Научная статья на тему 'Accessible tourism as a way of socialization of people with disabilities'

Accessible tourism as a way of socialization of people with disabilities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
accessible tourism / inclusive tourism / tourism without barriers / disability / mobility / immobility. / доступный туризм / инклюзивный туризм / туризм без барьеров / инвалидность / мобильность / неподвижность.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ivanov Valentin Dmitrievich, Kisel Victoria Aleksandrovna

The work covers a review of the articles studied to define and analyse theoretical bases of accessible tourism, its essence, its problems and the ways of solving them. In the review inclusive tourism is also described as a method and a way of social adaptation. The work is based on the analysis of 10 articles which are indexed and cited in Scopus, the largest citation and abstract database. Findings as well as the conclusion show the importance and significance of this type of tourism for people with disabilities who are able to socialize, to develop communicative skills, and to be integrated into modem society. Methodology. Analysis and synthesis were used as the main methods for processing of the infomiation given in the selected articles. In particular, the analysis of different sources of infomiation based on the problems of ac­ cessible tourism as a way of socialization and health improvement was used as well as the synthesis of the main ideas derived from these articles. Findings. The review has revealed that all institutions of tourism industry should strive to be accessible to all people and create barrier-free tourism. The accessibility of touristic and recreational spaces, as the main quality factor, should be taken into account and implemented during the designing, building, exploitation and maintenance of such spaces. To make tourism more accessible is not only a social responsibility, but also a convincing economic rationale. Having reviewed the selected articles, it is necessary to remark that accessible tourism allows accumulat­ ing the experience of everyday life, situational forms of communication and interpersonal relationships. It is one of the main methods of socialization of people with disabilities, which contributes to their integr ation into society and develops then skills, abilities and various competencies. Originality. The topicality of the review is determined by the fact that accessible tourism is a new, dynamically developing area. The number of people with various health restrictions does not fundamentally change towards a numerical reduction and thus the high social significance of tourism for such persons is indicated.

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Доступный туризм как способ социализации людей с ограниченными возможностями

Работа охватывает обзор статей, в которых определяются н анализируются теоретические основы доступного туризма, его сущность, проблемы доступного туризма и способы их решения. В обзоре доступный туризм опи­ сывается как метод н способ социальной адаптации. Работа основана на анализе 10 статей, проиндексированных н цитируемых в Scopus. Полученные сведения, а также заключение наглядно демонстрируют важность н зна­ чение данного вида туризма для людей с ограниченными возможностями: он способствует общению, развитию коммуникативных навыков н интеграции в современное общество.

Текст научной работы на тему «Accessible tourism as a way of socialization of people with disabilities»

yflK 796.52 BBK H581.256

DOI 10.24411/2500-0365-2020-15117


V.D. Ivanov, V.A. Kisel

Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

The work cavers a review of the articles studied to define and analyse theoretical bases of accessible tourism, its essence, its problems and the ways of solving them. In the review inclusive tourism is also described as a method and a way of social adaptation. The work is based on the analysis of 10 articles which are indexed and cited in Scopus, the largest citation and abstract database. Findings as well as the conclusion show the importance and significance of this type of tourism for people with disabilities who are able to socialize, to develop communicative skills, and to be integrated into modern society.

Methodology. Analysis and synthesis were used as the main methods for processing of the information given in the selected articles. In particular, the analysis of different sources of information based on the problems of accessible tourism as a way of socialization and health improvement was used as well as the synthesis of the main ideas derived from these articles.

Findings. The review has revealed that all institutions of tourism industry should strive to be accessible to all people and create barrier-free tourism. The accessibility of touristic and recreational spaces, as the main quality factor, should be taken into account and implemented during the designing, building, exploitation and maintenance of such spaces. To make tourism more accessible is not only a social responsibility, but also a convincing economic rationale. Having reviewed the selected articles, it is necessary to remark that accessible tourism allows accumulating the experience of everyday life, situational forms of communication and interpersonal relationships. It is one of the main methods of socialization of people with disabilities, which contributes to their integration into society and develops their skills, abilities and various competencies.

Originality. The topicality of the review is determined by the fact that accessible tourism is a new. dynamically developing area. The number of people with various health restrictions does not fundamentally change towards a numerical reduction and thus the high social significance of tourism for such persons is indicated.

Keywords: accessible tourism, inclusive tourism, tourism without barriers, disability, mobility, immobility.


An accessible environment for people who have any kind of health disorder is a set of necessary requirements and conditions for such important objects as an urban environment design, infrastructure, and transport. Due to their accessibility all people regardless of their abilities will he able to move freely in space receiving the information that is needed to implement a comfortable life. We need to introduce the definition of accessible tourism. It is a type of tourism that meets needs of people with disabilities during sightseeing and tourist trips, which also implies an unimpeded approach to the objects of tourist infrastructure, its centers and various attractions with an appropriate information support.

Accessible tourism is supposed to remove barriers for people with disabilities. It is aimed at ensuring that everyone can use tourist destinations equally. In recent years this concept has become known as 'tourism for air or inclusive tourism which is applied to tourism for people with health restrictions. Accessible tourism is an important part of rehabilitation and social integration of people with disabilities. The re-

sult of this rehabilitation is the preparedness of such individuals for free interaction with society and their willingness to accept people with health problems. Accessible tourism is an ongoing attempt to ensure that tourist destinations, products and services which are accessible to all people, regardless their age, disabilities or physical limitations. Accessibility in tourism is a social right concerning all people. Another point to consider is the freedom of movement and the liberty of actions associated to accessibility.

The purpose of the review is to study accessible tourism as a way and instrument of social adaptation of people with disabilities and to prove its significance for socialization. To achieve this goal it is necessary to pay attention to the following apects:

* studying the theoretical bases of this type of tourism,

* considering the nature of accessible tourism.

* analysis the state of accessible tourism development.

A tourist experience based on its own unique attributes, transforms the industry, increasing its competitiveness, creates decent employment and

promotes equal opportunities for all. especially for groups with the principles of sustainable development.

The accessible tourism was defined as tourism «enabling people with access requirements including mobility, vision, hearing and cognitive dimensions of access, to function independently and with equity and dignity through the delivery of universally designed products, services and environments» [1].

As a means of socialization, inclusive tourism has specific features. This type of tourism provides motor activity, which is of great importance in the development of the body, because through its organization tourism provides therapy and prevents from mental illnesses and supports physical health. Accessible tourism creates a full-fledged communication environment and helps people with disabilities to integrate into society by establishing social contacts and distributing social roles. It contributes to the knowledge of the world and meeting new people. Environmental aspects of tourism are socializing factors that contribute to a positive psycho-emotional state. Due to this type of tourism, psychological and cultural types of activities are being mastered and it allows suppressing emotional experiences.

Central to a social approach to disability within developing enabling practice for accessible tourism, the CRPWD is underpinned by eight principles: respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one's own choices, and independence of persons; non-discrimination; full and effective participation and inclusion in society; respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity; equality of opportunity; accessibility: equality between men and women: and respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities [2].

Accessible tourism provides opportunities for personal development. The knowledge of the history culture, and life of other peoples carries a great humanitarian potential, enriches man, and broadens his horizons. The humanitarian significance of tourism is not only in its cognition, but also in its peaceful orientation. in the intellecmal and educational impact on the individual, especially on the younger generation. It helps to establish friendly relations with residents of other regions and countries. Inclusive tourism is presented as an underutilized national resource, which should become a deep source of recovery for society. The developed project in inclusive tourism will be an integral part of social integration and re-

habilitation of people with disabilities, which will be the process of preparing a disabled person to enter society, and on the other hand, the willingness of society to accept people with disabilities.

Every accessible destination adopts the service-minded principle: imagine that the entire population of a tourist destination was aware of its important contribution to the local economy while respecting diversity through an empathetic attitude to make the stay for all types of visitors comfortable. Hospitality and the welcoming of visitors becomes a guiding principle [3]. Inclusive tourism is presented as an underutilized national resource, which should become a deep source of recovery for society. The developed project in inclusive tourism will be an integral part of social integration and rehabilitation of people with disabilities, which will be the process of preparing a disabled person to enter society, and on the other hand, the willingness of society to accept people with disabilities.

Accessibility indicates that hotel entrance can provide individuals that have mobility limitation with the ease of transition and also there should be lift accessibility for baby carriages or strollers of the families with children. Thus, accessible tourism is not only providing wheelchair to individuals who have the mobility limitation but also making embossed signs that signalize the directions for sight disabled people, purveying subtitle system on TV for hearing-impaired people and also forming menus intended for diabetic patients [4].

A low availability in the field of medicine, socio-cultural environment; inappropriateness of transport, lack of preparedness of employees of the socio-cultural sphere and tourist institutions to interact with people with disabilities has a significant impact on tourism market. «One of the current significant trends in tourism is the attempt to create products and services that fulfil the varied needs and preferences of tourists. This is a development in response to the objectives of accessible tourism, which has become increasingly popular; accessible tourism benefits people with disabilities» [5].

From the point of view of a social instimtion the depth and completeness of sociological research in the field of tourism is not fully carried out. Inclusive tourism is the least studied tourism destination for people with disabilities. This type of tourism is currently in principle a new and dynamically developing direction. There is a high social significance of tourism for people with disabilities. It is caused by the fact that the relative and absolute number of people with disabilities does not significantly change


Физическая культура. Спорт, Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. 2020. Т. 5: N° 1

in the direction of this numerical reduction. A small and inaccurate amount of information ahout the state of persons with disabilities in the region, as well as experience in providing effective travel services, can become an obstacle to understanding the real problems. Possession of information on the number of people with disabilities and their living conditions can help strengthen the effectiveness of efforts aimed at eliminating interpersonal barriers and barriers to the provision of services. Solving these problems will help to participate more actively in public life. Accessibility ought to be «an essential facet of ethical tourism practice, and should rightly be seen not as a theoretical choice or a niche topic, but rather as a universal value system to which all tourism development and management needs to be held accountable» [6].

There are various types of barriers for organizing tourism for people with disabilities: internal, external and communication barriers. Internal barriers are the results of person's physical, psychological and cognitive functions. An environmental barrier — external to a person with a disability — includes attitudes toward people with disabilities, architecture, environmental conditions, transportation, economic elements, rules and regulations, and exclusion barriers. Communication barriers are the result of interactions between people and their social environment. Tourism is part of a broad social relationship. Tourism eliminates the feeling of loss of dignity, inferiority, integrates into society. Demand for inclusive tourism is growing. Disabled tourism has its own characteristics due to the fact that disabled tourists are likely to have different needs and expectations throughout their vacations at a destination [7].

We highlight the following factors limiting or affecting the possibility of organizing accessible tourism:

1. The physical condition of potential tourists (disability limited legal capacity).

2. The financial situation of potential tourists (lack of funds for travel).

3. Expensive transport components of a tourist trip.

4. Inflated prices for accommodation facilities.

5. The presence of bureaucratic obstacles (for example, the complexity of visa processing procedures for foreign travel).

6. Lack or poor development of measures for social support of tourism and recreation.

8. The limited range of offered tourist services and tourist destinations available to persons with disabilities.

9. Lack of necessary motivation for people to travel.

The following set of measures can be proposed to solve these problems:

1. Creation of transport and guest structure of inclusive tourism, including the equipment of airports, railway and bus stations, wagons and buses, special parking lots, lifts, provision of special facilities for hotel rooms.

2. Development of medical tourism, a network of medical institutions, due to which people with disabilities can improve their health and. as a result, increase their ability to travel.

3. Development of social tourism, support for tourist activity of low-income people, the promotion of family and off-season tourism.

4. Construction and improvement of roads, vehicles, improving the ticketing system.

5. Expanding the hotel chain, encouraging their construction through tax breaks of individuals and legal entities.

6. Adoption of a state program for the development of social tourism, accessible to all.

7. Development of a system of information support for tourist and excursion services for disabled people.

8. Formation of tourist destinations in accordance with needs of relevant population groups.

Accessible tourism takes into consideration economic, environmental and social concerns linked to long-term challenges [8]. The main criterion according to which people with disabilities choose a particular tourist route is the accessibility of the environment. The formation of a tourism environment that meets tourist needs of all traveling citizens, regardless of their age and sex characteristics, their education and social status, should be a promising task for the development of accessible tourism. Accessibility should be dealt with in a global and integrated way combining construction, information and communication technologies, education, transportation and tourism [9].

«Accepting the economic model of disability as a basis for action in tourism services means focusing on the heterogenic environment of people with disabilities as a section of the tourism market» [10]. A multilateral analysis suggests that tourism for people with disabilities does not currently have its own legal framework; training systems, it is not a separate social instihite of tourism, but is only a direction within the framework of the development of the tourism market. To sum up, it should be said that inclusive tourism for people with disabilities is necessary for

the world as a specific form of socialization and integration of people with disabilities in modern society.


Tourism industry is significantly affected by a low availability of medical services, inadaptability of transport for people with disabilities, and unavailability of workers of the industry to interact with such people. A significant number of travel companies lack motivation to deal with the problems of accessible tourism due to its resource consumption, greater responsibility and requirements for making non-standard decisions.

The development of accessible tourism should be foreground and of vital concernment. The accessibility of the environment should be the central link of social policy of tourism. The introduction of accessible tourism in society can be considered successful only when people with disabilities are included and integrated into society, when they feel self-confident and actively spend their leisure time. Accessible tourism seivices are gaining value today as tourists with disabilities need quality service, an accessible environment and a positive attitude of society. Nowadays, this type of tourism is one of the most promising, as it plays an important social role in life of people with physical disabilities. It contributes to the adaptability of people with disabilities to an environment that differs from their permanent place of residence and increases life potential of such people.


1. Darcy S., Dickson T.J. A whole-of-life approach to tourism: the case for accessible tourism experiences. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2009, vol. 16, no. 1. pp. 32—44. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1375/jhtm. 16.1.32.

2. Michopoulou E.. Darcy S., Ambrose I.. Buhalis D. Accessible tourism futures: the world we dream to live in and the opportunities we hope to have. Journal of Tourism Futures, 2015. vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 179—188. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/ JTF-08-2015-0043.

Поступила в редакцию 11 августа 2019 г.

3. Portales R.C. Removing "invisible" barriers: opening paths towards the future of accessible tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures, 2015, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 269—284. Available at: https://www.em-erald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JTF-04-2015-0018/full/html.

4. Ôzogul C., Baran G.G. Accessible tourism: the golden key in the future for the specialized travel agencies. Journal of Tourism Futures, 2016, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 79—87. Available at: https://doi. org/10.1108/JTF-03-2015-0005.

5. Zajadacz A., Sniadek J. Tourism Activities of Deaf Poles. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, 2013, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 17—32. Available at: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/ pcssr/5 8/1/article-p 17.xml.

6. Wantanee S. Best practice in accessible tourism: inclusion, disability, ageing population and tourism. Current Issues in Tourism, 2014, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 102—104. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/ 13683500.2012.754848.

7. Cengiz F. Developing Training Programs for Disabled Guests: an Industry Perspective. Tourism and Hospitality Management. Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2016, vol. 12, pp. 213—222. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/ S1871-317320160000012021.

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9. Naniopoulos A., Tsalis P.. Nalmpantis D. An effort to develop accessible tourism in Greece and Turkey: the MEDRA project approach. Journal of Tourism Futures, 2016, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 56—70. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/JTF-03-2015-0009.

10. Zajadacz A. Evolution of models of disability as a basis for further policy changes in accessible tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures, 2015, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 189—202. Available at: https://doi. org/10.1108/JTF-04-2015-0015.

Для цитирования: Ivanov, V. D. Accessible tourism as a way of socialization of people with disabilities / V. D. Ivanov, V. A. Kisel // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2020. — Т. 5, № 1. — С. 117—121.


Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. 2020. Т. 5: N° 1

About the authors

Ivanov Valentin Dmitrievieh — Ph.D. Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physical Education and Sports, Chelyabinsk State University. Chelyabinsk. Russia, [email protected]

Kisel Victoria Aleksandrovna — student, faculty of linguistics and translation, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk. Russia, [email protected]


2020, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 117—121.

Доступный туризм как способ социализации людей с ограниченными возможностями

Иванов В. Д., Кисель В. А.

Челябинский государственный университет. Челябинск, Россия, [email protected]

Работа охватывает обзор статен, в которых определяются и анализируются теоретические основы доступного туризма, его сущность, проблемы доступного туризма н способы их решения. В обзоре доступный туризм описывается как метод и способ социальной адаптации. Работа основана на анализе 10 статей, проиндексированных и цитируемых в Scopus. Полученные сведения, а также заключение наглядно демонстрируют важность и значение данного вида туризма для людей с ограниченными возможностями: он способствует общению, развитию коммуникативных навыков и интеграции в современное общество.

Ключевые слова: доступный туризм, инклюзивный туризм, туризм оез барьеров, инвалидность, мобильность, неподвижность.

Сведения об авторах

Иванов Валентин Дмитриевич — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физического воспитания и спорта Челябинского государственного университета, Челябинск. Россия, [email protected]

Кисель Виктория Александровна — студент, факультет лингвистики и перевода Челябинского государственного университета. Челябинск. Россия, [email protected]

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