegation to Berlin in the second half of April 1918.

The delegation included members of the Party of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Arshak Jamalyan, Liparit Nazaryants, as well as People's Party member Gorg Melik-Gharagyozyan []. It should be noted that the delegation was in Moscow before arriving in Berlin. Liparit Nazaryants joined the other two members of the delegation with a slight delay, after which they met

Регион и мир, 2021, № 6

with Stalin, Trotsky, People's Commissar for Military Affairs, Karakhan, Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, and other highranking officials. The outcome of the meeting with the latter was of great practical importance, as Trotsky and Karakhan personally encouraged them to form a delegation to go to Europe, and Karakhan personally settled the issue of issuing passports, allowing delegates to cross into Germany without hindrance [4].

On April 22, the day the members of the delegation arrived in Berlin, the Transcaucasian Federal Democratic Republic was established when the Seimas announced the secession of Transcaucasia from Russia. The delegation was not aware of this , as it was deprived of the opportunity to receive up-to-date information in Germany, which complicated the activities of the delegation, which was constantly confronted with Turkish information in Germany [5].

After arriving in Berlin, the Armenian delegation sent a message to the Foreign Ministry, presenting the dire situation in the Caucasus, particularly among the Armenians, and another message asking the German Empire to do everything possible to eliminate the Turkish threat in the region, ensure the security of the local population, implement the Brest Treaty and to give the population of Kars, Ardahani and Batumi the right to self-determination.

At the same time, it was suggested that a special German commission be sent to the region to review the situation on the ground. The delegation sent such messages to the Reichstag and other prominent politicians of German-Armenian association, presenting the situation in the Caucasus and the openly conquering approach of the Turks. The delegation was keen to have a possible meeting with the Chancellor, but was able to meet only with for Secret Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Guppert's and Deputy Undersecretary of State, von der Bushe [6].

A meeting with Bushe took place on March 4, which welcomed the confidence of Armenia in Germany in such a difficult historical situation, emphasizing the latter's readiness to establish peace between Muslims and Christians, claiming that the Turkish government has the same approach. At the same time, the Deputy Secretary of State showed an evasive approach, offering the Armenian side to align its position with the other representatives of the Transcaucasian Seim [2, p. 178].

Later, on May 21, a meeting was held with Gupert, a secret adviser at the Foreign Ministry, which also did not bring tangible results. He gave evasive answers about the ongoing negotiations with the Turkish side on Transcaucasia, at the same time

emphasizing that a special representative will be sent to the Caucasus, who is aware of Turkish affairs. He also offered to have meetings and discussions with von Losow [3]. The Armenian delegation headed by Ohanjanyan in Batumi was constantly negotiating with the latter, but von Losow was a military man, had no authority to make shoulder decisions, and acted in the role of executor of instructions. A few days later, the independent Transcaucasian republics were declared, so the activities of the delegation had to be adapted to the existing situation. The German Foreign Ministry stressed this, urging to reach an agreement with Georgia and Azerbaijan.

All this already proved that the activity of the delegation in Berlin did not serve its purpose and did not justify the efforts made. In Berlin, the delegation addressed the Austro-Hungarian Embassy and decided to visit Vienna, but was informed that Foreign Minister Buryan could not receive them, [2] after which they considered their mission over and returned from Berlin on May 30.

It should be emphasized that the German government was concerned about the nationalist sentiments in the Turkish regions after the Brest Treaty.

It should be emphasized that the German government was concerned about the nationalist sentiments in the Turkish regions after the Brest Treaty.

Of course, in order to eliminate nationalist sentiments and impose the Brest Treaty, Germany was not going to oppose with arms, but also did not adopt an extremely conciliatory stance, realizing the consequences of the disagreements with Turkey, which could lead to the loss of zones of tension.

Without receiving any support from Germany against Turkey's belligerent approach, newly independent Armenia, as a full-fledged participant in international law, signed its first international

commitment with Turkey, the Batumi Treaty, which was preceded by a contract that led to heavy repercussions for the Armenian side. After all this, the steps of the Armenian side were aimed at gaining international support from Germany, which, however, did not lead to any significant results, as the current international situation and the steps of the powers aimed at conciliation of interests were not in the interests of the Armenian side or may not serve those interests.

List of Used Literature

1. Uquiinjiiiii -<. Pmfamnprç ^uijiïmùmqphp: -bpkmù, «Sfrqpmù Uhô» hpmmmpm^mpjnLÙ, 2002:

2. Uilhinliujiiiii -<., -mj^m^mù hmpgp 1918 p^m-^mù^ù: - bpkmù, 1997:

3. luuiinliiijiiiii U., -uijmummùfr -mùpm^hmnLpjmù ômqmiïù nL qmpqmgmiïp: - PhjpnLp, 1968, t2 92

4. -UU, ft. 200, [-<-< mpmmgfrù qnpôhpfr rî^ùfrumpnL-pjrnù], g. 1, q. 132, p. 1-4:

5. -UU, 220, g.1, q. 120, p. 86:

6. siujiniLÎili U., -mj^m^mù faùqfrpp Q-hpiïmùfruijfr mpmmgfrù gmqmgm^mùnLpjmù rîhg 1918 p^m^m-ùfrù: - bpkmù, b^-< hpmmmpm^mpjnLÙ, 2013:

7. ^bmpnujrnh Uùqp^n^mup q^mùmqfrmnL-pjmù hnp&mùmmnLiï. -mjng mù^mfa ^hmm^m-ùnLpjmù ^hpmmiïp (1917 ^hmp^mp 1918 hnLÙ^mp): - bpkmù, b^- hpmmmpm^mpjnLÙ, 2008, 268 t2:

8. Documents of political archives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany; the volume is composed and the introduction is written by Mikaelyan V.; -Yerevan; 2004.

Cdana/^wMhtfhi f 10.11.2021 Pe^H3upoeaHa/0-pwfanutfhi f 17.11.2021 npuHxma/£hqnihtfhi f 25.11.2021

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